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View Full Version : Don does NOT Tweet!

08-13-2009, 08:23 PM
Speak of the devil... we were just joking about the guys being on Twitter in another thread when I got this (http://miscellaneousyammering.blogspot.com/2009/08/dangers-of-twitter.html) on Google alert!


Please be advised that any "Don Henley" Twitter, Facebook, or MySpace account is not Don Henley of the Eagles.

Don Henley does not "Twitter," nor does he have a Facebook or MySpace account. He does not communicate via social networking sites and has not authorized any account to be created on his behalf.

[this is a direct quote from Don's official website. It would be fun to pretend to be Don Henley and Tweet things like "Hell froze over again…..my cat just brought me my 24k gold slippers instead of my dog."]



I think someone should inform Henley's webmaster that the proper word is "tweet" when speaking of the act of posting to Twitter.

My favorite line: He does not communicate via social networking.

Gee... ya think?

08-13-2009, 08:28 PM
In that recent interview on Irish radio, Glenn referred to 'Spacebook'.:hilarious:

08-13-2009, 10:23 PM
In that recent interview on Irish radio, Glenn referred to 'Spacebook'.:hilarious:

I was wondering if that was his attempt at humor merging the two. :shrug: In either case, it was funny!

08-14-2009, 12:25 AM
I was wondering if that was his attempt at humor merging the two.

I will choose to believe that! lol

MySpace, YourSpace, whatever! ;)

Wouldn't it be funny to make a Twitter account with the name "FakeDonHenley" and post joke tweets? lol!

08-14-2009, 07:03 AM
I guess several (maybe a majority?) celebrities have had to open Facebook and MySpace accounts to counter Fake sites that were opened.

I know Lucy Walsh had to do that. I follow a few Professional Golfers and have seen some of them with names like "TheRealTigerWoods". Just an example. I don't think Tiger "tweets" or "FaceSpaces" or anything.

08-14-2009, 09:31 AM
Yeah, Stevie Nicks did that (but it was at the behest of an interviewer, who actually opened it FOR her and asked her to use it). She doesn't tweet herself; presumably her assistant does it for her.


08-14-2009, 05:39 PM
I love the fact that it's so vehemently stated. "Don Henley does NOT tweet. He does not communicate via social networking sites." As if it's something kinda dirty. LOL!

I like SpaceBook. How about MyFace? (SuchALovelyPlace) ;)

08-14-2009, 07:58 PM
Troub, your post reminded me of a line of natural facial cleansers/cosmetics and such here in the US called KissMyFace. Now that would really be a lovely place to spot our guys!!:nod:

(BTW, I'm like Don..I don't tweet, FaceBook, SpaceBook, MySpace, MyFace...:hilarious:)

08-15-2009, 10:38 AM
My favorite line: He does not communicate via social networking.

Oh, I'm sure he does, just not official.

He has teenage kids, he can't hide from such things.

08-15-2009, 02:55 PM
Oh, you can bet his kids use it, Tessa.

I remember recently he was ranting about how Facebook was such a time waster.... he sure knows a lot about Facebook for someone who "does not communicate through social networking." I doubt he has one himself - most people his age don't - so methinks his knowledge about Facebook being a "time waster" was from discovering how much time HIS kids were spending on it!

I can see it now. "What's so interesting about that Facebook that you have to check it all the time?? What are these 'applications' you speak of?? What do you mean you need to log in every day in order to get enough points to reach the next level of the application?? Why don't you spend that time studying?? Don't make me take away your laptop.... wait, you can access the internet on your cellphone too..."

[To himself] "I can't stop them!! D *MN YOU, FACEBOOK!!" LOL

08-16-2009, 09:53 PM
Oh, I'm sure he does, just not official.

He has teenage kids, he can't hide from such things.

I bet he does too. My daughters communicate much more with me since I learned to text them, and my oldest set me up a Facebook account this summer and I have really enjoyed it. I can quickly and easily log on and check posts of all my friends on the main page, add a sentence about what I am doing, and log off.

08-17-2009, 12:26 PM
he sure knows a lot about Facebook for someone who "does not communicate through social networking."
Isn't that how Walt Disney blew his cover about amassing giant plots of swamp land serendipitously in Florida for Disney World? "Who would want to run a business in Florida? It rains x inches per year, and most of it is swamp, so we'd have to import a massive amount of stabilizing material..." He started rattling off statistics to the extent that a shrewd reporter said, "Waaaaaaait a second...."

08-19-2009, 01:38 PM
I've heard from the author of the original blog Miscellaneous Yammering (http://miscellaneousyammering.blogspot.com/2009/08/dangers-of-twitter-part-two.html) who wrote the original quote. We got a mention on her Friday entry! Indeed we do still care a lot about Don Henley. ;) Be sure to check out the rest of the blog too - especially the "random thoughts" on the sidebar (scroll down a bit).

08-19-2009, 01:55 PM
Too funny! And yes, we care about Don Henley a lot!

08-21-2009, 02:52 PM
I'm going to bookmark that one! Blogspot's fabulous; it knows more about me than, oh, 99% of the people I converse with on a regular basis. In regards to her biography, I too wish to learn how to levitate. However, short of standing on Eric Northman's toes, I cannot perceive a method of effectuating that result... Perhaps she will impart wisdom.

I guess four shots of espresso this morning was a bad idea. My thoughts are skittering around randomly.

01-06-2011, 10:36 PM
Yeah, Stevie Nicks did [create a Twitter account] (but it was at the behest of an interviewer, who actually opened it FOR her and asked her to use it). She doesn't tweet herself; presumably her assistant does it for her.


OK, just wanted to go back and correct this statement that I made earlier in the thread, guys! Stevie too DOES NOT TWEET! Here is her letter to fans about the aforementioned Twitter account the interviewer created (ps how awesome is her stationary - she drew those herself):


It's really interesting to compare how Stevie and Don handle things like this!

01-07-2011, 09:17 AM
She is a first class lady. I love her stationary too! Why is it that some people get all the talent! :jealous: :hilarious:

01-07-2011, 09:37 AM
You got that right PM--she is one of the classiest dames in rock!!!

01-07-2011, 11:07 AM
Cool! She is the Queen of Rock!

I can't imagine doing without a computer though! Although, really, a lot I do on it is wasted time! Most, actually! Except for at work and here, of course! :lol:

Ive always been a dreamer
01-07-2011, 11:53 AM
Yeah - I can relate somewhat to Stevie's resistence with computers. Although I worked on a computer since the beginning of the 90's, I resisted getting a home PC for many years. I kept saying that I had to sit at a computer all day at work so that was the last thing I wanted to do when I was at home. I finally decided to breakdown and get a home PC in late 2003. Now - just a short seven years later, not only do I feel like I spend much of my spare time on the computer at home, but I actually have two computers on my desk because I also work from home. Yep - I guess you can say my life has been changed a bit by technology. But, I still resist a lot of the social networks like Twitter and Facebook because I feel like if I spend time on them, I'd never leave the computer at all! :???:

01-07-2011, 07:25 PM
I can't imagine doing without a computer though!
Well, Stevie's fingertips may never stroke the keyboard of a computer, but she doesn't really do without one. She simply uses assistants to take care of anything that needs to be done on a computer - her personal assistant Karen, for instance, who answers e-mails on her behalf on occasion. It's true, however, that she never uses the computer for personal or entertainment reasons like we do, and that alone is strange to me!

At any rate, Stevie is indeed a class act and I love this letter. She has always made a point of making her fans feel valued.

01-08-2011, 04:17 AM
At any rate, Stevie is indeed a class act and I love this letter. She has always made a point of making her fans feel valued.

Her letter certainly came across as very warm and gracious. A very nice way to make her point. (& I couldn't resist this smilie!) :steviesmack:

01-13-2011, 03:01 PM
Here's some irony for ya - apparently, with the upcoming release of her new album, Warner Brothers has "persuaded" her to have an official Twitter, Facebook, AND YouTube! They were just opened yesterday. So yes, Stevie Nicks DOES tweet! Or rather, her Warner Brothers representative does, lol.

What label is Don on again? When his new albums come out, he might wind up with these as well courtesy of his record company. Now that would be hilarious!

01-13-2011, 03:26 PM
LOL! How funny!

01-13-2011, 05:37 PM
Too funny!

01-14-2011, 04:35 AM
:laugh: Love it.

01-14-2011, 08:28 AM
What label is Don on again? When his new albums come out, he might wind up with these as well courtesy of his record company. Now that would be hilarious!

Now that would be something! Let me be the first to put my dollar on the table and bet, uh...no.

01-14-2011, 04:35 PM
Record Company Exec: But, Don, these are free promotional tools. They'll do nothing but benefit you. Our representative will just tweet announcements about shows, promotions... don't worry, we won't force you to personally tweet or interact with your fans via social networking in any way...

Don: HELL NO. Glenn Frey forced me to accept the Eagles MySpace but it ends there. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don Henley DOES NOT TWEET!!!!

Record Company Exec: OK, so no Twitter. What about A Don Henley official YouTube channel?

[Don turns purple, sputters, then gets up and storms out of meeting]

01-14-2011, 05:30 PM
:rofl: Hilarious!

01-14-2011, 07:22 PM
I'd be happy just to see some updates on his official website... :yay:

Mrs Frey
01-18-2011, 07:05 AM

I've just been catching up with this thread. Don is hilarious, and so are you girls! I just had a great laugh!

I also thought it was great of Stevie Nicks to write that letter to her fans. Good stuff, Stevie!

I've actually resisted Facebook myself for a long time, but decided to join in August last year, mainly to promote my performing career. So far I have enjoyed it very much, and it has put me in touch with people I haven't seen since childhood.

I don't use any of the other social networking sites, though - one is enough, I reckon. :)

01-18-2011, 10:15 AM
I resisted Facebook for a while, too. I had a MySpace, I thought. Why do I need Facebook, too? However, one of my friends preferred Facebook and urged me to use it. That was four years ago (wow) and I've been using it ever since! I still don't use my twitter, but I don't scorn it, either. I just don't have time to participate in more than one social network (which is why my MySpace activity is nil now as well).

Maybe Don just needs to have more friends who "twitter" ( ;) ) in order to see the light. Most of his friends are probably like Stevie and contemptuous of social networking. They view it as, at best, an unhealthy adolescent diversion and, at worst, a sharp-edged tool rending our social fabric. On the other hand, many folks (especially below a certain age) are finding it enjoyable and even addictive. You know, it actually somewhat mirrors views towards pot-smoking, an activity these folks seem to have much less of a problem with. ;)

He should talk to Tim and Joe about social networking. It's working for them!

Mrs Frey
01-19-2011, 03:31 AM
I understand Don's misgivings - they're probably similar to those I had before I decided to join Facebook. However, the fact that I'm on Facebook now is not going to affect my inclination towards wanting to spend quality time with friends, face-to-face. I crave that much more than wanting to spend time on Facebook. Facebook helps me to promote myself, as well as keep in touch with people I wouldn't see otherwise. So it adds a dimension to my life, instead of replacing one.

Instead of "twittering" :wink:, Don can Facebook - I will send him a friend request! :wink: