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12-18-2006, 03:23 PM
I just posted a photo of Stevie and Joe together in his photo thread and I got to thinking how interesting it was that everyone always thinks of Don and Stevie, but Stevie has said that Joe is the only man besides Lindsey she ever considered marrying. She still talks about him as one of her "Great Loves," yet a lot of Joe fans don't even know they ever dated!

12-18-2006, 03:28 PM
I was just going to ask for that as I saw that photo. I only knew about Don and her.

12-18-2006, 04:13 PM
I was just going to ask for that as I saw that photo. I only knew about Don and her.

They had a relationship in 1983 - Joe opened for Stevie's "Wild Heart" tour and they fell in love. Stevie was head over heels and claims she would have given up her career if he had asked her to!

Ive always been a dreamer
12-18-2006, 09:08 PM
I knew that Stevie and Joe had dated. How long did their relationship last, Nanc? Do you know why they split?

12-18-2006, 09:28 PM
I knew about Joe and Stevie, but I don't know who dated her first. lol How many years were between the Joe/Stevie years and the Don/Stevie years? I wonder if it's ever awkward.....knowing that the other has been with the same girl you were with. :hmm:

12-18-2006, 09:31 PM
On another note, I wonder why Stevie doesn't do anything (like concerts and appearances and stuff) with Joe like she does with Don. Or didn't she ever do any of that with joe?

Oh and one more question :roll: :laugh: does anyone know how old Joe and Stevie were when they dated? Also....how old were Don and Stevie when they dated? Ok that was more than one question :laugh: I won't even ask how long each couple was together. :wink:

12-18-2006, 10:03 PM
Well, it just so happens that Stevie loves to talk about Joe, so I actually know lots of details!

When Joe signed on to tour with Stevie in 1983, they naturally started spending time together, and to hear Stevie tell it, there was an instant attraction. She says in her liner notes to TimeSpace that after she met him, she thought: "I can never be far from this person again... he is my soul. He seemed to be in a lot of pain, though hid it well." (She is very dramatic lol).

They really bonded one time in Colorado - you may have heard the story of the song "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You" and Emma's fountain. After that time, I think Stevie felt really close to Joe, like he was letting her see a side of him that he didn't show to others - the side that wasn't all laughs and partying.

After the tour, however, problems started to emerge. They started touring separately. Stevie felt like Joe wasn't serious enough about their relationship. She has related that she would have given up everything, even her career, if Joe Walsh had asked her to, "if he could be serious for two seconds." She loved him that much, but he didn't seem to want to put out the effort to be with her.

The breaking point came one day after Joe had gotten back from a tour. Stevie was trying to work in the studio with Waddy Wachtel, and Joe came over. Instead of waiting until she was done and then spending time with her, he decided to go and have some fun with the guys. They were hanging around the studio getting drunk and/or stoned, laughing, having a grand old time, and meanwhile Stevie was off to the side waiting for her time, but never got it. Finally, she got tired of waiting. She told him she was leaving, and asked him to come with her. Then, he tells her - "Oh, I meant to tell you - I can't see you tomorrow. I'm leaving to go on another tour." Stevie threw a fit - he knew he was leaving the next day, and this was how he acted?! She said, "I don't think this is working" and turned to leave. At this point, Joe delivered a line that Stevie actually incorporated in a song later - "If you walk out that door, you cease to exist." Well, she walked out, and still seems to be doing fine, lol. (At the time I first heard this story, I was so mad at Joe as a Stevie fan! lol)

An addendum: a while later, after she finished her next album Rock a Little, she got in contact with Joe again. She called him and asked him if he'd like her to come over and play it for him. He said yes, so she rode out to his place in a limo ride which took a couple hours. Once she got there, Joe once again didn't have time for her. She was so mad about this that she wrote the song "Long Way to Go" about it - the lyrics to the chorus: "Well, it's a real long way to go to say goodbye! I thought we already did that - have fun! Tell the world!" lol

So Joe actually inspired TWO songs of Stevie's, with a line of his getting into a third. Not bad!

12-18-2006, 10:09 PM
And it just so happens that Steive loves to talk about Don, so I know some details about that, too! lol But I think I might have already wrote out this story on a thread here in the past - :: goes digging ::

It's in a long thread, so I'll just repost what I said here:

Well, Stevie and Don's affair was passionate, but it was never really serious. It started in 1975 and lasted a couple years, off and on. They would have these rendevous where they would meet up, have sex, have fun and then each would go their separate ways. In the rare times when neither were touring, they would spend time together, but they never lived together or anything like that. Indeed Stevie had sex with Lindsey Buckingham in between her rendevous with Don. Songs like "Sara" and "One More Big Time Rock'n'Roll Star" imply that Stevie wanted more than that, but that Don wasn't on the same page. They remained friends and maybe hooked up a few more times, but that was it.

Their "fun" relationship did not seem to survive Stevie getting pregnant with Don's baby. She told him about it and it seems they mutually agreed she should abort, but Stevie has expressed regret about it since. Of course it's thanks to Don spilling the beans about it in the early 90s that we even know about the abortion at all! Stevie fans have always been angry about that, and about how he framed it: "I believe to the best of my knowledge [Stevie] became pregnant by me..." Um, she TOLD you it was yours Don! :: shakes head ::

Some Stevie fans believe that Don ended it BECAUSE Stevie got pregnant and left her to deal with it on her own, but she's never actually said that. Still, those who believe that hate Don, and point to his ambivalence about stating that the baby was his in the above interview as "evidence." They also use lyrics from Sara to back it up - she wanted Don to "finish his house" and "call her home" - a home for a baby - but he didn't want to "stay with her a while" so she wound up aborting the baby. (Stevie has said that Don often invited her to hook up in his house while it was still under construction and that's what inspired those lines - by the time he finished the house, it was over.) No proof of that abortion scenario, though.

Personally, I don't think Stevie wanted a baby at that point in her life regardless of whether or not Don "called her home." She was doing coke, flying around the world, partying constantly, and at the height of her success. She has even said that one of the considerations for her having the abortion was that having a baby would make it impossible for Fleetwood Mac to tour for Rumours. She has never blamed Don in any way or had anything but good things to say about him, to this day.

I also want to say that there are alternative demo versions of "Sara" which belie the "bad Don" theory because they have additional lyrics like "And he reached out gently." Hardly condemning words.

12-18-2006, 10:12 PM
On another note, I wonder why Stevie doesn't do anything (like concerts and appearances and stuff) with Joe like she does with Don. Or didn't she ever do any of that with joe?

Oh and one more question :roll: :laugh: does anyone know how old Joe and Stevie were when they dated? Also....how old were Don and Stevie when they dated? Ok that was more than one question :laugh: I won't even ask how long each couple was together. :wink:

Not sure about why Joe doesn't do Stevie's charity events. She says they're friends now, but certainly not like she's friends with Don - a very close relationship there. She said that Don was one of the first people she called after 9/11 (she was trapped in New York at the time). Don also was there for her when her father died in 2005 - I always admired how he stayed with her when she was greeting we fans (that's how I got to meet Don) because she needed his support - her dad was very sick and died a few days later.

Stevie was born in 1948, Joe in 1947. You do the math. ;)

12-18-2006, 10:15 PM
Wow! :shock: Joe was a jerk in the later days of their relationship! I've never even listened to Stevie's music but when I read that line where he said "if you walk out that door, you cease to exist," my jaw dropped and I was like....JOE!!! lol

12-18-2006, 11:46 PM
Guys, I dug up some quotes about this - Here they are (courtesy of Stevie fan Ali)

BBC Interview with Nicky Horne ~ August 27, 1991
(about her relationship with Joe Walsh)"We went on the Wild Heart tour and after about a week I went into a bar and he [Joe] was sitting there and he just looked up at me and that was it. It was love at first sight. You should have seen me, I went and yelled at people about his sound checks. I bought him incredible silk shirts and leg warmers that he wore! I took really good care of him and I think that is what scared Joe the most because I was too in tune with him and he was too used to being out of tune with everyone. I really understood him well. I was really hard nosed about him. If my house was full and Joe called I would tell everyone to get out.

BBC Interview with Nicky Horne ~ August 27, 1991
(about why she broke up with Joe Walsh)"What happened at the end was I was getting ready to cut two songs with Waddy Wachtel producing and we only had two nights to rehearse and Joe had been off in New Zealand or something and he came down about one or two in the mornting or something and he was real good friends with everyone in my band. That would have been fine any other night but I was really angry with what Joe had done because he completely screwed up that session. He just had everyone dying laughing because he just tells a hundred jokes and everyone was just rolling in the floor laughing and I was going “this is not fair” because he is not being sensitive at all to this whole situation and “you know I would give up anything for you, even my dammed career for you if he was serious enough." I had a limousine and I asked Joe if he wanted to take me home or come home with him and he said, “well, I didn’t tell you this but I’m leaving for Australia like tonight and I have to pack so I’m just going to get a ride home with Waddy” and I said “ok” and started walking towards the door and I turned around and said “Joe I don’t like where this relationship is going cause it’s not going anywhere and I don’t want to do it anymore.” And I started walking towards the door and he said “well you know, if you walk out the door, you basically cease to exist.” And I just din't stop walking."

BBC Interview with Nicky Horne ~August 27, 1991
(about whether she still loves Joe Walsh)"I will always love Joe. It will probably be hard for me to find somebody else that ever ever made me feel like Joe did. [After the breakup] At that point I just thought it was over, I thought that I would just be an old maid and just live with a bunch of dogs and cats in the mountains somewhere and that would be it because there just wouldn't be anything else for me."

12-18-2006, 11:56 PM
wow, sounds like an intense relationship!

12-19-2006, 12:02 AM
On another note, I wonder why Stevie doesn't do anything (like concerts and appearances and stuff) with Joe like she does with Don. Or didn't she ever do any of that with joe?

Oh and one more question :roll: :laugh: does anyone know how old Joe and Stevie were when they dated? Also....how old were Don and Stevie when they dated? Ok that was more than one question :laugh: I won't even ask how long each couple was together. :wink:

Not sure about why Joe doesn't do Stevie's charity events. She says they're friends now, but certainly not like she's friends with Don - a very close relationship there. She said that Don was one of the first people she called after 9/11 (she was trapped in New York at the time). Don also was there for her when her father died in 2005 - I always admired how he stayed with her when she was greeting we fans (that's how I got to meet Don) because she needed his support - her dad was very sick and died a few days later.

Stevie was born in 1948, Joe in 1947. You do the math. ;)

Thanks for all the info! I knew Don and Stevie were still close. I wonder if that makes Don's wife feel uncomfortable at all. I think that would be kind of strange. :laugh: But in a way, I understand it as well. That's sweet that he was there for her when her Dad was sick. I also think that says a lot for her that she even stuck around to greet the fans when going through such a hard time.

12-19-2006, 12:15 AM
Thanks for all the info! I knew Don and Stevie were still close. I wonder if that makes Don's wife feel uncomfortable at all. I think that would be kind of strange. :laugh: But in a way, I understand it as well. That's sweet that he was there for her when her Dad was sick. I also think that says a lot for her that she even stuck around to greet the fans when going through such a hard time.

Well, I remember that when Stevie turned 50, Don sent her 50 silver roses, and that Don's wife was NOT pleased. But that's the only time I've heard of her being uncomfortable with it. Apparently it didn't bother her too much, as their marriage is still going strong!

Seeing Don and Stevie together on tour in 2005 was HOT. During Gold Dust WOman, they danced together, and it was amazing! here are a couple photos taken by my fellow Stevie fan Mandy:



There are better ones out there, but I forget where!

And yes, it does say a lot that Stevie stayed for her fans, but she is just like that. When one of my friends almost died and we contacted Stevie through a charity, she sent her such a lovely letter.... oh my gosh.


12-19-2006, 12:34 AM
Those great Don & Stevie photos remind me of seeing them in the summer of 2005...<sigh> You are right, they still had great chemistry together, and seeing them dance together like that was amazing.

BTW, I turned 50 in October---where are my 50 silver roses from Don? :cry:

12-19-2006, 12:58 AM
BTW - do any of you other ladies melt when you hear Stevie write lyrics like "And he reached out gently" about Don? (In another demo verison: "And her touched her gently".) SIIIGH.

12-19-2006, 01:09 AM
BTW, I turned 50 in October---where are my 50 silver roses from Don? :cry:

Maybe they're in the mail? lol

BTW - here is a video made to Stevie's song for Joe -"Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You" - that I uploaded to MySpace. Hearing Stevie sing this live is so powerful that it has made me cry before when I have been at her concerts. :blush: You can just tell it comes from her heart, telling Joe when he was struggling career-wise post-Eagles that "I believed in you...every day...." - but it's also translated universally to every fan like me who has been touched by Stevie's songs.


12-19-2006, 05:37 AM
Wow, that was interesting to read! 8) Sadly I can't watch this video here on work, my boss is always running through our office. I will do that at home. It's good to know about their relationship before watching.

Those great Don & Stevie photos remind me of seeing them in the summer of 2005...<sigh> You are right, they still had great chemistry together, and seeing them dance together like that was amazing.

These pictures are beautiful. They danced together on stage, sooo romantic. :)

12-19-2006, 08:32 AM
BTW - do any of you other ladies melt when you hear Stevie write lyrics like "And he reached out gently" about Don? (In another demo verison: "And her touched her gently".) SIIIGH.

well when I hear it someday.......I know I'll just swoon :D *sigh*

12-19-2006, 08:33 AM
Those great Don & Stevie photos remind me of seeing them in the summer of 2005...<sigh> You are right, they still had great chemistry together, and seeing them dance together like that was amazing.

These pictures are beautiful. They danced together on stage, sooo romantic. :)

my thoughts exactly! lol Do we have a swooning emoticon? :laugh:

12-19-2006, 11:10 AM
Do I melt when I hear Stevie sing lyrics about Don? Absolutely!

The lyrics to "Sara" get me every time.:
"He was singing....and undoing...undoing the laces..."

Ive always been a dreamer
12-19-2006, 01:23 PM
That is a lot of good scoop about Don, Joe, and Stevie. And if you think it seems awkward that Stevie had affairs with both of them, remember she also had affairs with two members of her own band (Lindsey and Mick Fleetwood). I think Don and Glenn shared a woman or two as well back in the day. It may seem strange, but after all, it was the 70's. :wink:

12-19-2006, 06:08 PM
Do I melt when I hear Stevie sing lyrics about Don? Absolutely!

The lyrics to "Sara" get me every time.:
"He was singing....and undoing...undoing the laces..."

Oh, those lyrics get me every time. It's a beautiful song.

12-19-2006, 11:22 PM
Do I melt when I hear Stevie sing lyrics about Don? Absolutely!

The lyrics to "Sara" get me every time.:
"He was singing....and undoing...undoing the laces..."

Siiiigh. So romantic.

12-20-2006, 01:04 PM
I've have just seen the video. That's a beautiful song and she has a fantastic voice and she looks wonderful as well.
I would love to see a video with Don and her singing together. Is there any chance?

12-20-2006, 01:13 PM
sure. YouTube is a marvelous thing!

This is a clip I digitized that Leo put up on YouTube for me:


This is from the same show - they're doing So You Want to Be a Rock'n'Roll Star:


Edited to add: I have other cips of them I could upload to YouTube when I get back to Indiana.

12-20-2006, 01:41 PM
Oooooooooooooh thank you! That is so awesome. :D Especially when he kisses her at the end of the song, so cute.

12-20-2006, 01:55 PM
I was lucky enough to be at that show. It was terrific!

12-21-2006, 02:04 AM
Well I haven't watched L&L yet, but WOW....you weren't kidding. They really do go to town with the tambourines (sp? lol) on the other one! :laugh:

03-14-2007, 05:22 PM
BTW, I turned 50 in October---where are my 50 silver roses from Don? :cry:
I turned 25 in August and didn't get my 25 silver roses from Don either. :(

03-14-2007, 06:39 PM
Oh well, Holly, there's always next year! :wink:

09-08-2007, 08:28 PM
Here's a recent interview where Stevie gives a few more details about the relationship with Joe:

"'There are the great loves of your life,' [Stevie] says, 'then there are the loves of your life, and then there are the companions of your life - there's all the different kind of love affairs that you have. But all the great loves of my life wouldn't have been any better at settling down than me.'

And who has been the greatest love of her life?

'My great, great love was Joe Walsh.'

Joe Walsh? Of the Eagles? I struggle to keep the note of surprise out of my voice.

'It's crazy, isn't it?'

I am no expert on Nicks's romantic adventures, but I've done my research. Her affairs with Buckingham, Fleetwood, Don Henley, the record executive Jimmy Iovine - all are well chronicled. But nowhere have I found a single reference to Joe Walsh.

'1983 to 1986,' Nicks says crisply. 'I don't know - why do you love somebody? Why do you love them so much that when they walk in the room your heart jumps out of your chest? I don't know. But I fell in love with Joe at first sight from across the room, in the bar at the Mansions Hotel in Dallas. I looked at him and I walked across the room and I sat on the bar stool next to him, and two seconds later I crawled into his lap, and that was it.

'We were probably the perfect, complete, crazy pair. He was the one that I would have married, and that I would probably have changed my life around for…' She pauses. 'A little bit. Not a lot. But he wouldn't have changed his life either.'

The reason they broke up, she says, is that they were both 'really seriously drug addicts. We were a couple on the way to hell.'

The relationship finally ended when Walsh got on a plane and went to Australia 'to get away from me, basically. He thought - or so I'm told by my friends that Joe told - that one of us was going to die, and the other person would not be able to save them. And I did think I was going to die, absolutely. It took me a long, long time to get over it - if I ever got over it. Because there was no other man in the world for me. And it's the same today, even though Joe is married and has two sons. He met somebody in rehab and got married. And I think he's happy.'"


Doesn't she look great?!!!!

09-08-2007, 09:27 PM
oh wow! I wonder how he feels when he reads stuff like that. I wonder how DON feels! LOL! There's this small part of me that hints Don would be a little jealous of that fact....even though he's happily married. At least if I were in his shoes, it would be a little awkward that a woman you had an affair with says that your bandmate was the only REAL love of her life. :lol:

Is Joe still married? I thought I read somewhere that he has a daughter...so is it two sons and one daughter?

tbs fanatic
09-08-2007, 09:47 PM
Oh, that is interesting. Wow, she really, really loved him. He must surely know it. How cool. A little weird for Don though. Is Joe still with his wife? I thought they broke up.

09-08-2007, 09:53 PM
It sure seems like it. I was under the impression Joe was at least separated from his wife but I don't know for sure. He does have a daughter named Lucy who is trying to make it in the music business. That's all I know about his family, I'm afraid!

If Joe is not with his wife anymore, maybe he should give Stevie a call!

09-09-2007, 12:57 AM
oh wow! I wonder how he feels when he reads stuff like that. I wonder how DON feels! LOL! There's this small part of me that hints Don would be a little jealous of that fact....even though he's happily married. At least if I were in his shoes, it would be a little awkward that a woman you had an affair with says that your bandmate was the only REAL love of her life. :lol:

Is Joe still married? I thought I read somewhere that he has a daughter...so is it two sons and one daughter?

Surely Don and Stevie had an 'affair' as you put it? From what I understand it was not a long lasting relationship or deep love, Stevie's resultant abortion regardless, although no doubt it was intense at the time. I don't see why Don would be 'jealous' about Stevie and Joe. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

If Joe came to Australia to escape Stevie in 1986 that would be on either the Party Boys or Creatures From America tour that I saw.

09-09-2007, 02:13 AM
Very interesting, thanks for posting that.

I can certainly see how Henley might be a bit jealous, not necessarily because he wanted Stevie Nicks for himself, but because every man wants to think that he is the most memorable lover, and here Stevie says Joe was the great love of her life and not Henley. I can see how that might bother Henley a bit.

09-09-2007, 01:30 PM
Soda, thanks for posting that. I actually read that yesterday in the Daily Telegraph magazine and was going to post it today. The whole article is very interesting. I didn't realise how Stevie got so messed up with prescription drugs and how courageous she was to get off them. Her description of her love for Joe is rather moving, and I agree that Don could have grounds for feeling jealous, but from your accounts of their recent concerts together they seem to be on an even keel now.

I'll send the hard copy of the article to you.

09-09-2007, 04:05 PM
Oh, thank you so much GEF! I appreciate it!

Regarding the Joe / Stevie / Don dynamic.... it does make you wonder. Stevie obviously found her relationship with Joe more meaningful romantically, but if you look at the three today - it's Stevie and Don who have a closeness, not Stevie and Joe. Don and Stevie often call each other and appear at each other's benefits; but with Joe, apparently Stevie didn't even know he was estranged from his wife. Maybe the fact that it was less intense with Don made it easier for them to be friends afterwards. Joe may have been the love of her life, but Don is the one whom she turns to nowadays. Their relationship is the one that has lasted. I think that if it were up to Stevie, she would have that kind of relationship with Joe too, but he doesn't seem to be interested.

09-09-2007, 04:14 PM
Surely Don and Stevie had an 'affair' as you put it? From what I understand it was not a long lasting relationship or deep love, Stevie's resultant abortion regardless, although no doubt it was intense at the time. I don't see why Don would be 'jealous' about Stevie and Joe. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

It was more a "fun" relationship according to Stevie, which is probably why something like a pregnancy brought everything screeching to a halt. Still, I think it would be perfectly natural for Don to feel a stab of dismay or even jealousy that Joe ranks higher on Stevie's "Great Loves" scale. It doesn't mean he's bitter about losing Stevie; it's just the male ego! It would only be human nature for Don to prefer a statement like "The man who meant the most to me was Don Henley, despite the relative brevity of our affair... it was just THAT wonderful a time. NEXT is Joe Walsh, whom I wanted to marry..." lol

09-09-2007, 10:13 PM
It was more a "fun" relationship according to Stevie, which is probably why something like a pregnancy brought everything screeching to a halt. Still, I think it would be perfectly natural for Don to feel a stab of dismay or even jealousy that Joe ranks higher on Stevie's "Great Loves" scale. It doesn't mean he's bitter about losing Stevie; it's just the male ego! It would only be human nature for Don to prefer a statement like "The man who meant the most to me was Don Henley, despite the relative brevity of our affair... it was just THAT wonderful a time. NEXT is Joe Walsh, whom I wanted to marry..." lol

Didn't I read somewhere that Don's wife Sharon got very jealous over the fact that he sends Stevie roses on her birthday every year? Since Sharon obviously has a problem with Don's closeness to Stevie, maybe that is why Stevie never talks in interviews about the intensity or passion during her time with Don--out of respect for Don & Sharon's marriage.

09-09-2007, 10:47 PM
Didn't I read somewhere that Don's wife Sharon got very jealous over the fact that he sends Stevie roses on her birthday every year?

I read that too, in the National Enquirer (I just looked at it while waiting in line in the supermarket, honest!) That publication isn't known for its 100% dedication to accuracy, though!

Since Sharon obviously has a problem with Don's closeness to Stevie, maybe that is why Stevie never talks in interviews about the intensity or passion during her time with Don--out of respect for Don & Sharon's marriage.

I can see that. She used to talk all the time about Lindsey Buckingham as her "great love" but now that he is married with children, all of the sudden he's just a "musical soulmate." Maybe she does try to respect the wife's feelings. Of course Joe is/was married too...

09-10-2007, 02:22 PM
Very interesting, thanks for posting that.

I can certainly see how Henley might be a bit jealous, not necessarily because he wanted Stevie Nicks for himself, but because every man wants to think that he is the most memorable lover, and here Stevie says Joe was the great love of her life and not Henley. I can see how that might bother Henley a bit.

yeah...that's what I was THINKING and had trouble, apparently, actually saying :lol: I would think that would be something that would bother a lot of guys.......if someone they were with at one time was also with their friend and/or bandmate....and then the friend/bandmate was the one she recalled as her one true love.

09-11-2007, 02:50 PM
Here's a funny bit. Another site picked up on Stevie's interview, declaring it to be a dramatic reveal of a secret affair. Yeah, it was so secret she's discussed it on national television before (VH1's Storytellers 1998 ) and in multiple interviews. Gotta love this kind of piggy-back journalism, where they've done no research themselves and wind up printing mistakes as facts.

Stevie Nick's Secret Eagles Romance (http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/stevie%20nicks%20secret%20eagles%20romance_1043176 )

09-11-2007, 03:13 PM
That's quite funny really, Soda. You have already posted quotes by Stevie about Joe earlier in this thread, so it's no great secret to people who know where to look.

It's interesting to read Stevie's summary of her relationship with Lindsey - more about the music. I think I agree with you that perhaps she is sensitive to both Lindsey and Don, and their subsequent marriages, and for sure she felt that Joe was now in a happy relationship (which sadly may now be in doubt). She comes across as a very sweet and sensitive person.

Perfect Little Sister
09-11-2007, 06:43 PM
Very interesting, thanks for posting that.

I can certainly see how Henley might be a bit jealous, not necessarily because he wanted Stevie Nicks for himself, but because every man wants to think that he is the most memorable lover, and here Stevie says Joe was the great love of her life and not Henley. I can see how that might bother Henley a bit.

Just my opinion, JF, but I think the most memorable lover and the great love of one's life don't have to be the same person.

09-11-2007, 10:12 PM
I just wanted to confirm that I first saw Joe with the Party Boys on December 7 1984, and with the Creatures From America in 1986 (I don't have the exact date at the moment - I can find out later) so it does appear that what Stevie says about 1986 is correct. I think it was towards the end of the year, round about November.

09-12-2007, 03:50 AM
Very interesting, thanks for posting that.

I can certainly see how Henley might be a bit jealous, not necessarily because he wanted Stevie Nicks for himself, but because every man wants to think that he is the most memorable lover, and here Stevie says Joe was the great love of her life and not Henley. I can see how that might bother Henley a bit.

Just my opinion, JF, but I think the most memorable lover and the great love of one's life don't have to be the same person.

My post wasn't even about that, you entirely missed the point, I was trying to explain why Henley wouldn't enjoy coming after Joe to Stevie Nicks, not argue that greatest lovers are also always loves of a lifetime. I don't even believe that. In fact as far as I can see, I never said that, guess you feel I implied it, well I didn't mean to. I'm not some daft tart who can't distinguish between a good shag and meaningful love.

Perfect Little Sister
09-12-2007, 01:27 PM
LOL, JF! Thanks for setting me straight.

09-13-2007, 03:38 AM
I'm glad I could clarify my meaning for you.

The Bomber
09-15-2007, 10:35 AM
Stevie Nicks was quite a babe back then. If I was Joe I would have been showing her "great love" every day, haha.

11-01-2007, 03:05 PM
If they had a child together, that would be one weird, cool and beautifal kid!She always looked good to me, and Joe is a lucky dude!

11-01-2007, 03:16 PM
You might enjoy this, Kyle! (Done by a bored Stevie fan)

What a kid of theirs might grow up to look like:


11-06-2007, 04:35 AM
That's a mite disturbing actually.

03-31-2009, 01:26 PM
http://www.wowowow.com/entertainment/stevie-nicks-what-60-looks-now-254692 I hope this works, I want to get Stevie's new DVD. I heard her talk about no cell phone, etc on a show not to long ago

03-31-2009, 02:19 PM
I was at the taping of that DVD in Chicago. You must get it! Thanks for posting that article. Love this part:


When asked about her online life, she skips barely a beat: "I don’t have a computer or a cell phone. I am old-school all the way. I am school of rock."

"In 1983 when I was going out with the love of my life, Joe Walsh (legendary rock god of James Gang and Eagles fame), he had built a room in a loft filled with pianos." According to Nicks, the first time she heard a tune she had just picked out on an electronic keyboard instantly played back by Walsh with full orchestration, she realized, "Everyone, even the violinists had been replaced."

Later that year, Walsh told Nicks he couldn’t be with her on her favorite holiday, Halloween, because he had to work on his computer.

"That means I have also been replaced. If computers are going to replace me in a man’s life and replace those violinists …"

That was the end of Nicks’s relationship with computers.

03-31-2009, 05:33 PM
Great article - amazing story!

04-23-2009, 10:35 AM
Stevie mentions her relationship with Joe again in an upcoming issue of People magazine. It expands more on a problem with Joe's she mentioned in the past:

Former rock couple STEVIE NICKS and JOE WALSH were so hooked on drugs during their romance, they feared they'd die if they didn't split.

The Fleetwood MAC singer dated Eagles star Walsh during the 1980s and describes him as "the great, great love of my life".

But they both began taking cocaine in vast quantities and Nicks blames the drug for ruining their relationship.

She tells People magazine, "There was nothing more important than Joe Walsh - not my music, not my songs, not anything.

"We had to break up or we thought we'd die. It took me years to get over it. It's very sad but at least we survived."

Nothing more important?? Wow! She hasn't put it that way before!

04-23-2009, 11:07 AM
I have great respect for Stevie, Nancy. But I have to keep reminding myself that she does have a tendency to use strong adjectives in describing emotions. I've no doubt she felt that way about Joe...Joe has made similarly complimentary remarks about Stevie (maybe "complimentary" is too weak a term). But, Stevie has felt strongly about at least two others that I'm aware of, namely Lindsey Buckingham and Don Henley. I do not think the remarks coming from Stevie are contradictory.

It is the strongest of terms of endearment that I've heard her referring to Joe with though and that's a fact!

04-23-2009, 11:10 AM
I just saw that on my google alert. Here's the link, some good pictures of Stevie..

STEVIE NICKS - NICKS' 'DEADLY' ROMANCE WITH WALSH ~ Contactmusic.com (http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/nicks%20deadly%20romance%20with%20walsh_1101401)

As far as "Most important" you know Stevie has a way of embellishing reality for dramatic effect, but she has said on more then on occasion he was the great love in her life.
What I find interesting here is
1. They're both clean and drug free now, if they were such great loves, why didnt they rediscover each other?
2. If the drugs are what split them apart and now they are both drug free but not "together" was it the drugs that made them a "couple"? so to speak. Im sure you can infer my meaning here.
3. Do we know who Stevie is involved with currently?

04-23-2009, 11:48 AM
Well, I agree with you guys that Stevie tends to go for the dramatic descriptions and might overstate a bit. She has indeed said that both Joe Walsh and Lindsey Buckingham were her "Greatest loves" so yeah, she's not always consistent in that regard. Still, it's a great compliment to Joe!

I don't think anyone but Joe and Stevie can answer your questions, ticky. Just speculating - maybe the intensity of the relationship made it harder to reconnect later, ironically. I'm sure it's hard to open oneself up to that kind of heartbreak again. Also, Joe has been in serious relationships for the vast majority of the time that he's been sober. He was "taken."

I think it's safe to say Stevie would deny #2, though - that their relationship was based solely on drug-fueled passion. She has always called the relationship one of people who were attracted to each other because they understood each other; in fact, she claimed she was the ONLY one who truly "got" Joe.

Honestly, I kind of get the feeling Joe wasn't as into Stevie as she was into him. Certainly he doesn't talk about her with that kind of passion. Indeed, while lately he has said complimentary things, in the early 90s he openly mocked her and even called her a "road f--k" on Howard Stern. :( Of course, maybe that was the alcohol talking, and his almost compulsive desire to get a laugh, no matter what, like we recently saw with his comment about Leadon. I reiterate that in recent years, he has spoken of her kindly and even said that The Confessor would not have gotten made without her support.

The last name that has been publicly associated romantically with Stevie was Rupert Hine... and that 20 years ago. She says she is single now as "no man can handle my lifestyle." Of course, in a recent interview, she said it was never really over with Lindsey until 1998 when he had his first kid with his now-wife (they were not married at the time). Makes you go "hmmmm...."

The story is all over the newswires and I didn't see that particular link with photos ticky. Thanks!

04-23-2009, 12:06 PM
I also wanted to add - and this is completely my own speculation as a Stevie fan who has followed her interviews closely - that Stevie saw herself as Joe's "savior" who could "make him better" as she likes to say. By styling herself as the only one who understood him and saw the "real" Joe, the pain behind the laughs, she also puts herself in the position of the only one who can truly love "the real Joe."

As a result, I can see why she would characterize the situation as one where she would give up everything for him - to help him out, to save him from himself - especially if she had told herself she was the only one who could get through to him. Psychologically, a lot of women are drawn to guys they want to "fix." It makes them feel special to think that they can save a guy when no one else can; it makes them feel needed and important. It also puts the woman in a position of power in a way that a strong lady like Stevie would find appealing, but that may have made Joe uncomfortable. While they were both so hardcore into drugs, though, there was no way she could save anybody. She was kidding herself, but to this day, I'm not sure she really recognizes that.

And I think, at the time, Joe didn't really want Stevie to "save" him, and that's really why he left her in such an ignominious and careless fashion. "When you walk out that door, you cease to exist," he told her, getting a big laugh from the buddies he was hanging out with.... but ending it with her forever.

04-23-2009, 12:10 PM
They don't call it "dope" for nothing do they!

04-23-2009, 02:26 PM
And I think, at the time, Joe didn't really want Stevie to "save" him, and that's really why he left her in such an ignominious and careless fashion. "When you walk out that door, you cease to exist," he told her, getting a big laugh from the buddies he was hanging out with.... but ending it with her forever.

Wow, that's harsh!! What a shame. Is there an article somewhere that claims this is really how it happened? Would love to read more about them back then. I know we've rehashed this a couple of times but I find myself intrigued every time this subject comes forward again.

04-23-2009, 02:53 PM
Well, Joe's never confirmed it, but here's what Stevie said (C&Ped from another post):

BBC Interview with Nicky Horne ~ August 27, 1991

"What happened at the end was I was getting ready to cut two songs with Waddy Wachtel producing and we only had two nights to rehearse and Joe had been off in New Zealand or something and he came down about one or two in the morning or something and he was real good friends with everyone in my band. That would have been fine any other night but I was really angry with what Joe had done because he completely screwed up that session. He just had everyone dying laughing because he just tells a hundred jokes and everyone was just rolling in the floor laughing and I was going “this is not fair” because he is not being sensitive at all to this whole situation and “you know I would give up anything for you, even my dammed career for you if he was serious enough."

I had a limousine and I asked Joe if he wanted to take me home or me to come home with him and he said, “Well, I didn’t tell you this but I’m leaving for Australia like tonight and I have to pack, so I’m just going to get a ride home with Waddy.”

And I said “Ok” and started walking towards the door, and I turned around and said, “Joe I don’t like where this relationship is going 'cause it’s not going anywhere and I don’t want to do it anymore.” And I started walking towards the door and he said, “Well, you know, if you walk out the door, you basically cease to exist.” And I just didn't stop walking."

04-23-2009, 02:57 PM
At that time Joe said he was "living the rock and roll lifestyle" and I imagine the careless attitude was partly fueled by the drugs and partly due to the fact I doubt he truly was as committed to her as she claims was to him. It wasn't till the death of his close friend, John Belushi, that he recognized the fact he HAD a problem (according to the Howard Stern interview in '05). I think he's pretty sorry and regrets a lot of that aloofness and cruelty now looking back on it based on a lot of his reactions to mentions of his past indiscretions. I think it's really embarrassing to him and a lot of the kindness and grace he shows to his fans and public now is an attempt to redeem himself, that and just the fact that he is such a nice guy and truly loves and appreciates his fans.
As far as that part of his life pertains to Stevie and their past relationship, I have no idea not being party to that part of his or her life *G* But Im sure he tried to make amends.

04-24-2009, 08:15 AM
Love this stuff!! What a soap opera!!

Another question, I don't know if maybe it has already been answered somewhere before. She is still on very good terms with Don and her and Lindsey, even tho they have their moments, seem to be good together and able to work together. Have her and Joe ever made amends? Do they ever see each other or are they friends again? And I kinda wonder why, if he was the love of her life, after his divorces, she didn't try to reconnect with him, or maybe she did and it just didn't work because the relationship was so toxic because of the drugs and alcohol?

04-24-2009, 11:23 AM
As far as I know they remain friends, in fact Joe even said so in the Mark Lane interview. That's when he said she was a "good witch, laugh laugh.."

04-24-2009, 12:57 PM
Joe and Stevie seem to be on friendly terms, but it's true that she isn't as close to him as she is to Don and Lindsey.

Of course, her relationship with Lindsey to this day is tempestuous, but they work together and so naturally would be closer.

Don and Stevie, on the other hand, may not see each other as much but often call each other and try hard to keep in touch. When she speaks of her relationship with Don, it's in the present tense. "He's one of my best friends, and he's there for me." When she speaks of her relationship with Joe, it's in the past.

I don't know why reconnection didn't seem to take place on the level it has with Don. I guess only Stevie and Joe know the answer to that! I would speculate there's a level of awkwardness with Joe that isn't there with Don, considering the way it ended.

04-24-2009, 08:37 PM
Look what a friend of mine just posted on Facebook! What a coincidence! This is especially cool because photos of Joe with Stevie are very rare. I only know of one other.


04-24-2009, 09:00 PM
Soda the picture you posted is the one in the current People Mag. I had never seen it before

04-24-2009, 09:26 PM
Its in the current People? Is there an article that goes with it?

04-24-2009, 09:28 PM
Not really an article just a couple of pages of pictures with comments. It is this weeks issue, the guy from the Craig's list is on the cover

06-02-2011, 12:11 PM
Reviving this old thread because I just found out a new tidbit!

As some of you know, Dave Stewart (formerly of the Eurythmics) produced Stevie's new album and co-wrote some songs with her. Well, he told a story to Howard Stern that I didn't know!

Turns out the song he co-wrote with Tom Petty, "Don't Come Around Here No More," was inspired by Stevie!

Now, here's the story:

Stevie and Joe were in the midst of a fight and had temporarily broken up. The Eurythmics happened to be playing in town that night and Stevie invited Dave to a party, where they had a one-night stand. The next morning, apparently regretting her actions, she shut him down when he talked about getting together again and said "Don't come around here no more." She then got back with Joe. lol

There's an alternate version of the story where she said those words to Joe when Joe came looking for her and she was with Dave... not sure which is true, but it's interesting nonetheless!

06-02-2011, 02:45 PM
Yup, interesting! I bet Joe and Dave both tell the story and it was the other one that got told "don't come around here no more"! :lol:

06-02-2011, 10:33 PM
Interesting! :hilarious:

06-03-2011, 07:35 AM
Another one for Stevie. :shock: :hilarious:

06-03-2011, 07:48 AM
Yeah really!!! How can she work with all of these guys and it not seem weird? That's showbiz I guess!

06-03-2011, 09:27 PM
I've sometimes wondered if she ever comes up in conversation between Joe and Don.

06-03-2011, 11:20 PM
I've sometimes wondered if she ever comes up in conversation between Joe and Don.

I would guess that it has....maybe not though.

06-04-2011, 01:01 AM
Well, I can see how it would be awkward, lol.

06-04-2011, 02:15 AM
Well, I can see how it would be awkward, lol.

No kidding! :hilarious:

06-10-2011, 10:41 PM
Some Stevie fans banded together to get a tape of Stevie's demos off Ebay and found a real treasure - a never-before-circulated demo that has been dubbed "Priest of Nothing." Why am I posting this here? Because the demo consists of Stevie singing her own lyrics over Joe's instrumental pieces "Innertube" and "Theme from Boat Weirdos"!

You can find two versions of it here:


How cool is this???????

06-10-2011, 11:27 PM
VERY, very cool!!! Listening to them now! Love it!

06-11-2011, 12:07 AM
I've listened several times. Stevie sounds a bit rough but I don't care - just the fact that she is putting lyrics to Joe's tunes is super-cool!

06-11-2011, 12:21 AM
I've listened several times. Stevie sounds a bit rough but I don't care - just the fact that she is putting lyrics to Joe's tunes is super-cool!

Agreed! :)

06-13-2011, 12:43 PM
Now the two versions of "Priest of Nothing" are up on YouTube, for those who prefer streaming:



06-14-2011, 09:44 AM
I notice one of the lyrics is, "So she turned her head... and walked away." Considering the context, I wouldn't be surprised if she nabbed that from Joe's "Walk Away"!

08-23-2011, 02:55 PM
Hi! I'm the guy who bought the Stevie tapes off eBay and posted them. I thought y'all might want a little more background behind "Priest Of Nothing".

First off, it was on a cassette marked "Sharon's Tape: Various SLN 1984 Demos". "Sharon" is Stevie's back-up singer, Sharon Celani, and "SLN" is, of course, Stevie Nicks. The songs aren't labeled, so "Priest Of Nothing" is just what I can up with after agonizing for a long time. Bad, fan made-up titles on unreleased Stevie songs is a pet peeve of mine, and here I had to come up with one. Considering different interviews in which Stevie has talked about Joe, I think "Priest Of Nothing" is still the best guess.

A friend I first shared these songs with helped me track down the Joe instrumentals that are the music behind Stevie's words and voice.

Although the cassette is from 1984, Stevie probably wrote her lyrics in the Summer of 1983, when she and Joe were on tour. Evidence? Well, at her concert here in Dallas on 09/05/1983 at Reunion Arena (where Joe opened for her, of course), before the final song, "Rhiannon", Stevie dedicated it "to Mr. Joe Walsh! Can he play? Yes, he can! [sings] Can he play?! YES, HE CAN!!!"

Very recently, Stevie's hand-written lyrics from 1983 of "Priest Of Nothing" have also surfaced.

Also: I got from this seller about 50 unreleased recordings in total of Stevie's from 1984-1987, plus 4 unreleased demos of Tom Petty's from 1985-1986 that Stevie sings on. NONE of the released versions of these songs contain Stevie's vocals on the final product, so these versions are completely unheard of before. Does anyone know of a good Heartbreakers fan site where I might be able to share these maybe for possible trades of concerts with Stevie in them? (Yes, I only care about Stevie and her music).

08-24-2011, 07:57 AM
Very interesting Mike. Unfortunately our resident Stevie expert is in Niagara Falls seeing Glenn right now. I'm sure when she gets back, she will have plenty to say and ask about this information and these tapes. Thanks for sharing it all with us!!!

08-25-2011, 11:03 PM
Hey Mike! Welcome to my Eagles board! (Mike and I already know each other from our mutual Mac fandom and The Ledge (http://ledge.fleetwoodmac.net/).) Mike, I know you know me as the webmistress of BuckinghamNicks.net (http://www.buckinghamnicks.net), but after I saw Don Henley with Stevie on the "Two Voices" tour back in 2005 I got hooked on the Eagles as well. You see here one of the fruits of that. ;)

Dang, has it really been over six years since that Nicks/Henley show in Chicago that started all of this? Wow, time flies!

Sorry I can't help you with the Tom Petty site, Mike - I'm afraid I don't know any more about that than you do!

At any rate, what you and the others did for the Stevie fandom by sharing such rarities is quite wonderful, as I've told you before. You guys rock!!! Thank you for sharing more info with Joe fans as well.

08-27-2011, 06:35 PM
"She sees no evil... And she speaks no evil! SHE'S IN LOVE!!!!! And I don't think that they say anything to anyone..."

So, Joe just HATES Stevie now, right? That's depressing.

08-27-2011, 06:38 PM
Why do you think Joe hates Stevie?

08-30-2011, 01:55 PM
Well, let me throw in my two cents, at least.

I see no reason to believe Joe hates Stevie at this point. In fact, they performed together at that infamous bat-mitzvah for David Brooks' daughter (http://ledge.fleetwoodmac.net/showthread.php?t=24243&page=3) in 2005, and Joe spoke kindly of her in an interview about ten years ago. Yeah, he talked trash about her in the nineties and made fun of her back then, but that's the past. Stevie has obviously forgiven him (assuming she heard about what he was saying. I kind of hope she didn't). However, he doesn't seem to view their relationship with the same rose-colored glasses Stevie has been wearing. Stevie doesn't seem to recognize how dysfunctional they were - that even her own descriptions of the relationship make it seem like a morass of co-dependency rather than a grand romance.

She's toned down the Walsh-talk since she and Lindsey got close again a few months ago, I noticed. Hmm!

07-12-2012, 03:37 PM
OK, so I finally got around to watching the Howard Stern interview and while most of it's been talked about, I don't think the Stevie parts really have. So I'm going to transcribe them and we can give our thoughts.

The first time he talked about her was about the 19th minute:

Stern: I was shocked to learn, though, that one of the great romances of your life was Stevie Nicks...

Joe: mmhmm.

Stern:... of Fleetwood Mac. And this was kept on the down-low, even during your whacked-out years.

Joe: Yeah.

Stern: But she says you were the love of her life and probably still are.

Joe: [silence]

Stern: Is she one of those people you had to call and make amends to?

Joe: [pause] mmhmmm.

Stern: Wow.

Joe: She's special.

Stern: She was in love. One of the greatest songwriters ever, right? Stevie Nicks.

Joe: [long pause] ... yeah...

Stern: No?! Am I wrong?

Joe: Well, I mean, songwriters, in the big picture, all of us from the 70s are memorable and notable, but I mean the greatest songwriters are like guys from the 30s and 40s...

Stern: Do you really believe that? You don't believe Jimi Hendrix was a great songwriter? Paul Simon?

Joe: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, OK....

Stern: You don't consider yourself a great songwriter?

Joe: Well, I don't think it's fair to say one of the best EVER to anybody.

Stern: But what a powerful couple...

Joe: Right.

Stern: Stevie Nicks and Joe Walsh...

Joe: Stevie's very, uh, uh, uh, very high on the list.

Stern: Were you in love with her? [pause] Did you guys ever write together?

Joe: She helped me do the Confessor album.

Stern: No kidding!

Joe: She rode shotgun with me on that one and gave me some direction and she's really good at the CRAFT of songwriting.

Stern: Which means what? Sitting down and really putting a pen to paper?

Joe: Yeah, yeah.

Stern: Trying to figure out the lick and all that?

Joe: Yeah, left to my own devices, I will have, uh, 85 pieces of paper with a couple words on each.

Stern: Right.

Joe: And... people like her... and my wife Marjorie now...

Stern: Right.

Joe:...help me get 85 words on one piece of paper.

Stern: How do they help you do that? You're a songwriter. It's a creative process for you. How do they focus you to take all those 85 slips of paper and combine them into a song?

Joe: Well, my wife is a closer. That's what she does. When I say it's the part of me that was missing?

Stern: Yeah.

Joe: I got a little attention deficit, but in the 50s that wasn't diagnosed. You were just "difficult."

Stern: Right, right.

Joe: But I got it, you know. I see that in one of my sons. I learned about it. I had it SCREAMING in the 50s.

Stern: It's one of those things that affects you where you can't keep your mind on one thing.

Joe: You can't complete tasks. I have a great idea... a FANTASTIC idea... and I get it started and... wait a minute, I have another idea! So, there it sits.

07-12-2012, 04:18 PM
The second time was about the 41st minute:

Stern: Hey, I didn't finish that thought, though, with Stevie Nicks.

Joe: Yeah.

Stern: You two became this couple, and she says you are the love of her life.

Joe: [silence]

Robin: All those songs were about JOE?

Joe: She wrote one about me, yeah.

Stern: What was the big one about you?

Joe: Uh... [long pause]

Robin: Joe?

Stern: Joe just fell asleep. [they laugh] He's thinking of the name.

Joe: I'm trying to think... I'm embarrassed. I don't remember.

Stern: Was it a Fleetwood Mac song? Or was it from one of her solos?

Joe: One of her solos.

Stern: One of her solo albums.

Joe: Yeah.

Stern: [kind of makes noises like the opening of "Stand Back"]

Joe: "Has Anyone Ever Wrote a Song for You"!

Stern: Hell no! I wish you would!

Joe: No, that's how the song goes, stupid!

Stern: Oh $h-t. [laughs] When are you going to write a song about me?

Joe: That's a good idea!

07-12-2012, 04:19 PM
The final time, about the 47th minute:

Stern: What is it, Gary? How dare you interrupt my... He's handing me a piece of paper.

Gary: See what it is.

Stern: Oh, here. Oh...

Gary: That's the song that Stevie wrote for Joe. [to Joe] God, she must have loved you.

Robin: What was the song?

Stern: The song is called... "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You," as Joe said. And I thought he was talking to me! [laughs] Listen to this lyric: "You know I'd rather be alone than be without you. Don't you know..." She'd rather be alone... than be without you.

Joe: [silence]

Stern: What the f--k did you do to this girl?

Robin: He's just lucky that way.

Stern: You must have... you must have banged her silly. Were you in love with her?

Joe: [long pause] As a sister.

Stern: Really?!

Robin: What?!

Stern: God, she was... This was the 70s, right?

Joe: She's like a soulmate, you know.

Stern: Do you still talk to her?

Joe: Once in a while.

Stern: This was like in the 70s, right? I mean, was there a more beautiful, physically beautiful woman than Stevie Nicks? And all that talent? You would think - that's the whole package. I mean, that would be my fantasy.

Robin: Were you not into her?!

Joe: No, I was, Robin. That didn't come out right. All I'm saying is that we were... uh.... uh.... seeking refuge... kind of, in each other's presence.

Stern: 'Cause you both were into drugs at that point?

Joe: Kind of. Yeah, there was that was part of it... but we were on the road, we had careers. We were both lonely.

Stern: Why did you never marry her? Did the thought cross your mind at one point?

Joe: No.

Stern: And you thought that way even in like the terms of a powerful couple. Like, Oh my God, these two incredibly powerful people in rock'n'roll.

Robin: Maybe that would have been too much?

Joe: Well, the relationship came and ran its course, as rock'n'roll relationships do.

Stern: Does it get competitive? Like you sit there, and she was with Fleetwood Mac at the point, I guess...

Joe: No, she wasn't.

Stern: She was a solo? She was in Buckingham Nicks?

Joe: Yeah.

Stern: And does it get competitive? Is that the problem? Like you could never really marry another singer/songwriter because the two of you sit there and drive each other nuts with that stuff? Career?

Joe: What made it possible was that we toured together.

Stern: Right. So when you're touring together...

Joe: And we spent all that time together.

Stern: But you were not monogamous with her, so she probably got jealous, too. Knowing you back in those days - you were not going to be limited to one woman. True? You were not going to be limited to one drink and not one woman. You were an addict.

Joe: We were both monogamous... for that summer.

Stern: That's... that's a pretty long time.

Joe: Yes.

Stern: So you felt something for her.

Robin: A whole season!

Stern: In rock'n'roll, that's ten years!

Joe: That's a long time. When we stopped touring, uh, we....

Robin: Drifted apart.

Joe: We had to. [pause] Had to.

Robin: But do you think you could've been with somebody as powerful and talented as Stevie?

Joe: No, I don't think either of us could have committed to a lasting relationship in the state that we were in.

07-12-2012, 04:44 PM
Wow! He just really put Joe on the spot there and kind of hung him out to dry! Poor Joe! I guess that is just HS though. He should of expected anything might come out!

07-12-2012, 05:11 PM
Honestly, a lot of Joe's answers kind of piss me off. Stevie gushes about him and calls him one of her great loves, but he obviously never loved her. Stern asked him TWICE about it and the most he could manage was "Like a sister." He does throw out the word "soulmate" but it must mean something different to him than it does to others, because he goes on to basically characterize their relationship as a brief road fling. Meanwhile, in reality, it actually went on for two years (you'd never guess that from this interview). And he was only monogamous for one summer, and is proud he held out THAT long... Well. Lovely.

I guess he's just being real about his feelings, but still, it's tacky how he went about it. I feel sorry for Stevie. She needs to stop talking about Joe. Again, if what he says is true, even when they were together, he didn't love her. That's just humiliating for Stevie, considering what she's said about him. BOO Joe. BOO.

:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

07-12-2012, 06:38 PM
It's obvious that Joe didn't want to talk about it so I don't know why Stern persisted for so long. I think he was rude.

Henley Honey
07-12-2012, 07:46 PM
Honestly, a lot of Joe's answers kind of piss me off. Stevie gushes about him and calls him one of her great loves, but he obviously never loved her. Stern asked him TWICE about it and the most he could manage was "Like a sister." He does throw out the word "soulmate" but it must mean something different to him than it does to others, because he goes on to basically characterize their relationship as a brief road fling. Meanwhile, in reality, it actually went on for two years (you'd never guess that from this interview). And he was only monogamous for one summer, and is proud he held out THAT long... Well. Lovely.

I guess he's just being real about his feelings, but still, it's tacky how he went about it. I feel sorry for Stevie. She needs to stop talking about Joe. Again, if what he says is true, even when they were together, he didn't love her. That's just humiliating, considering what she's said about him. BOO Joe. BOO.

:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Maybe he thought it would be too disrespectful to his wife to comment now about what happened 30+ years ago with a girlfriend.
Maybe he felt it wasn't Howard's or anyone's business.
I don't think he meant to purposely or publicly malign Stevie, but he's a big boy and he knows Howard's "schtick". Perhaps it would have been wiser to shut Stern down or go the "no comment" route.

07-12-2012, 09:08 PM
Honestly, a lot of Joe's answers kind of piss me off. Stevie gushes about him and calls him one of her great loves, but he obviously never loved her. Stern asked him TWICE about it and the most he could manage was "Like a sister." He does throw out the word "soulmate" but it must mean something different to him than it does to others, because he goes on to basically characterize their relationship as a brief road fling. Meanwhile, in reality, it actually went on for two years (you'd never guess that from this interview). And he was only monogamous for one summer, and is proud he held out THAT long... Well. Lovely.

I guess he's just being real about his feelings, but still, it's tacky how he went about it. I feel sorry for Stevie. She needs to stop talking about Joe. Again, if what he says is true, even when they were together, he didn't love her. That's just humiliating, considering what she's said about him. BOO Joe. BOO.

:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

You're blasting Joe over this interview? Really? To not gush over a fling with Stevie when he's been talking non-stop about his wonderful new marriage, I find it at least understandable, in trying to gracefully dodge a Stern "hand grenade". And two rock n roll artists in a short cocaine-fueled fling in the 70's? Not exactly unique, if stories are true. I know you love Stevie, I do too. But come on. If they're in different places looking back after 30 years, don't think they're the only ones in that situation. actually I think his silence and short answers speak louder than the words he chooses. Maybe it cut close and he didn't want to dish...none of us knows, but i don't think he'd choose Stern's show to reveal his life's closest feelings.

07-12-2012, 09:08 PM
Maybe he thought it would be too disrespectful to his wife to comment now about what happened 30+ years ago with a girlfriend.
Maybe he felt it wasn't Howard's or anyone's business.
I don't think he meant to purposely or publicly malign Stevie, but he's a big boy and he knows Howard's "schtick". Perhaps it would have been wiser to shut Stern down or go the "no comment" route.

But he DID comment about Stevie, and he did so in a way that was lame. JMHO.

ETA: I didn't see Deb's post before, so let me add:

two rock n roll artists in a short cocaine-fueled fling in the 70's? Not exactly unique, if stories are true.

And THIS is what pisses me off about his interview. Joe's comments lead you to conclude that Stevie was nothing more than a "short cocaine-fueled fling" to him. It's contemptible for him to represent their relationship in such a demeaning fashion after she's spoken about how much meaning it has for her.

BTW I don't know what "stories" you're referring to, but they weren't even together until he opened for her in 1983. They remained together for over two years - together enough for her to help with The Confessor in 1985. Sure doesn't sound like a "short cocaine-fueled fling" to me... but Joe talks like it was, leads you to believe it was. THAT is tacky.

Victim of Love
07-12-2012, 09:24 PM
How many of us have heard that Stevie wrote that song for Joe after his daughter died???? THAT was a painful time in his life with or without the vices! Howard Stern is a sensationalist jerk -- in my opinion -- and I think Joe handled it as well as he could, being put on the spot like that! Besides, Joe and Stevie are ancient history and I think it was really callous of Stern to call Joe out on it without possibly having all the facts. Just my opinion.

07-12-2012, 10:22 PM
I'm not gonna bash Joe. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe Stern forced it out of him.

07-13-2012, 08:29 AM
While reading it, my first thought was that the timing didn't jive with what we've all heard. It was a hell of a lot longer than one summer/season.

I also believe that he was trying to be respectful to Marjorie, but at the cost of being disrespectful to Stevie. I kept thinking, "I hope Stevie isn't listening to this interview". I'm sorry, but if Marjorie doesn't know the truth by now, then she's living with blinders on. Joe should of been honest and a bit more respectful to Stevie. That being said, Howard Stern is the biggest ASS there is in radio (next to Rush, of course) and he should've left it alone. That's not to say I wasn't glad he asked because I want to hear it from Joe's mouth also but seems that wasn't meant to be.

07-13-2012, 09:59 AM
I really kind of felt for Joe here, but I do think he should have just not commented on it. Howard pressed him and it seemed he was very reluctant to reply. I think he was worried about what Marjorie would think also. I also felt for Stevie. He really should have just not said anything.

07-13-2012, 04:47 PM
To be fair, this interview was about 53 minutes. Though it seems like a lot of talk about Stevie, in terms of the interview... it was only a few minutes. Stern & Joe know each other for a very long time & I think Joe knew what to expect. Stern did try to push the envelope about the relationship with Stevie, but I think Joe was trying to avoid some of these questions because Marjorie was there. I mean she was in the room. I do believe that maybe Stevie had a lot stronger feelings for Joe than he had for her & he was trying to be as discreet as possible, but the relationship was during a tour they did together, & fueled on cocaine! Even though he says she helped with his songs from an album that was released 2 years later, I don't think the relationship lasted 2 years. That's just my opinion. Joe said the relationship ran it's course, that they were both lonely & they were on drugs. I think at the time, he was into her, but it doesn't seem like she was the "love of his life" That was how I interpreted the things he said.
I don't think he meant to diss her or insult her, but I don't think Joe was madly in love with her. I'm sure Stevie is over it by now! I mean it was about 30 years ago. When you listen to the actual interview & the tone of voice he uses, you can tell he is trying to move the conversation in another direction, but I didn't really see that he was disrespectful to Stevie.

07-13-2012, 05:54 PM
A Stevie fan isolated the parts where he talks about Stevie and put them into mp3 form. If you want to listen to them to hear his tone of voice (which I think is fair; sometimes things don't come across in transcription) you can do so here: http://www.mediafire.com/?d1c4kzvbsyiu92h

07-13-2012, 06:07 PM
I just now listened to the whole Stern interview.

One thing is for sure - Stern loves to pressure his guests and make them talk about things they don't want to talk about. He puts them in sticky situations and a bad position to make for a 'interesting' show. He does that with all guests, not just Joe. I've listen to random HS interviews and he always does that and loves to make them feel uncomfortable. He likes the drama and likes to get guests to say shocking or offending things. That's what he does.

That said, I do think Joe should have just refused to comment if he didn't want to talk about it in the first place. I'm sure he didn't want to upset or offend Marjorie by talking about Stevie, and perhaps Stevie felt more strongly about Joe than vice versa. It's hard to say, but with Stern's pressuring I think Joe handled it well considering the fact that Stern was trying to get him to talk about it. Joe was clearly uncomfortable talking about it and you could tell didn't want to talk about it. He should have just refused to comment period.

07-13-2012, 06:46 PM
But he DID comment about Stevie, and he did so in a way that was lame. JMHO.

ETA: I didn't see Deb's post before, so let me add:

And THIS is what pisses me off about his interview. Joe's comments lead you to conclude that Stevie was nothing more than a "short cocaine-fueled fling" to him. It's contemptible for him to represent their relationship in such a demeaning fashion after she's spoken about how much meaning it has for her.

BTW I don't know what "stories" you're referring to, but they weren't even together until he opened for her in 1983. They remained together for over two years - together enough for her to help with The Confessor in 1985. Sure doesn't sound like a "short cocaine-fueled fling" to me... but Joe talks like it was, leads you to believe it was. THAT is tacky.

This interview didn't lead me to conclude anything. It's from Stevie's interview about this. They had to separate or they could have died from the partying...Stevie's dr telling her her nasal passages were beyond damaged...cocaine nearly taking everything that mattered away...Stevie's words, not Joe's.

And I was talking about the general state of rock n roll in the 70's, I thought that was pretty clear, not Joe and Stevie specifically.
There are shelves of books about things like this..."Venus vs. Mars"..."He's just not into you", etc. it's called life. Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't, it's not earth-shattering. I won't bother to clarify any further, obviously you've made your mind up about this very old situation. :confused:

07-13-2012, 06:57 PM
I posted the entire interview on the thread "Press about Joe's new album" It is post #264, now on page 7 if anyone wants to listen to the whole interview. I think, as WalshFan88 says, this is how Stern operates. He always likes to get the dirt on people & I do think the interview overall was pretty good & we got to hear some stuff that Joe doesn't usually talk about. I think that Stern was really curious about his relationship with Stevie & that's why he was asking about her. He even said that Stevie was beautiful & one of the best songwriters & he was complimenting her, even asking Joe if he ever thought about marrying her. I was not really that shocked by the questions he asked. Joe handled it okay, maybe not perfect, but he must have been caught off guard by some of those questions. He was a bit uncomfortable, but Joe had to know Stern would be asking pesky questions. I think maybe some of you are reading too much into it. Like I said, it seems that Stevie was not the "love of his life" & that's okay. Maybe he did break her heart, but it was a long time ago. Joe seemed to be saying that he wasn't really in the frame of mind for a very serious relationship. Timing is everything, & for him it wasn't the time.

07-13-2012, 08:18 PM
This interview didn't lead me to conclude anything. It's from Stevie's interview about this. They had to separate or they could have died from the partying...Stevie's dr telling her her nasal passages were beyond damaged...cocaine nearly taking everything that mattered away...Stevie's words, not Joe's.

Are you talking about Stevie's interview with People:

"The Fleetwood Mac singer dated Eagles star Walsh during the 1980s and describes him as 'the great, great love of my life'. But they both began taking cocaine in vast quantities and Nicks blames the drug for ruining their relationship. She tells People magazine, 'There was nothing more important than Joe Walsh - not my music, not my songs, not anything.
'We had to break up or we thought we'd die. It took me years to get over it. It's very sad but at least we survived.'"

I don't get from this that Stevie feels the relationship was cocaine-fueled, rather that cocaine ended something very special. But hey, everyone can judge for themselves.

Here's my take on it: Joe wasn't as into the relationship as Stevie was. Simple as that.

And there's nothing wrong with that. It happens all the time. It doesn't make Joe a bad person. He and Stevie obviously weren't meant to be, and indeed it seems pretty evident that it was a good thing they broke up!

I just wish he'd had more consideration for Stevie's feelings when giving this interview. Why not say something like "What we had then was special, but it was a long time ago. I'm married to a woman who makes me very happy and I hope Stevie can find someone like that, too." It would have been so easy to just leave it at that and, when HS pushed, to refuse to engage.

I still love Joe; I just don't love how he handled this.

07-13-2012, 10:48 PM
Soda, I agree that Joe could have said something nicer about Stevie, but I think he was caught totally off guard by the questions, but I didn't feel that he made the relationship out to be a coke fueled fling. Just my opinion of what he said.

07-15-2012, 07:06 PM
I actually think Stern got too personal. My opinion, I can't stand the man..he's tacky and I didn't think there was anything wrong with Joe's answers. He responded when push came to shove, all Stern was after was the scoop. Very old trick with loud-mouth shock jocks.

The thing I got was that they bonded at a time when they were both seeking something and that it ran its course, same as a lot of other people. That Stevie apparently thought more of it than him comes back to his ADD..his attention span was/is limited.

If the reason he was there was to promote his tour/album then Stern should have had the good manners to do that..or Joe should not have accepted an invitation to appear, knowing what Stern was like..either way, the probing should have been left out of it.

Just my opinion.

Victim of Love
07-15-2012, 10:02 PM
I'd like to add that in Stevie's interview on CBS (earlier this week?) she was asked, point-blank, if she had any regrets about never marrying and she said she has NONE, adding (as I recall) that her career has always been the foremost thing in her life. Seems I've also heard her reference other men she's had relationships with as 'the love of my life'.

HS put Joe on the spot and it seems clear that Joe was uncomfortable with the line of questions. Under the circumstances I think he did the only thing he could do...try to steer the conversation in a different direction. I didn't see his comments as disrespectful of Stevie and didn't interpret it as a drug-fueled fling. It's been 30 years...time to put it where it belongs - in the past. Just my opinion.

07-15-2012, 11:03 PM
I actually think Stern got too personal. My opinion, I can't stand the man..he's tacky and I didn't think there was anything wrong with Joe's answers. He responded when push came to shove, all Stern was after was the scoop. Very old trick with loud-mouth shock jocks.

The thing I got was that they bonded at a time when they were both seeking something and that it ran its course, same as a lot of other people. That Stevie apparently thought more of it than him comes back to his ADD..his attention span was/is limited.

If the reason he was there was to promote his tour/album then Stern should have had the good manners to do that..or Joe should not have accepted an invitation to appear, knowing what Stern was like..either way, the probing should have been left out of it.

Just my opinion.

I do not think that Joe not being "in Love" with Stevie had anything to do with his ADD!! She obviously had more feeling for him than he did for her, but to say it was because of ADD??? I don't think so.

For Stern to talk for an hour about the new album, & the tour was not going to happen. I'm sure Joe knew that, as he & Stern know each other for years. We have heard Joe repeat the same stuff over & over in every single interview, & Stern always likes to shake things up. To say that Stern should have had the good manners to just discuss the album really makes me laugh. Stern is known for this stuff. I think it was fine. Actually, it was pretty tame for Stern. In fact, I found it interesting to hear what Joe had to say when he was hit with some heavy questions. You may not like the answers he gave, but I think he was pretty honest. It's so far in the past that I'm sure it's all okay by now. They have both moved on a long time ago. I do think that Stern had a big crush on Stevie & that's why he was so curious about her.

07-15-2012, 11:54 PM
I'd like to add that in Stevie's interview on CBS (earlier this week?) she was asked, point-blank, if she had any regrets about never marrying and she said she has NONE, adding (as I recall) that her career has always been the foremost thing in her life. Seems I've also heard her reference other men she's had relationships with as 'the love of my life'.

This is true; while she doesn't characterize a bunch of men that way, she often calls Lindsey Buckingham the "love of her life." Indeed, whether or not she calls him that in interviews depends on whether or not she is mad at him at that particular time. :lol:

In fact, now that she and Lindsey are on good terms again, she doesn't talk about Joe nearly as much, if at all, in interviews.

I think I did perhaps judge Joe too harshly in the sense that he didn't have time to come up with the perfect answer and hey, the relationship didn't mean that much to him, so why should he lie, right? I do still fault him for misrepresenting the duration of the relationship, but there are worse things.

I do not think that Joe not being "in Love" with Stevie had anything to do with his ADD!! She obviously had more feeling for him than he did for her, but to say it was because of ADD??? I don't think so.

For Stern to talk for an hour about the new album, & the tour was not going to happen. I'm sure Joe knew that, as he & Stern know each other for years. We have heard Joe repeat the same stuff over & over in every single interview, & Stern always likes to shake things up. To say that Stern should have had the good manners to just discuss the album really makes me laugh. Stern is known for this stuff. I think it was fine. Actually, it was pretty tame for Stern. In fact, I found it interesting to hear what Joe had to say when he was hit with some heavy questions. You may not like the answers he gave, but I think he was pretty honest. It's so far in the past that I'm sure it's all okay by now. They have both moved on a long time ago. I do think that Stern had a big crush on Stevie & that's why he was so curious about her.

I have to agree with pretty much all of Topkat's post. I mean, when Joe first got sober in 1994, he stopped coming on Stern's show; he used to be a regular, so Stern got upset. Stern claimed that Glenn and Don had forbidden Joe from coming onto the show, and had turned Joe into "StepfordJoe." Then, Stern made nasty comments about how Joe wasn't allowed to have fun anymore now that he was sober. "Good manners" and "Howard Stern" do not belong in the same sentence.

And it's true that it's nice to hear different answers than the canned ones. Stern is good at getting those, at least.

That Stern had a crush on Stevie is undeniable - he said himself she was his "fantasy." I guess as an interviewer it would be very tempting to ask the ex of your "fantasy" what it was like to be with him or her.

Stevie in 1983:


07-16-2012, 02:50 AM
I do not think that Joe not being "in Love" with Stevie had anything to do with his ADD!! She obviously had more feeling for him than he did for her, but to say it was because of ADD??? I don't think so.

For Stern to talk for an hour about the new album, & the tour was not going to happen. I'm sure Joe knew that, as he & Stern know each other for years. We have heard Joe repeat the same stuff over & over in every single interview, & Stern always likes to shake things up. To say that Stern should have had the good manners to just discuss the album really makes me laugh. Stern is known for this stuff. I think it was fine. Actually, it was pretty tame for Stern. In fact, I found it interesting to hear what Joe had to say when he was hit with some heavy questions. You may not like the answers he gave, but I think he was pretty honest. It's so far in the past that I'm sure it's all okay by now. They have both moved on a long time ago. I do think that Stern had a big crush on Stevie & that's why he was so curious about her.

Maybe that read the wrong way..I didn't mean his being in love or not had something to do with his ADD, I meant that his attention span may have been affected..I know this because my son has it and so does my nephew..so relationships seem to be a bit of slow thing.

As far as Stern being very pushy and Joe knowing him for years, well, he asked for it then! I didn't say I didn't like Joe's answers, I said that there was nothing wrong with his answers. Stern gives his listeners what they want and that's the lowdown on any celebrity when he gets them behind the microphone..but obvious that Joe was uncomfortable talking about something that happened so long ago, he's moved on, so has she. It's only gossip.

07-16-2012, 10:55 AM
That picture of Stevie says it all! She was probably the "fantasy" of a lot of guys at that time! Hey even now... She still looks really beautiful!!!

09-24-2012, 11:27 AM
Just found this little poem by Stevie on The Ledge (http://ledge.fleetwoodmac.net/showthread.php?t=36582&page=62) - written when they were together, I presume:


Ive always been a dreamer
09-24-2012, 12:41 PM
Awww - that is very touching, although also very telling about the state of their relationship. Soda, how did the folks on The Ledge come across this, do you know?

09-24-2012, 02:22 PM
It was originally put up by a site which is now defunct - sararhiannon.com - as part of a larger set of writings. When the site was active, the writings were exclusive to her site per her request, but now that the site is "off the air" they're commonly posted.

According to Sara who ran the site, the writings are journal entries Xeroxed by a (so-called) friend of Stevie's. I suspect some of them were downright snatched, probably after Stevie had tossed them aside or into a junk heap, but there's no proof of that.

Some of them are in Stevie's handwriting like this one (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v472/soupdupcosmogrl/ChiffonLyrics.jpg) which I also think is about Joe because the scenario described is like the one she's told about her first time meeting Joe, and it was written in the mid-80s when they were in a relationship - or at least, when Stevie still believed them to be in a relationship, lol. As we've noted earlier, apparently she held on for a lot longer than Mr. Walsh! Indeed, a look at the above poem "Angel" will tell you Stevie realized that he wasn't nearly as into her as she was into him. Anyway, some, like the aforementioned "Angel", are typed.

They have been passed around amongst fans since the mid-80s, entering circulation shortly after they were written. (Unlike the Eagles fandom, the Fleetwood Mac fandom has a very active trading community.)

I know the whole situation of the way they were made available involves some shady dealings and I don't applaud the behavior of this "friend" whoever he/she may be... but the writings have been out there in the fan community for almost three decades and on the internet for over 10 years so at this point, I can't see the harm in re-posting them.

Tiffanny Twisted
09-24-2012, 07:56 PM

I didnt realize that they had a realationship till I read about it here.
Beautiful Poem


Ive always been a dreamer
09-25-2012, 12:27 AM
Thanks for the details, Soda. Very interesting indeed and quite amazing that these are in circulation. I can't imagine any similar type stuff surfacing for any of the Eagles.

09-25-2012, 12:41 AM
Nice find Soda!

09-25-2012, 10:57 AM
Wow, I would be so pissed about this if I were her. Those look like private notes & I think to have them out there is just too much. I sure as heck wouldn't want any of my private letters out there. I better burn everything now!!!

09-26-2012, 02:53 PM
OK, I went back & read the Joe & Stevie thread...It all talks about the great romance between them & how Stevie was so in love with him.

Well, the thing here that kind of upsets me, is that nothing is mentioned about the fact that Joe is a married guy during this so called romance. Lucy Walsh was born Dec 3, 1982, so in 1983, he's married with a very young child.

According to Stevie, it was love at first sight, but I don't think it was for Joe. She apparently practically jumped in his lap at that first meeting. I have to say that I think a lot of this relationship is built up in Stevie's head. I hate to sound cruel about it, but that's how it looked to me. If Joe wanted to leave his wife for Stevie, he would have done so....I don't think it was much more than a fling to Joe. They were touring together, they were doing lots of drugs, & she was willing to sleep with him, & he didn't pass it up....I mean what guy would pass on Stevie? The fact that she had very strong feelings for him, would have given up her career for him, wrote a beautiful song for him are all HER feelings....NOT HIS.

The fact that he barely mentions it, tells me the feelings were not reciprocated. Did he use her? Maybe? That's the chance you take when you fall for a married man...This is something I am just dead set against, sleeping with a married guy. You are only setting yourself up for heartache....Well, Stevie fell hard, & everyone feels her pain, but I am not one of those people. She had no respect for his marriage or the fact that he had a baby daughter. She only wanted what she wanted & that was Joe. Well, just shows that even the most beautiful women in the world don't always get what they want. Maybe this is cold, but I think it is a more honest look at this relationship.

Wonder how Lucy feels about Stevie Nicks?, who probably caused major problems in her parents marriage, & could have even been part of their demise. Probably no love lost there.....I'm just sayin' There's a lot more to this than Stevie's hurt feelings.

09-26-2012, 05:04 PM
Since this is mostly about Stevie and Joe and not so much about Lucy, I went ahead and moved the post.

I agree that it was a huge mistake and morally wrong for Stevie to get with Joe, although Joe as the married man should be even more ashamed of himself (IMHO). I don't like the way Joe treated her, but she was asking for trouble having a relationship with him.

We can't know how they really felt, but judging from interviews with Joe and Stevie and the vast emotional disparity evident in them, it does appear Stevie was deluding herself - that the "grand romance" was almost entirely one-sided. Truth be told, I get embarrassed for her when she goes on and on about Joe. Considering how Joe feels, it makes her look kind of pathetic to anyone who knows the whole story. Thank God she hasn't been doing that in recent interviews.

I don't know what she was thinking, getting involved with Joe, a married man who was obviously on a downward spiral of alcoholism and substance abuse. All I can say is she was doing a lot of drugs and perhaps that had something to do with it. She obviously felt physical chemistry with him and related to him on some level; perhaps she felt she could "save" him... I just don't know.

I also want to note, though, that it doesn't seem like Joe was just using her for sex. I believe he did have genuine affection for her... just not love. Perhaps he looked at it as "friends with benefits."

I don't know what Lucy thinks of Stevie all these years later. It would be natural for her to resent the affair. However, if she can forgive her dad for cheating on her mom (with multiple women, not just Stevie), maybe she can forgive Stevie, too.

Tiffanny Twisted
09-26-2012, 06:28 PM

time frame question.
Was she with DOn before or after she was with JOe??

DOnt you find it intresting that she connected with two guys in the same band??


09-26-2012, 06:36 PM

time frame question.
Was she with DOn before or after she was with JOe??

DOnt you find it intresting that she connected with two guys in the same band??


See the Lucy Walsh thread.

09-26-2012, 07:15 PM
I see what you're saying Soda, but like I said, falling for a married man is asking for a heartache. I don't think that Joe was just using her for sex, & probably he did have some feelings for her, but lets face it, if a gorgeous woman like Stevie is going to jump in his lap, he's not likely to say No.

Yes, Joe is a heel for cheating on his wife, but I would say that most of these guys cheated on their wives while on the road. I don't think that any of these wives went out on tours with the bands. I think this is probably why Joe does not want to talk about the relationship & it's not something he's very proud of looking back on it....Not just the relationship with Stevie, but also all the drug use & alcoholism.

I think it would be best for Stevie to stop talking about it because it only hurts everyone involved here. And yes it does make her look kind of pathetic. It's so long in the past that I think it should be left there.

As for Lucy. I can't even imagine what her life has been like. I just hope that she now has a good relationship with Joe & that her mother gave her a lot of love & support growing up.

As for Stevie, I see her as kind of an unrealistic romantic, which is maybe why her relationships have not worked out that well. I just hope that she is happy in her life now. She deserves to be happy!!

06-13-2013, 09:31 PM
A friend posted this "colorful" photo of Stevie and Joe with Marilyn Martin. Not sure of the context...


Houston Baby
06-13-2013, 09:45 PM
"Colorful" is right!!!:rofl:

06-13-2013, 10:19 PM
OK, that is some wacky photo of Joe & Stevie.......WTH is going on there? Inquiring minds wanna know???:doh::doh::doh:

06-13-2013, 10:21 PM
No idea but it's freaking me out a little bit, lol.

In other news, here are some lyrics of an unreleased song by Stevie which is also purportedly about Joe, also posted on FB:


06-13-2013, 10:28 PM
Here it is transcribed (my best guess)

Note at top: "Glyn Johns has been here for the last 3 days. He's really something... ER"

Second note at top: "Sat - album 1st week"

The lyrics:

"They met on an afternoon dreary
She - all in white chiffon
He in blue jeans and a white T-shirt
She knew she was falling in love

Someone tapped her on the shoulder
As she leaned against the bar
She turned around to face him
As he pulled her down
Everyone was watching
But they talked on and on
Believe this when I say it
It happens once in a while

And that was just beginning
And there has never really been an end
They've been separated most of the time
But when they see each other once in a while
Nothing seems to have changed
No changes

I'll see him soon, I feel it coming
He walks in my life and out again
But it never stops
No matter how much time goes between
And the feeling remains"

Houston Baby
06-13-2013, 10:41 PM
How beautiful! She is so talented.

06-13-2013, 10:59 PM
Very bizarre photo!

06-14-2013, 07:08 AM
Yeah--- bizarre is a good way to describe that picture. :hilarious:

The lyrics are beautiful. She really was smitten, wasn't she?

06-14-2013, 10:07 AM
That picture! :hilarious:

Love the lyrics! Very pretty!

06-14-2013, 08:27 PM
Marilyn Martin is so cute in that photo but overall, I'd like to have been a fly on the wall when that was taken! Funny going-ons there. :dizzy::rofl:

09-13-2013, 11:23 PM
A new quote from Stevie about Joe in a recent Elle interview (http://www.fleetwoodmacnews.com/2013/09/stevie-nicks-original-rebel-my-whole.html#more): - she continues to back away from the "love of my life" line:
It was a powerhouse woman move to fall in love with two members of the same group [....] and then she did it again with two members of the Eagles – Don Henley and Joe Walsh – in the early 1980’s. ‘Joe was a big rock star. Maybe he was the love of my life. Although I change who I think were the great loves of my life all the time.’

She and Walsh were together from 1983-1986. They did not write songs together – they took drugs. ‘I don’t know what my relationship with Joe would have been like sober. I remember days of misery waiting by the phone; me in my house, with him saying, “I’m going to visit you.” I would kick everyone out because I just wanted to be with him, and not a phone call, nothing.’ Why did she put up with it – she was one of the biggest female stars in the world? ‘Because I was in love with him,’ she says in an isn't that-obvious tone. ‘I wouldn't now. But we were doing a lot of drugs and drugs make you needy.’ She pauses. ‘And who wants needy?’

She tells me about one day when Joe put the phone down on her and she thought they had just broken up. The next day, she went to see the Eurythmics and Dave Stewart asked if she had a boyfriend. ‘I said no. So Dave Stewart came back to my house and we spent the night together. But the next morning, I panicked. I threw him out of the bed and I started dressing him. All this leather! All these chains that I was threading through!’

She and Joe did get back together, but he disappeared for good a few months later. ‘He told my friend he’d gone to Australia because he’s a coward. He said, “Tell Stevie I’m going because both of us are doing so much coke that one of us is going to die.” She was left broken-hearted – and, thanks to her addiction, with a hole in her nose so big that, legend has it, she could loop a belt through it. This, she says, is not quite true, but ‘If I wanted to put a gold ring through it I could. A gold ring with diamonds!’ She was addicted to cocaine for around a decade – Fleetwood Mac’s album credits famously feature a ‘thanks’ to their dealer – and she has estimated she spent over $1 million on the drug.

Interesting. Obviously this one was messed up relationship and I'm so freaking glad Stevie has started to play down all that "Great Love" BS.

Midnight Visitor
01-28-2014, 05:49 PM
I'm listening to an old radio show w/Joe on it. 1990, he's the DJ of the show. He did that a lot. He is running Stevie down so bad it's crazy. Talking about her locking herself in the bathroom for two days. Talking about how fat she is, etc.... The fact that she considers Joe one of her "great loves" is insane. Obviously he's still drunk at this point. As he was when they were together. I love the sober Joe but there is no doubt that the drunk Joe could be a real a-hole.

01-28-2014, 08:17 PM
Yeah, many Stevie fans despise Joe for the way he trashed her back then. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it in this thread already, but he even made fun of her during shows sometimes - said ugly stuff about how she was washed up, a "has been".... I don't know why he took so many digs at her so often, but as an ardent Stevie fan, I have a hard time listening to him do that without getting angry.

When I start to get worked up listening to those, I just remind myself that he was a different guy back then... And if Stevie has forgiven him, who am I to hold it against him?

Midnight Visitor
01-28-2014, 10:40 PM
I suspect it was because he was in love with her too and it was an ugly break up. Sometimes I like to sit and analyze things a little. I bet he was hurt so like a typical drunk, he lashed out at what hurt him.

Just playing psychologist!

Ive always been a dreamer
01-29-2014, 03:02 PM
I'm listening to an old radio show w/Joe on it. 1990, he's the DJ of the show. He did that a lot. He is running Stevie down so bad it's crazy. Talking about her locking herself in the bathroom for two days. Talking about how fat she is, etc.... The fact that she considers Joe one of her "great loves" is insane. Obviously he's still drunk at this point. As he was when they were together. I love the sober Joe but there is no doubt that the drunk Joe could be a real a-hole.

Yeah - unfortunately, not unlike most addicts and drunks that I've been around. I'm sure Joe has a lot of regrets that he can't change. But, fortunately, he has come such a long way since those dark days. Just visit his photo thread if you need to be persuaded. The man is nothing but a class act these days!

Midnight Visitor
01-29-2014, 03:08 PM
Yeah - unfortunately, not unlike most addicts and drunks that I've been around. I'm sure Joe has a lot of regrets that he can't change. But, fortunately, he has come such a long way since those dark days. Just visit his photo thread if you need to be persuaded. The man is nothing but a class act these days!

Yeah, ha, ha! Considering I posted those photos, I do know that. I also bet she was on his list of amends after rehab.

01-29-2014, 03:34 PM
I'm listening to an old radio show w/Joe on it. 1990, he's the DJ of the show. He did that a lot. He is running Stevie down so bad it's crazy. Talking about her locking herself in the bathroom for two days. Talking about how fat she is, etc.... The fact that she considers Joe one of her "great loves" is insane. Obviously he's still drunk at this point. As he was when they were together. I love the sober Joe but there is no doubt that the drunk Joe could be a real a-hole.

I didn't know about any of this (just becoming a Joe fan). Yikes. Hopefully this is the worst thing he said in public about a former love. He must be mortified. Especially b/c he has a grown daughter - imagine someone famous who she had trusted talking about her like that on the radio. Hopefully he's made peace with himself and Stevie. That's rough.

01-29-2014, 03:55 PM
I hadn't heard that before but I don't doubt it either. That relationship was a bad deal from the start I'm afraid.... I feel bad though for Stevie as she really thought he was "the one".

When Joe was drunk he could either be a "class clown" and funny, or probably an a-hole. I've always wanted to think of him being the nice funny guy of the band, but I don't doubt that he could have a bad side back then.

Nowadays Joe seems to still have the clown-y funny side (no more pranks though! :D) but is still all smiles and a very nice guy, like I always imagined him to be. A lot of my other heroes can be and sometimes are big jerks and full of themselves and I always liked how Joe always seemed to be fairly nice to people especially now.

01-29-2014, 04:16 PM
I just remember. Both Stevie and Joe were at the Grammys on Sunday. I wonder if they said hello to each other.

04-16-2014, 01:03 AM
Is it just coincidence there is a song called "Dreams" on Rmw and one called the same by Fleetwood Mac? Joe and Stevie were quite heavy i heard Joe say in a Howard Stern interview on youtube.

Midnight Visitor
04-16-2014, 10:34 AM
No coincidence. Joe wasn't with Stevie until '83. Joe's Dreams is '73 & Stevie's is '76.

05-26-2014, 03:14 AM
A few days ago, a 1994 interview with Stevie Nicks was posted on Ivory Keys (http://stevienicksivorykeys.blogspot.com/2013/08/stevie-nicks-up-close-07271994-radio.html). About 5 minutes in on the first track (http://www.mediafire.com/download/vkt6xdx4yd1chic/Up_Close_1994_Track_01.mp3), she says that Joe inspired the song "Love is Like a River (http://www.buckinghamnicks.net/sn/streetangel/loveislikeariver.html)" - she says about it:

"Well, that song is about one of the stranger male rock stars in the world today. And even though he's just a pain in my neck for years, when I think about him, I have to laugh. And when I think about him, I have to almost laugh so hard, I'm almost gonna cry, because the good things about our relationship always remain to me. And there were so many bad things about it... and I was so miserable and so upset and so heartbroken.

But at the same time, when I think about it, I think about, "Well, yeah, he used to call me wicked. I used to call him friend. He said that MY life was hard to deal with... 'Compared to what? YOUR lifestyle? YOUR LIFESTYLE? You're telling me MY lifestyle is completely crazy and screwed up? What about YOU?'"

But see, there's a double standard in rock'n'roll. It's not OK for me; it's perfectly perfect for all of them.

And so that's, you know, when I write my songs, I try to have... to end up with hope. Because if I can't end up with hope, then they'll kill me. Then I'm gonna go down in the onslaught, you know. So I try to at least reflect on that fact that yes, when I look back on his and my relationship, I do have to smile to myself, and go, "God, you know, there was some... such cool moments between him and me... that I'll never ever do that again. That will never be repeated. That was a first."

05-26-2014, 03:16 AM
Bringing this forward, too:


Ive always been a dreamer
05-26-2014, 02:20 PM
Very pretty!

04-24-2016, 10:02 PM
I've been watching this discussion and listening to some interviews. First of all, I want to discount that notion that Joe was possibly using Stevie for just sex. No. That would be way too much work! Remember, a guy like Joe could pick up countless women on any given night without making any effort at all. In fact, the effort was fighting them off! Although beautiful and talented, Stevie was needy, and likely tended to over-romanticisize things and likely over-analyze people and situations as well. She and Joe likely had deep conversations and many simularities, especially in the realm of heavy drug use. In the end, he may have tired of her over-scrutinizing everything and she may have tired of his flippant attitude, but who knows? I think he did love her and respect her, at the time, for what it was worth, however. As far as admitting it to Howard Stern, no, he is too dignified now, and too nice, to go down the road of lurid details, as HS would have wanted. And, it was so many years ago, and yes, Marjorie was likely sitting right there. So in spite of HS drooling for lusty details, Joe would not go there, and good for him!

Midnight Visitor
04-25-2016, 10:39 AM
I've been watching this discussion and listening to some interviews. First of all, I want to discount that notion that Joe was possibly using Stevie for just sex. No. That would be way too much work! Remember, a guy like Joe could pick up countless women on any given night without making any effort at all. In fact, the effort was fighting them off! Although beautiful and talented, Stevie was needy, and likely tended to over-romanticisize things and likely over-analyze people and situations as well. She and Joe likely had deep conversations and many simularities, especially in the realm of heavy drug use. In the end, he may have tired of her over-scrutinizing everything and she may have tired of his flippant attitude, but who knows? I think he did love her and respect her, at the time, for what it was worth, however. As far as admitting it to Howard Stern, no, he is too dignified now, and too nice, to go down the road of lurid details, as HS would have wanted. And, it was so many years ago, and yes, Marjorie was likely sitting right there. So in spite of HS drooling for lusty details, Joe would not go there, and good for him!

Marjorie was married to someone else at the time. He was married to his 3rd wife at the time. Marjorie is wife #5. My answer to the Joe & Stevie thing? Cocaine is a hell of a drug and I understand she had the best.

05-04-2016, 09:43 PM
Joe didn't need Stevie's help to find the cocaine, that's for sure!

I'm just glad both he and Stevie have cleaned up their acts. Stevie stopped using in the mid-80s, not long after she broke off the relationship with Joe.