View Full Version : Celebration of "Eagles" LP!

06-17-2009, 12:22 AM
I know we just got done celebrating for One of These Nights, but on June 17, 1972, the Eagles released their first album - the self-titled Eagles LP. A momentous occasion indeed! The Eagles have come a long way since that first album, but it still stands as a strong debut. Hits like Take It Easy, Peaceful Easy Feeling, and Witchy Woman still get airplay today. In fact, along with Hotel California, Take It Easy is considered by many people to be THE definitive Eagles song.

The first album from the band that would change rock'n'roll forever. Happy birthday, Eagles LP!

06-17-2009, 04:21 AM
Happy Anniversary to Eagles indeed! It is one of my favourites and is a testament to the lads that it has stood the test of time so well over the years. Indeed, the songs you have mentioned always feature on the set list at concerts and they are the first songs that come into peoples heads when you mention the Eagles to them. (And believe me.....I do a lot of mentioning!!)

Dare anybody call this LP anything other than a classic?

06-17-2009, 07:23 AM
I rank this album pretty high on my list of Eagles albums. I remember hearing some of these songs over and over on the radio and just slowly falling in love with the Eagles. Besides the "big 3" on the album, I can't help but say I love Chug All Night and can honestly say I don't pass over any of these songs when they come thru on the ipod! Great album!!

06-17-2009, 10:07 AM
Happy Anniversary Eagles LP!
This album is one of my favorite eagles album, it is an excellent album!
On it are some of my favorite songs ever, yes those are the big three!Take it Easy, Witchy Woman and Peaceful Easy Feeling! :thumbsup:

06-17-2009, 10:08 AM
I adore this album, my favorite is TIE

06-17-2009, 10:14 AM
How funny... I had no idea today was the anniversary, but I just listened to the whole CD on my way too work. What a happy coincidence. TIE and PEF are amongst my all time Eagles favorites... but I've never loved WW. It's not bad, but I probably skip it more than listen to it.

06-17-2009, 10:31 AM
Oh my! I can't fathom skipping WW, ltlh! But I know we all have our faves.

I was there when this album came out and I'll never forget playing the vinyl for the first time. I had heard TIE (my alltime favorite Eagles song) and WW (yummy) on the radio and was already a fan. PEF is also at the top of my list. Just plain classics!

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! What else can you say?!

Ive always been a dreamer
06-17-2009, 11:56 AM
Happy Anniversary, "Eagles".

I'm looking forward to the anniversary celebration week for this album. I really get a kick out of reading everyone's comments about which songs and albums they do or do not like. Even though, overall, this is one of my least favorite Eagles albums, as Soda said, it is still a very impressive debut album. Even now, Take It Easy, Witchy Woman, and Peaceful Easy Feeling still sound fresh to me. I just don't ever tire of hearing them. Looking at the guys now, it is hard to imagine the nervousness, anticipation, and excitement these young guys must have been feeling 37 years ago as their first album hit the stores. Whew - if they had only knew!!!

06-17-2009, 02:50 PM
great album, i have to say my favorite song on the album is probably nightingale, but the only one i ever skip is MOUAS, but it's not that i don't like the song it's just one that you have to be in the right mood for.

06-17-2009, 02:52 PM
My top five on the album are:

1. Take It Easy

2. Witchy Woman

3. Peaceful Easy Feeling

4. Nightingale

5. Most of Us are Sad

06-17-2009, 06:53 PM
For me there isnt' a least favorite album. I can certainly see where people can have certain opinions on the songs but as a whole there isn't an album/song I don't like.

Using the scale of 1(least)-5(best)

Take It Easy-5
Witchy Woman-5
Chug All Night-5
Most Of Us Are Sad-2
Train Leaves- 2
Take The Devil-5
Peaceful Easy Feeling-5


06-17-2009, 07:09 PM
Using the ranking system:

1. Take It Easy 5
2. Peaceful Easy Feeling 5
3. Witchy Woman 5
4. Train Leaves Here This Morning 4
5. Chug All Night 4
6. Take The Devil 4
7. Most Of Us Are Sad 3
8. Earlybird 3
9. Nightingale 2
10. Tryin' 2

Of all the songs apart from the obvious Big Three I always loved TLHTM. Take The Devil is the song that has grown on me the most. I love those guitars at the end. It foreshadows more songs of this type like Good Day In Hell and echoes Witchy Woman.

Chug All Night is extremely underrated. Naive it may be but it has a certain charm if you know what I mean.

I never really took to Most Of Us Are Sad although I applaud the sentiments.

Earlybird is a bit too 'quaint' for me although it is a perfect showcase for Bernie. With Nightingale I really have to be in the mood although Don probably never sounded this carefree again. The only song that doesn't really work is Tryin' because I find it a bit overblown.

06-17-2009, 08:09 PM
My thoughts:

Take It Easy
The opening chords of this never fail to bring a smile to my face and that energy is maintained throughout. The song just exudes vibrancy in a way that's hard to define. It's more than just the carefree lyrics, the spirited banjo/guitar licks, the exuberant vocal, the catchy melody; it just WORKS. What a terrific song. My favorite part - the full stop and drumbeat after the last "SAAAAAAAAAAAAVE ME." Just that little extra kick to put it over the top!

Witchy Woman
Strangely, when I first heard this song, I thought it was kind of boring. I hit "skip" regularly when it came on my "Greatest Hits" CD. However, it's grown on me, and I now understand why it's a favorite of so many people; it's hot!

Chug All Night
When I first heard this, I didn't really get it. I had only heard the term "chug" used in the downing of beverages at frat houses and the visual this conjured up was unimpressive. I envisioned the Eagles guzzling beers greedily at a frat party while belching out how they were gonna "CHUG ALL NIGHT." Unable to get past that initially, I ascribed the label of "TRES LAME" to this song and skipped it consistently. Then I got a hold of some seventies bootlegs and they really rocked it live! To my own amazement, I started to... LIKE... the song. That guitar is smokin'! I was able to overlook uninspired lines like "We're gonna do a little chuggin'; we're gonna do a little huggin'" and concentrate on the fun, free-spirited tune behind it... and now I find the song enjoyable. Plus, the "Wired for sound/wired for light" segment is cool.

Most Of Us Are Sad
So many people hate this song, but I love it. Beautiful melody and I love the imagery of the "coming dawn" and "scarlet sun." I only wish he had chosen a different title; the title makes the song sound like it was written by a first grader, when the lyrics themselves contain some of the most mature sentiments of the album.

Another song that I initially thought was pretty lame but that grew on me. Hearing a youthful Henley sing lyrics that scorn social awareness is worth the price of admission right there. ;) It has the honor of containing one of the most unintentionally hilarious lyrics of any Eagles song: "I'm hangin' on to my special friend." Don't see why that's funny? Just try to imagine Henley seriously saying that to his girlfriend. "Honey, I just want you to know that you are my special friend." LOL Best part: I love the pace changes when he sings "Here comes my baby!" Really effectively communicates the joy of the relationship. The "devastation trail" line is a clever lyrical turn which I snatched for a YouTube username at one point. ;) Indeed, the whole latter half of the chorus that goes to the minor key is interesting melodically, so as I said, the song grew on me.

Train Leaves Here This Morning
Our first taste of Bernie. Nice mellow melody, nice harmonies. Not a standout track, but pleasant.

Take the Devil
I was never much impressed with this song; the verses kind of wander, although I do like the "God, will you lead me when I roam" part and the drum beats building to it. Other than that, the song doesn't really do much for me. Repeated listens have allowed it to grow on me, but I even now I couldn't sing it from memory in its entirety. It just doesn't stick with you. That said, Randy does a great job with the vocal.

I gotta admit, I hate cutesy gimmicks like those bird chirps. They annoy me to death. Once I set that aside, it's a great bluegrass tunes and Bernie is amazing on the banjo (especially live). Also love the harmony on the "You know I like to lay in bed" part. But... the birds... MAKE THEM STOP!

Peaceful Easy Feeling
Ah, how I love this song. The tune is lovely, but what really sells it is Glenn's vocal. When you look at the lyrics in isolation, this isn't really a hugely romantic song. However, somehow, when Glenn closes his eyes and sings those words in a certain way, it becomes one. His voice may have changed over the years, but his ability to vocally infuse lyrics with a certain emotion and make the audience feel it with him - that hasn't changed and never will. To this day, this song makes 'em melt.

Not the highlight of the album by any means; I can't recite this song from memory either. It's not terrible. It's just not that notable. It also suffers from sounding dated, but it's got a nice theme: you gotta keep on tryin'!

Overall, as I said before, a very strong debut!

06-17-2009, 09:26 PM
Soda, I agree about those stupid birds. I hear them begin to chirp and I'm instantly annoyed! I have to forward through that part to get to the actual song, with overall isn't one of my favorites by any means. Probably because I can't get get past the birds. I think I'm gonna give the CD another listen now while I work.

06-17-2009, 09:29 PM
:hilarious: Funny thing about the birds, me and mom were driving with our friends from the UK and their kids, and when Earlybird came on, they went chirp chirp along with the bird noises.

06-18-2009, 11:25 AM
I must have listened to this CD six times within the past 24 hours. I have to say, it’s a pretty good album, and certainly agree it’s impressive for a debut. I don’t know if it’s the time tested familiarity of TIE, WW and PEF, or are they just so fantastic that they really do stand out amongst the others. I would like to add that I believe Nightingale could be in their ranks as well. Although, I will admit, I didn’t recognize that to be Don’s voice at first. It’s so smooth!

I have mixed feeling on Most of Us are Sad. I think some parts are great, while others are so-so. Also, I can not grasp that Glenn sings it. To me, it sounds like Randy. I have to listen to it over and over just so I can pull Glenn’s key sounds, and still it’s hard.

I do happen to really like Train Leaves Here This Morning. I think it’s actually kinda catchy.

For me, the forgettable tracks are Early Bird and Tryin’. They don’t do much for me.

06-18-2009, 11:42 AM
Randy does sing lead on Most of Us Are Sad, although Glenn wrote it. Glenn harmonizes on the "love was here today" part, but you have to strain to pick him out. I do my best, though. ;)

06-18-2009, 11:47 AM
Thank goodness Soda! I thought I was losing my mind! Okay, it IS Randy. I'm feeling better about my mental capacity now. :hilarious:

06-18-2009, 12:13 PM
Something interesting I wanted to note about Train Leaves Here This Morning, and that you'll also find in many other Bernie songs: the use of unusual harmonies. What I mean is, there's kind of an instinctive harmony to most Eagles songs that you can sing along with easily because it naturally fits - like on Take It Easy - but Bernie uses ones you have to kind of listen to before you can sing along with them because they aren't quite natural, but they still sound great. His songs are not the only ones that do that; you can also hear unusual harmony lines in songs like James Dean. Still, Bernie does it the most consistently.

Ive always been a dreamer
06-18-2009, 01:34 PM
Soda, that's an interesting observation about Bernie's songs. I'll have to listen more closely to see if I can pick up on what you're saying. But, that may very well be why most of Bernie's songs don't sound as "Eagley" to me. It's not that they aren't good, it's just that they have a different sound. As far as Earlybird, for me, the bird tweets are THE only truly cringe-worthy moment in any song the Eagles ever recorded. I, too, want to yell "shut up, already"! Thankfully, the song itself is pleasant enough to listen to after that, so that the tweets don't kill it for me. :lol:

With regard to Most Of Us Are Sad, it was one of the rare instances where an Eagle sang lead on a song written by one of the other members. I always wondered about the reason for this because Glenn could surely do the song justice. I always speculated that it was because the entire album was recorded in about three weeks. Maybe they just simply needed another song for Randy to sing, and Glenn just happened to have one. :-)

06-18-2009, 01:51 PM
As far as Earlybird, for me, the bird tweets are THE only truly cringe-worthy moment in any song the Eagles ever recorded. I, too, want to yell "shut up, already"! Thankfully, the song itself is pleasant enough to listen to after that, so that the tweets don't kill it for me. :lol:

There you go again dreamer! Took the words right out of my mouth, or keyboard, I guess! I swear, we must have been twins, separated at birth! :lol:

Ive always been a dreamer
06-19-2009, 12:00 PM
Brooke, I've always thought it is very possible that we are twins separated at birth. But you are definitely the nice twin! :lol: :lol:

Now, like some of the more 'mature' fans here, I was also around when Eagles was first released. Take It Easy was my very favorite song during the summer of '72. I think it was probably a few months before I actually bought the album. I had no idea what the band looked like or how many members there were, etc. I do remember very well when I got the album, I was anxious to see a picture of the band. To my dismay, I opened it the gatefold to find an upside down picture of THIS:


I remember thinking to myself, well, they may be able to sing, but they sure ain't much to look at!! :shock: :shock:

06-19-2009, 12:04 PM
I remember thinking to myself, well, they may be able to sing, but they sure ain't much to look at!! :shock: :shock:

Yeah, that picture doesn't do them justice! How funny, now we all think one is more stunning than the next. :hilarious:

06-19-2009, 01:09 PM
I remember thinking to myself, well, they may be able to sing, but they sure ain't much to look at!! :shock: :shock:

That's just funny!!! :hilarious: Now I was the opposite, even at the age of 10 or 11 I thought WOW! Loved the hair (some things never change :wink:), much to the dismay of my poor parents! I was especially taken with Glenn & Randy.

Ive always been a dreamer
06-21-2009, 10:10 PM
I'll continue using this scale to rate the songs for all of the remaining albums as we celebrate their anniversaries. Again, I like all of the songs on 'Eagles', but I do think this is one of the band’s more uneven albums, so I have a lot more '3's' than I usually do. :wink: To me about half of the songs are really excellent whereas the other half are just pleasant, but nothing exceptional about them.

1. Take It Easy - 5
2. Peaceful Easy Feeling - 5
3. Witchy Woman - 5
4. Chug All Night - 5
5. Train Leaves Here This Morning - 4
6. Nightingale - 4
7. Most of Us Are Sad - 3
8. Tryin’ - 3
9. Take the Devil - 3
10. Earlybird - 3

5 - I love it
4 - I really like it
3 - I like it
2 - meh
1 - yikes

Ive always been a dreamer
06-23-2009, 11:24 PM
Well, I thought I would close out the Eagles LP celebration week by posting one of my favorite pictures from that era. I just think this is adorable. I think the herbs on Don's shirt must have made Bernie very sleepy. :wink:


06-24-2009, 09:56 AM
Now that is cute, dreamer! :laugh:

06-17-2011, 01:29 PM
Happy 39th birthday to the first Eagles album!

06-17-2011, 04:44 PM
Happy Birthday to the Eagles LP!

06-17-2011, 06:24 PM
...39 years....totally unreal.............

06-17-2011, 07:09 PM
Happy Anniversary, "Eagles" LP.

06-18-2011, 05:24 AM
Happy Birthday "Eagles" LP. And I just bought it today! :partytime:

I'd be interested to see the sales figures (for all of their albums) over the years. How many albums are still selling 39 years after their release?

06-18-2011, 08:38 AM
39 years ago!!!! I only got mine last year. :laugh:

Happy Birthday Eagles LP :thumbsup:

06-18-2011, 09:51 AM

This is how it all started for me! :heart:

Ive always been a dreamer
06-19-2011, 10:52 AM
Me too, Brooke. I don't remember exacly when, but I bought this album in the summer of '72 very soon after I heard Take It Easy for the first time. I'm still trying to think back and figure out why I bought the album. At that time, I usually bought only singles of songs I loved and only bought albums occasionally for my favorite bands like The Beatles. Oh well - for some reason, I bought this album and everything else this band released after that. They replaced The Beatles as my favorite band the day I bought it, and no one ever replaced them in my heart since.


Scarlet Sun
06-19-2011, 04:09 PM
If this album didn't exist, I wouldn't be an Eagles fan


06-19-2011, 05:50 PM
I can't say it's my favorite. Because I got the first three together, I ended up focusing on Desperado. I like that's there is a good amount of Randy on Eagles. I liked Randy. I still miss him sometimes. I always think fondly of him when Glenn starts singing Take It To the Limit. Sorry Glenn, you've got a beautiful voice, but no one can touch Randy on that song, although, I would like to hear Timothy do it just once.

06-19-2011, 10:03 PM
Tim has actually said that he doesn't want to sing TITTL. He didn't feel comfortable singing a song so closely identified with Randy. Glenn doesn't have to worry about that since he co-wrote it, but I can understand Tim's hesitance. Tim has always shown the greatest respect for Randy.

06-20-2011, 04:26 AM
Tim has actually said that he doesn't want to sing TITTL. He didn't feel comfortable singing a song so closely identified with Randy. Glenn doesn't have to worry about that since he co-wrote it, but I can understand Tim's hesitance. Tim has always shown the greatest respect for Randy.
One more thing to love about Timothy! :thumbsup:

Ive always been a dreamer
06-17-2012, 12:57 AM

Well - the official 40th anniversary date for the band is here. Their very first album was released on June 17, 1972. Most folks don't consider this their best album, but it was a pretty impressive debut album for this young southern California country rock band. Of course, the members weren't from southern California at all and, not only that, but they actually recorded the album in London. Oh well - details, details. :grin:

Ive always been a dreamer
06-17-2012, 01:06 AM
As usual, I am reposting my list of songs on the 'Eagles" album in order of my favorite to least favorite. As always, if others want to post their list, I'll compile the results at the end of our celebration week. Here goes ...

1. Take It Easy
2. Peaceful Easy Feeling
3. Witchy Woman
4. Chug All Night
5. Train Leaves Here This Morning
6. Nightingale
7. Most of Us Are Sad
8. Tryin’
9. Take the Devil
10. Earlybird

06-17-2012, 02:14 PM

Well - the official 40th anniversary date for the band is here. Their very first album was released on June 17, 1972. Most folks don't consider this their best album, but it was a pretty impressive debut album for this young southern California country rock band. :grin:

Any record that contains TIE, WW & PEF has got to be awesome. I think that those songs alone make it pretty impressive for a first album, not to mention the strength of the rest of the songs on it! They hadn't even been together that long at that point! Those 3 songs have become classics. Still popular after 40 years! :band::guitar:

06-17-2012, 04:06 PM
Happy Anniversary Eagles LP!

Love TIE, PEF, and WW from this album. TIE to me is their "country" Hotel California.

06-17-2012, 06:34 PM
1. Take It Easy
2. Peaceful Easy Feeling
3. Witchy Woman
4. Train Leaves Here This Morning
5. Chug All Night
6. Take The Devil
7. Most Of Us Are Sad
8. Nightingale
9. Tryin'
10. Earlybird

Ive always been a dreamer
06-20-2012, 02:14 PM
Well - the birthday celebration for this album may have been a little overshadowed by the band's 40th anniversary celebration so I thought I'd revive this thread with a little bit of info about the album's gatefold. Many of you may already know this, but, hopefully, it will be new interesting trivia for some others.

Earlier in this thread I posted a picture of the album's gatefold. However, when you open the actual cover of the album, the picture appears upside down like this ...


According to Gary Burden, the art designer of the album, the album was supposed to open all the way to display all four panels. If it had been designed like this, the inverted picture would have dropped down when opened all the way to be the bottom panels showing the guys looking up towards the sky from the dungeon.

However, according to Gary in the Under the Covers DVD, the record company decided that design would be too much money too fork over for an unknown band, so 'an "economic adjustment" was made and the idea was scrapped. They went ahead and printed the picture upside down anyway just for grins.

06-20-2012, 03:42 PM
Until I saw Under the Covers, I never knew this gatefold existed. My copy of the album is just the sleeve with the desert pics on the front and back, and an inside paper sleeve with a desert flower photo.

06-21-2012, 12:43 PM

Well - the official 40th anniversary date for the band is here. Their very first album was released on June 17, 1972. Most folks don't consider this their best album, but it was a pretty impressive debut album for this young southern California country rock band. Of course, the members weren't from southern California at all and, not only that, but they actually recorded the album in London. Oh well - details, details. :grin:

Well said Dreamer!! and...


06-22-2012, 03:46 PM
I just listened to Eagles yesterday for the first time in ages. I'm glad I did because I remembered I liked songs I had forgotten all about. Here's my list:

1. Witchy Woman
2. Take the Devil
3. Peaceful Easy Feeling
4. Most of Us Are Sad
5. Take It Easy
6. Nightingale
7. Train Leaves Here This Morning
8. Chug All Night
9. Tryin’
10. Earlybird

I can't really say there are any stinkers on this album, despite what some of the guys might think about their early work. For a debut album, they did a great job.

06-22-2012, 04:43 PM
I just listened to Eagles yesterday for the first time in ages. I'm glad I did because I remembered I liked songs I had forgotten all about. Here's my list:

1. Witchy Woman
2. Take the Devil
3. Peaceful Easy Feeling
4. Most of Us Are Sad
5. Take It Easy
6. Nightingale
7. Train Leaves Here This Morning
8. Chug All Night
9. Tryin’
10. Earlybird

I can't really say there are any stinkers on this album, despite what some of the guys might think about their early work. For a debut album, they did a great job.

Don't know this album, except for tracks 1, 3 & 5. I went looking a couple of days ago for anything Eagles on CD, saw the white double CD a few days before that and somebody had beat me to it..the first Greatest Hits was there though, the blue album. So I'm on a mission to catch up on the albums (I don't have any now, lost them in a move).

06-22-2012, 04:58 PM
Yeah, that picture doesn't do them justice! How funny, now we all think one is more stunning than the next. :hilarious:
Hey, LTL...thought I'd mention that this pic of Tim in your avatar looks like one of our (Australia's) 60s music legends, Doug Parkinson..except his voice is completely the opposite of Timothy's, very deep and gutsy!


One of the best rock voices I've ever heard, world class :) :nod:


06-22-2012, 08:22 PM
I listen to this album quite often. Even though it isn't my favorite Eagle's album I really enjoy it.Of course it has my favorite song of all time (by any artist) on it-TIE! I agree with you, WE. There are no bad songs on it & for a 1st album it's pretty darn good!

1. Take It Easy
2. Peaceful Easy Feeling
Witchy Woman (tied for 2nd)
4. Train Leaves Here This Morning
5. Chug All Night
6. Nightingale
7. Earlybird
8. Tryin'
9. Take The Devil
10. Most Of Us Are Sad

Ive always been a dreamer
06-24-2012, 02:39 PM
I'm going to wait a while longer before posting the compiled results of these lists to see if anyone one else wants to post their list. We've had a lot of these lists going on in different threads at the same time lately, so some folks may not have gotten around to it yet.

06-25-2012, 12:23 PM
Actually, I think the first album is a very strong album. Maybe not their very best, but certainly an excellent album (I rank it right below their 'big three', that is, after Desperado, On The Border, and Hotel California, which is certainly high praise indeed). A great start to their magnificent career!

Here's my list of the song rankings for me, which may differ quite a bit from some of the others.

1. Take It Easy
2. Train Leaves Here This Morning
3. Peaceful Easy Feeling
4. Nightingale
5. Chug All Night
6. Earlybird
7. Tryin'
8. Witchy Woman
9. Most of Us Are Sad
10. Take The Devil

Can't believe it was really forty years ago, and I've been following them for all of those forty years!

06-25-2012, 04:34 PM
Of course I love this album, where it all started! Thanks for holding off, dreamer, I've been busy!

1. Take It Easy
2. Peaceful Easy Feeling
3. Witchy Woman
4. Chug All Night
5. Nightingale
6. Train Leaves Here This Morning
7. Tryin'
8. Most of Us Are Sad
9. Take The Devil
10. Earlybird

06-25-2012, 11:03 PM
1. Take It Easy
2. Peaceful Easy Feeling
3. Witchy Woman
4. Take The Devil
5. Nightingale
6. Most Of Us Are Sad
7. Tryin'
8. Earlybird
9. Train Leaves Here This Morning
10. Chug All Night (can't stand this one! :lol:)

Ive always been a dreamer
07-11-2012, 11:24 AM
Okay folks - Here are the results of our Eagles album poll. The vote was close in some cases, but the winner according to this small group of Borderers is Take It Easy - no surprise there, huh. Also not surprisingly, Peaceful Easy Feeling and Witchy Woman follow in 2nd and 3rd place. Congratulations Take It Easy.

1. Take It Easy - 66
2. Peaceful Easy Feeling - 60.5
3. Witchy Woman - 53.5
4. Train Leaves Here This Morning - 40
5. Nightingale - 37
6. Chug All Night - 36
7. Take the Devil - 28
8. Most of Us Are Sad - 26
9. Tryin' - 22
10. Earlybird -16

As always, anyone who still wants to post their list, please feel free to do so. I'll update the results with any new posts.

07-11-2012, 02:18 PM
Congrats to Take It Easy, my all time favorite Eagles song! :yay:

I don't think I've told you all that before, have I! :headscratch: :hilarious:

07-11-2012, 06:56 PM
lol! Well, I think I may vaguely remember you mentioning it before. ;)

07-11-2012, 08:27 PM
I don't think that I haveever mentioned that TIE is my all time favorite song either! :lie:

06-17-2013, 01:37 AM
Happy 41st birthday to the Eagles' first album!

06-17-2013, 05:05 AM
Happy birthday to the first Eagles album!

Here's my list:
1. Tryin'
2. Nightingale
3. Take the Devil
4. Take It Easy
5. Chug All Night
6. Most of Us Are Sad
7. Witchy Woman
8. Peaceful Easy Feeling
9. Train Leaves Here This Morning
10. Earlybird

06-17-2013, 10:19 AM

06-17-2013, 10:28 AM
Happy 41st birthday to the very first Eagle's c.d.!!!! This is one incredible c.d. I adore all of the guys voices on it very much.

Houston Debutante
06-17-2013, 10:31 AM
Happy birthday to the album that gave us our first taste of the Eagles!

Houston Baby
06-17-2013, 10:55 AM

I remember when this album came out and I thought hmmmm..... these guys are good - I like them! :hilarious:

41 years??? OMG - I'm old!!

06-17-2013, 02:04 PM

"Where it all started!" :yay:

I'll never ever ever forget listening to it as my high school junior class decorated for the prom. Great memories!

06-17-2013, 02:21 PM
41? Holy crap.

Oh, how I wish I could have joined the guys on their peyote-fuelled trip in the desert... ;)

Happy Birthday, Eagles LP!


06-17-2013, 02:24 PM
:fingerwag:Now Troub, you remember the rules - no girlfriends, no phones...:hilarious:

06-17-2013, 02:35 PM
Rules schmules! ;)

06-17-2013, 02:39 PM
I know the photographers would have hated me. I would have been a distraction. :angel:

06-17-2013, 02:43 PM
But the band would have loved you, and that's all that matters. :thumbsup:

06-17-2013, 05:47 PM
Listening to it today. "Most of Us Are Sad" is so underrated!

06-17-2013, 06:40 PM
I know I'm a little late to this, but ...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO "EAGLES" LP!!! :birthday::birthday::birthday:

06-17-2013, 11:26 PM
Such a fantastic debut.

Houston Debutante
06-18-2013, 01:46 PM
Happy birthday! Not my favorite album but definitely a strong debut.

06-17-2014, 01:07 AM
The eponymous Eagles album turns 42 today!

06-17-2014, 06:46 AM
Happy birthday!

Not my favourite album but it has grown on me. Love Take It Easy (but prefer it life) and adore PEF, probably in my top 5 Eagles songs. Witchy Woman is a bit hit and miss, though I do like the new HOTE arrangement. Take the Devil is very underrated I think, Randy second best vocal after TITTL. MOUAS is a bit meh but to write good songs you also need slightly less good ones to guide ya. Guitar solo is beautiful though. Earlybird is a bit a pain with those damn bird noises but I do like the banjo on it.

06-17-2014, 06:49 AM
I also feel compelled to mention this one more time:

Well, I'm standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see;
It's a girl my Lord in a flatbed Ford slowin' down to take a look at me.

It is and always will be my favourite line ever.

06-17-2014, 08:39 AM
I also feel compelled to mention this one more time:

Well, I'm standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see;
It's a girl my Lord in a flatbed Ford slowin' down to take a look at me.

It is and always will be my favourite line ever.

My favourite song ever! going to put the album on now.

06-17-2014, 09:22 AM
My all time favorite Eagles song, too! Absolutely adore it! Also love Witchy Woman and Peaceful Easy Feeling. Never stopped listening to this or any of their albums over all these years. Timeless!

I remember decorating for our junior prom in the gym and playing it for all of us to listen to while we worked. Great memories! :heart:

Happy Birthday "Eagles"!

You've stood the test of time! 42 years, where'd it go? :birthday:

06-17-2014, 03:16 PM
Happy 42nd Birthday to Eagles LP. To tell the truth. Their earliest albums I don't like other than the songs that were on the radio.

I love PEF, TIE and WW.

06-17-2014, 04:36 PM
Happy 42nd Birthday to Eagles LP. To tell the truth. Their earliest albums I don't like other than the songs that were on the radio.

I love PEF, TIE and WW.

shun, :steviesmack:


06-17-2014, 06:38 PM
One of my all time favorite albums!! :partytime:

06-19-2014, 10:01 PM
Happy Belated Birthday Eagles LP!

This album is a great landmark and hugely important to the band but I really only like three songs from it - TIE, PEF, and WW. I'm in the minority I think but I prefer the original WW to the new version on the HOTE tour. Still a cool version though. Same way I feel about the new Heartache Tonight.

06-20-2014, 10:53 PM
Happy Belated Birthday Eagles LP!

This album is a great landmark and hugely important to the band but I really only like three songs from it - TIE, PEF, and WW. I'm in the minority I think but I prefer the original WW to the new version on the HOTE tour. Still a cool version though. Same way I feel about the new Heartache Tonight.

I agree with you about liking the older versions of WW & HT better, Austin. I gues I don't like change.

06-23-2014, 09:41 AM
I'm with you all. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

06-23-2014, 09:44 AM
I adore both new arrangements. I don't have much love for either original though so that may sway me quite a lot. Certainly the new HT is 10x better than the original for me.

06-27-2014, 03:32 PM
I didn't like the HFO version of HC either. I just didn't find it good at all.

The new HT is too acoustic for my tastes. I miss the intro rock chords and the whole electric vibe of it. The new WW doesn't have the swagger of the original to me.

More loud electric riffs I say! :hilarious:

I definitely echo GL's statements about not liking change but I genuinely feel that the original versions of these three songs are much better.

Ive always been a dreamer
06-29-2014, 01:22 PM
Well - I'm late to the party, but I'd like to also belatedly chime in here ...


And although I like the new arrangements of Witchy Woman and Heartache Tonight for a change, I'm one that also prefers the original versions of both songs.

04-24-2015, 03:51 PM
I hardly ever listen to the Eagles when my girlfriend is with me. She doesn't care for them that much, although she certainly doesn't hate them either. But I was listening to this album today, and when she heard "Take the devil", she went "what is this?". She loved the song - especially the chorus. She hardly ever mentions guitar solos, but she also really liked Glenn's solo at the end of the song. :guitar:

Reminds me of an old school friend of mine who didn't like the Eagles at all, but really loved Bitter Creek when he heard it. On the KISSFAQ forum I "met" a guy who can't stand the Eagles, but loves Journey Of The Sorcerer.

I'm starting to think that we should compile a collection CD called "Eagles for the Eagles haters". :hilarious:

Jonny Come Lately
04-24-2015, 06:11 PM
It's funny that you mention this actually, today I was watching Led Zeppelin's Celebration Day for the first time (very impressed I have to say) and my mum, who isn't much of a Zeppelin fan, was in the room with me for a few songs. To my surprise she thought No Quarter was really good, whereas (less surprisingly) she wasn't so keen on Dazed And Confused. I guess I have given some thought to a 'Led Zeppelin for people who hate Led Zeppelin' playlist - mainly consisting of thoughtful acoustic songs like That's The Way, ballads like The Rain Song or the mellow instrumentals Black Mountain Side and Bron-Yr-Aur.

If we put the boot on the other foot, my sister loves Taylor Swift and although I am not a fan I must admit there are certain songs of hers which I think are pretty good, mainly the more acoustic-type songs from the Red album (I can't stand the pop hits like We Are Never Getting Back Together etc, but the likes of Treacherous and All Too Well are good songs).

Still, hmm... an Eagles CD for people who don't like the Eagles? Bitter Creek and Journey of the Sorcerer are good ones to start with I think, the former is subtly dark and is all acoustic, which is rare, while JOTS is by their longest band instrumental. Here's a few suggestions of mine with a justification for each:
Get You In The Mood - Their earliest R&B song, and the only one (unless you count On The Border, which I think is a mix of rocker and R&B) performed by the original line up. It is less slick than a song like OOTN, as has been mentioned before it is vaguely similar in parts to certain bluesy Led Zeppelin songs.
I Wish You Peace - Not one of my favourites, but it's not quite like anything else they did during the 1970s - it's one of the few Eagles songs that I would say is neither rock or R&B, or country rock. I think of it as being their most pure M.O.R. song from the 1970s, it's not even really soft rock IMO.
Try And Love Again - The only 'optimistic' song on Hotel California, also the only one which I think truly has the quintessential California rock sound. I would say its appeal would be to people who dislike the more cynical approach of, say, LITFL, VOL or King Of Hollywood.
I Can't Tell You Why - Perhaps a slightly questionable inclusion, but not immediately recognisable as an Eagles song musically or vocally if the person isn't familiar with Poco or Tim's other Eagles songs.
The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks - Its clear humour value appeals to some, especially to those who dislike 'serious commentary' songs like LITFL or The Last Resort (I prefer Teenage Jail but I think it is less obvious that the song isn't meant to be taken too seriously).
I Dreamed There Was No War - Like JOTS, it is an instrumental. If the person is a fan of Dire Straits and/or Mark Knopfler, or dislikes Don or Glenn's voices, then they should hear this.

04-24-2015, 06:14 PM
I hardly ever listen to the Eagles when my girlfriend is with me. She doesn't care for them that much, although she certainly doesn't hate them either. But I was listening to this album today, and when she heard "Take the devil", she went "what is this?". She loved the song - especially the chorus. She hardly ever mentions guitar solos, but she also really liked Glenn's solo at the end of the song. :guitar:

Reminds me of an old school friend of mine who didn't like the Eagles at all, but really loved Bitter Creek when he heard it. On the KISSFAQ forum I "met" a guy who can't stand the Eagles, but loves Journey Of The Sorcerer.

I'm starting to think that we should compile a collection CD called "Eagles for the Eagles haters". :hilarious:

bwahahahahaha!!! this is a great idea lol i was driving down my block blasting "Heartache Tonight" and people were looking in the car like what the hell... and thats when i turned it up even louder. they can hate. :hilarious::hilarious:

04-24-2015, 06:32 PM
Feel free to start a new topic.

06-01-2015, 11:18 PM
While doing some research into this album, I ran across this review of the album by The Rolling Stone, from 6/22/1972. They didn't always hate the Eagles! It may be posted in a retro thread, but I think it belongs here as well.


06-02-2015, 09:49 AM
:cool: Who woulda thunk it!

And this is how I feel about this song: But I still keep going back to the song I started with. Each time I listen to "Take It Easy," it unfurls new pleasures.


06-03-2015, 02:49 PM
While doing some research into this album, I ran across this review of the album by The Rolling Stone, from 6/22/1972. They didn't always hate the Eagles! It may be posted in a retro thread, but I think it belongs here as well.


I wonder who that Mandy Meisner chick was. She wasn't mentioned in HOTE.

06-03-2015, 02:54 PM
I wonder who that Mandy Meisner chick was. She wasn't mentioned in HOTE.

:rofl: :rofl: :lol:
I'm in need a good laugh. Thanks NMB!

And I wad gonna complain about "Glen Frey" lol

Funk 50
06-03-2015, 03:30 PM
I wonder who that Mandy Meisner chick was. She wasn't mentioned in HOTE.

Maybe she was in that all-female Eagles tribute act with Glenda Frey, Josephine Walsh, Bernadette Leadon and the two Donnas. :grin:

.... and not forgetting Kimmie :blush:

06-03-2015, 03:33 PM
Maybe she was in that all-female Eagles tribute act with Glenda Frey, Josephine Walsh, Bernadette Leadon and the two Donnas. :grin:
:rofl: :rofl:
The mental image of the guys dressed as women that came to my mind is soo wrong. :lol:

06-03-2015, 05:25 PM
That would be great! Not the Eagles in drag - please gawd, no - but an all-female Eagles tribute band. I would totally go see that.

Ive always been a dreamer
06-03-2015, 10:24 PM
That was a good write-up with the exception of those careless errors.

Maybe she was in that all-female Eagles tribute act with Glenda Frey, Josephine Walsh, Bernadette Leadon and the two Donnas. :grin:

.... and not forgetting Kimmie :blush:

And that is too funny, F50. :hilarious:

Funk 50
06-04-2015, 02:27 PM
The Eagirls :-P

06-04-2015, 04:28 PM
Yeah, we can't forget Kimmie. Without her there would be no one to do the high pitched vocals in this era of the band. :lol: :-P

06-06-2015, 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by chaim View Post
I hardly ever listen to the Eagles when my girlfriend is with me. She doesn't care for them that much, although she certainly doesn't hate them either. But I was listening to this album today, and when she heard "Take the devil", she went "what is this?". She loved the song - especially the chorus. She hardly ever mentions guitar solos, but she also really liked Glenn's solo at the end of the song.

Reminds me of an old school friend of mine who didn't like the Eagles at all, but really loved Bitter Creek when he heard it. On the KISSFAQ forum I "met" a guy who can't stand the Eagles, but loves Journey Of The Sorcerer.

I'm starting to think that we should compile a collection CD called "Eagles for the Eagles haters".
bwahahahahaha!!! this is a great idea lol i was driving down my block blasting "Heartache Tonight" and people were looking in the car like what the hell... and thats when i turned it up even louder. they can hate.
SilverAcidRayne is offline Report Post

I hear both of you. My family thinks I've lost a marble from my marble jar because these days all I listen to are the Eagles. Sorry folks except for one or two other artists I cannot take today's music......:partytime:

06-17-2015, 08:51 PM
I logged on three times today to revive this thread and finally remembered once on the board!

Happy 43rd anniversary, Eagles!!!

06-17-2015, 08:58 PM
Happy 43rd anniversary to one of the best debut albums!

I don't have time to rate the songs right now, but I will before I go to bed.

06-18-2015, 02:34 AM
I'm doing this a little later than I wanted to, but those Shrek movies are soo good!

My rating scale:
5-love it
2 - meh
1 - sucks

Unlike what I've been doing, I'm going to rank them the order I like them (favorite to least favorite )

1. Take it Easy- 5. I've loved it since I was a kid. Every time I hear, whatever problems I'm dealing with instantly dissappear and I relax. For a few minutes, I'm in another world, like cloud 9 or heaven.

2. Peaceful Easy Feeling- 5. It's a tie between this one and WW for #2, but today, this one wins. As a kid, I thought that it was boring (I would say to radio, "play LITFL or HC ir TIE. Any Eagles song, but this one :lol:). As I've gotten older, I've come to love this song. (Hey, 19 is 2x older than 9). Like TIE, this song really relaxes me.

3. Witchy Woman- 5. So dark and mysterious. I love it. I girst thought that it was CCR doing this song because it reminds me of Born on the Bayou or Bad Moon Rising.

4. Nightingale - 4. I've heard the song several times now, and I can't believe how young, relaxed, and carefree Don sounds!

5. Take The Devil. -3.5 Randy sounds great here and I love the guitar sound

6. Earlybird- 3.5. I'd rank it 5th and givd a 4 if it wasn't for the stupid birds chirping in the beginning. Skip the first 30 seconds! Some nice bluegrass music here.

7. Chug All Night- 3.5. Love, love the music. The lyrics on the other hand, :roll:... not so much, but hey, they were young and weren't much older than I am now, so I can't complain

8. The Train Leaves Here This Morning -3. Nice and pleasant,but it doesn't stand out

9.Most of Us are Sad-3, eh I just don't feel it. It's out of place on the album. By that, a slow ballad to follow Witchy Woman and Chig All Night? I don't think that that was a good idea. I like it better just listening to it by itself

10. Tryin 3, again I just don't feel it. I'll stop the album after PEF.

As I said above, Eagles is one of the best debut albums ever. 3 classic songs, and some nice deep cuts. A few are meh, but still not sucky quality. They would only get better over the next 8 years, imo.

06-18-2015, 09:57 AM
I will never forget hearing this complete album for the first time back in April of 1973! Living in the boondocks of Missouri, buying albums wasn't easy! I had heard Take It Easy and Witchy Woman on the radio and loved them. My husband (then boyfriend) brought the album to school and we played it while decorating the gym for prom. Loved it then and still do! Fabulous memories go with it!


Funk 50
06-18-2015, 05:26 PM
I thought Most Of Us Are Sad was great, the first time I heard it but I quickly got irreversibly tired of it, however as it was the song that turned Glynn Johns onto the Eagles, I think it had a strong case for being included in the History Of The Eagles set list.

Never really liked any of the tracks on the first Eagles LP, Witchy Woman was my favourite off the radio and Trying got more interesting after I heard the longer live version.

I think Take It Easy is an enjoyable track but rather over rated. I'm kinda glad that Don mentions that Witchy Woman was the more successful single.

As Don developed and blossomed as a lead vocalist, Take It Easy seemed to become Glenn's up-tempo, go to, Eagles song. It does have a wonderful uplifting intro though, that is just about maintained throughout the song :)

06-18-2015, 06:25 PM
Have to say love the whole album. Happy Anniversary. I remember when it came out. Wow am I old. :thumbsup:

06-18-2015, 06:59 PM
I thought Most Of Us Are Sad was great, the first time I heard it but I quickly got irreversibly tired of it, however as it was the song that turned Glynn Johns onto the Eagles, I think it had a strong case for being included in the History Of The Eagles set list.

Never really liked any of the tracks on the first Eagles LP, Witchy Woman was my favourite off the radio and Trying got more interesting after I heard the longer live version.

I think Take It Easy is an enjoyable track but rather over rated. I'm kinda glad that Don mentions that Witchy Woman was the more successful single.

As Don developed and blossomed as a lead vocalist, Take It Easy seemed to become Glenn's up-tempo, go to, Eagles song. It does have a wonderful uplifting intro though, that is just about maintained throughout the song :)

They both developed as lead vocalists. It's just that unfortunately Don eventually sang more songs than Glenn did. I will maintain to my last breath that this policy was wrong. I will also repeat that the few songs Glenn did sing on the later albums are the best songs in my opinion.

I'm not sure what you mean about TIE being his uptempo song, presumably in concert. He also has AG & HT. In my view the biggest mistake they made when they dropped all the LROOE songs was Somebody - it could have become a real crowd pleaser if they had shown some patience, and Glenn wouldn't just be singing ballads for virtually the whole show.

Jonny Come Lately
06-21-2015, 10:59 AM
A few days too late but happy 43 birthday to the Eagles debut album!

Overall I have to say I think it's a very good album. Beyond the obvious three hits, all of which deserve the acclaim they get, I am a big fan of Take The Devil, which I consider to be perhaps their most underrated song. I absolutely love the lonesome desert vibe from this song, and Randy's terrific lead vocals and Glenn's powerful lead guitar make this one of my favourites. I also rate TLHTM very highly, it's one of the best songs I've heard about divorce.

One other thing I really like about this album is how the second side of the LP really highlights Bernie and Randy's talents, with them writing and handling the lead vocals on all of the songs bar PEF as well as shining instrumentally.

My ranking of the songs would be as follows:
1. Take it Easy - 5. The album's best song and one of the top ten Eagles songs overall IMO. It doesn't seem to matter how they perform it, I always love it, but the original's arrangement and youthful energy are perfect. The introduction is also terrific. I can only imagine how it sounded when the LP was first placed on a turntable back in 1972.
2. Witchy Woman - 5. Only narrowly edged out by TIE, I love the guitar riff and solo. Don's lyrical ability was apparent from this early stage where his descriptive lyrics shine.
3. Take The Devil - 5. My rating may surprise some but it is definitely one of my favourites. I just love everything about it.
4. Peaceful Easy Feeling - 4.5. The third single from the album, and another classic song. Bernie's solo is his finest Eagles guitar work IMO. I really like the bittersweet tone that lies just beneath the seemingly content surface.
5. Train Leaves Here This Morning - 4.5. A timeless country rock classic, and Bernie at his best with his vocals and guitar.
6. Most Of Us Are Sad - 4. I think this has a lot of charm. The vocals are excellent but I also really like the lead guitar. I can't agree with F50 in being tired of it (although I liked your turn of phrase 'irreversibly tired' - I can certainly think of songs I feel this way about).
7. Earlybird - 4. I actually really like this song, it's uplifting, the vocals are great (I really like the blend of Randy and Bernie's voices) while I like the slide guitar a lot. I have to admit the notorious chirping birds actually make me laugh so that aspect doesn't bother me.
8. Tryin' - 3.5. A decent rocker, I really like the ending with the vocals and the guitar combining. I am also fond of the middle guitar solo which kind of reminds me of Neil Young. The longer live versions are better.
9. Chug All Night - 3.5. Not exactly a lyrical masterpiece but as a fun rock and roll song it is pretty enjoyable. Glenn's vocals shine towards the end and the guitar riff is enjoyable.
10. Nightingale - 3. I don't know why but this one has never quite clicked with me. I like it but won't go out of my way to listen to it. The vocals, lyrics and music are all pretty good but I just think there are other songs which are better in these aspects.

I put this album on in my mum's car this week and really enjoyed listening to it but was also interested to see what she made of it, I didn't ask her opinion of it per se but she did make a few comments (mostly positive).

Beyond the big three hits, she is very fond of MOUAS and repeated this after it finished. She also seemed to quite like TLHTM and said that it was more country than she was used to from the Eagles (I think she is mostly familiar with OOTN and HC plus the songs from GH Vol 1). Conversely I noticed she turned the volume down during Chug All Night and during the infamous intro to Earlybird she said 'this is weird' (although I think she likes the song okay).

06-18-2016, 11:18 AM
Released 44 years ago... their first album. It's underrated, I think. It contained the single which "started it all" and classics like PEF and Witchy Woman. Not too shabby.

06-18-2016, 03:23 PM
Happy 44th anniversary to the Eagles debut album!

It's my least favorite album, but it's still a great album!

Jonny Come Lately
06-18-2016, 05:40 PM
Happy 44th Anniversary to the Eagles LP!

I really, really like this album! Even though I think the Eagles surpassed it with several of their later albums (not least the one that immediately followed), I think it is immensely enjoyable to listen to and has stood the test of time very well. Obviously I wasn't able to listen to it in 1972 like some Borderers, but in 2016 it still sounds fresh and infused with character. Like most other people I love the three hits, all of which I feel stand amongst the best songs of their careers. My top favourite would have to be Take It Easy - I love all of the live versions over the years (I even enjoyed KISS's flawed yet heartfelt take on the song!) although the studio version still takes some beating. However, I am also a huge fan of the brooding and in my opinion greatly underrated Take The Devil (I love Randy's vocal, Glenn's guitar, the atmosphere of the piece - the whole thing, really) and of Train Leaves Here This Morning. I enjoy virtually everything else too - throughout the album the harmonies are top notch and the instrumental work is highly memorable.

06-18-2016, 09:30 PM
Ah.....the first record.

Not a favorite, but I like it better than Desperado, Desperado being my least favorite Eagles record.

That said, everything has to start somewhere.

My top three tracks should come as no surprise as a hits guy - Take It Easy, Peaceful Easy Feeling, and Witchy Woman.

That said I heard Nightingale recently and its grown on me. Love Linda's version. And I love doing a rock version of TLHTM.

06-20-2016, 02:23 PM
I'll never forget listening to this album when it came out. LOVE! :heart:

06-01-2017, 11:31 AM
Happy 45th Birthday to the guys very first album, Eagles!!

Its not my favorite, but their are some good songs on there.

06-01-2017, 03:55 PM
Happy 45th Birthday, Eagles!

This is an impressive debut that established the Eagles sound. I like all the songs, some more than others. "Nightingale" is probably my least favorite. Of course the 3 big hits are great, but of the deep cuts, I love "Take the Devil" - it's so atmospheric with an expressive lead vocal and guitar solo; it is sung and played with a lot of meaning.

I really like "Tryin" too but the live versions I've heard absolutely rock. It was an important part of their setlist as late as 1974. The band apparently relied on this song to show their rock cred pre-Joe Walsh, so it's also an important part of their musical history. It's unfortunate that it's pretty much forgotten. Had Randy been able to join the HOTE tour, they might have revived this song and reminded fans that this band could indeed rock before OOTN or HC.

I've posted this video before somewhere (in a topic about Glenn giving away his solos); here again is "Tryin" with the added element of Don Felder. I think Glenn plays the 1st solo. At the end Glenn mentions the Allman Brothers.

06-01-2017, 06:42 PM
There's conflicting information about when this album came out.The source I use has it as a couple weeks from now, but I know some sources have it as today. I say, you can never celebrate this album too much!

06-02-2017, 09:33 AM
Dang. There must be a way to confirm the correct date. [puts thinking cap on]

06-02-2017, 09:46 AM
Dang. There must be a way to confirm the correct date. [puts thinking cap on]

Alright!! NMB has her thinking cap on! Look out now! :-D

Celebrating the "Eagles" LP!! :partytime: :band:

06-02-2017, 09:51 AM
I wonder what the usually date is too. It probably is June 1st. We can celebrate it all month. LOL

06-02-2017, 10:11 AM
Wikipedia is inconsistent. It has a release date of 1st June but later says it charted during its first week of release and links to the Billboard 200 chart for 24 June.

Rolling Stone magazine have a review of it dated 22 June:

06-02-2017, 12:32 PM
According to something called the "Weekly Top 40" chart, the single "Take It Easy" debuted at #79 for the week ending Jun 3, 1972. Maybe the release date of the single is getting mixed up with the release date of the album, which I read was June 17, 1972.


64 — (If Loving You Is Wrong) I DON’T WANT TO BE RIGHT –•– Luther Ingram (KoKo)-1
74 — PEOPLE MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND –•– The Stylistics (Avco)-1
75 — ALL THE KING’S HORSES –•– Aretha Franklin (Atlantic)-1
79 — TAKE IT EASY –•– The Eagles (Asylum)-1
88 — SCHOOL’S OUT –•– Alice Cooper (Warner Brothers)-1
90 — WE’RE ON OUR WAY –•– Chris Hodge (Apple)-1
97 — GETTING IT ON / RIDE, SALLY, RIDE –•– Dennis Coffey (Sussex)-1
99 — VANILLA OLAY / ONLY LOVE CAN BREAK YOUR HEART –•– Jackie DeShannon (Atlantic)-1
100 — BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY –•– Daniel Boone (Mercury)-1


06-02-2017, 01:51 PM
Alright!! NMB has her thinking cap on! Look out now! :-D

You're so cute, Luvy. Though I must say I like Shun's idea of picking June 1st so we can celebrate all month :) :grooving:

06-08-2017, 12:33 AM
In the Studio with Redbeard
Eagles 45th Anniversary Interview with the late Glenn Frey and Randy Meisner


06-08-2017, 12:33 PM
Wikipedia is inconsistent. It has a release date of 1st June but later says it charted during its first week of release and links to the Billboard 200 chart for 24 June.

Rolling Stone magazine have a review of it dated 22 June:

Wikipedia is also user-edited, too; I always keep reminding me students of that, lol when they want to use it as a source on their papers, lol.

The lead singles were released before albums back in the day, typically, as you probably know, and the music magazines reviewed them early, so... I go for the later date. Again, though, it's up for debate!

PS Thanks for the link!

06-08-2017, 06:53 PM
Happy 45th to the Eagles debut album, always loved the album cover and the fact it was so evenly displayed the singing and playing of each of the four. It captured some cool bluegrass/ rock arrangements, guitar laden pop rock and most importantly their specific brand of laidback downhome balladry. A perfect debut as it has a lot of ambition but alos isnt the finished product either; still had room to grow!

06-09-2017, 02:40 PM
45 years! :shock: How can it be I've loved it and the guys for that long? :jawdrop:

Am I old? :lol:

06-09-2017, 02:58 PM
You know, I was thinking the same thing about myself! It can't be that we're OLD....we just have a remarkable memory for such youthful folks! Yeah, that's it!...lol😃

New Kid In Town
06-09-2017, 03:05 PM
FP - Same thing here ! I can still remember going to the mall with friends to the record store and buying the album ! I hope this post finds you feeling better. I remember how much we loved the album and played it over and over.

06-09-2017, 10:28 PM
FP - Same thing here ! I can still remember going to the mall with friends to the record store and buying the album ! I hope this post finds you feeling better. I remember how much we loved the album and played it over and over.

NKIT, I'm afraid you mistook me as FreyPower. But I would like to add my well-wishes to her from me; with lots of good thoughts, prayers, and blessings sent her way! We miss you, FP!
And Happy 45th?! to the first Eagles LP!

06-17-2017, 11:17 AM
A full-page ad in Billboard, June 17, 1972- exactly 45 years ago today.

http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u440/Delilah21/Articles%20Etc/7e619f6d-5194-40a6-9ef8-b861c3ef2292_zpsjywgaghh.png (http://s1067.photobucket.com/user/Delilah21/media/Articles%20Etc/7e619f6d-5194-40a6-9ef8-b861c3ef2292_zpsjywgaghh.png.html)

East Texas Girl
06-19-2017, 01:40 PM
A full-page ad in Billboard, June 17, 1972- exactly 45 years ago today.

http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u440/Delilah21/Articles%20Etc/7e619f6d-5194-40a6-9ef8-b861c3ef2292_zpsjywgaghh.png (http://s1067.photobucket.com/user/Delilah21/media/Articles%20Etc/7e619f6d-5194-40a6-9ef8-b861c3ef2292_zpsjywgaghh.png.html)

That's cool. Where it all began....

06-17-2018, 08:52 PM
Happy 46th Birthday to the guys first album.

06-01-2019, 10:07 PM
Happy 47th Birthday to the Eagles debut album.

06-02-2019, 11:02 PM
Happy birthday to Eagles LP!

Definitely an underrated album, if you ask me.

Ive always been a dreamer
06-03-2019, 07:14 PM
Okay - I confused ... I thought the release date for the Eagles LP is June 17, 1972. At least, June 17th is always the day we have celebrated the debut album on this board ???

Now - we do have June 2, 1972 as the date that the band's first single 'Take It Easy' debuted on the Billboard charts.

06-03-2019, 07:51 PM
I was confused too. Wikipedia has it at June 1st, but I could be wrong.

I think Don's The End Of The Innocence album has two different dates too.

New Kid In Town
06-04-2019, 07:11 AM
TIE was released as a single on June 1, 1972. I just assumed the album was released the same day. Just shows I should not assume anything ! :smile:

06-04-2019, 05:53 PM
Actually, singles are often released ahead of the LP to get some buzz going. I'd go with them not being released on the same date. But I like to celebrate the release of TIE! That's a hugely important day for the Eagles!

Regarding Wikipedia, I should not that while it's useful, it's user-edited and therefore not completely reliable.

Hence the confusion!