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10-21-2010, 04:11 PM
I noticed that at the Indianapolis concert, Glenn had his hands wrapped up. Does anyone know why?

10-21-2010, 04:39 PM
I noticed that too and was wondering.

tequila girl
10-21-2010, 04:51 PM
Are you talking about the wrist supports or what looks like a plaster/bandaid? that I mentioned back in may?


10-21-2010, 04:59 PM
Are you talking about the wrist supports or what looks like a plaster/bandaid? that I mentioned back in may?


well he had both the wrist supports but he had, if i remember correctly, both his hands wrapped too

10-21-2010, 05:23 PM
I know he had his left hand for sure wrapped around the palm. Surprised me that he could even play that way.

02-04-2011, 12:57 PM
A recent Google alert gave a link to a website that asked the question as to who played guitar on Flip City. No one on the website was able to answer the question. I did a search, but couldn't find any info about the musicians who played on the song. Does anybody know whether or not it was Glenn?

02-04-2011, 05:42 PM
It's a hell of a solo. I hope it was Glenn but it's so fast & raucous that it seems unlikely. Sadly this is one of his least known songs & I love every second of it. There was absolutely no information on musicians on the Ghostbusters II CD, I can tell you that.

02-04-2011, 05:54 PM
Thanks, FP. I was wondering if the CD contained any info.

02-04-2011, 08:59 PM
I'm afraid I don't know either.

02-05-2011, 06:25 AM
I'm going back to the original question regarding Glenn's hand being wrapped up. I'm not sure why either but I have seen it wrapped in several of the concerts I've been to. I was looking through my concert pics and i noticed it wrapped like this in Wichita.


here's a closer look. I cropped and zoomed in a little but it came out a little blurry.


When I was looking through my San Jose pics it doesn't look like he had that part of his hand wrapped but you can kinda see some sort of indention. Maybe a scar or some sort of cut he had on his hand? :shrug:



02-05-2011, 11:31 AM
I have always assumed that the reason Glenn has his hand/wrists wrapped is to help deal with his rheumatoid arthritis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheumatoid_arthritis) issues.

02-05-2011, 02:49 PM
This is the bandage that he had at the LA Lupus Orange Ball in May. I would think that a bandage there would be fo a cut or something similar rather that as a support due to his arthritis.



02-05-2011, 06:15 PM
In Sydney while his wrists were taped up his finger wasn't:


02-09-2011, 06:52 PM
Another gorgeous pic Julie! I presume its one you took yourself. IMAGINE getting that near to him. :inlove:

02-09-2011, 06:54 PM
Yes, I took that one. :thumbsup:

tequila girl
02-09-2011, 09:17 PM
He's obviously got some sort of plaster/bandaid/whatever on his hand between thumb/forefinger in this pic too....but the whole point of this has been going on for so long now I can't remember what it's actually about

02-09-2011, 10:35 PM
I took the photo & I don't remember seeing any tape on the fingers. But in this one you can't see it; while in the next one you can:



The third one does appear to show tape:


Henley Honey
05-08-2011, 12:19 PM
I may be way off the mark, but I think the wrist and hand bands are helpful to restrict excessive joint movement due to his RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). There are many different types of this auto-immune disease, but one is specific to the wrists and hands and usually occurs bilaterally.

Again, I'm not sure -- but I've seen him wear them at several shows -- mostly at colder climate venues. Look again at the picture with his wife. His knuckles seem swollen.

Any nurses or rheumatologists on the Border?

05-08-2011, 01:30 PM
I was just reading the Wikipedia article about RA that TimFan posted the link to in post #11. Scary stuff, especially the facts that those suffering from RA have a greatly increased risk of heart attack & stroke & it can reduce lifespan by 5-10 years! Also, smoking increases the effects of the disease. I knew the disease was crippling but I had no idea that it does so much other damage to the body. :worried: I pray that Glenn has finally stopped smoking and if not, that he does soon! :pray: :fear:

05-08-2011, 01:38 PM
Old habits die hard. He was still smoking in 2008, although that was three years ago now so you never know.

Man, that does sound bad. Let's pray he's got a milder case or that they can come up with something to help him. He's certainly got the best medical care.

06-21-2011, 09:09 PM
The bandages that you've photographed may be athletic tape wrapped around the hand and wrist--many consecutive hours of playing guitar per day (including practice hours) may cause the hand and wrists to bang against the guitar from leaning into and supporting the instrument while playing it. This would hurt and injure or bruise a guitarist. Maybe there's gauze under the athletic tape wraps to prevent the athletic tape from sticking when it's removed.

I would think that Glenn tapes his hand and wrists with athletic tape to prevent injury. The reinforcing tape could also protect him from arthritis.

(Athletic tape is an extra wide adhesive-type tape with less glue on the sticky side. It can be used over Ace bandages, gauze, other "take the stick out of peeling it off" stuff like socks or warm-ups, and is usually applied loosely wrapped (which is several degrees less taut than an Ace wrap) in a few layers to immobilize or reinforce an area that does an athletic task. It is not for close wrapping due to maintaining adequate circulation! Athletic tape is not an injury treatment type of adhesive tape, and you can find it in stores!)
**Note: I wrote the paragraph as an explanation only--please do not try to guess at how to use athletic tape, because this product's use and application should be supervised by an experienced and knowledgeable person.