View Full Version : Eagles 40th Anniversary

Ive always been a dreamer
06-17-2012, 01:20 AM
Well today is a pretty momentous occasion in Eagles history. This is the day the band's self-titled first album was released.


I know we have a separate celebration thread to honor the album, but this day is so special I thought it deserves a thread of it's own. We can use this thread to celebrate the 40 year history of America's greatest band all week. Post your favorite Eagles moment, your favorite song, album, or anything else you want to share. Any of you have any ideas about what can we do here on The Border to make this 40th celebration special? Okay - take it away Borderers ... post on!!!

06-17-2012, 01:31 AM
my my how time flies when you're having fun...I wonder if the guys remember the date and the significance of it in history...

Happy Anniversary Eagles...I Love You!!!

It took me almost 40 years to get to see them live but I finally did it 5/2/12...and it's a date I will never forget and an evening I will never forget no matter how many more times I see them in the future...truly was a dream come true...:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:: heart::heart::heart::

06-17-2012, 04:57 AM
Zelda, I totally echo your sentiments on never forgetting seeing the boys for the first (but hopefully not the last!!) time live. WOW.

Biggest unexpected high: Long Road Out of Eden live (had never heard it before, totally amazing)

Favourite song to watch or listen to: the HFO version of New York Minute - where it all started for me (i.e. going from liking some songs to becoming totally obsessed with everything Eagles!). Even though it was originally a Don solo creation, the HFO version makes it seem so "right". Beautiful harmonies, amazing musicality - the things I associate with the Eagles. :inlove:

06-17-2012, 01:11 PM
Happy 40th Birthday Eagles!

Happy Birthday to the band that if they had never existed - I very likely would not be alive today... I'll write about my favorite song, album, era, members, and more tidbits about the band later when I have more time tonight. Most of it won't be a surprise to those who know me and have been here awhile.

06-17-2012, 01:41 PM
I know this sounds melodramatic, but I can't even imagine my life without Eagles music in it. Glenn has said in interviews that fans have told him about doing things to Eagles music, but I've done things because of Eagles music. The conversations that have started and friendships made because of a mutual love of their music amazes me. All through my life, but especially the friends I've made, real friends, through this message board! And it all started with an album released 40 years ago today. Wow.

06-17-2012, 04:53 PM
I don't usually make it to The Border on the weekends, but since I did, I have to post in this thread. Thanks for starting it, dreamer!

Happy 40th Anniversary Eagles!

It's where it all started for me, 40 years ago! When I first heard the album I loved it all. Take It Easy was, and still is, my all time favorite Eagles song. My husband and I have listened to all their albums all the time over the years ever since and were devestated when they broke up and elated when they got back together. They have been the soundtrack to our lives, for sure. But this album was the beginning. :heart:

06-17-2012, 05:46 PM
Happy 40th Anniversary, Eagles!

I'll probably post favorite moments/albums/songs when I have more time, but for now, I'll say this: To put things in perspective, I wasn't even alive when they released this album, or the others after it. I wasn't even alive when they broke up and I wasn't alive when hell froze over. But the first time I heard the opening notes of Victim Of Love at seven years old, I knew that this band would be one I'd be listening to for a long time. After nine years, two concerts and a new album, the Eagles are still my favorite band of all time. Their music has been there through the highs, the lows, and the days where I felt like listening to all of their songs and solo songs in a row for no reason. (I did that once and it took eight hours. :nahnah:) The two concerts I've attended were some of the best I've ever been to, even though both had bad seats; and because I came here, I found out about Joe Walsh going on a solo tour and now I'm going to see him at Summerfest in about two weeks. And even though my family still teases me about it, I don't regret having a huge crush on Don as a kid. HFO Henley is HOT!
So happy birthday, Eagles! And thanks for 40 years of freakin' amazing music and here's to many more. :)

06-17-2012, 09:30 PM
Why are we still talking about the Eagles after 40 years? Because they are a talented group. They don't need anything but their instruments and their voices to put on a show. No fancy dance moves, no wild special effects, no crazy costumes, just their talent. OK, their looks don't hurt.:)

06-18-2012, 12:23 AM

40 years WOW! This is a milestone!

What would my life be without this band? Most likely the same as now But it would be missing a lot of special wonderful music! And I would never have "met" you all!

06-18-2012, 01:49 AM
Well what more can I add but,


to the most incredible band in the world!! I've been listening to Eagles music since the mid 70s, think it was the Greatest Hits album belonging to my sister (the one with the blue cover) and just about wore it out...so never got around to buying any others!! :spin: I really don't know why that was, I guess because I used to listen to them on radio quite a lot and didn't think about buying any more albums.

I really only started listening to Eagles when I came to Sydney in late 1975 so it took awhile for me to start getting the hang of the music scene (came from Norfolk Island - long story about the accessibility of the music )..and so...[cough, cough]...I am ashamed to say I don't have any Eagles albums in my possession now, only two DVDs which I bought recently (F1 Tour and HFO a few days ago)..F1 got a real work out for a few days, picked out all my faves and rewatched them, got a chance to observe some of the finer nuances of the guys ;) and watched quite a few songs on HFO that I hadn't heard before.

I have my eye on a double CD of greatest hits (the white cover) in my local music store so that is on my very belated list of music loitering..just lately I've been catching up on lots of songs from YT.

Love the idea of people doing stuff to as well doing stuff because of Eagles music :partytime:

Also, kinda hard looking at them all the time when they sing :heybaby::lie:

so that's all given me an idea :D my son's just left the house and in my mind, the only way to listen to New York Minute and Across The Border is with a coupla glasses of a nice sweet white :hilarious: with the headphones cranked up REAL LOUD to simulate the concert experience I've never had :weep:(1...2....3...everybody go, awwwwwwwwwwww) ;)

06-18-2012, 02:01 AM
Why are we still talking about the Eagles after 40 years? Because they are a talented group. They don't need anything but their instruments and their voices to put on a show. No fancy dance moves, no wild special effects, no crazy costumes, just their talent. OK, their looks don't hurt.:)

I have always thought this way also about them...when I first saw HFO with just them sitting there on stools...nothing but them...I remember thinking...these guys are soooo stinking talented I can't stand it...I remember hating all the music that was out at that time and thinking..now this is what music is supposed to be...

06-18-2012, 02:10 AM
I have always thought this way also about them...when I first saw HFO with just them sitting there on stools...nothing but them...I remember thinking...these guys are soooo stinking talented I can't stand it...I remember hating all the music that was out at that time and thinking..now this is what music is supposed to be...

Ah, now you're talking and that's gonna start me talking...in fact, I just may turn my comments into a blog, been thinking about it. Because I have far too much to say about why I think they've lasted the distance and then some.

Briefly, though...it's the songs. We all relate to the songs because we grew up with their music and it was current for our time. Also, their professionalism and attention to detail. The melodies, the lyrics, the studio recordings, the musicianship of their collective talents..as Glenn said when intro'ing them on F1...where they came from was the fertiliser of their genius.


06-18-2012, 05:12 AM
Ah, now you're talking and that's gonna start me talking...in fact, I just may turn my comments into a blog, been thinking about it. Because I have far too much to say about why I think they've lasted the distance and then some.

Briefly, though...it's the songs. We all relate to the songs because we grew up with their music and it was current for our time. Also, their professionalism and attention to detail. The melodies, the lyrics, the studio recordings, the musicianship of their collective talents..as Glenn said when intro'ing them on F1...where they came from was the fertiliser of their genius.

I've just got to add here: even if we didn't grow up with the music we can still relate to it because intelligent lyrics, strong melody and beautiful harmony are timeless.

Oh, and Bramwen - JB HiFi over here usually have Eagles CDs for around $9 each - I'm sure they'd have them in Sydney too. :)

06-18-2012, 10:25 AM
I'm 48 and I can't really remember when they weren't a constant part of my life. I have older cousins that introduced me to them when I was very young and from there....

There was the Hotel California concert I missed because my parents said I was to young, the first time I opened up the Long Run album to see Timothy as the new bass player and falling head over heels, the news that they had broken up that was so devastating, hearing Life's Been Good for the first time on the radio on a trip with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins to Great America and having to have them stop at a record store so my cousin Terri and I could buy But Seriously, Folks, etc. Even when I was getting married and starting a family in the late 80s & 90s and they were no longer a band, their music was always there, along with all the wonderful solo music from Glenn & Don that was hitting the charts and MTV at the time.

I remember vividly the night, after putting our small children to bed and settling in to watch a bit of tv one Friday night, while flipping channels my husband stopped at a concert, HFO, and I remember sitting there mesmerized and thinking, "My God, they're back!!". Hubby pointing at the long haired bass player and saying "isn't that the one you were always in love with?". :hilarious: The HOF induction and seeing them all on the stage together. My hubby taking me to Cleveland that same year because I had to visit the HOF THE year that the Eagles were put into it.

They've always been there... Getting The Very Best of for Christmas one year from hubby and sitting down to watch the DVD of Hole In The World, preordering LROOE and thinking it was never going to happen and get here. I would never be able to thank the Eagles enough for putting that album out just when I needed it most and how it became my constant companion for the daily trips to my parents home and hospital immediately after being released in the final month of my father's battle with cancer and the song WITW bringing me to tears every freaking time it played.

Finding this board that I wouldn't of found or made so many wonderful friends from had it not been for this band!

The tickets from my husband for our 20th wedding anniversary and him swearing I would finally see them live after a few failed attempts over the previous 30 years, come hell or high water. Meeting fellow Borderers there that made it that much more special.

My Long Run birthday cake while having a vinyl night on the patio with friends who included Soda and Prettymaid.

The release of Expando and seeing Timothy for the very first time solo.

Etc....etc.... etc..... etc.... They've always been there!!!!

Thank you Eagles!

06-18-2012, 11:14 AM

I've never seen them live (yet), but this band has made such an imprint on my life. Some memorable Eagles moments:

- That first chilly day in September 1979 when I heard "Wasted Time" on my carpool-mate's Hotel California cassette on the way to high school. I yawned at the hits - the radio had played them to death - but "Wasted Time" grabbed me and wouldn't let go. The remainder of the album finished the job. I was hooked.

- Visiting my best friend when he was living in Texas. On my last morning there, we danced to "Ol' 55". I cried and realized that he really was more than a friend. Within a month, he had moved back home and we were dating.

- In my senior yearbook, my favorite quote is "Sometimes to keep it together, you've got to leave it alone." (It was going to be "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key," but it was too long).

- Getting some of the strongest music shivers I've ever had upon hearing "Doolin Dalton Desperado Reprise" for the first time. I still get them.

- Playing the Eagles Live album to death, then recording it and taking it to college with me. I cranked it in the car on my weekend commutes home because my Wham- and Duran-Duran-loving roommates wouldn't let me play it in the dorm.

- Being devasted when, in 1982, I read in People Magazine that the Eagles had officially broken up. I was shocked by the fact that by the time I played Eagles Live for the first time, they were already no more and I would never have the opportunity to see them live.

- Going to Don Henley's Walden Woods Benefit concert in 1990 and screaming when "special guests" Glenn Frey and Timothy B. Schmit were introduced. It was a dream come true. Until then, I was certain I would never see Henley and Frey on the same stage again. I barely even remember the setlist. My boyfriend had to drive us home because I was shaking so badly.

And more recently:

- Replacing my Eagles LPs on CD so I could put them on my iPod and, after a long hiatus, falling in love with the band all over again.

- Discovering that there was a wealth of Eagles info on the internet that never existed when I loved them the first time, along with a certain message board for people with like interests. ;)

- Clinging tightly to Joe's lead on LROOE during a particularly scary airplane landing last winter. Concentrating on every note kept me from getting sick.

I'm sure there are more, but these are my stand-outs. I'm not even counting solo moments. That could be another whole topic!

Ive always been a dreamer
06-18-2012, 11:42 PM
Wow! Some of these posts really choked me up - they are so moving and are straight from the heart. I truly wish the band members could hear some of them.

I'm going to try to post several things throughout the week about the band. One of the things I thought about is this question: Are the Eagles truly America’s greatest band? I know this group, including myself, is probably a bit biased, but my answer is a resounding YES THEY ARE! I’m also aware that there have been tons of polls and surveys about who is the best band ever conducted in various formats, and our guys usually fare pretty well in many of these. I want to share with all of you about a contest that I participated in back in the spring of 2005 not too long after I had become involved in following the band on the internet. The contest was sponsored by the Florida Times-Union at their Jacksonville.com website and it was modeled after the “March Madness” tournament, which determines the NCAA Men’s College Basketball champion here in the states each year. The question they posed in the contest was who is the greatest American rock band of all time, and there was a bracket with 64 bands chosen for the contest. After four elimination rounds, the band that came out on top was ... of course, none other than our Eagles. I thought I’d share an interesting article that was written by a reporter on the publication’s website after the contest was over …

They take it to the limit – and that’s why they’re the champs

It was one of those goosebump moments you experience when a good concert suddenly becomes really good. The Eagles were lined up on stools across the stage at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, doing a handful of acoustic numbers, when Glenn Frey took the microphone.

"All alone at the end of the evening

And the bright lights have faded to blue …"

On the original version of 'Take It To the Limit', Frey wasn’t even the singer; former bass player Randy Meisner was. But that didn’t matter to the 17,000 or so people in the arena. It was an Eagles song, Frey’s an Eagle and he made the song his own.

The Eagles, the kings of the laid-back Southern California sound, have come out on top in our contest to find the greatest American rock ‘n roll band, beating 63 competitors to claim the crown.

There are those who’d argue that the Eagles are not even a rock band. For much of their career, that might have been true. But then they brought in a couple of hotshot guitar players, Don Felder and Joe Walsh, started putting out songs like 'James Dean' and 'Victim of Love', and the debate was over. The Eagles could rock. Besides “It doesn’t have to be hard rock,” wrote one Eagles fan, “to be rock.”

Here are 10 reasons why they deserve the title of greatest American rock band.

1. Joe Walsh. The dude can’t sing to save his life, but he’s rock ‘n roll personified. He was a big solo star before joining the band, while he was in band and during the long period when they were broken up. And his fingerprints are all over 'Life in the Fast Lane', the Eagles hardest rocking tune.

2. They let the music do the talking. In concert, there are no explosions, no laser shows, no confetti falling from the ceiling. They just stand there and play, but the songs are so compelling that you walk out of the concert thinking maybe $126 for a ticket wasn’t so outrageous after all.

3. Oh, those harmonies. Walsh, Frey, Meisner, Don Henley, Bernie Leadon, and Timothy B. Schmit all sang lead at one point or another. But when you got to the chorus and those three- or four-part harmonies kicked in, it was like a punch in the gut.

4. The Eagles were never a one-trick pony. They played Memphis soul on 'The Long Run', hard rock on 'Life in the Fast Lane', bluegrass on 'Midnight Flyer', folk on 'Seven Bridges Road', country on 'Tequila Sunrise'.

5. Their sound is timeless. 'Good Day In Hell' sounds as good on CD as it did on 8-track, vinyl and cassette. And our grandkids are going to be listening to 'Desperado' and 'Take It Easy'.

6. They’re 50-something and cool with that.

7. They’ve always been at least as interesting offstage as on. Walsh has run for president several times; Frey did a guest shot on 'Miami Vice'; and, in 1980, a teenage hooker overdosed in Henley’s hotel room. And if that ain’t rock ‘n roll, nothing is.

8. If you were alive in the ‘70s, you know most of their songs by heart. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they were inescapable.

9. The band is greater than the sum of its parts. Henley, Walsh and Frey have all had very successful solo careers, and everyone who has ever been in the band has put out at least one solo album. But none of the solo work was as good as what they could do when they worked together.

10. Has there ever been a better guitar solo than the one in 'Hotel California'?

So, as the man says:

"Put me on a highway

And show me a sign

And take it to the limit one more time."

06-18-2012, 11:50 PM
Thanks for posting that, Dreamer. Very interesting (and true)!

06-19-2012, 12:02 AM
Dreamer, thanks for posting that!

06-19-2012, 08:22 AM
Wonderful!! Thanks for sharing!

06-19-2012, 09:53 AM
Dreamer, love it! And I wholeheartedly agree! :thumbsup:

Ive always been a dreamer
06-19-2012, 09:48 PM
Thanks all, I'm glad some of you enjoyed my post about the contest. During the contest, the website had a blog where folks could post comments about the bands. In that article, when he quotes the Eagles fan that said "It doesn't have to be hard rock to be rock", that was actually me who wrote that. I may post what I wrote later, but it's a little long and I have another person's post that I want to share right now. I loved the story this person who called him/herself "Take It Easy" wrote. After you read what they wrote, you'll see why they called themself that ...

Almost a month ago, on a business trip I had to drive through the town of Winslow, Arizona and you'll never guess what I saw. After passing through the town, I continued driving along the road in my rental car and I couldn't get "the song" out of my head. So when I made my next stop, I pulled into a record store and bought the Eagles double CD - The Very Best of the Eagles. I listened to the hit-packed CD's (all 33 songs) and have hardly stopped listening to them since. To be honest, I hadn't thought a lot about the Eagles much recently, but listening to these songs brought back a ton of memories. One night back at home, I decided to "surf the net" to check out to see what the band has been up to lately. I found a lot of information, including information about your band contest. When I checked out your web site, I got really excited to see how well the band was doing in your contest. Anyway, I thought the timing of all this was interesting and I really hope they win. They deserve it - they wrote and sang the songs that pretty much defined my generation and these songs still connect today. Take It Easy!

Ive always been a dreamer
06-19-2012, 10:09 PM
One other thing I forgot to mention about the first article I posted. I pretty much agree with everything in the guy's 10 reasons except the part where he says Joe can't sing. He may not have the traditional voice that you normally think of when you hear a singer, BUT the man can carry a tune. He didn't get this successful a singer w/o being able to sing, that's for sure. Just sayin' ...

06-19-2012, 11:32 PM
I've just got to add here: even if we didn't grow up with the music we can still relate to it because intelligent lyrics, strong melody and beautiful harmony are timeless.

Oh, and Bramwen - JB HiFi over here usually have Eagles CDs for around $9 each - I'm sure they'd have them in Sydney too. :)

Beautifully put, EK..intelligent lyrics, strong, not wishy washy and predictable like some of the [c]rap stuff out there right now :faint:

Thanks for the tip, JB HiFi is about 45mins from me so I'll just mosey on over there when I get a chance! still haven't heard LROOE:shh::sigh::doh::blush:

06-19-2012, 11:47 PM
Wow! Some of these posts really choked me up - they are so moving and are straight from the heart. I truly wish the band members could hear some of them.

I'm going to try to post several things throughout the week about the band. One of the things I thought about is this question: Are the Eagles truly America’s greatest band? I know this group, including myself, is probably a bit biased, but my answer is a resounding YES THEY ARE! I’m also aware that there have been tons of polls and surveys about who is the best band ever conducted in various formats, and our guys usually fare pretty well in many of these. I want to share with all of you about a contest that I participated in back in the spring of 2005 not too long after I had become involved in following the band on the internet. The contest was sponsored by the Florida Times-Union at their Jacksonville.com website and it was modeled after the “March Madness” tournament, which determines the NCAA Men’s College Basketball champion here in the states each year. The question they posed in the contest was who is the greatest American rock band of all time, and there was a bracket with 64 bands chosen for the contest. After four elimination rounds, the band that came out on top was ... of course, none other than our Eagles. I thought I’d share an interesting article that was written by a reporter on the publication’s website after the contest was over …

I agree wholeheartedly with all except the first one..as someone else here said.

I had never even heard of Joe Walsh before the F1 Tour DVD (largely because I never caught up with lineup changes, etc..) and I have to say, looking at him and watching him play, made me wonder what sort of sound he'd make when he opened his mouth. He has very real character, knows how to play to the camera, how to ham it up, a rubber face that contorts into all sorts of questionable expressions and I thought to myself, wow, is he for real??

Then he started singing One Day At A Time..it took me completely by surprise because...he has one of those real rock voices, like a heavy metal singer and strong..and...annnnnnnndddd....he sung it all with chewing gum in his mouth, never missed a beat, never hit a bum note, just raised the roof with that soaring voice of his and absolutely blew me away..and I think he does the low parts too..the guy is a lot of fun and has loads of personality..sooooo...

I don't agree with this guy who says "the dude can't sing":thumbsdown::-?:machinegun:

(he needs to get his hearing aid checked:tonguewag::rolleyes::rofl:)

06-20-2012, 08:28 AM
still haven't heard LROOE:shh::sigh::doh::blush:

You mean none of the cd or just the song itself? :shock: WOW---Are you in for a treat!!

I had never even heard of Joe Walsh before the F1 Tour DVD (largely because I never caught up with lineup changes, etc..)

You're just full of surprises. I just figured since you were a Timothy fan from way back, you had probably kept track of all the Eagles info also. You hadn't even heard of Joe's solo stuff? How about the Hotel California album and the song Pretty Maids All In A Row on it?

06-20-2012, 09:05 AM
One other thing I forgot to mention about the first article I posted. I pretty much agree with everything in the guy's 10 reasons except the part where he says Joe can't sing. He may not have the traditional voice that you normally think of when you hear a singer, BUT the man can carry a tune. He didn't get this successful a singer w/o being able to sing, that's for sure. Just sayin' ...

I agree..a lot of famous rock singers don't have that beautiful sweet Timothy B voice, but that doesn't make them any less valid a singer...other than that...he's right on with everything!! and I love Take It Easy's comments too...wish I could drive through Winslow Arizona someday!!

06-20-2012, 09:13 AM
You mean none of the cd or just the song itself? :shock: WOW---Are you in for a treat!!

You're just full of surprises. I just figured since you were a Timothy fan from way back, you had probably kept track of all the Eagles info also. You hadn't even heard of Joe's solo stuff? How about the Hotel California album and the song Pretty Maids All In A Row on it?

wow she is in for a treat...you must hear LROOE...you'll love it!! and yeah there's a lot of great Joe stuff you need to hear too!! I adore Pretty Maids All In A Row..

06-20-2012, 01:36 PM
wow she is in for a treat...you must hear LROOE...you'll love it!! and yeah there's a lot of great Joe stuff you need to hear too!! I adore Pretty Maids All In A Row..

Okay, so yeah...I am a gal who has a few surprises up her sleeve ;)

Right, so the reasons I never kept up with Eagles music is because when I first moved to Sydney in 1975 I was fresh off a little island in the Sth Pacific Ocean (Norfolk) and we never had music stores over there. I had my favourite music sent from Sydney from my twin sister who had moved there ahead of me and the only way I could keep up with any music trends was listening to Top Of the Pops on our local radio station (relayed by the BBC at the time).

So I didn't even know about our guys' music until I got here in Sept of 1975. I think One Of These Nights was one of the first I heard. I was kind of very naive when I first arrived and it wasn't until the early 80s that I really got more into the music scene; lots of concerts, etc and once I got my radio show (which I did for 20 years) I played a bit of Eagles stuff.

But you know, in those days I didn't really follow music trends, or goss about who was doing this or that. So I think I remember them breaking up but sometimes Australia is a little slow to catch up with what's going on in the rest of the world musically.

Also, I was never really up on who sang what, I just knew I loved this voice and that song etc..I had never heard Pretty Maids until HFO, in fact, before coming here to this board I didn't even know what albums they all had.

Guess that's one of the pitfalls of being Down Under, we are behind the times LOL .. but I aim to rectify all that, got some listening to catch up on..oh...and on Norfolk Island we didn't even have tv until the late 70s and even then, it was only to watch videos.

So I'm here to be educated, girls!!! :rockguitar: :D

06-25-2012, 01:05 PM
Well, of course, I join everyone else in saying Happy 40th Anniversary!

It really is an amazing thing, 40 years, and it is especially amazing to me, because I have been following them for every one of those 40 years!

I can still remember the first time I ever heard them on the radio, when 'Take It Easy' was released as single, and responding immediately to the brightness and freshness of the sound, style, and harmony vocals, wondering 'Who are these guys?'. Of course at that time they were generally introduced as being a new band composed primarily of members from Linda Ronstadt's back-up band, but I knew right away that this was a group to watch. I do have to admit that I was much less impressed with their follow-up single 'Witchy Woman' at the time, and that did keep me from buying the album right away. But after I did hear the whole album (from a friend), I was hooked on them for good. But what really made the group stand out as one of the best ever for me was their next 2 albums, Desperado and On The Border, 2 of my all-time favorite albums.

Anyway, now that the big 40th Anniversary is finally officially here, we need to do something special to commemorate it. One thing I recommend is that we compile an official The Border 40th Anniversary Top 40 Eagles Songs. Now, I know we have already made all kinds of lists, rankings, and preferences over the years, of albums, songs, etc. But this would be conducted specirfically for the 40th Anniversary, and represent our collective frame of mind right now. I suggest we conduct this by having each member who wants to contribute, submit their list of their own personal favorite TOP 20 Eagles songs. After sufficient time (2 weeks), these will be compiled to determine the ultimate list of top 40 songs (with ranks determined in the usual way - #1 on a persons list would be worth h 20 points, #2-19 points, etc.). Because there are so many different tastes and favorites, it will not be difficult at all to come up with a top 40 list based on each persons top 20 selections, and will keep the individual lists a bit more manageable.

So, Soda, Dreamer, what do you say? Is this a workable (and fun) idea and exercise, to conduct a new poll to determine everyone's all-time favorite songs and compile a Top 40 for the $0th anniversary? Let's do it (but should probably start a new thread for it)!

06-25-2012, 07:56 PM
I'd like to see that happen but I will leave it to the experts, Soda and/or Dreamer, to initiate it.

Ive always been a dreamer
06-25-2012, 08:57 PM
Well, of course, I join everyone else in saying Happy 40th Anniversary!

It really is an amazing thing, 40 years, and it is especially amazing to me, because I have been following them for every one of those 40 years!

I can still remember the first time I ever heard them on the radio, when 'Take It Easy' was released as single, and responding immediately to the brightness and freshness of the sound, style, and harmony vocals, wondering 'Who are these guys?'. Of course at that time they were generally introduced as being a new band composed primarily of members from Linda Ronstadt's back-up band, but I knew right away that this was a group to watch. I do have to admit that I was much less impressed with their follow-up single 'Witchy Woman' at the time, and that did keep me from buying the album right away. But after I did hear the whole album (from a friend), I was hooked on them for good. But what really made the group stand out as one of the best ever for me was their next 2 albums, Desperado and On The Border, 2 of my all-time favorite albums.

Anyway, now that the big 40th Anniversary is finally officially here, we need to do something special to commemorate it. One thing I recommend is that we compile an official The Border 40th Anniversary Top 40 Eagles Songs. Now, I know we have already made all kinds of lists, rankings, and preferences over the years, of albums, songs, etc. But this would be conducted specirfically for the 40th Anniversary, and represent our collective frame of mind right now. I suggest we conduct this by having each member who wants to contribute, submit their list of their own personal favorite TOP 20 Eagles songs. After sufficient time (2 weeks), these will be compiled to determine the ultimate list of top 40 songs (with ranks determined in the usual way - #1 on a persons list would be worth h 20 points, #2-19 points, etc.). Because there are so many different tastes and favorites, it will not be difficult at all to come up with a top 40 list based on each persons top 20 selections, and will keep the individual lists a bit more manageable.

So, Soda, Dreamer, what do you say? Is this a workable (and fun) idea and exercise, to conduct a new poll to determine everyone's all-time favorite songs and compile a Top 40 for the $0th anniversary? Let's do it (but should probably start a new thread for it)!

I think this sounds like a great idea, BBKron, now that we have completed a ‘Border’ poll for each of the band’s studio albums. But then, I was reminded that we missed the On the Border album so I’m going to go back and start that now since I am a completist. Hopefully, we will get a lot of participation, but it’ll be a fun exercise no matter what. Since this is your idea, feel free to start a new thread whenever you want, and I’ll be glad to track and compile the results. Or if you prefer, I can start the new thread.

06-26-2012, 07:20 AM
Oooh, FUN!!!! :blueblob:

06-26-2012, 08:39 AM
I like! :thumbsup:

06-26-2012, 02:22 PM
According to the Simon Mayo show I just listened to, today is the 40th anniversary of Eagles lp in England. It was released this day 40 years ago. So our guys another birthday shout-out.

06-26-2012, 02:40 PM
I love the Top 20 idea. I'll get thinking (and listening!)

It goes without saying how much I love this band and how much of an impact their music has had on me. As soon as I watched HFO, I fell in love with the songs, first and foremost. (Okay, a certain blue-eyed drummer and his voice might have heightened the impact...) But I was really amazed that a song like Wasted Time was written by twenty-something guys. They were definitely wise beyond their years. The band has been criticised for being "too serious", but I think all of the members are deep personalities in one way or another and that shows in their lyrics. The emotional effect that a song like Lyin' Eyes or Take It To The Limit has on the audience is tangible at a live show. There is magic in the air when those harmonies get going...

06-26-2012, 02:46 PM
As soon as I watched HFO, I fell in love with the songs, first and foremost. (Okay, a certain blue-eyed drummer and his voice might have heightened the impact...)

Same here, Troub! HFO was when I really fell in love with the Eagles... and Don Henley. :inlove: To this day, watching the old VHS tape I have of the concert still makes me so incredibly happy and brings back so many childhood memories. That's the power of the Eagles, I suppose!

06-27-2012, 02:25 PM
I think this sounds like a great idea, BBKron, now that we have completed a ‘Border’ poll for each of the band’s studio albums. But then, I was reminded that we missed the On the Border album so I’m going to go back and start that now since I am a completist. Hopefully, we will get a lot of participation, but it’ll be a fun exercise no matter what. Since this is your idea, feel free to start a new thread whenever you want, and I’ll be glad to track and compile the results. Or if you prefer, I can start the new thread.

If you don't mind, maybe you should go ahead and start it in a new thread introducing the concept and process. It may be more 'official' and get more responses coming from a moderator. I don't really need to get 'credit' for the idea, it's just an interesting and fun exercise for all of us. thanks.


Ive always been a dreamer
06-27-2012, 07:32 PM
Sounds good, BBKron. I'm pretty sure me starting the thread won't make it any more official, but I'll be glad to do it. :thumbsup: I'll wait another day or so before starting it so that everyone can begin working on their Top 20 list.

06-28-2012, 12:51 AM
I just found this topic:


Ive always been a dreamer
06-28-2012, 09:49 PM
Thanks for posting that link, FP. Hopefully, those members who participated in that thread can use their list as a starting point, and then just put the songs in the order of their favorite to least favorite to post in the new thread I started for the poll that BBKron suggested.

07-03-2012, 12:11 PM
Just thinking about how momentous it is for a band to still be as successful as these guys are after 40 years is staggering. I bet when Glenn and Don were talking about forming a group together as they supported Linda Ronstadt in 1971 when they were in their 20s, they never figured they'd be playing stadiums when they were in their 60s. It's no mean feat.

Of course, what's really important is not how successful they are after all these years, but all the lives they have touched in that time, and all the lives they continue to touch - myself among them. Glenn has talked about the "soundtrack to people's lives" and he's talking not about thousands, not about hundreds of thousands, but about millions - and that was just the 70s. How many more since then?

What a gift.

07-07-2012, 02:51 AM
Just thinking about how momentous it is for a band to still be as successful as these guys are after 40 years is staggering. I bet when Glenn and Don were talking about forming a group together as they supported Linda Ronstadt in 1971 when they were in their 20s, they never figured they'd be playing stadiums when they were in their 60s. It's no mean feat.

Of course, what's really important is not how successful they are after all these years, but all the lives they have touched in that time, and all the lives they continue to touch - myself among them. Glenn has talked about the "soundtrack to people's lives" and he's talking not about thousands, not about hundreds of thousands, but about millions - and that was just the 70s. How many more since then?

What a gift.

what you say Soda is sooo true...and I love that they realize it and are humbled by it and so grateful...it's what makes them so special:heart:

Tiffanny Twisted
09-02-2012, 05:59 PM
what you say Soda is sooo true...and I love that they realize it and are humbled by it and so grateful...it's what makes them so special:heart:

I agree.... I like what he said last night in ac as an introduction to the long run...If we knew we'd be around this long we would have taken better care of ourselves...no not really.

Who thinks in theri 2o"s they would be where they are today.

they have touched so many lives and effected so many people for the better I am sure so

happy big 40...a milestone for sure:birthday:

09-07-2012, 08:05 PM
Just thinking about how momentous it is for a band to still be as successful as these guys are after 40 years is staggering. I bet when Glenn and Don were talking about forming a group together as they supported Linda Ronstadt in 1971 when they were in their 20s, they never figured they'd be playing stadiums when they were in their 60s. It's no mean feat.

Of course, what's really important is not how successful they are after all these years, but all the lives they have touched in that time, and all the lives they continue to touch - myself among them. Glenn has talked about the "soundtrack to people's lives" and he's talking not about thousands, not about hundreds of thousands, but about millions - and that was just the 70s. How many more since then?

What a gift.

Completely agree. I know that HC (the album) is definitely my life soundtrack and my life wouldn't be the same, possibly wouldn't be here now, without that album and that band.

Happy 40th Eagles!!!! Really looking forward to the documentary and upcoming tour next year.

Tiffanny Twisted
09-07-2012, 08:06 PM

03-01-2013, 01:25 PM
Wow the best band ever is still going strong. They make the best music and it certainly is the soundtrack to our lives. Keep on making music.

Just Another Hired Hand
03-12-2013, 12:11 PM
40 th Anniversary Edition

Any one who reads my concert reviews can tell I am not just in to the music, I am very much in to the gear they use to make it. I have been a guitar player for years and I will quickly admit I am not good at it. But I have some topshelf gear and I am always on the look-out for innovative new gear.

I first noticed Joe Walsh playing Duesenberg guitars on the Melbourne DVD. He uses a guitar with a pearl finish that is very unique. Up until that time I had never heard of or seen a Duesenberg guitar. I have also noticed that Glenn Frey uses Duesenberg guitars. Joe is one of their spokes- people. There is a picture of him on their website. You can check it out at:

If you have the time and you explore the website you will find they are now marketing an "Eagles" model on the occasion of thei band's 40th anniversary. You can check it out at:


But it doesn'tstop there. The company also makes an Eagles BAss model similar to the guitar. You can check it out at:


It's all about the gear...

03-12-2013, 06:37 PM
Cool! That's very interesting, JAHH. Thanks.

03-12-2013, 06:51 PM
I am loving those guitars, epecially the bass guitar. Those wings are so amazing!!!!! Thank you so very much for sharing.

03-12-2013, 08:06 PM
Thanks for the info!

03-12-2013, 11:35 PM
very cool jahh...they are beautiful...and that pearl finish one is my favorite one of Joe's...I never knew the make of it...

03-12-2013, 11:43 PM
Duesy's are nice. I will own one - someday. Great guitars. Joe showed them to Glenn and that's how Glenn got started playing them and then they got the signature model. Joe discovered them through Mike Campbell, who showed them to Ron Wood, Bob Dylan, and Joe Walsh. Mike has a signature model too, with racing stripes. I found out about those guitars when Tom Petty played the Super Bowl a few years back and Mike played his signature model on there.

To my ears, they are a better Gretsch. To my eyes, the same. I've never liked Gretsch guitars at ALL, aesthetically - but these look cool. I love the Fullerton (Eagles sig), Starplayer TV, and the Double Cat.

Peter Stroud has a cool signature Duesenberg called a Dragster. It has a Bigsby Palm Pedal type device on there that gives you a B bender type sound but with the palm of your hand instead. He uses it for slide with Sheryl Crow now.