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01-16-2007, 10:50 AM
Does anyone know if Don has ever commented on why he chose to record this hymn? He's disavowed religion, so it's not about that, I know. I really like his version, and I'm curious about it. Speculation also welcome!

01-16-2007, 07:12 PM
Hmmm........he disavowed religion? How come?

01-16-2007, 07:48 PM
On one of my many bootlegs of Don's concerts, he said his grandmother used to sing Unclouded Day to him, so he is sentimental about that song. I felt an immediate connection with him when I heard that, because MY grandmother used to sing that song to me, too. One of the perks of growing up as a Southern Baptist, I suppose.

On another boot, Don starts talking about his parents, and how his father served in WWII. He says, "This song used to be one of my parents' favorite songs," and he sings "I'll Be Seeing You." My dad also served in WWII and I remember watching my mom & dad dance to that song. I lost my dad two years ago and I still miss him very much, and I cry every single time I hear Don sing that song.

Just another reason why I am so drawn to Don...deep down, I guess we are a couple of sentimental softies about our folks. :blush:

01-16-2007, 08:47 PM
Hmmm........he disavowed religion? How come?

Some of it I think has to do with when his father got sick and died and he couldn't do anything, and some of it has to do with the Southern Baptist mentality which he said 'scared the holy f*k out of him' and made him believe he was going to hell. Listen to The Last Resort and the verses about 'and you can see them there/on Sunday morning'. I think that sums up his attitude to organised religion. Also he discovered Thoreau, Emerson and Transcendentalism, so that took the place of organised relgion for him.

Also the lyrics of Little Tin God give a good insight into his thinking on this subject.

01-16-2007, 09:59 PM
Ah I see. Thanks for the info

01-16-2007, 10:41 PM
Thanks for the information, guys, and Dana, thanks for sharing how special "Unclouded Day" and Don's version of "I'll Be Seeing You" are to you. I think it is the mark of a great artist when he can make that connection to the listener.

P.S. Another Southern Baptist right here!

03-16-2007, 03:19 AM
I love The Unclouded Day. It's one of my favorite songs by Don.