View Full Version : Aspen, CO 09-04-10
09-05-2010, 02:08 AM
So the show was awesome. The crowd was great (well most of them) and the guys were having a lot of fun on stage. I am going to leave the reviews to Nancy and Kay since they do a much better job of it then I do and Nancy took really good notes about everything that happened.
Here is the set list:
Walk Away
Peaceful Easy Feeling
Ordinary Average Guy
Lyin' Eyes
Take It Easy
In The City
You Belong To The City
Funk 49
The Heat Is On
Life's Been Good To Me
Heartache Tonight
Life In The Fast Lane
Encore 1
Rocky Mountain Way
Encore 2
I Hear You Knocking
Right after the show Kay managed to get a copy of the actual set list from the stage and we got a real surprise. There were supposed to be two more songs on the set list - Desperado was listed in the second encore and PARTYTOWN in the first encore! We think they ran out of time (apparently there is a noise curfew) and had to cut a couple of songs but it would have been so awesome to actually get to hear Glenn perform Partytown live!
09-05-2010, 02:11 AM
Thanks for the update. Did Glenn sing LITFL?
I wish they had done Partytown too especially as I was so convinced they wouldn't. Interesting to see TIE so high up the order. Also interesting to see OAG back - the Aspen Times turned out to be right about that at least.
09-05-2010, 02:22 AM
Thanks for the update. I suppose Glenn sang LITFL?
Actually, Glenn sang the first verse, Joe the. second & they took turns on the last. Glenn sang the choruses.
I am still high! I think that I have died & gone to heaven!!! Fantastic! Harold & I left the girls a little while ago. They have an early morning tomorrow. Meeting them has certainly been a highlight of our trip! Wish everyone could have been here!
09-05-2010, 03:20 AM
Glad to hear you had a fantastic time!
Thanks for the setlist, sounds good,I wished I could have been present!
Can't wait to hear the reviews!
tequila girl
09-05-2010, 08:27 AM
So glad you all had a Fabulous time, can't wait to hear all about it :partytime:
I wish I could have been there too!:-(
09-05-2010, 09:23 AM
Very cool! Can't wait to hear the actual reviews!!
My first observation----heavy on the Walsh solo stuff in the setlist.
09-05-2010, 09:53 AM
Excited to hear more! I'm sure it was a fabulous show.
Did you guys get any pictures? I'd love to see them and hear all of your reviews! :D
09-05-2010, 06:43 PM
I'm new to the board having found it when I found out about this concert and got tickets a couple month ago.
The show was outstanding. It was a little shorter then I would have liked but what we saw was wonderful and one of the better shows we've seen there.
I've written a bit about the show on my blog ( which includes some pictures. They were taken with my Droid so aren't the greatest quality. It also includes other stuff so you can skim through to find the important stuff ;)
In the blog I've included a link to Lewis Cooper's who, if history is any judge, will have great pictures.
Thanks to those who posted in the pre thread for helping me get excited for the show. I told my wife about the person who got the back stage passes. I'm looking forward to hearing how that all worked out.
09-05-2010, 07:03 PM
Dave, thank you so much for your review and photos. I see the leather jacket made an appearance.
09-05-2010, 09:27 PM
Dave, thank you so much for your review and photos. I see the leather jacket made an appearance.It was kinda funny, as you may see in the early daylight photo's, When they started, Joe had a jacket and Glenn didn't. After a few songs Joe took off his jacket and a song or two later Glenn put his on.
I took more pictures but the camera technology in the Droid combined with my poor photography skill, the results were less then stellar.
I added a few more, the rest unfortunately are pretty bad.
09-05-2010, 09:57 PM
Nice review Dave. You did a much better job with your phone than I did with mine - my pictures didn't turn out at all. Oh well I am sure there will be others posting photos around the web since there were many pro photographers and just as many people with their phones and even cameras taking photos around me.
I saw the guy with the three kids that you talked about in your blog. I was in the second row all day with my friends and he tried to encroach on us initially while a few of the group were away getting drinks between shows. Then I saw him encouraging the kids to shove their way up to the fence that first time and the kids refusing to do it. They did leave but he didn't give up. A little later in the show he and the kids came up on the other side of us and he tried to make them do the same thing. They were just as reluctant (to their credit). At the same time he stood beside me and tried to maneuver me out of the way and its not like he couldn't see over me - I am only 5'4"! I do think that the crowd closing in and jockeying for position is the way of these kinds of shows even for people who are initially spread out earlier in the day (we have a concert venue with similar lawn seating) but shoving people out of the way when you are a late arrival is just incredibly rude.
I do have to say even though I was only there for 32 hours I really enjoyed the Aspen/Snomass area and I hope to get back there sometime in the near future to see it again. We had a fantastic time in the short time we were there and it was so much fun to see Nancy, Kay, and Lissa again and to meet Ann and Harold (have we converted him into an Eagles-phile yet? :lol:).
09-05-2010, 10:42 PM
Nice review Dave. You did a much better job with your phone than I did with mine - my pictures didn't turn out at all. Oh well I am sure there will be others posting photos around the web since there were many pro photographers and just as many people with their phones and even cameras taking photos around me.
I saw the guy with the three kids that you talked about in your blog. I was in the second row all day with my friends and he tried to encroach on us initially while a few of the group were away getting drinks between shows. Then I saw him encouraging the kids to shove their way up to the fence that first time and the kids refusing to do it. They did leave but he didn't give up. A little later in the show he and the kids came up on the other side of us and he tried to make them do the same thing. They were just as reluctant (to their credit). At the same time he stood beside me and tried to maneuver me out of the way and its not like he couldn't see over me - I am only 5'4"! I do think that the crowd closing in and jockeying for position is the way of these kinds of shows even for people who are initially spread out earlier in the day (we have a concert venue with similar lawn seating) but shoving people out of the way when you are a late arrival is just incredibly rude.
I do have to say even though I was only there for 32 hours I really enjoyed the Aspen/Snomass area and I hope to get back there sometime in the near future to see it again. We had a fantastic time in the short time we were there and it was so much fun to see Nancy, Kay, and Lissa again and to meet Ann and Harold (have we converted him into an Eagles-phile yet? :lol:).You must have been right in front of us :)
We love it here. We just returned from the hot tub and now I'm enjoying a glass of wine on our last night of bliss before driving home in the morning. It's expensive for sure. Tonight my wife had a personal size pizza and I had a meatball panini. I had one soft drink and one refill and we split a Connoli. $56 with tip.
Ok, I admit it, the food was delicious and it's not like we were surprised, we eat there every year :)
09-05-2010, 11:59 PM
Videos of the show are already on You Tube.
09-06-2010, 12:07 AM
Back home! I'll write up a review later, but a few thoughts now.
Welcome to our new members. Nice photos, Dave. I'm glad you liked the show.
Going to this concert was like going to a wild party thrown by Glenn and Joe who were the hosts as well as the entertainment. The crowd was rowdy but totally into it. I was dancing away and having a blast.
We got there at 2:00 pm and at that point it was like a little picnic area - folks on blankets and in little lawn chairs sipping drinks and reading magazines. By 7:15 when Joe and Glenn came out, that idyllic little pastoral scene had become a throng of people ready to rock, myself among them.
Glenn and Joe were amazing. The only problem was that it was too short. Even so, it was one of the most fun concerts I have ever been to.
Tomorrow, I'll do my write-up!
09-06-2010, 12:17 AM
Here are some videos of the show from youtube
The end of Peaceful Easy Feeling
Funk 49
Take it Easy
Life's Been Good
09-06-2010, 12:56 AM
Welcome Dave and thank you for your photos and the review!
whitcap, thanks for finding the videos!
Soda, I'm looking forward to read your review!
09-06-2010, 01:54 AM
Dave, thanks for your review from me as well. We must have been very close to you. I saw the kids too. From your pictures it looks like Dreamer, WT & I were a little closer to the centre of the stage than you were. Harold, PLS & Soda were a little further down along the fence, probably nearer you.
Harold & I hope to take in the hot tub tomorrow. We know what you mean by the price of the food. Delicious though! The rest of the week we plan to prepare most of our meals at the condo. We are at the Laurelwood Condos. Are you anywhere near?
Cami, Harold had a fantastic time meeting you 4 & rocking at the concert. He says he felt young again, except when we were walking up the hill after saying goodbye to you. The altitude really hit us! Harold is a convert (although he has always liked the Eagles music) but I can't go so far as to call him an Eagle-phile, LOL! He's ready to come back to Aspen again anytime.
Soda, glad to hear you got home safely. Hope you can get some rest before going back to work. I was sooo happy rockin' at the concert that I was almost in tears! I never thought that I would see any of the Eagles again, let alone be such a short distance from Glenn :partytime:! Harold says he saw Glenn look directly at Soda & a couple of times he looked right at where I was standing' so he had to have seen Dreamer, Cami & me!
The first thing I noticed as they came out on stage was how good Glenn looks! He looks much younger in person & even more handsome (if that's possible)! They both looked so happy & into the show, making more faces than usual, especially Glenn! His facial expressions were priceless! Of course Joe's always are!
I'm still on my "Rocky mountain high" & I don't expect to come down for awhile!
09-06-2010, 03:50 AM
Here a short review:
09-06-2010, 09:43 AM
Dave, thanks for your review from me as well. We must have been very close to you. I saw the kids too. From your pictures it looks like Dreamer, WT & I were a little closer to the centre of the stage than you were. Harold, PLS & Soda were a little further down along the fence, probably nearer you.
Harold & I hope to take in the hot tub tomorrow. We know what you mean by the price of the food. Delicious though! The rest of the week we plan to prepare most of our meals at the condo. We are at the Laurelwood Condos. Are you anywhere near?I'm not sure where the Laurelwood Condos are, we are at the Limelight Lodge in Aspen which is across from Wagner Park. Meals in the condo is a great way to save some money.
If you get a chance go to Maroon Bells, spectacular scenery and if you're into it, some nice hiking from very easy on up. You can get there from either Aspen or Snowmass via bus. If you have a car consider Ashcroft. Both offer free guided tours, although I'm not sure if they're still giving them this late in the summer.
09-06-2010, 09:49 AM
Welcome to the Border JG61 and CDave and thanks for the review and pics CD. We're always salivating for anything new that has to do with the Eagles!
Okay girls, I'm anxious to hear more about the show. How close did you get to the stage? Any contact? It all sounds great!
Thanks to WC for finding those youtube vids.
09-06-2010, 10:55 AM
Welcome to the Border JG61 and CDave and thanks for the review and pics CD. We're always salivating for anything new that has to do with the Eagles!
Okay girls, I'm anxious to hear more about the show. How close did you get to the stage? Any contact? It all sounds great!
Thanks to WC for finding those youtube vids.
We were up against the railing that held the crowd back from the stage! We were a bit right of the centre of the stage & Glenn looked my way a couple of times. He couldn't have hellped but see me so that means he saw Dreamer & WT as they were standing right there with me :jawdrop:. Soda, PLS & Harold were a little bit farther down & Harold said he could feel Glenn made eye contact with the 3 of them!
Still leaving the detailed reports to Soda & Dreamer. I'm still in heaven!!!!:inlove::smitten:
09-06-2010, 11:00 AM
Dave, we are staying in Snowmass. Thanks for the tip about the Maroon Bells. We were thinking of going there. It's nice to get an endorsement as it makes us want to visit there even more!
Ive always been a dreamer
09-06-2010, 12:08 PM
Well, I arrived back home late last night, exhausted but very happy as usual. What a show! I can pretty much echo everything the others have said. First of all, a big welcome to our new members here from me as well. Glad you found us.
I am going to keep my comments rather brief because, unfortunately, I have to do some work today. Soda is going to put up a lot of the details about the show later. We had a very fun weekend! It was great meeting up with everyone and wonderful meeting GL and Harold. Hope the two of you have a wonderful week in the Aspen/Snowmass area.
Thanks to everyone for the pictures and links to reviews, etc. When I read that review from the Aspen Times writer that Koala posted, I just kind of shook my head and giggled. The thought crossed my mind that it really is impossible to please everyone. It never even occurred to me that Glenn and Joe should do Hotel California at a Party of Two show. But, if they can do Life In the Fast Lane and Desperado, then why not Hotel California? :wink:
Anyway, I could go on and on, but I'll write more later when I get time. One other comment though - Soda and I apparently had the same feeling about watching the crowd transform from the laid back, beachlike scene earlier in the day to the wild, rowdy ready to rock out and dance atmosphere. There was definitely an air of excitement by the time Glenn and Joe took the stage, and they certainly did nothing to discourage the high-energy level. :thumbsup:
09-06-2010, 12:24 PM
Here ( you can see a few pics from Glenn and Joe.
09-06-2010, 02:24 PM
But for some reason, as the flood lights flashed on over the concert hill and the rock stars left the stage, my girlfriend Hailey and I felt a little gypped of the experience. I didn't quite know why, until she looked at me and said: "They didn't play ‘Hotel California.'"
<snip as he goes on about this>
had I paid the $450 for the ticket from my pocket, I might have license to actually be upset.
Geez. I can't believe this guy spent half the review complaining about Glenn and Joe not playing Hotel California! He doesn't understand, apparently, that the kind of fan that pays $450 for a seat isn't the kind who bases their enjoyment of the show entirely upon whether or not their favorite song is played... and also is the kind of fan that knows a song which features Don Henley on lead is not a song that is even likely to be played. Saturday's exception, LIFTL, was performed by Joe and Glenn as early as 1993, and by Joe solo since the early eighties.
Another ill-informed reviewer... at least he begrudgingly concedes it "was a good show."
09-06-2010, 02:56 PM
This is the setlist WT mentioned that was handed to Dreamer:
09-06-2010, 04:22 PM
So, after the show (as is my custom) I wrote down our memories so we wouldn't forget anything. Now, this thing will come in parts. First, the day pre-PoT. My next one will be the show itself.
Setting the Scene
As has been mentioned previously, we got to the Festival Grounds as early as we could. The first free bus left at 1:30 from Snowmass Mall, and we were on the 1:35. This was in spite of the fact that the doors didn't even open until 2:00.
The day was absolutely gorgeous. Sunny, but not too bad in the shade, with occasional breezes to give us some relief. As we waited in line to get in (they didn't actually open the doors where we were until 2:15 or so) I kept turning to towards the mountains and surveying the beauty around us ( No wonder Glenn has a home here. It's magnificent.
I was a little surprised at how small the festival was. I expected there to be more to it (only one additional stage; only two minor acts not on the main stage; very few concession booths; only two poorly stocked merch booths). I didn't expect something on the scale of Milwaukee's Summerfest, but to me the word "festival" implies that there's going to be more going on than one main show with a couple opening acts and a couple bands on a stage so far removed from the main area that it might as well not be there. As it was, folks basically went in and camped out in front of the main stage with no other agenda in mind... just like we did!
Thus, despite our earlybird attempt, we weren't front and center as we had hoped. Our places were hardly bad, however; we were directly behind the folks at the front, only off to the side. The real problem was that a huge camera was blocking the view of one of the microphones from our angle. I hoped to death that Glenn wouldn't be standing there! As the evening progressed and people started to shift, PLS and I wound up at the front against the grate but off to the side. As GL said, she, WT, and Dreamer wound up closer to the center. It was all good.
And yes, at that point, just about everyone were standing (, despite a fact that a few grumbled about wanting to remain in their lawn chairs sipping their Evian. One lady who had arrived after us and was about four rows back had the nerve to demand we (and the other 50 people standing in front of her) step aside so she wouldn't have to get her sorry butt off of her little picnic blanket! The security just gaped at her with this look of "Is she for real?" as her complaints grew louder and more aggressive. Then, like the huge hypocrite she was, she later tried to shove us aside so she could stand at the front too. HELLS NO! You have to be a kid, really old, handicapped, or a head shorter than I am if you want me to step back for you. The obnoxious need not apply.
But she was the exception, not the rule. Most of the people there were ready to rock out, and the atmosphere was electric as a few thousand people in a big field got ready to party with the Party of Two.
The opening acts
First, though, the opening acts. I know this isn't what folks here care terribly much about, but I thought I would give them a mention as I enjoyed them.
Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings (
Now here was jazz for real. They came out in the early afternoon when we were all relaxing and even I was reluctant to get up and dance. I was wearing boots and wanted to save my feet for our guys. However, they were so great that by the end of the set I was standing and dancing, albeit only for the last few songs. On that lazy sunny afternoon, relaxing on the grass (I didn't have a blanket) felt pretty good. Sadly, the camera blocked me from really seeing Sharon get down, but hey, the music is what's important!
The Court Yard Hounds (
Aka "The Dixie Chicks Sans Natalie Maines." Since I had just seen the Dixie Chicks a few months ago opening for the Eagles, seeing 2/3 of them open for 1/2 of the Eagles was an amusing circumstance. I think Dreamer was the one who called it "Fractions Day." I enjoyed them. While their voices are not as distinctive as Natalie's, they blend wonderfully together. As far as the songs and the musicianship, the loss of Natalie had zero effect on that! Martie and Emily are very talented. They are also very beautiful, and the guys behind me were practically drooling over them. I heard one guy eagerly asking people around him who "the blonde one" was so he could holler lustfully at her by name. But hey, the ladies truly are gorgeous. I can't blame the guys. Even the women around me were whispering things like "Wow, look at how perfect their makeup is!" "I love their hair!"
Almost time....
I have to admit, as good as they were, towards the end I was getting impatient for Glenn and Joe. When the Court Yard Hounds' set ended, the first thing I did was take advantage of the crowd shift to get up to that grate with PLS, Harold right behind us.
I knew that if I really got down and danced like I wanted to in a setting like this where I was only limited by the amount of space I had, my feet would pay the price. So, I said "Screw it" and took off my high-heeled boots. This is a festival, not a fashion show. Standing barefoot in the grass at the fence dividing the audience from the stage and brimming with excitement from the top of my head down to my newly naked toes, I was more than ready for the show!
09-06-2010, 05:34 PM
Here a short review:
Re the 'legendary Don Henley' comment: Joe and Glenn are 'legendary' too (apart from being 'old'). Admire Don Henley as much as you wish but he is not and never was the entire reason for the band's success. I think Soda has summed up the 'where was HC' stuff but I will add one more comment. The last thing that song is is 'romanticised'.
09-06-2010, 05:36 PM
If you identified them, please state the supporting musicians in PO2.
Ive always been a dreamer
09-06-2010, 06:19 PM
Soda is probably going to include it in her review, but in case it is a while before she is able to post, here are the backup musicians, Mike ...
Danny Grenier - guitar
Wayne Perry - bass
Michael Thompson - piano
Will Hollis - piano
Al Garth - sax
Scott Crago - drums
Richie Mangicaro - percussion
I think I've got them all.
Perfect Little Sister
09-06-2010, 07:37 PM
Just got home from work. (yes the boss cut my vacation short and called me in today:sad:) In spite of having to go back to the real world I am still on my concert high. That was the most incredibly fun show I have ever been to. It felt like one giant party. Honestly I think some of that atmosphere came from the fact that everyone was on their feet. How can you listen to such wonderful music and not dance the night away. The one minor disappointment was I really wanted a Party of Two t-shirt and they didn't merchandise our boys. A couple of funny things happened surrounding the trip...
Driving home from work Thursday evening I was listening to the radio when they played one of those station identification sound bytes that they have artists speak on and I heard, "Hello, this is Glenn Frey".:shock: On the drive into Aspen the highway information signs kept saying variations of "The heat is on. Statewide DUI crackdown". And when I got in the car to drive home from the BART station last night The Last Resort was playing.:hilarious: Go figure.
Anyway it was an incredible experience. I had so much fun meeting Cami, Ann and Harold, not to mention causing trouble with Nancy and Kay again. I mean hanging out with them again. Yeah...that's it. It was just so much fun. Glenn and Joe seemed to be having a great time too. Maybe they were feeding off us as much as we were feeding off them. lol There was a little girl next to me, sitting on the barricade(which had me totally paranoid) who was about 8 years old. She was so cute!! She kept yelling things like "Rock on Glenn Frey" "I love you" "Rock on". I was dying!
09-06-2010, 08:24 PM
Awwww, PLS and sounds like, really far out! They certainly didn't have a bunch of amateurs backing them did they!
How was the "stage set"? Just lighting or did they have any kind of production going on? Man I'd have loved to have been there! But I'm just tickled plum pink for all of you who DID make it there!
09-06-2010, 08:32 PM
Before the show, as they were setting up, I strained to see if there were any band members about. I knew Jonathan Clark wasn't going to be there thanks to Facebook and I wondered who of Glenn's band made the trip. I saw Danny Grenier off to the side and the famous tech Victor testing the instruments and mics... when who should come out to join him but little Mr. Otis Frey himself! I'm infamously bad at remembering ages and birthdays of my own family members, much less Glenn's, but I think he's seven (Dreamer and PLS are much better at such things and can correct me if I'm wrong). He was wearing a plaid shirt like his daddy. Too precious.
"Ladies and Gentleman, we present to you Hall of Fame members and Grammy award winners Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh!!!"
[Audience erupts!!!]
As you've seen from the photos, Glenn came out in jeans, a white T-shirt, and a plaid shirt over it; Joe Walsh came out in black jeans with a black shirt and black jacket which he soon removed. Glenn, however, soon had his leather jacket on. I was pleased with what I saw. ;) Photos truly don't do him justice!
Note: some of these memories may be out of order - anyone at the show feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!
From the outset it was apparent they were in a good mood. Both were grinning and started rocking from the first second!
Walk Away
Without further ado, they plunged into the rocker "Walk Away." That catchy opening riff gets folks going every time and the song's energy keeps them there! The little girls next to me and I were literally jumping up and down, and everyone around me was rocking out as the adrenaline of the entire crowd surged with the song. The crowd was wild for them already and would just get more amped up as the show progressed. They had us at hello!
Peaceful Easy Feeling
Glenn introduced this song with the simple statement "The Gallery, 1971." I got it but I wondered who else did - lucky for most of the crowd, Glenn explained the comment later. It was so thrilling to imagine Glenn and the Eagles almost 40 years ago ( - a completely green band with exactly one show under their belt - playing that very song for a small crowd just a few miles away from where we were standing.
He did the little "ooohs" that I love so much during the instrumental bit before the last verse. It's funny how the little things like that stand out as you listen.
The song gave me that warm feeling it always does. I love it!
Ordinary Average Guy
Glenn and Joe were really cutting up before and during this one. First, they talked about how much fun they had playing as "The Party of Two" and that they do about four or five shows a year.
Then, into the song intro! Joe began by saying, with a completely straight face as he always does, that while he and Glenn are rock stars, they're really just ordinary average guys. They take out the trash and mow their lawns (side note: I believe the trash but the lawns? You can't tell me they don't have lawn service!)
Glenn chimed in that yeah, they're totally ordinary, besides the planes and mansions and all.
Joe soberly agreed and told us we would have a chance to sing along at the end... then they started it up! They were cracking themselves up with the lyrics, making faces and playing around. When Joe sang "average ex-wives" (instead of "average wives") he held up several fingers, although I'm not sure he got all the way to four! In another spot, the lyrics were changed from "My friend's got a Chrysler; I have a Dodge" to the following... Joe: "I've got a condo" Glenn: "I've got a lodge." Both: "We're just ordinary average guys." LOL! During the break in the song with the sound of the strike, Glenn pretended to bowl. There were also some weird guitar noises emanating from either Glenn or Joe that were making them laugh as well. Of course, we in the audience were eating it up, and at the end were glad to chant "ORDINARY AVERAGE GUYS!" with them. At this point, Glenn flung his arms out and held them that way as if he were displaying himself as just one of us plain folks! Too funny!
Lyin' Eyes
Before going into this, Glenn said he smelled smoke... cigar smoke... and that people should be smoking other things besides cigars! (I should say that I smelled some nasty skunk smell which PLS informed me was 'skunk weed.' My response: "People smoke something that smells like SKUNKS?")
He then introduced Lyin' Eyes as a song he wrote in 1975 with Don Henley... and, yes, he dedicated it to his first wife Plaintiff. (No comment.)
He added "much" after "she won't have to worry," as he likes to do sometimes. I always enjoy the harmonies on this one, especially on the chorus.
I happened to hear around me at this time a lot of young kids - and I mean like 14 - singing along with this song. They loved it as much as their parents did. The guys must be so gratified when they see things like that.
Take It Easy
Before this, Glenn gave a shout out to all his friends in the audience and said that a lot of people there knew them from when they were a lot wilder in the 70s and 80s. He joked that he and Joe got into so much trouble there they had to leave the valley for a while.
He then told a story which I hadn't heard all the details of before: that of the Eagles' first stint in Aspen. He had mentioned the Gallery before heading into Peaceful Easy Feeling, but now he explained it.
He said something like, "When the Eagles first got together in 1971, we came up here and played a lot of gigs. We got paid $500 a week and we did four shows a night. Nobody knew who we were, and the first time we played at 8:00, we had about 50 people in the audience. When we played again at 9:00, we had 100. At 10:00 we had 200 and by the time we played our last show of the night, there were about 450 or 500 people there." As he said this, he happened to be facing our way, and the pride on his face was as evident as the emotion in his voice. I couldn't stop smiling as I imagined how he must have felt to see that kind of response at a time when he was so young and uncertain, a kid who probably was afraid his new band would bomb as badly as Longbranch Pennywhistle. He must have felt validated, encouraged, excited... all at the Gallery in Aspen in 1971 (he said The Gallery was gone and some other establishment now occupied its space, but I didn't catch the name). He ended his speech with "And I think we opened with this..."
Cue the opening chords of Take It Easy.
It was sung with gusto, the infusion of all those memories giving it extra power. Terrific.
After that, Joe commented, "I don't remember much about 1971 but people tell me I had a really good time." He went on to say that he had fond memories of Aspen, too, but he couldn't really ski. He then told a hilarious story (which will sadly lose a great deal in translation here): he remembered one time when he was attempting to ski and he kept falling. He said, "As I lay there in the ground thinking 'Man, I have to get up AGAIN' some little kid skis right into me and says 'YOU STINK.'" The audience roared with laughter.
Glenn chimed in, "And your ski suit was BRIGHT YELLOW." (Was he there??) Joe joked about how he ridiculous he looked in that bright yellow ski suit. I wish I could remember exactly what he said, but I just remember laughing at it.
In the City
Oddly, Joe introduced this Eagles song by talking about how he "was in a gang once" and gave the usual jokes about it being a gang where he had to be home at 8:30 to practice the clarinet. Dreamer thinks he got confused and that he thought they were about to do the James Gang's Funk 49, but regardless, he saved it by saying "So these people making a movie asked me if I knew anything about gangs and I said yeah, so they asked me to write a song about it, and here it is." He then added "With the uncut, unedited introduction!" I was intrigued but it turned out that was just as joke as the intro was the same as always. I did notice that Joe changed up the guitar solo, not only here but on other songs as well.
You Belong to the City
I love this song - its building intensity, its drama, that interplay between guitar and sax, Glenn at the keyboard... and, to my delight, he sang it without falsetto! Danny Grenier joined him on the verses like Tim used to do when the Eagles performed it. The audience was completely into this and while it seemed at the end Glenn wasn't quite satisfied with how the song went down, everybody else was loving it... including me!
Funk 49
Once again, myself and the little girls next to me were inspired to jump up and down as this song's famous riffs took off! Glenn and Joe did their little "guitar duel" bit beforehand and, as usual, had lots of fun with it. At one point, they shook their heads at each other, made faces with their tongues hanging out... what a hoot! Joe let loose with that guitar. What a terrific song.
The Heat Is On
Another crowd pleaser and yes, another jumper as we rocked out to the chorus! Some of us were waving our arms back and forth every time he sang "ooooh, woah-hoooo" in the chorus and I saw grins plastered across faces all around. Everybody knows this song, and everybody loves it! Glenn played a cool guitar solo here - again, much to my delight and the crowd's.
Life's Been Good
Another song where they really cut up. Some funny moments: After Joe sings about his mansion and "Glenn tells me it's nice," Glenn kind of shrugged, waved his hand, and went "Eehhhh." Joe sang "Who is it?" after the doorbell instead of the next verse. Glenn made some funny noises on his guitar or something that cracked Joe up. When Joe sang, "my fans they can't wait" Glenn yelled "HURRY UP!"
Joe came over to our side of the stage to play his solo, and up close, I noticed how bright his eyes were. They were absolutely burning. He was obviously having a blast. He then did his cute little duckwalk. Unfortunately for the VIP section, he didn't have time to make it over there. Joe fans, you will be happy to hear that Joe got major props from everyone all night long, including myself. I went crazy when he was playing that solo right in front of us.
Band Intros
I see Dreamer's already posted the names of the supporting musicians. I want to add that Glenn introduced Joe with the typical but nevertheless hilarious "A man who needs no introduction... famous to law enforcement and hotel staff around the country... a man who never met a hotel room he couldn't trash..... former resident of Boulder, Colorado.... JOE WALSH!" The audience ROARED! After a long moment, Glenn introduced himself with "And I'm Glenn Frey from Detroit... where mother is half a word" line but at that point people were cheering so loudly for him I could barely hear the Detroit joke. This audience was absolutely adoring!
I think it might have been at this point that Glenn commented about the extra-special VIP section that was elevated above the stage on the side. He indicated them and said something like, "I don't know if you can see them or not, but there are about 40 people by the side of the stage here who are all as high as nine ski instructors on payday!" They loved that, of course! I tried to see if I recognized any of them but to no avail, as I was too far away to make out features.
I also realized that if they were doing band intros, they must be entering the home stretch. As I had hoped for a two-hour set, I was bummed about that, but oh well.
Heartache Tonight
When the audience recognized this, they once again erupted. This song never fails to please. I glanced behind me and noticed people of all ages singing along. It's an ageless hit. Teach the children well!
Life in the Fast Lane
As GL already said, Glenn and Joe shared lead vocals equally - Joe sang the first verse, Glenn the second, and they went back and forth on the third. I loved it. Man, it is so freaking cool to see an Eagles song like this done so differently and still sounding so incredible.
Then they said their fake goodbyes and went off for a bit. They were out for a while, and let me tell you something folks, the audience was doing some sustained screaming like you wouldn't believe. I was getting hoarse myself but my voice was only one of thousands clamoring for their return.
[first encore]
Rocky Mountain Way
We all knew this was coming! I figured they would do it and Desperado, and I was half right (and theoretically entirely right). I wondered if they would share lead on this like they had done for LITFL since they both had performed it solo in the past, but it was all Joe.
Now, I didn't see this myself as the cameraman was in the way, but Dreamer, GL, and WT tell me that during the talk box solo Glenn actually got down, looked at Joe's talkbox thingy and mouthed "I want one of those!"
After the song, off they went again! I was nervous. I thought that they would save RMW for their last encore, but it had already been pulled out. Would they come back one more time? I honestly didn't think so unless it was to do Desperado, but I continued screeching for them with the rest of the crowd anyway.
[second encore]
I Hear You Knocking
Then, they came back out one more time, Glenn toweling himself off. The audience continued to roar. I figured it would be Desperado time, but instead Glenn announced that they were going to do "an old favorite of mine, a song I loved ever since I heard it done by Dave Edmunds in 1971." He quickly added that it was first done by Smiley Lewis, giving credit where credit is due.
After rocking this one so hard that later, drunken and/or high people would still be singing it on the bus home, our guys were off for good.
I wondered at there being no Desperado, but honestly I didn't miss it hugely because I like it when the show ends with a rocker rather than a ballad. End with a BANG, I say!
From start to finish, I loved every minute of that show. Singing along, dancing, soaking up the atmosphere along with the the music and the palpable energy radiating off of Glenn and Joe... it was absolutely exhilarating.
It was the best party I've ever been to, that's for sure! ;)
09-06-2010, 08:33 PM
How was the "stage set"? Just lighting or did they have any kind of production going on? Man I'd have loved to have been there! But I'm just tickled plum pink for all of you who DID make it there!
There wasn't a lot of production involved. The lighting they used was pretty straightforward. No spots or rotating lights or anything like you see at the Eagles shows. The stage was well lit but they used the same lights that all the groups used. They did have a simple light show of colors and patterns going on on the screen behind them but that was about it for "flash".
09-06-2010, 08:57 PM
sodascouts ( - Man that was a great write up. How do you do that? I wrote some an hour after the concert and couldn't remember 99% of that. Your comments though did bring it back and yup, you nailed it :)
One comment from Joe I'll add before Lyin' Eyes after Glenn's cigar comment. Joe said (paraphrased)If you're smoking a cigar at 9,000', you're a better man then me.
I would love to have a copy of the stage video and sound board, I suspect there was more interplay that we'd only catch in replays.
09-06-2010, 09:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment, CDave, and the extra info! The above write-up was the result of me writing down the memories of six different people, so I had an advantage over you. ;)
A post-show note: afterwards, our little "party of six" Border Gang went to eat at an Italian restaurant nearby. Who should we see come in but Michael Thompson!
I suggested we send him a drink to show our appreciation for his contribution to a great show. He was kind enough to come over and thank us personally not once but twice, and talked to us each time for several minutes.
I told him that we fans appreciated how kind he was to us and, after rattling off a few examples of times when he'd done some nice things such as wave from the stage and give us unsolicited guitar picks after a show just because he recognized us as devoted Frey fans and he knew it would make us happy, we all thought he was a pretty special guy. He seemed a bit embarrassed by the praise but it was 100% sincere and deserved. We love us some Michael Thompson!
09-06-2010, 09:41 PM
There wasn't a lot of production involved. The lighting they used was pretty straightforward. No spots or rotating lights or anything like you see at the Eagles shows. The stage was well lit but they used the same lights that all the groups used. They did have a simple light show of colors and patterns going on on the screen behind them but that was about it for "flash".
I hardly noticed the small light show in back. They certainly didn't need any! I think all eyes & ears were on Glenn & Joe, I know mine were! I didn't want to miss one note or nuance!
PLS, sorry you had to go back to work early! As Harold & I walked away after saying goodbye to you, Soda, Dreamer & WT & started up the stairs from the Snowmass Village Mall, the PA systen was playing "Take It To The Limit" :partytime:. What a way to end a PERFECT day!
I thought of a few things to add but I just cooked some chicken so I must go eat supper. We have a kitchen as it's a condo.
I have a few tidbits to tell about Glenn that I heard from a gal that was working in one of the shops in the Mall. Nothing too exciting but remind me if I forget to post it.
Glad the show was on Saturday! It was beautiful here today but tonight it has turned very cold! Brrrrr
Perfect Little Sister
09-06-2010, 09:51 PM
I had forgotten the "singing" on the bus. It took me awhile to figure out what song it was. lol I've never understood people who go to a show and get soooo drunk. Not to say I don't drink at shows...I had a couple that night. (Surprisingly, I managed to dance without spilling a drop thru most of the boys' set) But to get so drunk you won't remember much of the show seems pointless to me.
Otis is 8...the same as my oldest grandson.
Ive always been a dreamer
09-06-2010, 10:09 PM
First of all - great job with the review as always Nanc!
And GL - hurry back here and spill the beans about your Glenn trivia.
Otis is so adorable. When I saw him before the show started, it's funny because I noticed right away that his shirt was just like one of Glenn's. I think I even joked with Cami and Ann that I bet I knew what Glenn would be wearing, and sure enough he did. The only difference was that Otis was wearing a black (or navy) tee shirt instead of a white one like Dad's. I think I saw Cindy come in over at the side stage as well. I can't say for sure that it was her, but it sure looked like her from where I was standing.
And Michael Thompson really is a super nice guy. He has always been very sweet to us since we started attending a lot of Glenn's solo shows. and he seemed very appreciative when we bought the drink for him.
One other thing regarding the stage set up, there was a large screen on each side of the stage. I glanced at them occasionally, but not very often. Okay, those are my random thoughts for now. I'm sure I'll think of more later. OMG - I love it when my brain gets freyed like this!!! :lol:
09-06-2010, 10:42 PM
Thanks for the compliment, CDave, and the extra info! The above write-up was the result of me writing down the memories of six different people, so I had an advantage over you. ;)
A little post-show note: afterwards, our little "party of six" Border Gang went to eat at an Italian restaurant nearby. Who should we see come in but Michael Thompson!
I suggested we send him a drink to show our appreciation for his contribution to a great show. He was kind enough to come over and thank us personally not once but twice, and talked to us each time for several minutes.
I told him that we fans appreciated how kind he was to us and, after rattling off a few examples of times when he'd done some nice things such as wave from the stage and give us unsolicited guitar picks after a show just because he recognized us as devoted Frey fans and he knew it would make us happy, we all thought he was a pretty special guy. He seemed a bit embarrassed by the praise but it was 100% sincere and deserved. We love us some Michael Thompson!
That was just the icing on the cake, meeting Michael! I just wanted to add that Michael said he had a lot of fun playing the concert!
09-07-2010, 01:41 AM
Soda, Thank you so much for the detailed review! It is almost thus as if I had been there!
Thanks everyone, I always love to read every review from you all!
09-07-2010, 02:51 AM
Great review Soda! It sounds like it was an amazing concert. I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves :)
09-07-2010, 08:56 AM
WOW....JUST WOW!!! Sounds like a fabulous night! Thanks everyone for all the reviews and insight. Welcome to the new members also! Glad you found us here. I've taken lots of time this morning to read everything and watch the videos and look at the pics. How fantastic!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
And Ann--spill it sister!!!! What new tidbits can you give us about Glenn?
09-07-2010, 09:14 AM
I have been grinning the whole time I've been reading these reviews. So friggin' cool! I, along with everyone else, wish I could have been there. It sounds like the whole night was dictated by a relaxed, fun vibe, which could only have added to the enjoyment of the audience and the musicians.
GREAT write-up as usual, Nancy. Michael Thompson sounds like a cool guy - although you're pretty cool fans, too. ;)
PLS, I laughed reading about the little girl beside you and the things she was shouting out. Too cute! I hope Glenn saw and heard her.
Ive always been a dreamer
09-07-2010, 09:44 AM
Okay - As is my usual pattern, I reremember things about these trips a little at a time, so I have to post them before I forget them again. :wink: So here's a few other things I thought of ...
PLS mentioned about the statewide 'heat is on' DUI alert. I mean the signs were everywhere along our drive between Denver and Snowmass. I hope Glenn knows they are there. In addition, we passed through Eagle City and by the Eagle River, as well as, a lot of other Eagles-related places. (maybe the other ladies can help me out here). In any event, it's no wonder that the band and Colorado have such close connections.
We had a little girl about 8 standing in front of us as well that was very cute. She was having a blast, and knew the words to a lot of the songs. It brought a big smile to my face to see these young fans loving this music.
Our waitress at dinner Saturday night told us that their had been some "Boss" sightings in Snowmass the last couple of days, and there were rumors that Bruce was going to join Joe and Glenn on stage at the festival. Obviously, it was not to be, but how cool would that have been!!!
And I think Molly in particular will enjoy this last one. When Michael Thompson came in the restaurant, we were in the middle of chatting with the waitress and ordering our dinner. When we recognized him, something was said about us being groupies. And Soda told the waitress that we were groupies without benefits. She cracked up and said she loved that! :thumbsup:
09-07-2010, 11:10 AM
All right, I thought that I had better take the time to tell the tidbits I heard about Glenn, but I told you it wasn't much. I hope you won't be disappointed. This lady said that "back in the day" Glenn would be in Aspen & would jam with whoever was playing, i.e. the locals. One night she saw him hitchhiking, obviously after a party as he was somewhat "under the weather". She was very disappointed that the car in front of her picked him up.
This lady did sewing for people at that time & was doing some work for producer Burt Sugarman's wife, Carol Wayne. Sugarman is now married to Mary Hart. Glenn's place was down over the hill. She described where it was, but I don't know if it's the same place that he has now. Anyway, she used to see Glenn driving by all the time & she would excitedly say "That's Glenn Frey". Said she's been an Eagle's fan since "Desperado" came out.
I haven't seen the girl at the front desk again, the one whose boyfriend got the backstage passes from Scott Crago,to ask her if she got a chance to use them. I'm still lookin for her though!
09-07-2010, 12:22 PM
Thanks for those little tidbits GL - we hungrily devour such things here, as you know. ;)
09-07-2010, 12:54 PM
Such a great writeup Nancy! THANKS!
And GL's trivia: Just goes to show that at least at one time, they really were just "Ordinary Average Guys". Very likely wondering how long it would be before they had money to EAT ON! Somehow, I don't think THAT's going to be a concern of theirs any more <LOL>
09-07-2010, 12:59 PM
Well I for one would of picked him up AND fed him. Of course I would of been only about 5 or 6 probably. I guess I would have picked him up and taken him home for Mom to feed. :hilarious:
Thanks for giving us those tidbits Ann. Love hearing this kind of stuff!
09-07-2010, 01:17 PM
Just goes to show that at least at one time, they really were just "Ordinary Average Guys". Very likely wondering how long it would be before they had money to EAT ON! Somehow, I don't think THAT's going to be a concern of theirs any more <LOL>
I think he must have been rich by then to be living in Aspen (unless he was just visiting), but still, he apparently had the mentality of an ordinary average guy, which is just as good! :)
09-07-2010, 02:31 PM
I think he must have been rich by then to be living in Aspen (unless he was just visiting), but still, he apparently had the mentality of an ordinary average guy, which is just as good! :)
Maybe he just didn't want to be DUI? Also, the hitchhiking incident may have been a few years before she was working for Carol Wayne & saw him driving around. She certainly would have picked him up, it's just that the other driver beat her to it !
09-07-2010, 02:48 PM
If I recall my "history" of the Colorado communities, back in the early 70's, Aspen was a haven for aspiring artists, much as was Laurel Canyon and not the hideout for the exclusively rich!
I know that Joe lived in a little community about 30 miles from Boulder though the name of it escapes me now....It was and is a very beautiful and inspiring location with scenery that just blows your mind...or at least the minds of most of us "flatlanders" <LOL> The canyon highway between Boulder and that town was a motorcycle heaven! Twisty with a stream running alongside the road the entire way and wildlife everywhere. I think Joe was working on the "Barnstorm" release while living there. Later, after getting married, I think he did move on into Boulder where tragedy struck when his daughter Emma's life was taken in that automobile accident.
My wife and I drove through Aspen a few years ago and it has definitely become a haven for the "pretty people"....especially the rich ones. I wonder today how much of the "crafty" merchandise found there is made in China today?
I know there is some stuff that truly is hand crafted by the local artists. But most that I've seen is not. I recall watching a man in Manitou Springs in Colorado in a Leather Hand Craft shop. He did make belts by hand, if you consider that the belts were all machine stamped to resemble hand tooled leather floral work and the Names or Initials he put on the back of the belts were stamped on with alphabet stamps! This caught my attention because I tool leather myself and never used a stamp for lettering and never made anything with machine embossing on it...I did all the floral and figurative work by hand.
But with that experience with leather, I do know that no one could keep prices on merchandise down low enough and make enough product to have a viable financial venture from it.
09-07-2010, 04:51 PM
Fantastic reviews everyone! Sounds like a good time was had by all. I so wish I could have been there, but reading all about it here at least makes me feel like I was. It sounds (and looks) like Glenn and Joe were in fine form! :thumbsup:
Gl, backstage passes?! Whoever heard of such a thing, in recent years anyways! :shock:
And welcome to all you newbies that have found this wonderful, Eagle loving place! Stick around and you'll have a great time!
09-07-2010, 07:47 PM
Thanks everyone for letting us all share in your adventures. As always Nancy a stellar job also a shout-out to Cami for jump-starting all the reviews. Glad everyone had a good time.
09-08-2010, 01:45 AM
I know that Joe lived in a little community about 30 miles from Boulder though the name of it escapes me now....It was and is a very beautiful and inspiring location with scenery that just blows your mind...or at least the minds of most of us "flatlanders" <LOL> The canyon highway between Boulder and that town was a motorcycle heaven! Twisty with a stream running alongside the road the entire way and wildlife everywhere. I think Joe was working on the "Barnstorm" release while living there. Later, after getting married, I think he did move on into Boulder where tragedy struck when his daughter Emma's life was taken in that automobile accident.I'm pretty sure you're referring to Nederland and the Caribou Ranch studio where Barnstorm was recorded. Nederland is now known mostly as the location of the Frozen Dead Guy Days festival.
My wife and I drove through Aspen a few years ago and it has definitely become a haven for the "pretty people"....especially the rich ones. I wonder today how much of the "crafty" merchandise found there is made in China today?There may be a lot of stuff like that but there is also plenty of very very expensive crafty stuff made in the U.S. and elsewhere. A couple of our favorite stores include one that sells unusual and very expensive artsy stuff. Each year they feature different types of "art". This summer they have glass like stuff, it's got a name and if my wife wasn't in bed I could tell you :) Another store has some amazing fossil tables and other fossilized stuff like a T-Rex and Shark Skull and the third is a photography studio with amazing photographs of natural wonders.
No doubt it's changed over the years and some things will never be like they used to be. Sometimes that good and other times bad. Depends on what's going on inside the head behind the eyeballs.
09-08-2010, 07:10 AM
..are there no pictures of the concert???????:-(
09-08-2010, 08:19 AM
..are there no pictures of the concert???????:-(Someone posted a link early to some official photo's. I have some photo's in my blog take from my phone at the link in my signature.
There is also a link to a great professional photographer who should have photo's up soon.
09-08-2010, 08:20 AM
I knew that if I really got down and danced like I wanted to in a setting like this where I was only limited by the amount of space I had, my feet would pay the price. So, I said "Screw it" and took off my high-heeled boots. This is a festival, not a fashion show. Standing barefoot in the grass at the fence dividing the audience from the stage and brimming with excitement from the top of my head down to my newly naked toes, I was more than ready for the show!
:applause: Well said sister! I remember you and I limping around after Timothy's solo show, and I vowed never to wear uncomfortable shoes to a concert again.
09-08-2010, 08:40 AM
:applause: Well said sister! I remember you and I limping around after Timothy's solo show, and I vowed never to wear uncomfortable shoes to a concert again.
Such lightweights!! :hilarious:
09-08-2010, 08:48 AM
"Ladies and Gentleman, we present to you Hall of Fame members and Grammy award winners Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh!!!"
[Audience erupts!!!]
What a nice intro!
Without further ado, they plunged into the rocker "Walk Away." That catchy opening riff gets folks going every time and the song's energy keeps them there! The little girls next to me and I were literally jumping up and down, and everyone around me was rocking out as the adrenaline of the entire crowd surged with the song. The crowd was wild for them already and would just get more amped up as the show progressed. They had us at hello!
Walk Away is my favorite Joe song and a great way to get the crowd going! And I love your Jerry Mcquire reference. :hilarious:
Ordinary Average Guy
Then, into the song intro! Joe began by saying, with a completely straight face as he always does, that while he and Glenn are rock stars, they're really just ordinary average guys. They take out the trash and mow their lawns
Glenn chimed in that yeah, they're totally ordinary, besides the planes and mansions and all.
It sounds like they were really interacting with each other much more than we get to see at an Eagles show, and understandably so. This was a much looser show and I would have loved to seen it.
Lyin' Eyes
Before going into this, Glenn said he smelled smoke... cigar smoke... and that people should be smoking other things besides cigars! (I should say that I smelled some nasty skunk smell which PLS informed me was 'skunk weed.' My response: "People smoke something that smells like SKUNKS?")
In the City
I did notice that Joe changed up the guitar solo, not only here but on other songs as well.
I love it when he changes it up!
You Belong to the City
I love this song - its building intensity, its drama, that interplay between guitar and sax, Glenn at the keyboard... and, to my delight, he sang it without falsetto! Danny Grenier joined him on the verses like Tim used to do when the Eagles performed it. The audience was completely into this and while it seemed at the end Glenn wasn't quite satisfied with how the song went down, everybody else was loving it... including me!
I love this song too. What made you think this? What did he do?
Life in the Fast Lane
As GL already said, Glenn and Joe shared lead vocals equally - Joe sang the first verse, Glenn the second, and they went back and forth on the third. I loved it. Man, it is so freaking cool to see an Eagles song like this done so differently and still sounding so incredible.
I would have loved to seen this. When I saw Joe solo at the IL State Fair he did it but one of his backup singers sang lead on it. This sounds so cool!
I Hear You Knocking
I wondered at there being no Desperado, but honestly I didn't miss it hugely because I like it when the show ends with a rocker rather than a ballad. End with a BANG, I say!
Me too! :nod:
09-08-2010, 09:45 AM
I'm pretty sure you're referring to Nederland
YES, Nederland. We stopped there on one of our canyon rides at a restaurant on a corner with a lot of tables outside. That town is "All Corners" <LOL>
I'm sure you are right Dave about the authentic stuff. Some tourist towns are more devoted to arts and crafts than others and with the people that Aspen attracts, I'm sure that there are a lot of shops (maybe most even) that carry real art. That is not the case in many tourist type towns. I do know it is a beautiful place and Colorado has several. I dearly love to tour the Rockies and have done so from Estes Park to Teluride.
09-08-2010, 12:21 PM
PM, re "You Belong To The City", near the end of the song Glenn turned around & looked at the band, I think 3 times, and appeared to give them the "Frey eye". I remarked to Dreamer that Glenn wasn't too happy about something! When he went towards the back of the stage to get his guitar for the next song it looked like he gave the band a brief talking to.
One other small thing that came to mind when I was typing this-although we didn't see much of Otis after the concert started, he did bring one of Glenn's guitars out to him. I can't get over how adorable Otis is! Dreamer said that he is learning the "family business". :)
09-08-2010, 02:04 PM
So, didn't anyone else get any photos? You regulars are usually so good at this...........come on......give 'em up! :lol:
And we need to see how adorable Otis is these days!
09-08-2010, 02:25 PM
So, didn't anyone else get any photos? You regulars are usually so good at this...........come on......give 'em up! :lol:
The festival was very adamant about not bring cameras saying they "would be confiscated at the gate" so most of us didn't take them in with us. And they had big signs on the fence saying "no photos" and the security staff seemed to be keeping an eye out for cameras. Of course I should have realized they wouldn't look twice at me at the gate because I was not carrying a bag (not like they were doing pat-downs) and stuck my camera in my pocket because by the time the guys were on there were people with cameras and phones snapping pictures all around me. I tried a few shots with my phone but the light was funky and the shots didn't turn out. Oh well.
I do know GL's hubby got some photos (and video I think) but we will have to wait for them until after they get home from their trip...
09-08-2010, 03:15 PM
It's really getting hard for them to police that "no-photo, no-video, no-audio" policy what with all the sophisticated telephone technology. Very little difference between some of the phones and the lower end cameras!
09-08-2010, 04:39 PM
WT-quote-The festival was very adamant about not bring cameras saying they "would be confiscated at the gate" so most of us didn't take them in with us. And they had big signs on the fence saying "no photos" and the security staff seemed to be keeping an eye out for cameras.
Yeah, I'm thinking "since when did that stop us?" :hilarious:
09-08-2010, 05:40 PM
I know of one lady who was always able to provide professional quality photos of virtually any Eagles show regardless as to the "camera Nazis". She took a 35mm with a telephoto lens in to the tucked into her blouse!
I'll say NO MORE about that other than it would be impossible for one of the male persuasion to get away with that!
09-08-2010, 05:57 PM
My camera is busted, and my phone is the cheap kind with a crappy camera. Besides, my angle wasn't good for photos. I just hope Harold and Ann's photos turn out, because there is a surprising paucity of them on the internet other than those Dave mentioned and Koala linked to.
09-08-2010, 06:05 PM
Soda... love your sig!
09-08-2010, 06:16 PM
Found another review, with a photo of Glenn:
Boomers Well-Served at JAS Festival (
09-08-2010, 07:21 PM
.."Joe Walsh sang "Heartache Tonight"?.........really??????
09-08-2010, 08:29 PM
Yeah, I know. And THAT'S the guy they choose to quote! Where's the editorial QC?
Ive always been a dreamer
09-08-2010, 09:14 PM
I wonder why he didn't mention that Glenn sang Life's Been Good! :lol:
Anyway, I have another thing about the show that I forgot to mention earlier - well it's actually not about the show, but about the set list. When I walked over to Soda and PLS at the end of the show, she was trying to get the roadies attention to get the set list. I told her Nanc, you're not projecting enough for them to hear you in this crowd. So she told me to try to get it. I walked over closer to the center of the stage and asked for it, but none of them reacted so I didn't think they heard me either. But after a moment, one of the guys reached on the floor and got it for us. So I it pays to have a big mouth sometimes. :wink: However, getting it was a mixed blessing after I saw that they were supposed to play Party Town. Bomber!!!
09-08-2010, 11:29 PM
Perhaps the copious amounts of screaming I had been doing during the show damaged my ability to project after it! At any rate, thanks for taking care of it, Dreamer, since it wasn't happening for me.
09-09-2010, 11:47 PM
Another video:
09-10-2010, 12:54 AM
Pretty good video considering it wasn't taken under ideal conditions. I didn't see any of us, but of course we were much closer :thumbsup:!
09-10-2010, 01:01 AM
Found another review, with a photo of Glenn:
Boomers Well-Served at JAS Festival (
I was able to pick up the local papers that this article & a few others were in, concerning the concert. I'm going to add them to my memorabilia! :)
09-10-2010, 04:44 AM
Pretty good video considering it wasn't taken under ideal conditions. I didn't see any of us, but of course we were much closer :thumbsup:!
Actually GL I think I spotted Harold in the video... not 100% sure but at the beginning and at the end I could see a bald man in a blue shirt (wasn't he wearing a blue shirt that day?) and right in front of him is a bouncing head of brown hair (guess who?? :lol:) and another head of blonde hair...
Start about 18-20 seconds in and you can see Nancy turn to Lissa. And that looks like Harold behind them. And you can see him and the back of Nancy and Lissa's heads again in the last 30 seconds a couple of times.
09-10-2010, 07:12 AM
I see Joe doing some jumping in that video! :blueblob:
09-10-2010, 09:48 AM
This sounds like it would have been a fantastic show to be at! Great to hear what a good time everyone had!
Ive always been a dreamer
09-10-2010, 10:17 AM
Yep - I think I spotted Nancy, Lissa, and Harold in there too. I'm still so happy that I got to see this show. As much as I love Eagles shows (and most of you know that I do love them), I loved this show because it was so different than an Eagles show. Yeah - basically the same songs, but the interaction between Joe and Glenn, and the spontaneity make these special. I can tell you, anytime the Party of Two wants to play public shows, I will be there if at all possible. :nod: :nod: :nod:
BTW - I'm still wondering if PPoTW is going to set in! :?
09-10-2010, 10:25 AM
BTW - I'm still wondering if PPoTW is going to set in!
It probably will, big time, but I'm still on my Rocky Mountain high. Maybe that's because I'm still here. We'll see what happens when I get to Bangor & then home.
09-10-2010, 10:30 AM
Hey Ann, y'all could drive out to Wichita, Kansas. Not but 600 miles plus your distance from Denver. We might could even drive down and visit with Jess! Or Brooke!
09-10-2010, 10:35 AM
Hey Ann, y'all could drive out to Wichita, Kansas. Not but 600 miles plus your distance from Denver. We might could even drive down and visit with Jess! Or Brooke!
Love to Mike, but our plane leaves today for Bangor, via Detroit :-(. We want to come back next year if we can. Would love to meet more Borderers!
09-10-2010, 10:48 AM
Well, I'll be watching and if possible, I'd love to meet you guys!
09-11-2010, 01:49 AM
A few good photos and a video!
09-11-2010, 02:15 AM
ooooh! Love that video, bad sound notwithstanding! And finally some clear photos, although they don't do the guys justice.
09-11-2010, 10:29 AM
Gonzoshots ( has his pictures up now.
He seems to get much better pictures then I did with my Droid, go figure ;)
09-11-2010, 10:44 AM
I think I see Dreamer & myself! WT can you see yourself? That part of the video is so short &nwhen I pause it, it is too blurry to tell. :partytime:
09-11-2010, 11:00 AM
Wow! Joe's hair is getting really long-Love It! :thumbsup:
Ive always been a dreamer
09-11-2010, 11:58 AM
Yep GL - that's us. The reason I can tell is because I see the little girl that was standing directly in front of me and her mom with the blonde hair. She is the same little girl that I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that was having such a great time. It was really fun to watch her.
09-11-2010, 04:12 PM
Gonzoshots ( has his pictures up now.
He seems to get much better pictures then I did with my Droid, go figure ;)
The best I've seen so far!
09-11-2010, 08:44 PM
Another review with a couple decent photos:
09-13-2010, 03:48 PM
Oooooh, great! Nice pics, too! :yay:
09-14-2010, 03:00 AM
The Facebook page finally added some photos!
09-14-2010, 07:21 AM
The Facebook page finally added some photos!
Julie is going to LOVE this one when she finally sees it!!
Ive always been a dreamer
09-14-2010, 08:57 AM
Oh wow! These are good ones. Love that one of Joe too! :thumbsup:
09-15-2010, 01:50 PM
That's Joe doing his best "Popeye"!
09-16-2010, 05:46 PM
Love all of them, so clear! Glenn :heart: as always looks fantastic. Can't believe he'll be 42 in 6 weeks.
09-16-2010, 11:26 PM
Glenn :heart: as always looks fantastic. Can't believe he'll be 42 in 6 weeks.
Neither can I! ;)
09-17-2010, 08:43 AM
And as most of you probably know, he looks even younger & more handsome in person! :smitten:
09-17-2010, 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Glennsallnighter
Glenn as always looks fantastic. Can't believe he'll be 42 in 6 weeks.
Neither can I! ;)
Neither can Glenn! :lol:
09-17-2010, 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Glennsallnighter
Glenn as always looks fantastic. Can't believe he'll be 42 in 6 weeks.
Neither can Glenn! :lol:
09-18-2010, 07:10 AM
Actually, doesn't Glenn look like he actually WILL be 42 in six weeks??:smokin::heart:
Ive always been a dreamer
09-18-2010, 10:21 AM
Wow! Then I really am just 39!!! :lol:
09-18-2010, 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Glennsallnighter
Glenn as always looks fantastic. Can't believe he'll be 42 in 6 weeks.
Neither can Glenn! :lol:
:lol: :lol: lol!
09-20-2010, 12:38 PM
I'm going to post this here and Nancy can move it if she fieels it belongs someplace else. I watched the Don Henley videos that were shot at Red Rock and it looks to ME, like Will Hollis, Scott Cargo and Wayne Perry were backing Don as well as Glenn and Joe.It's nice that they use the same people in their showes.
09-20-2010, 03:51 PM
Interesting point AEF. That is nice that they do that.
This doesn't have to do with PO2, but I was just curious if anyone saw Lynyrd Skynyrd at the music festival up there. I think they played the day after Joe and Glenn.
09-20-2010, 04:27 PM
Yep - I think I spotted Nancy, Lissa, and Harold in there too. I'm still so happy that I got to see this show. As much as I love Eagles shows (and most of you know that I do love them), I loved this show because it was so different than an Eagles show. Yeah - basically the same songs, but the interaction between Joe and Glenn, and the spontaneity make these special. I can tell you, anytime the Party of Two wants to play public shows, I will be there if at all possible. :nod: :nod: :nod:
BTW - I'm still wondering if PPoTW is going to set in! :?
Hey, if it's anywhere near the East Coast, or even it's remotely plausible that you think I might be able to make it with you, please let me know! That show sounded fantastic! I'm psyched that you all had such a great time!
09-20-2010, 06:36 PM
Interesting point AEF. That is nice that they do that.
This doesn't have to do with PO2, but I was just curious if anyone saw Lynyrd Skynyrd at the music festival up there. I think they played the day after Joe and Glenn.
We stayed on in Snowmass after the PoT concert but didn't go to the festival the next day, so we didn't see Lynyrd Skynyrd. I didn't hear any talk about the LS show either.
09-20-2010, 07:03 PM
I'm going to post this here and Nancy can move it if she fieels it belongs someplace else. I watched the Don Henley videos that were shot at Red Rock and it looks to ME, like Will Hollis, Scott Cargo and Wayne Perry were backing Don as well as Glenn and Joe.It's nice that they use the same people in their showes.
Yes, you're right, AzEF. All 3 of them played with Glenn & Joe too.
09-21-2010, 08:18 AM
Lynyrd Skynyrd still puts on a pretty good show. Johnny Van Zant (Ronnie Van Zant's baby brother) is their front-man now. I've seen them a couple of times. Johnny's vocals are understandably very close to brother Ronnie's back in the day.
Ive always been a dreamer
09-23-2010, 06:34 PM
Hey, if it's anywhere near the East Coast, or even it's remotely plausible that you think I might be able to make it with you, please let me know! That show sounded fantastic! I'm psyched that you all had such a great time!
You can count on it, Eva. The show was great. We would have loved it if you had been there with us. We'll keep our fingers crossed for another show. And OBTW, it's official - I had a case of PPoTW set in a couple of days ago. :wink:
09-23-2010, 08:23 PM
You can count on it, Eva. The show was great. We would have loved it if you had been there with us. We'll keep our fingers crossed for another show. And OBTW, it's official - I had a case of PPoTW set in a couple of days ago. :wink:
The PPoTW is starting to set in for me as well. Harold said even he is feeling it! (after I explained what it was of course.
09-29-2010, 01:29 PM
I finally got around to scanning the T shirt I got at the concert. There were no special Party of Two merchandise, but as you can see, Glenn & Joe's names are on it.
10-04-2010, 02:13 PM
Very nice GL!
10-04-2010, 02:30 PM
Late to the party here but I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments about the show; seems it was a heck of a time. I'm jealous!
As an ancillary note... Henley solo tells stories and generally seems to have a light, easy time. It sounds as though Frey and Walsh joked around and considered it more of a party than a job. Yet on the Eagles shows... nothing. Just the scripted jokes. I wonder what it is about the foursome that dulls the spontaneity.
Ive always been a dreamer
10-04-2010, 03:45 PM
ABM - This is nothing more than my humble opinion but I think the Eagles always had a rather stoic stage performance even back in the early days. I guess they may have just decided to maintain the same stage presence - you know, in like the "if it ain't broke, then don't fix it" mentality. I remember Glenn remarking before (I think on the F1 DVD interview) that they have to stay pretty close to their mikes. They can't stray too far because of all that gorgeous harmonizing. :thumbsup:
But - it was fun to watch Joe and Glenn being so spontaneous on stage at this show. They looked like they were really enjoying themselves.
10-24-2010, 01:57 AM
I don't remember these pictures being posted,
10-24-2010, 07:06 PM
WOW! Some of those are superb. Thanks.
10-24-2010, 07:10 PM
I agree - great find!!
10-25-2010, 01:08 AM
Great photos! :thumbsup:Thanks!
10-25-2010, 08:02 AM
Yes AZ, thanks very much!
Ive always been a dreamer
10-25-2010, 10:33 AM
:thumbsup: from me too, AZ. OMG - I LOVED THAT SHOW!!!!!!!!!!
10-25-2010, 09:56 PM
I had the great pleasure of shooting this Festival for the event organizers (JAS), you can see my review (with photos) of Joe and Glenn's performance here:
Also I posted nearly a hundred photos of the show on my Flickr site here:
If took over 500 photos so if you want to see more just let me know.
10-25-2010, 10:02 PM
I had the great pleasure of shooting this the 2010 Aspen JAzz Festival for the event organizers (JAS), you can see my review (with photos) of Joe and Glenn's performance here: (
Also I posted nearly a hundred photos of the show on my Flickr site here: (
If took over 500 photos so if you want to see more just let me know.
Here are a couple photos from the set:
10-25-2010, 10:05 PM
Hi Gonzo and welcome! Yes, I think someone here may have already found some of your photos - they look familiar. Great work! Unfortunately we don't really enjoy looking at photos of the Eagles very much here. :lie: :hilarious:
Thank you!
10-26-2010, 12:59 AM
Welcome Gonzo, your photos are great.:thumbsup:Thank you!
10-26-2010, 04:27 AM
I found your pictures and posted your Flickr site. Hope you don't mind. Your pictures are fabulous. You either were in the front row or have some great camera equipment. ANY pictures of ANY of the Eagles members present or past are welcome here. Welcome and hope you post more concerts photos
10-26-2010, 09:52 AM
Wow! Lucky you!
And your photos are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them with us. :thumbsup:
10-26-2010, 11:55 AM
Well-done, Gonzo!
08-10-2014, 04:04 PM
I had the great pleasure of shooting this Festival for the event organizers (JAS), you can see my review (with photos) of Joe and Glenn's performance here:
Also I posted nearly a hundred photos of the show on my Flickr site here:
If took over 500 photos so if you want to see more just let me know.
I've just been looking at these and there are some impressive close-ups. They're quite different to what we see from the Eagles tours.
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