View Full Version : Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09
11-10-2009, 02:18 AM
As expected, Don was great. I didn't take notes and I have no memory for song lists. (Nancy or Joe will have to fill you in on that). Also, this is not going to be detailed by any stretch... just some notes that are floating in my head.
He had an opening act. IMO, they sounded like a bar's house band. Not bad, but not excellent either. During the opening act, I went to the lobby to talk w/Nancy and Joe for a bit. Around 9:15ish we took our seats. I had fourth row and Nancy was a row ahead of me on the aisle. All in all, great seats and I'm not complaining! The band comes out, followed by Don, the spotlight shines on him and he begins singing. He tells a couple of stories, one about a cover song he's doing. (don't ask, I don't remember) and of course the Jack Nicholson story. Some women held up a sign and he said, (paraphrasing) "1972, huh, did we go to school together? Are you from my home town? Do I know you? Oh, I know your sister, well then" Then he gives a suggestive grin and chuckles. It was funny. Yes, Don inserted humor!
I was bummed that he didn't introduce his band. There were those we know, like Stuart, Scott and Will. (At least I think it was Scott, he was kinda blocked from my view) There were various others, but the two I want to know about were the young guys (in their 20's) playing rhythm guitar and bass. You could tell the bass player was into the jazz scene. He had the shaved head and fadora, playing a stand up bass. (sorry, don't know the real name for it) His whole look told a story, I liked it. The guitar player, OMG, what a cutie!!! At first I didn't think too much of him, until he played some lead on Life in the Fast Lane, he was good! I was telling Nancy, he reminded me of what a young Timothy was probably like. He was very relaxed and thin framed. He got into his music and you could tell, he just thought being out on that stage was so freaking cool! I'd love to know his story. He was wearing what looked like all black Chuck Taylors, but I don't think they were. In any case, I thought the shoes w/the suit were sexy as all get out! EDITING TO ADD: At the end of one song, Don does say something like, and that is Pete about the guitar player. Now if I recall correctly, it's Pete Thorn.
The first half of the show was relaxed, but once he played Dirty Laundry, everyone stood up and danced... we did more standing after that. It was cool. No My Thanksgiving, but he did give us two encores, yep, I said it, two!!! HC and Desperado... then he came back and did I Will Not Go Quietly and Please Come Home For Christmas. I thought that was awesome!!!
No photo's were allowed, but I tried to take some... w/out a flash though, they were all garbage... this is the best I had. Sorry.
11-10-2009, 05:05 AM
Just got back from my killer drive - yikes!
I don't have the best memory either and I'm tired, but I'll try to come up with a few additional details as they occur to me. Please forgive typos and misspellings as I really am very tired!
Overall, I really enjoyed the show. I was very lucky. In my section, there was no first row so I was second row although my ticket said third - and since I was on the middle aisle, I was basically catty-corner to Don's microphone! I had no idea my seat would be that good. I was THRILLED!
He was in a great mood tonight, which makes such a difference. I was a little worried because it seemed his throat was bothering him a tad, but as the night progressed it wasn't noticeable.
The show started off VERY slowly, then built in pace until it was rockin' at the end. The first song he did was I Put a Spell on You. As an opener, it perhaps wasn't the best choice because it lacked energy until about halfway through, when Don started singing "I can't STAND it" with some fire. The next song, One of These Nights, made up for it, though. Everyone was rockin', including Don of course!
He called that the "Halloween" portion of his fall show. I expected him to pull out Witchy Woman, but instead he moved on to a cover of September Song. I recognized the song because Lindsey Buckingham covered it on his album Law and Order, but I wasn't sure it would play well live. Don's smoky voice worked it well, but it still was perhaps not the best choice for a live show. However, I do very much appreciate that he is trying new things!
He sang barely audibly the line "Chicago, my kind of town" while snapping his fingers at one point, but sadly did not go further.
Lots of chit chat tonight, which I adored. He talked about the fact that he loved the fall, the holidays, sports.... he named several, but made a face when he said "football" - perhaps no longer a Cowboys fan? He was also interactive with the audience in the sense that he responded to people who would call out funny or cute things. For instance, while he was listing sports, some guy hollered "HOCKEY" and Don grinned and said "Yes, hockey." Little things like that made him come off as very charming and fan-friendly. No chastisements tonight!
Before September Song, he talked about how time passes and sometimes you think - "Hmm, maybe I could have spent that time more productively." He mentioned that he tries to tell that to his 13 year old daughter but that it's impossible so he figures he'll wait until she's 30. Then he laughed that having a 13-year-old means you're surrounded by insanity! Someone hollered something about him looking young and he joked, "You should see me before they put the makeup on."
Many of us have heard his Last Worthless Evening story before, and before he started it he actually said "Have I told you this already? At my age, I'm very concerned about repeating myself." Folks yelled "No" or "Yes" - I yelled out "probably" lol - and he joked "Well, I'll just make up new stuff and add it in so it won't be boring." He did give a kind of "expanded" version that I hadn't heard before.
Paraphrase: "One night I went to a Hollywood Party" - some people hooted - "Well, they're not that great, actually." [everyone laughs] "Especially now." [everyone laughs more]. "So, I go to this party and I see this beautiful actress from across the room, whom every man in the room was madly in love with. She looked miserable. Maybe she was shy, like some actresses are. She was sitting with Jack Nicholson, who she'd just made a movie with, or was making a movie with, or something like that." He made a face and did a Jack Nicholson imitation at this point, causing much laughter! "I decided to ask her for a cigarette because, unfortunately, she smoked. I didn't smoke, but I thought, 'I do tonight!'" [more laughter] "I had had a couple drinks by then - instant courage - and I went up to her and said, 'Excuse me, may I have a cigarette?' She rolled her eyes, sighed, got it out, and handed it to me like this" - he demonstrates her looking away and handing him the cigarette over her shoulder, to much laughter. "Nicholson looks at me and says 'Excellent work, Henley.'" I laughed pretty hard at that! Don was so cute.
New York Minute hit pretty hard emotionally, and after he finished he said something like "That's enough gloom for now" to lighten things up a bit.
His cover of It Don't Matter to the Sun was well-done, and though I was a bit puzzled as to why he chose it, it's again good to see him doing different things.
He brought back that lovely arrangement of The End of the Innocence with the slow opening... oh, that's so affecting. LOVE it. He introduced it with something like "This is a political song that I wrote with my good friend and fellow baseball fan, Bruce Hornsby. You know, politics used to be so much more fun. Now, they're just mean. I remember when Nixon was running against Hubert Humphrey in 1968. Nixon had a slogan - 'Nixon's the one!' - so Humphrey's campaign decided to hire a bunch of VERY pregnant women to march outside his rally holding signs that said "NIXON'S THE ONE"! [Audience laughs] "See, you don't get stuff like that anymore. Now all you get is Karl Rove. Anyway, this was about politics but also about families and paternalism."
I thought his best vocal on the night was Heart of the Matter. He went high on "I'm learning to live without you now" and his voice sounded so heartfelt throughout... I gave him a standing ovation for that one, it was so terrific.
There was a great response to Everybody Wants to Rule the World. It seems so incongruous to hear Don doing Tears for Fears and yet it worked!
The audience got up for Dirty Laundry and never sat down again. After that song, it was hit after hit. Boys of Summer, All She Wants to Do Is Dance, Life in the Fast Lane... we were just getting down!
The first encore was Hotel California and Desperado, both of which were excellent as usual.
I had forgotten that he did a second encore, so after Desperado, I really thought it was over. When he came back out, I was so freaking excited - I finally understood the purpose of a second encore, lol. I Will Not Go Quietly brought the house down, it rocked so hard. Please Come Home for Christmas was such a treat, and I loved hearing that live.
My only disappointment: No My Thanksgiving. Still, we got Please Come Home for Christmas, so that made up for it.
All in all - terrific night! I only wish more of you guys could have come and joined us!
Now.... off to bed. I can't keep my eyes open a minute longer.
11-10-2009, 06:20 AM
I'll post a full review tomorrow, but I thought I would just quickly mention that I have the entire show recorded -- at least the audio. I have VERY good video for Dirty Laundry, Boys of Summer, All She Wants to is Dance, Life in the Fast Lane, and Hotel California. I have decent video of End of the Innocence, Desperado, I Will Not Go Quietly, and Please Come Home for Christmas. Everything else (including his stories!) are audio...
I'll also post the full set list.
11-10-2009, 08:36 AM
Sigh! It sounds like it was a wonderful night. I wish I could hear Please Come Home For Christmas. Glad you had a great time, and that your seat was in prime position, Soda!
11-10-2009, 08:36 AM
Sounds like a pretty good night but OMG---Please Come Home For Christmas!! How cool is that? :woah:
Sorry to see the suit I must say but I figured that's what you would get.
11-10-2009, 08:48 AM
Hey you guys, thanks for the early reviews. Sounds like Don was funny and charming. Can't wait to see your videos, Rambo.
11-10-2009, 09:59 AM
Thanks for the reviews and the pics! Sounds it was a fantastic night.
11-10-2009, 10:24 AM
About the time I started work last night was when I figured Don would be taking the stage and I kept wondering what song he was singing at the moment. I soooo wish I could've been there with you all. Sounds like it was a great concert. I'm glad to hear that he was in good spirits and was in a chatty mood. I love hearing his stories even if they may be the same ones every time. I just love hearing him speak. How awesome that he did that beautiful version of EOTI. I wish he would re-record that song that way. Too bad that he didn't do My Thanksgiving but very cool that he did Please Come Home For Christmas. What a treat to get to hear that song. So glad that you all had a good time last night.
LTL, the pics are fabulous. Thanks so much for posting them.
Rambo, I can't wait to see those videos. I especially look forward to seeing the EOTI video.
11-10-2009, 10:42 AM vicariously through you guys. After the day I had yesterday, I could have used some Don Luvin', but wasn't in the cards.
Thanks for the reviews, and can't wait to see and hear your recordings, Rambo!
11-10-2009, 12:21 PM
So far, so good! Keep it coming!
Ive always been a dreamer
11-10-2009, 12:37 PM
Thanks for the quick reviews ltl, Soda, and Rambo. Glad you all had such a good time (in spite of the fact that Don was wearing the suit). :wink: Oh well, I guess we can't have everything! Sounds like a great show and well worth the trip. I know I said this in another thread, but I also like it that Don is putting some different songs in the set list, but I would personally prefer that he chose songs from his own impressive catalog of work instead of so many covers. I'd much rather hear songs like My Thanksgiving, Talking to the Moon, Lilah, You Don't Know Me at All, or Taking You Home. And OBTW, those songs are just for starters! :grin:
11-10-2009, 12:40 PM
I definitely would have traded one of the covers for My Thanksgiving, since it went with the theme and I was looking forward to hearing it. Maybe It Don't Matter to the Sun.
11-10-2009, 01:10 PM
Wanted to add a few side notes… you can totally tell Don is a timekeeper musician. He was continually doing hand motions to where the beat was or should be. At one point, I’m sure he was playing air drums. He was bouncing around and doing frequent little jumps too, very energetic. I will say, I loved it when Peter was rockin’ out the guitar leads and Don would do the little hand gesture or point to him, as it to say, “he’s the man”. It was cool.
11-10-2009, 01:28 PM
I loved it when he took that mike off the stand and worked the stage. Too bad he only did it for the encores!
11-10-2009, 01:34 PM
LovinTheLight-great pixs!
FYI: The bar band was J D and the Straight Shot. J.D. is James Dolan a friend of Joe Walsh. Joe also used the band to open for him when he did a solo tour summer before last and he also did a special guest appearance on JD's latest album. But more importantly, JD is chairman of the board of cablevision.
Glad everyone had a great time. Loved your review Nancy.:cheers:
11-10-2009, 01:36 PM
Wanted to add a few side notes… you can totally tell Don is a timekeeper musician. He was continually doing hand motions to where the beat was or should be. At one point, I’m sure he was playing air drums. He was bouncing around and doing frequent little jumps too, very energetic. I will say, I loved it when Peter was rockin’ out the guitar leads and Don would do the little hand gesture or point to him, as it to say, “he’s the man”. It was cool.
This whole paragraph made me smile. Too cute! :inlove:
11-10-2009, 01:45 PM
JD is chairman of the board of cablevision.
Ah. That explains a lot.
11-10-2009, 02:08 PM
Great reviews LTL and Soda. I don't have time to read anymore but surely will find some extra time tomorrow to read the rest of the reviews. It's so exciting to see that some of the show is the same as the one I saw. I can see his face with every expression you both wrote about.
11-10-2009, 03:39 PM
Here's the Sun-Times review of last night.,don-henley-rosemont-chicago-111009.article
11-10-2009, 03:41 PM
So Don did not play at all? Guitar or percussion???
Man, I love to see him on the drums. :inlove:
11-10-2009, 04:00 PM
That tends to be the norm for Don in solo shows (not playing the drums) for whatever reason.
11-10-2009, 04:02 PM
He played the guitar a little bit for a few songs, and he rocked a tambourine for a few as well.
Don used to hop behind the drum kit for a couple songs during solo tours, but I guess after touring with the Eagles and having to drum on several songs, he'd rather leave it to Crago. I get the feeling he views playing the drums as a necessary evil which he does to please crowds rather than something he loves to do nowadays!
I thought the reviewer was a bit harsh. I know I had a lot more fun last night than he did, apparently. I did find his statement that Don's voice is more suited for the "losing end" interesting - but The Last Worthless Evening is hardly about failure, and it's hardly mournful. It's about moving from heartbreak to hope. Guess the reviewer missed the message of Heart of the Matter, too. Oh well.
11-10-2009, 04:03 PM
Thanks for the review, it reminded me of something... I can't forgot I left out the two back up singers. This is the one part of the stage show that bugged me. The two women were wearing matching black dresses, hose and shoes. One brunette the other blonde w/a 20's style updo that was coming out like she had just had a quickie backstage. (yes, I did say that) They were clones of the Robert Palmer girls. Even during songs like, LITFL, they did their slow finger snaps and robotic arm and leg movements. It was almost creepy. I was thinking of them the whole way home and how I couldn't forget to mention them... so of course, I forgot to mention them.
11-10-2009, 04:13 PM
The Last Worthless Evening is hardly about failure, and it's hardly mournful. It's about moving from heartbreak to hope. Guess the reviewer missed the message of Heart of the Matter, too. Oh well.
I agree. I also think that New York Minute is absolutely about hope. "You can get out of the rain." As quickly as things can turn bad, they can get better. Obviously, many songs are open to interpretation (the way they should be), but it irritates me when critics label certain songs, and thus certain artists, as "depressing", "world-weary", "mournful"... 99% of the time, they're missing the hope that is present in the lyrics. Morrissey has always been described as bleak and miserable, and I honestly wonder how anybody who has listened to a Morrissey album or attended a Morrissey concert, can think that way. Sure, there are some sad lyrics and some brutally honest ones, but life can be sad and brutal - the reviewers seem to be missing the humour (however wry) that is present in Morrissey's work. It's the same with Don Henley. There is not one Henley song that depresses me. Even the most apparently downbeat - the likes of New York Minute - are incredibly comforting and hopeful, to me.
11-10-2009, 07:10 PM
Thanks for the review, it reminded me of something... I can't forgot I left out the two back up singers. This is the one part of the stage show that bugged me. The two women were wearing matching black dresses, hose and shoes. One brunette the other blonde w/a 20's style updo that was coming out like she had just had a quickie backstage. (yes, I did say that) They were clones of the Robert Palmer girls. Even during songs like, LITFL, they did their slow finger snaps and robotic arm and leg movements. It was almost creepy. I was thinking of them the whole way home and how I couldn't forget to mention them... so of course, I forgot to mention them.
I noticed the ladies in the back but I thought they were trying to do a Supremes type deal with the finger snaps and choreographed movements.
11-10-2009, 07:49 PM
I noticed the ladies in the back but I thought they were trying to do a Supremes type deal with the finger snaps and choreographed movements.
I also presumed the entire arrangement a veiled or perhaps inadvertent reference to the "Addicted to Love" video - him in a Palmer-esque suit, the girls in those precise outfits with the peculiar, robotic arm motions that never deviated. Odd. Beautiful backdrop, though; the lighting technicians and coordinators ought to be heralded.
11-10-2009, 10:35 PM
I'm so glad you all had a good time. Sounds like Don was great, as usual! Nice pics, too, ltlh. Thanks for sharing them.
Can't wait to see and hear your vids, Rambo.
11-10-2009, 11:29 PM
I did some searching on the net to find out a bit about Peter Thorn. I though the answer to the first question was interesting... as I wondered how Don found him. Also, he's not nearly as young as I thought and has quite a resume...
11-11-2009, 12:03 AM
When I was entering the venue last night, I saw JackFM's truck outside the door. On chance they posted an interview, I just checked their site. I don't see an interview, but they have pics! (note the back up singers... creepy... ok, maybe you had to see them live to get that effect)
11-11-2009, 08:48 AM
Nice pics-thanks for the link. I see what you mean about the 2 backup singers, even the pictures are a little strange. You can see in them even how synchronized they were. Weird.
Little confused--is the guitarist's name Chris or Peter Thorn? The link you linked to is for Peter right? He plays with Chris Cornell also? I did a search for Peter and found an official website but doesn't look like it's been updated since 2007 or 2008...
Is this him?
11-11-2009, 11:01 AM
It's Peter Thorn. Thanks for catching that, I'll update my previous post. I had Chris Cornell in my head, thus mixing the two names!
I was frantically searching him out last night. I think my comparison to TBS is pretty close, as Peter is some hot in demand session musician. Kinda like Timothy was back in the day. I'm going to be paying more attention to him in the future!
Ive always been a dreamer
11-11-2009, 12:02 PM
ltl - great detective work in finding all this stuff about the show. I think you and some of our other Borderers would make great investigative reporters. :thumbsup:
11-11-2009, 12:07 PM
Yes, thanks for the link. It's good to have more photos from the event!
I also presumed the entire arrangement a veiled or perhaps inadvertent reference to the "Addicted to Love" video - him in a Palmer-esque suit, the girls in those precise outfits with the peculiar, robotic arm motions that never deviated. Odd. Beautiful backdrop, though; the lighting technicians and coordinators ought to be heralded.
I'm afraid Don's love for suits goes far beyond any conscious or subconscious desire to emulate Robert Palmer's infamous objectification of women. People like to blame Glenn for the suits on the LROOE tour - and I think he was the impetus - but Don seems to like 'em a lot, too, as he has actively defended their wardrobe from the stage!
Still, I have to admit it's amusing to picture Don taking the place of Palmer in the Addicted to Love video.
For those who haven't seen it:
11-11-2009, 01:12 PM
I experienced difficulty forming coherent thoughts yesterday after arriving home at 1:15 and waking at 5, so all apologies for docking the ship a bit late. My predecessors basically canvassed everything, but a few notes:
Perhaps due to my Crosby and Sinatra allegiance, I found “September Song” extremely disappointing by way of covers. However, he did provide fodder for his reputation as a walking encyclopedia, unfurling a completely accurate (and only slightly truncated) back story before unleashing his completely milquetoast version of it. He just didn’t make it his own, which (as proven by “Unclouded Day”) he’s absolutely capable of doing. On the same theme, I don’t like “It Don’t Matter to the Sun” any better when Don sings it. That’s basically the extent of my criticism. I entertained a complete ambivalence for EWTRTW until he cut into it, and have played it about twenty times since the show; so, I have to hand it to him.
I really appreciated hearing the LWE story in person, because words cannot really convey how insouciantly the woman responded to him until he demonstrates it – she apparently swiveled her arm directly overhead as a Barbie with limited mobility would, forcing him to retrieve it somewhere behind her head. His imitation of Jack Nicholas merited several giggles, as well as the offhanded observation that he “crawled back to the other side of the room.” Tee-hee. I’m unsuccessfully trying to imagine someone turning him down in the ‘80s… Anyway, after coursing previous reviews, I really did not expect anything by way of humor – he proved he certainly has it in him. The way he said “You’re from my home town? Do I know you?” reminded me of something I can’t really place - very high-pitched and cute, completely incongruous with the persona he’s typically afforded.
On a shallow note, Pete Thorn is absolutely gorgeous. I also had a difficult time believing Don is 62. Perhaps it’s the “insane” 13-year-old’s influence. J
He had an opening act. IMO, they sounded like a bar's house band.
The opening act… “a bar house’ band” is immensely polite; after enduring two songs we wandered out into the lobby to gawk at the porcelain figurines. But we had the most fantastic drunks behind us, who formed their own little peanut gallery – “Who the hell is this guy?” “Some reject Henley met at a bar and his fantastic toupee. Maybe if we remain polite and attentive he’ll adulterate Margaritaville.” I wanted to give them a standing ovation . . . It’s the little things in life.
Perhaps the ticket price proved an impediment, but the venue seemed at sixty percent capacity, perhaps sixty-five.
Didn’t the girls bear a remarkable resemblance to Palmer’s? It seemed so peculiar, the exact same steps and arm motions with every appearance they made, plus the high collars on their dresses. I made every effort not to pout when he appeared in a suit instead of flannel, but I suppose Emily Post’s ghost would have haunted him had he emerged in the latter at a theater. Great night.
11-11-2009, 01:31 PM
ABM, we must be channeling each other! I didn’t really care for his cover songs either. Having such a huge collection of solo material, by bother with covers? However, EWTRTW has been in my head for the past two days!
So, you agree w/the Palmer girls, eh? Just bizarre, IMO. I think Peter Thorn may have some new fans in us! He was directly in front of me. Since there was no first row, I was really three rows back… so my view of him was amazing! He was so smokin’ hot. We made eye contact twice and I had to divert my eyes, because I felt like I felt like a cougar on the prowl. You didn’t mention, where were your seats? You probably walked right past us in the lobby during the opening act!
11-11-2009, 02:45 PM
Yep LTLH we are most definitely inhabiting the same channel! My seats were in the center on the left aisle, aligned with the guitarist who shall be known as Mr. Gorgeous, so I basically sat about fifteen rows directly behind you. And I probably did walk right past you! You were quite fortunate in your proximity. I'm sure he was even better-looking close up. For the record, I'm only slightly envious. Slightly. A pale shade of chartreuse.
I would have loved to hear something else off of Beast or Innocence in lieu of the covers; you're completely correct, why bother with covers? All my intense lyric memorization prior to the show (you know, in case he pulled out an old gem I hadn't heard in a while) proved for naught. The show just lagged at the beginning... he should have taken a tip from his other day job and opened with a hit to ignite the atmosphere. But he's the billionaire showman and I'm not, so...
"A cougar on the prowl" Haha! Flattery's flattery. My father and I went together (because nobody in my generation has taste, but that's another thread entirely) and at the bar he glanced around and commented, "Everybody will think I have a young girlfriend! Smile!" Thanks, Dad.
Yes, Peter Thorn definitely picked up two new fans just by being fabulous! That gorgeous Beatles hair. . . It helped that he played the hell out of the guitar, too. We'll have to ferret out what he's done on his own, and with whom he intends to tour next. Perhaps a Five for Fighting concert is in order.
Palmer girls... creepy. No expressions. The same motions. Over. And over. And over.
11-11-2009, 03:39 PM
When I was standing in line for the cash machine as the opening act played, the guy behind me told his friend he thought they were "excruciating." That seemed about right to me.
I have to agree that I Put a Spell on You, September Song, and It Don't Matter to the Sun were all lacking energy. Honestly, they lacked a lot of emotion too, as he seemed to be trying very hard to sing them correctly. His eyes were scrunched closed even more tightly than usual!
A note about that - I know it's his way to keep his eyes closed most of the time (Glenn does it too) but when he was rockin' out to I Will Not Go Quietly, he was meeting eyes in the audience... those bright baby blues were burning and it was HOT. Shortened my breath for a second when his eyes very briefly met mine. If he did that more often, his performance would be taken up another notch.
I do resent that one of those covers probably took the place of My Thanksgiving, which I really wanted to hear. That said, at least he didn't pull out the same setlist from the last tour, completely unchanged. He took out Sunset Grill to make room for one of the covers, for instance, and I'm cool with that. The song is OK, but if he needs to take out something to shake things up, that's the one to discard. Plus, that high "Don't worry, girl" part must be hard to sing. I was surprised he cut Witchy Woman with the whole Halloween thing at the beginning but hey, whatever! Maybe he was tired of saying it wasn't about Stevie Nicks. :lol:
I think Henley overpriced his top tier tickets and that's what kept the crowd down. Just because the Eagles can get $200 a ticket doesn't mean that he can command $150 as a solo act. He can get it from big fans and people with money to burn, but those folks aren't enough to fill a theater (obviously).
11-11-2009, 03:50 PM
I think Henley overpriced his top tier tickets and that's what kept the crowd down. Just because the Eagles can get $200 a ticket doesn't mean that he can command $150 as a solo act. He can get it from big fans and people with money to burn, but those folks aren't enough to fill a theater (obviously).
Yes, seeing as how there were two empty seats next to me in 4th row, yeah, I'd say they were overpriced. I bet if he kept it between 75-100 he probably would have sold the place out, or come close. $140 is alot of money for a ticket!
ABM, I'm sure I walked past you on the way to meet Soda and Rambo in the lobby. Wish we had known you were going to be there, I would have liked to have said hi! :)
11-11-2009, 09:17 PM
Just a few thoughts... Nancy and luvinthelighthouse covered just about everything
The theater was no where near full -- I had an entire row by myself! And I could have moved closer, but I like being away from people, also this allowed me to record without having to worry.
Henley was clearly in a good mood, which apparently makes all the difference -- he didn't chastise the audience for pictures or dancing, he just performed his set with a smile and some stories, like a true professional. His stories were hilarious and I'll upload the ones I have on video. The show started slow and dull. I Put a Spell on You and September Song are lounge music and I was not impressed. One of these Nights didn't do much to help. The concert truly started for me with New York Minute which is my second favorite song off of EOI, which I have just recently come to love. The story before the Last Worthless Evening was very funny and I loved his Jack Nicholson impression. It Doesn't Matter to the Sun was another song I thought was dull. From then on the show was fantastic. The new intro to "End of the Innocence" was beautiful, and he followed that with his one good cover (in my opinion) of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" and he followed that with The Heart of the Matter, another classic.
The final third of the show was excellent! He did Dirty Laundry, Boys of Summer, All She Wants to do is Dance, and Life in the Fast Lane right in a row! Wow! No time to breathe in between, either. Henley knows how to close a show! The encore was HC and Desperado. I heard some folks around me gasp in surprise when he started playing the latter.
I was pleasantly surprised when he came out for a second encore with "I Will Not Go Quietly" and "Please Come Home For Christmas". Could not have ended better.
I got audio of everything up and including The Heart of the Matter. All the rest is VIDEO. However, I accidentally deleted Desperado and I'm not sure if I Will Not Go Quietly is going to work out. I will be uploading these all onto a new youtube channel because I'm sure Henley's trolls will hunt them down and probably delete the whole account, so I don't want that affecting my main channel.
I wish he had dropped three of the covers and replaced them with Witchy Woman and Sunset Grill (Or If Dirt Were Dollars lol). Witchy Woman would have been a FANTASTIC opener. Oh well, great show nonetheless. Certainly worth the $35 I paid and the drive down.
Video / audio coming soon -- download them quick before Henley's trolls get them!
Set List:
# “I Put a Spell On You”
# ”One of These Nights”
# ”September Song”
# ”New York Minute”
# ”The Last Worthless Evening”
# ”It Don't Matter to the Sun”
# ”The End of the Innocence”
# ”Everybody Wants to Rule the World”
# ”The Heart of the Matter”
# ”Dirty Laundry”
# ”The Boys of Summer”
# ”All She Wants To Do Is Dance”
# ”Life in the Fast Lane”
# ”Hotel California”
# ”Desperado”
# ”I Will Not Go Quietly”
# ”Please Come Home For Christmas”
11-12-2009, 02:04 AM
Here's the first half of the show... ALL audio... Also, I used two of your photos, luvinthelighthouse -- I hope that is OK!
(a little video at the start of this one):
All the rest are Video and they are coming next! Hurry and download these!!!
This might help with the downloading...
11-12-2009, 05:14 AM
VIDEO!!! Enjoy, and if you can, download quickly!
--Alas, I lost Desperado...
Enjoy! Tell me what you think!
11-12-2009, 08:03 AM
Peter Thorn and some other guy who looks really familiar...:hmm: hmmmmm....:hilarious:Oh My Goodness!!! :bow:
ETA: BTW-Rambo--you must be one of Don's worst nightmares!!!:hilarious: LOVE this stuff tho!!! :thumbsup:
11-12-2009, 10:47 AM
Great to relive the memories - thanks Joe! I'm so glad you captured the night. The Hotel California video is especially good!
11-12-2009, 10:59 AM
I'm at work and can't see the videos! :weep: I hope they are still there when I get home. Thanks Rambo!
Side note: I see on Peter Thorn's myspace has a pic that says his 36th birthday. Not sure if that's right... but if so, I certainly would not have been a cougar. I should have held that eye contact! :brickwall:
11-12-2009, 11:02 AM
Rambo, thank you so much.
The intro to September Song... Be still my beating heart! It's such a beautiful song, one of my grandmother's all-time favourites (I can't count the number of times we've listened to Mario Lanza's version in the car!) so it holds some very special feelings for me. Hearing Don introduce it, then sing it, in that smoky, husky voice made me cry! "These precious days I'll spend with you." Blame it on the flu, but... :cry: :heart:
Loved hearing the last part of the Last Worthless Evening intro, too. He was so cute doing the same story in Oklahoma.
11-12-2009, 11:15 AM
Great job Rambo. Thank you! I appreciated your No Infringement statement.
Lost Desperado, huh? Isn't that coincidentally your least favorite Eagles song? ;) :lol:
11-12-2009, 11:36 AM
Rambo, fantastic! Thanks so much! I bet Don will have a coronary if he sees these! (hopefully not!)
I hope these will last till tonight when I can download them, too, as I'm at work.
Ive always been a dreamer
11-12-2009, 12:43 PM
Great job Rambo. Thank you! I appreciated your No Infringement statement.
Lost Desperado, huh? Isn't that coincidentally your least favorite Eagles song? ;) :lol:
I was thinking exactly the same thing, PM. Scary, huh! :wink:
But thanks for your efforts Joe. I hope I get a chance to listen to them all.
11-12-2009, 12:46 PM
Rambo, thank you so much for the great videos!
11-12-2009, 07:15 PM
Wow! These are fantastic, both the videos and the audios. I must get to a Don gig at some stage of my life....
11-12-2009, 08:36 PM
Thank you all for these great reviews, and to Rambo for the fantastic clips. I'm listening to the End Of The Innocence right now.
11-12-2009, 08:58 PM
Rambo, I like the little snippet of Glenn/Joe in ASWTDID!
Also, during LITFL, you totally captured the robotic Palmer girls!
Dirty Laundry... nice clip of Peter Thorn. :smitten:
TBF, on a different note...I didn't even register w/me that was Jimmy Page in that pic!!!
11-12-2009, 10:13 PM
Wooow....I'm listening to EOTI right now! I have goosebumps! Slowing it down like that really adds emotion to it!
11-12-2009, 11:03 PM
Great job Rambo. Thank you! I appreciated your No Infringement statement.
Lost Desperado, huh? Isn't that coincidentally your least favorite Eagles song? ;) :lol:
I'm glad you like the "No Infringement" statement, hopefully that will help keep the youtube Nazis off my back and maybe steer a few folks into the seats of Don's show!
Re: Desperado. I'm relieved I lost that one instead of one I like. lol -- I was deleting poor photos off a memory card too quickly and I accidentally lost that one and, actually, the video to "End of Innocence" -- THANK GOD I took audio of that.
11-12-2009, 11:14 PM
Rambo, I too am at work and can't enjoy the fruits of your labor just yet. However, I do have a tip for you, depending on how much you want to retrieve your lost videos. As long as you have not added anything to that particular memory card, it's likely that a friendly local independent computer store has a special software that can retrieve deleted images/video from that card. I know from recent experience...we thought my son inadvertently deleted over 500 pictures from our vacation from a memory card when he was trying to download the remaining 200 concert pix onto a computer. And they sure as heck seemed gone for good, until I got a tip to bring the card into said computer store. Within 24 hours, my once-in-a-lifetime pix reappeared like magic onto a CD, thankfully-- never to be lost again!:thumbsup:
11-13-2009, 12:36 AM
Rambo, I can't thank you enough for these clips! They really help make up for the fact that I couldn't go to this show. The video of Don's PCHFC was particularly special to me. THANK YOU!
11-13-2009, 11:53 AM
I really missed you DF. Don was such a charmer that night - you would've eaten it up. I know I did! But maybe he'll tour again soon with new material.
11-13-2009, 06:32 PM
I just remembered something else really cute that he did - a few little hops when Boys of Summer started, like the Eagles do during the instrumental part later on. I just love fun little things like that!
11-14-2009, 10:03 PM
I really missed you DF. Don was such a charmer that night - you would've eaten it up. I know I did! But maybe he'll tour again soon with new material.
Thanks, Nancy. All these lovely reviews, clips and pictures help me see what I missed.
11-15-2009, 03:49 AM
Oh my gosh you are going to think I'm crazy or pathetic or both. lol I freaked out when I heard the recording of Don singing "Everybody Wants To Rule the World!" I've heard that song on the radio in bits and pieces before and LOVED it but NEVER knew who sang it! Now I finally know! LOL! I was so excited when I heard the intro and recognized it! I actually loved Don singing it and would love to hear it live! Rambo thanks for these clips! Not only am I still in awe of the arrangement of EOTI but I discovered the identity of a song I loved! lol!
11-15-2009, 03:56 AM
and oh my could hear a pin drop during the first verse/chorus of EOTI when Don is singing it so slow. I love the little falsetto parts and how his voice is so filled with emotion. Wow....I know I'm talking a lot about it but it just gives me goosebumps!
11-15-2009, 02:07 PM
Oh my gosh you are going to think I'm crazy or pathetic or both. lol I freaked out when I heard the recording of Don singing "Everybody Wants To Rule the World!" I've heard that song on the radio in bits and pieces before and LOVED it but NEVER knew who sang it! Now I finally know! LOL! I was so excited when I heard the intro and recognized it! I actually loved Don singing it and would love to hear it live!
I'm kind of unclear from your post and maybe I'm telling you something you already know, but Tears for Fears recorded that song. Don is just covering it live.
11-15-2009, 02:23 PM
lol! Sorry I wasn't more specific Nancy. I didn't have a clue who sang it until I clicked on the link for the video and it said Tears For Fears cover in the info. Then I looked up the original version and that was indeed the one I had been hearing all this time. Loved it but love Don's voice more ;)
Just realized I started two posts with "oh my gosh." LOL I was a little exciteable I guess. :hilarious:
11-15-2009, 02:25 PM
Sorry Maleah! :blush:
11-15-2009, 08:31 PM
Sorry Maleah! :blush:
:hilarious: No need to apologize silly! ;)
11-17-2009, 06:27 PM
:hilarious: No need to apologize silly! ;)
Maleah, don't you mean "oh my gosh, no need to apologize silly?" :wink:
11-17-2009, 08:37 PM
Maleah, don't you mean "oh my gosh, no need to apologize silly?" :wink:
Oh my gosh you're right! :D :hilarious:
11-25-2009, 07:47 PM
A few photo's from the show. Sorry they're not too good - I had trouble getting the camera above the heads of the people in front of me.
May have some better ones from Boston and Atlantic City(hopefully)
11-25-2009, 08:27 PM
Awesome Photos! Thanks for posting! In the last photo does Don have something red around his neck or is it just the lights i'm seeing?
11-26-2009, 12:41 AM
Steph, I didn't realize you were at this show, too! I would have loved to have said "hi." I'm sorry I missed you.
11-26-2009, 04:43 PM
Steph, I didn't realize you were at this show, too! I would have loved to have said "hi." I'm sorry I missed you.
I didn't realise you were going to this show either. Sorry we didn't get to say hello.
Where were you sitting? my seat was Section 103, Row C seat 6. Not a bad seat and a good view of Will. :smitten:
I also went to the Boston show & the Atlantic City show - I'll post photo's when I get around to sorting out the best ones.
11-28-2009, 06:00 PM
I was sitting second row pit, catty corner to Don on the left (facing the stage). You might have seen me stand up a few times - white top with stripes. Too bad we missed each other!
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