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View Full Version : Cardiff, Wales 6-25-06

06-26-2006, 02:14 PM
Yep, I went to Cardiff, too. How could I not when I got the opportunity handed to me? Last minute hotel reservations and a £108 pound 18th row ticket from a scalper (or 'ticket tout' in the UK) and there I was. I can now say I have seen an Eagles show in every country of Great Britian!

First let me say that the Welsh audience was the coolest audience of all the British shows that I have seen, even having to deal with those horrible wet blanket stewards who were telling people up front to sit down. The Welsh spirit conquered such losers. ;) After all, towards the end, Tim was actively indicating that he wanted people to stand, and before LBG Joe affectionately said 'I think the helmet cam will work great because we got some crazy people in the crowd tonight!' So THERE, stewards.

Glenn started out in jeans and a white T-shirt with a hot pink overshirt, then halfway through changed to his candystriper overshirt. I think it was because he got so sweaty. He sweat more than usual last night, although it wasn't that hot. He kept wiping it from his brow and during I Can't Tell You Why, used a cloth. I hope he's feeling OK. I mean, I know he has a tendency to sweat profusely when up there and I love it when he works up a good sweat, but this started so early on I got a bit worried - probably unnecesarily. Regardless it didn't affect his performance, but it seems like nothing short of decapitation would keep this man from giving a stellar performance! Tim had on dark colors, Joe had on orange pants, Don had on his white-and-tan checked shirt.

The guys must have been looking to make it short as they dispensed with chatter and intros to most of the songs as well as ASWTDID and RMW, but otherwise I felt they gave a great show. Joe's guitar solos were especially good, I thought. The man knows how to rock and I love that he doesn't do the exact same riffs every time like a robot. Don's vocals were the best I've heard them in these past four show. Glenn was dead on and much more playful with the crowd than I have seen him be in the past. Sugar was spreading himself around that night. ;) Tim was also very interactive with the crowd and he said something that I thought was very cool: 'We want to especially thank everyone way up top - we know you're there and we appreciate you coming.' After my experience in Glasgow, I appreciated it even though my seat was better this time!

Joe was the main comedian of the night - Glenn surprisingly nixed pretty much all of his jokes for the night - even his band intros were fairly straightforward, which is usually when he improvises jokes a bit as opposed to the 'tried and true.' Oh well, he was so interactive with those first rows he made up for it. ;)

When Joe made his 'Is Walsh Welsh?' joke he continued with 'Wouldn't it be cool if your ancestors went to high school with my ancestors?' Folks next to me got a kick out of that. He also told a variation of a familiar joke: 'I was trying to remember if I played Cardiff before, but then I thought, I wouldn't remember it anyway.' He launched into In The City, and though it was good, he didn't even attempt to belt out 'Another NIGHT!' towards the end. Since he'd done it before in London I was disappointed.

I noticed that before The Long Run, Don did NOT suggest that everyone go get a beer during the intermission. Hehehe. The Long Run was the first song where a lot of people got up to clap and dance.

I think one reason Glenn was interacting more than usual with the folks up front was that in a quiet moment before a song about halfway through, some of them started yelling something at him and he chuckled and said 'I can't talk to you now.' It seems there was a lot of Frey-love going on! At that point I took the opportunity to do something I'd never done before. I screamed 'WE LOVE YOU GLENN!!!' Hey, why not, some other guy did it for Joe earlier!

Glenn and Don both made a point of intro-ing the latest songs as 'relatively new' and Don said the old 'turn of the century' joke. Before NMCD, Glenn had apparently forgotten to plug in his guitar until the spotlight hit him. Then he grinned sheepishly, said 'Guess I should plug in,' did so, and then did this goofy kick in the air-flick-hand-TA-DA pose. Hehe. Also, Glenn said that NMCD was a song 'you may have heard, depending on how deep your Eagles collection is.' At the end, he added an additional 'cloudy days.' I adore it when he adds that because he does it in a soft voice and it adds to the mood of the song.

Before HITW, some people were screaming when Don started talking. He stopped and said 'Go ahead, get it all out, then I'll continue.' I think it's one of his pet peeves when people scream during his serious intro. Don's vocal on this was flawless, and the harmonies were amazing.

Already Gone rocked, although I was disappointed they didn't do the bit at the end where they transpose the chorus up a key or two like they usually do. It really gives the song extra punch when they 'take it up a notch' in that way.

Desperado was also dead-on vocally and Don looked very appealing with his hair all mussed.

Glenn was the one who tied up the show and the tour with closing statements. He thanked the audience for their support and said 'It doesn't matter if you became a fan in the 70s, 80s, 90s, or last week. We appreciate you being here.' His final statement: 'Thanks - we had a good time at your party.' I liked that.

When the band lined up to take the final bow, Glenn patted the guys on the back, as if to say 'Good job.' He also took a LOT more time saying goodbye to the crowds than usual. Tim is usually the one who takes the most time getting offstage because he's waving and giving out picks, but this time Glenn stayed out with him. Don and Joe also took more time, just not as much as Tim and Glenn. One thing Glenn did at the end that I thought was cool was that he came to a full stop center stage, gazed out at the auditorium, full to the brim, and got a huge grin on his face. He pointed up at the people in the very back and then waved, then started waving to everyone in front of him. The crowd was already roaring for the band and they just got louder. I imagine it must be extrememly gratifying on the last night of the tour to look up and see that you're still able to command that type of a crowd.

SO glad I went!


06-26-2006, 04:32 PM
Just to add that it was worth every penny!

I was quite excited just to be in the Millenium stadium, being a rugby fan. The roof was over and half of the stadium was curtained off to make an auditorium. Phil and I had enjoyed the atmosphere in Cardiff watching the England/Uruguay match before meeting with fellow Eaglesfans at the Hard Rock café. It was lovely to meet you all – what a nice lot of people the Eaglelanders are!

The boys were about 20 minutes late starting, but got a huge cheer when they arrived. Just behind us was a dad with two teenage sons, who had been talking about seeing them in 1977, and was pretty knowledgeable (apart from the usual English mistake of saying Glenn FRAY)

I was up for standing to cheer them on, and did so for every song, but the couple alongside stayed firmly in their seats. To his great credit, son Phil gave a big cheer at ‘Take It Easy’ and from then on joined me in my enthusiasm! His favourite was ‘Boys of Summer’, when he grabbed my phone and phoned his brother to hear most of it. Proud moment for a mum, sniff!

During the second half, things started to liven up, and after ‘LBG’ most of our section was standing. I did notice the over zealous stewards trying to move people back from the aisles, but as for stopping people standing, I didn’t get any hassle (maybe 5’ 2” helps!) All I can say is that they gave a fantastic performance, note perfect and appreciated. I agree that Glenn was more subdued than usual, and didn’t do his usual jokes. Joe was outstanding in his guitar playing and interaction. Tim was right in there encouraging the crowd, and after HC actually jumped off the stage to give some kids guitar picks, then leapt back up like some 20-something!

The crowd really got going with Lyin’ Eyes, Boys of Summer, Walk Away, Take it to The Limit, LBG, and then after that things started to warm up. Our section stood up and danced for the remaining songs. Even the couple next to me got up for HC. I didn’t see many people leaving before the end (I’d been hoping to upgrade my seat!) At the end of Desperado I grabbed Phil and made him come to the front. Glenn and Don came to our end, and Phil got a salute from Don after he gave him a thumbs up!

Driving down home today, I’m delighted to report that we listened to ‘Very Greatest Hits’, followed by a bit of ‘Best of Joe Walsh and the James Gang’.

What a day!

PS I heard Glenn saying to someone in the front "I can'talk to you right now", or something to that effect - must have been the t-shirt episode.

I also have to mention the three lead guitar solos in 'Dirty Laundry', which were different from last week at Wembley, and just demonstrate their versatility.

This is the only half decent picture I took.


and one from the big screen



Taking it easy...


This way to happiness...

06-26-2006, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the additional details, Kate! Your sons were really nice. I'm glad Phil was into it and not just going to please 'mum.' He sure made himself scarce the night before when we were going gaga over Glenn photos, though. Hehehe.


06-26-2006, 04:50 PM
Yes, I was quite proud of him - he was up with me on most tracks, clapping and cheering like a good one!

Yeah, the night before was a hoot - first time I'd had the opportunity to share some new pics and articles with a true fellow fan! We stayed up far too late trying to copy over pictures, but what a blast!


This way to happiness...

Witchy Mummy
06-26-2006, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the reviews and photos girls :D http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif

06-26-2006, 09:01 PM
Sugar was spreading himself around that night.

Siiiiiiiiiigh. ;)

Wow...wow wow!!! What a fantastic show it sounds like this was!!! Even without all the usual talking...still just sounds fabulous. I'm so glad you guys went and I love the pics! So this was the last night of the tour...awww...! It sounds like Glenn was just relishing it and committing that last moment to memory, there, where he just stopped and stared out across the crowd. So sweet. And, LOL, guess Don learned his lesson with the "get another beer" comment! ;) So cool. Great reviews, ladies!


~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~

My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)

06-27-2006, 12:01 AM
I'm glad you had a 'last night of the tour' moment like I did, where Glenn gets all affectionate with his bandmates. So glad you enjoyed it.

06-27-2006, 11:25 AM
Me at the Millenium Stadium. Note the t-shirt!

This way to happiness...

Witchy Mummy
06-27-2006, 03:11 PM
Great photo Kate, great t-shirt too! http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif :D

Perfect Little Sister
06-27-2006, 03:34 PM
Ooooo...love the shirt!!!


You're not quite lovers and you're not quite friends,
After the thrill is gone.

06-27-2006, 08:29 PM
Ah yes.. Zermie's shirt....http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif

06-27-2006, 09:11 PM
Kate, great picture and cool shirt!


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

06-27-2006, 11:14 PM
Ooh...awesome T-shirt!! :) Great pic too!


~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~

My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)

06-28-2006, 12:21 PM
Aw, thanks! Julie, I'm intrigued as to why you called it Zermie's shirt!


This way to happiness...

Ive always been a dreamer
06-28-2006, 04:26 PM
I like the pic too Kate. And that shirt - why ... er ... it is just becoming! http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/eek.gif


I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...

06-28-2006, 04:39 PM
That shirt rocks the kasbah - and thanks to Kate I have one too! *sigh*


06-28-2006, 08:43 PM
Aw, thanks! Julie, I'm intrigued as to why you called it Zermie's shirt!

Zermie was kind enough to send me a Party of Two T shirt with that photo on the front & the sunglasses photo on the back.

06-29-2006, 03:39 AM
Now that is cool!


This way to happiness...

06-29-2006, 10:05 PM
Well I worked with my photos - still awful, I'm afraid, but I guess better than nothing! Here's the link to them:

s62.photobucket.com/album...k/cardiff/ (http://s62.photobucket.com/albums/h113/sodascoutsuk/cardiff/)
