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07-13-2007, 03:25 PM
I just got this email from I Love All Access:

Stand by for a special Eagles and Dixie Chicks announcement.
More information coming on Monday, July 16th.


07-13-2007, 03:28 PM
:shock: Yikes!

Ive always been a dreamer
07-13-2007, 04:08 PM
Thanks for the heads up, DF. I went ahead and put this up on JWO as well. This is exciting - I won't be able to relax all weekend now! :D :wink:

07-13-2007, 04:21 PM
This really is exciting. I was one of those people who really wanted to see the Chicks when they played with the Eagles in England. The pairing seems like a natural.
I wonder if they are scheduling a full-blown tour or a single big concert? Guess we'll all just have to wait until Monday.

07-13-2007, 04:45 PM
I can't imagine them doing a full blown tour with the Chicks. They don't need anyone else to promote themselves. Probably a special or something.

07-13-2007, 05:49 PM
I wonder if the Dixie Chicks will appear as Don's "special guests" at OKC?

Regardless I have to agree that I don't think they'd mount a tour, not at this point, with the Eagles doing solo stuff and their album not out. It's probably a one-time deal. Maybe a benefit?

Whatever it is, looks like ILAA's ready to sell you your front-ten-rows tickets. ;)

07-13-2007, 06:09 PM
I wonder if the Dixie Chicks will appear as Don's "special guests" at OKC?

That would be terrific, but somehow I doubt it!

Whatever it is, looks like ILAA ready to sell you your front-ten-rows tickets. ;)

For a price. $$$$$

07-13-2007, 08:27 PM
Hey DonFan, I missed the Dixie Chix set in London due to: traffic problems getting to Twickenham, and trying to haul my ass out of the hotel bar in time for the show, the strange thing was there was no starting time printed on my tickets, so I assumed it was the usual 8:30 pm start, we missed the first few eagles tunes but still had a good time.

07-13-2007, 10:43 PM
Glad to hear it, Zermie.
I wondered why there were so few Eagles fans writing about the Chicks before the London show--I think a lot of people missed their set entirely.

07-13-2007, 11:27 PM
I missed it, too. I had to hustle from a performance of Titus Andronicus at the Globe all the way to Twickenham, and the two are NOT close. To make matters worse, I got lost trying to get from the Globe to the nearest Underground station. I was running, too - and I'm not exactly in shape! I'm only glad the Chicks are all I missed. At least I got to sample a little cheesecake square at the ILAA reception before heading on to the show (oh well, I didn't buy the ILAA ticket for their food anyway).

07-14-2007, 03:36 AM
I saw the Dixie Chicks and wasn't impressed, perhaps I just don't appreciate country music.

07-14-2007, 11:49 AM
I'm a big fan of country music, just not a big fan of the chicks lol Still, this would be very cool to see!

07-14-2007, 06:37 PM
I'm with you, Maleah. I like country fine. The Dixie Chicks just don't do it for me. I did buy Home for their version of "Landslide", and I also liked Natalie Maines on "Too Far from Texas" (her duet with Stevie Nicks), but I wouldn't buy another album from them. Natalie annoys me, and her voice can get kind of shrill. Anyway, I honestly think that they're more famous for the controversy surrounding them than for their music. People who'd never heard a song of theirs before, who disdained country music, all of the sudden think the Dixie Chicks are the cat's meow after Natalie's famous diss of George Bush. Frankly, I wonder if that's why they caught the eye of Don - their politics rather than their talent. And now look at 'em - opening for the Eagles. Does anyone really think that would have happened without the Bush diss?

07-14-2007, 08:38 PM
Personally, I have liked the Dixie Chicks ever since "Wide Open Spaces," and to watch them perform "Mattress Dancing" is a real hoot. I think Don appreciates both their musical talent and their politics.

07-14-2007, 09:19 PM
I'm with you, Maleah. I like country fine. The Dixie Chicks just don't do it for me. I did buy Home for their version of "Landslide", and I also liked Natalie Maines on "Too Far from Texas" (her duet with Stevie Nicks), but I wouldn't buy another album from them. Natalie annoys me, and her voice can get kind of shrill. Anyway, I honestly think that they're more famous for the controversy surrounding them than for their music. People who'd never heard a song of theirs before, who disdained country music, all of the sudden think the Dixie Chicks are the cat's meow after Natalie's famous diss of George Bush. Frankly, I wonder if that's why they caught the eye of Don - their politics rather than their talent. And now look at 'em - opening for the Eagles. Does anyone really think that would have happened without the Bush diss?

I think there's only one song that I liked by the DC and I can't even remember the title for sure. lol I think maybe it was called Long Time Gone. The main reason I don't like them is the same, Natalie annoys me. Both her voic and her attitude. They were getting pretty big in country music before the big diss and I think pretty much the only ones still impressed with them are the hollywood crowd and the extreme liberals in music. I don't have a problem with her opinion.........but I got tired of her saying that she was tired of nobody letting it drop, when her and the other two were the ones who kept it going on by making snide little comments during interviews, award speeches, and other odds and ends. Honestly, I have some doubt as well as to whether Don would have thought so highly of them, had it not been for the big ordeal. But............who am I to say. I don't know any of them.

Just my $ .08 :)

07-14-2007, 10:21 PM
I think Don appreciates both their musical talent and their politics.

Oh, I'm sure he thinks they're talented, too - and I agree. That fiddle player is great, Maines has good range, and I like it when they do those tight harmonies. I just don't think their talent is the main factor - I mean, there are lots of talented bands. The Eagles hardly ever have an opening band. The exception was made for the Dixie Chicks because they're just that incredibly awesome musically?

They were getting pretty big in country music before the big diss and I think pretty much the only ones still impressed with them are the hollywood crowd and the extreme liberals in music. I don't have a problem with her opinion.........but I got tired of her saying that she was tired of nobody letting it drop, when her and the other two were the ones who kept it going on by making snide little comments during interviews, award speeches, and other odds and ends.

Of course they bring it up at awards ceremonies and the like, knowing they'll get lots of cheers and applause if they remind folks of it. They'll be bringing it up when they're Dixie Grandmas.

But I don't mean to be negative. I think they've got lots of fans of all political persuasions with their cover of Landslide. It was a big hit, deservedly so. I don't like it as well as the original (big surprise there) but they did a good job with it. And they have some other strong songs, too. I'm sure their set will be enjoyable and I look forward to whatever this event is that they're doing with the Eagles.

07-14-2007, 10:50 PM
You're right Nancy. And sorry guys.......I didn't mean to be negative either. It just spilled out of my fingers :D

07-15-2007, 06:10 AM
I'm not familar with the music of the Dixie Chicks. But I'm looking forward to hear more about that event. 8)

07-15-2007, 03:38 PM
I loved the Dixie Chicks.....until the big comment. I think that was very disrespectful of the President of the US, even if they do disagree with his policies, and they lost me for that.

I also, do not want to hear politics at a rock concert. It would make me very happy if Don would drop that stuff at his. I don't go to hear him to listen to his political rants. That's not what made me a fan. jmo

Ive always been a dreamer
07-15-2007, 06:53 PM
Well - I guess I'm going to be a dissenter here. (Brooke, I can't believe it - we almost always agree about everything. :shock:) First of all, I am really not into country music and am not a fan of the Dixie Chicks. But I certainly think they had already made a name for themselves before Natalie's "comment". I don't know any of their songs except "Not Ready to Make Nice" and I liked that a lot. I thought it was a great "in your face" response to what they went through. Whether you agree with her comments or not, or agree about artists making political statements, I think there was a huge overreaction to what she said. I think the U.S. Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech, and no one should be subjected to death threats just for stating their opinion. I will acknowledge that it may not have been a brilliant career choice for them, however. And this is JMHO! :wink:

07-15-2007, 11:02 PM
It WAS a brilliant career choice (although I don't think that's what motivated her). They got tons of ink - magazine covers, interviews, etc. Yeah, there was a crazy or two who sent a threatening letter, but hey, that's nothing compared to the publicity they garnered.

I do admit that I think there was a bit of an overreaction. It's not as if she was pulling a Jane Fonda, hopping on anti-aircraft weapons pointed at American soldiers (although to be fair Jane Fonda has apologized for that massive blunder)! I think most of the anger came not from the fact that she spoke her mind - tons of musicians diss Bush - but that she was doing it in order to get cheers from a foreign crowd. That kind of thing leaves a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.

07-16-2007, 12:27 AM
I totally agree with that. I don't think it was so much WHAT she said......but where she said it and some rotten timing during which she said it.

Perfect Little Sister
07-16-2007, 05:40 PM
I think the U.S. Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech, and no one should be subjected to death threats just for stating their opinion.

I'm going to have to disagree with you here Dreamer. The Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech, HOWEVER, this comment was not made in the United States of America ergo the U.S. Constitution does not apply! We have these freedoms in our country. We do not have our own freedoms in other countries. That is what I had a problem with. Not the fact that she made disparaging remarks, but that she made them on foreign soil.
The death threats are inexcusable! I am in total agreement with you on that one!

07-16-2007, 05:53 PM
Absolutely.......death threats are inexcusable no matter WHAT the situation.

07-16-2007, 07:28 PM
I think the U.S. Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech, and no one should be subjected to death threats just for stating their opinion.

I'm going to have to disagree with you here Dreamer. The Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech, HOWEVER, this comment was not made in the United States of America ergo the U.S. Constitution does not apply! We have these freedoms in our country. We do not have our own freedoms in other countries. That is what I had a problem with. Not the fact that she made disparaging remarks, but that she made them on foreign soil.
The death threats are inexcusable! I am in total agreement with you on that one!

I don't understand why Americans should not be able to disagree with their government outside the United States. Are you all supposed to be utterly pro-American, right or wrong, when you are on 'foreign soil' as you put it? I understand patriotism but surely 'foreigners' don't all go around believing that everybody in the U.S. is totally pro-government. Surely that is what democracy is about. You have the right to express your opinion no matter where you are. If I leave Australia and I want to tell someone overseas how much I dislike the Howard Government, I will do it.

NB: I have no intention of offending any of my American friends which is one reason I have stayed out of this topic, but perhaps because I am not American this is something I don't understand.

Perfect Little Sister
07-16-2007, 08:43 PM
I find it arrogant, FP, for Americans to assume that everyone, everywhere should be aware of and respect our Constitution. It governs our behavior in our country. If an officer from Singapore was here and saw a person spit gum on the sidewalk he would not have the right to cane that person. It is his right to do so in his country. Not in any other country. One should not assume that the world shares or respects one's beliefs. When Ms. Maines made her comment everyone screamed "First Amendment" but it didn't apply in this case. That was my point. My comment, oddly enough, was directed more at the arrogance of Americas.

07-16-2007, 08:53 PM
I guess I don't understand where the Constitution comes in when someone was expressing their democratic right to an opinion. I don't see how it matters that she didn't say it in the United States.

Perfect Little Sister
07-16-2007, 09:11 PM
The "democratic right to an opinion" and the right to express it is not universal. It is protected in the U.S. by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Personally, I don't go to concerts to listen to political rants. I go there to hear music. If I want to hear political commentary, I go to a debate or rally. I went to see Sammy Hagar a few years back and he had a mini day on the green type thing where there were other bands playing. One of the other bands' (I don't even remember which) lead singer started going off about politics. It took a good hour after he left the stage for the crowd to get back into the rocking good time mood it had been in before he went off. He had the right to say what he wanted. He also infringed on the rights of 10,000 people to have a good time. Which they had paid good money for, I might add. Now perhaps it's the kind of music I listen to, but ranting and raving wrecks the good vibe. Maybe punk or grunge or something is suited to that negative vibe commentary. I don't know. Just a little common courtesy would be nice. Just because someone is pissed off about something doesn't mean they have to bring everyone down to their level of negativity. What's the old saying? "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". I don't find her comment "wrong". I just feel it was done in the wrong manner. And, to answer your question regarding her right to say it, that is a matter of opinion. In this country, we believe that to be yes. Not every country believes that. This is a grey area, as is every political issue. I believe people should be free to speak their mind. I believe in the U.S. Constitution. I don't think everyone, everywhere has to share my beliefs nor should they have my beliefs forced upon them. Excuse my while I push my soap box back into my closet. (it's not often I drag that darn thing out) :D

Ive always been a dreamer
07-16-2007, 09:35 PM
I stand by what I said even though PLS makes a valid point here. Whenever you travel abroad you are subject to laws of the country you travel to and not your own countries laws. However, having said that, Americans who travel abroad to developed nations expect that their basic rights will be protected and that is part of the reason we have embassies located in other nations.

In this case, the Dixie Chicks were Americans in a foreign country with a free speech society, and they did not break any laws. If they had gone into a country and broke one of their laws, then they would certainly be subject to the penalties under the laws of that country. This was a simply a matter of Americans exercising freedom of speech in a free speech society. The persecution the Dixie Chicks experienced did not come from the citizens of a foreign country. It came from other Americans here in this country. IMO, Americans should never deny other Americans this right either in the letter or in the spirit of the law.

07-16-2007, 09:48 PM
Well, regardless of the lack of applicability of the US Constitution abroad and the cultural differences between definitions of democracy and how one exercises it, I think it all comes down to whether or not it was the right thing to do. Since that matter is subjective, there's not much more one can say.

As for politics at concerts... that's a whole 'nother debate and it would probably be best to start a new topic for it in the off-topic forum if we want to hold it in earnest.

But back to the original topic... I didn't get any announcement about whatever it is that the Dixie Chicks and the Eagles are doing together!

07-16-2007, 10:29 PM
But back to the original topic... I didn't get any announcement about whatever it is that the Dixie Chicks and the Eagles are doing together!

I've had ILoveAllAccess.com up all day and now, finally, they have put up this "The suspense increases...just a little longer till the big announcement comes!"

:roll: Nice that they've waited ALL day and now this! Nothing like hype!

07-16-2007, 10:33 PM
What?! There's a delay of an Eagles announcement?! I'm ASTONISHED! ;)

07-16-2007, 10:54 PM
But back to the original topic... I didn't get any announcement about whatever it is that the Dixie Chicks and the Eagles are doing together!

Neither did I.
I just checked the ILAA site and this is posted:

"The suspense increases...just a little longer till the big announcement comes!"

The Eagles are masters at making us wait, aren't they? :roll:
Make an announcement for a certain date, then change the date, then change the date again.....I see a pattern here.....

Ive always been a dreamer
07-16-2007, 11:29 PM
"The suspense increases...just a little longer till the big announcement comes!"

Say it ain't so - Please! :brickwall: :woah:

tbs fanatic
07-17-2007, 03:21 PM
Waiting, waiting, waiting :roll:

07-17-2007, 07:18 PM
Even though I think this concerned a one-off show, it is very sad that they cannot even get something as basic as this done without problems. Why say an announcement would be made in the first place?

07-17-2007, 10:40 PM
I agree Fp. This is really quite maddening! :x

07-18-2007, 08:53 PM
I have a feeling that this is not a one off show, but a mini tour of about 10 dates. I dont think they would go through all this bs for just one show.

tbs fanatic
07-18-2007, 09:33 PM
Still waiting, waiting, waiting :roll: :roll:

tbs fanatic
07-18-2007, 09:34 PM
How many :roll: 's will I be at before they announce something???

07-19-2007, 01:39 AM
A minitour zermie? That would really surprise me, but who knows, stranger things have happened.

Ive always been a dreamer
07-19-2007, 09:38 AM
How many :roll: 's will I be at before they announce something???

Let's hope you are not reduced to dizziness, tbs fanatic! :D :wink:

tbs fanatic
07-21-2007, 10:51 AM
Still nothing?????

07-21-2007, 06:14 PM
Nope, nothing yet. Perhaps Zermie is right and this is a mini-tour. That would take more time to arrange. Still, why announce an announcement when the announcement isn't ready to be announced? ;)

07-21-2007, 06:28 PM
Somebody had mentioned on eagleland that the chicks are opening for the guys for six nights for the opening of the Nokia thing (or whatever it's going to be called) in LA.

07-21-2007, 08:35 PM
Oh, really! Well, that's cool. It's weird that ILAA hasn't bothered to update their site about it.

07-21-2007, 08:35 PM
I don't think everything's been finalized for sure yet

07-21-2007, 08:36 PM
Have I told you lately that I love your AV? :D :heart: lol!

07-22-2007, 09:59 AM
Oh, I didn't notice Soda's new av. Very cool. 8)
Maleah, have I already told you that I love your location? :)

07-22-2007, 11:46 AM
No you haven't :D but thanks! I do too ;)

tbs fanatic
07-23-2007, 10:27 AM
Somebody had mentioned on eagleland that the chicks are opening for the guys for six nights for the opening of the Nokia thing (or whatever it's going to be called) in LA.

Ooooh, okay. I'm out of touch - when is the Nokia thing happening (like I'm going to rush right over there :roll: :wink: )?

07-23-2007, 01:48 PM

They're opening a new auditorium/theatre/thingy :D

07-23-2007, 01:49 PM
Good deal. Thanks for the info, Maleah!

08-06-2007, 08:21 PM
The long awaited announcement has been made on the Eagles official site!! www.eaglesband.com :D

Two of music's most successful artists, Eagles and Dixie Chicks, have been signed to headline the first concerts at NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE, downtown Los Angeles' new 7,100-seat state-of-the-art theatre. When the Eagles and Dixie Chicks take the stage on October 18th, concert goers in Los Angeles will experience live performances like never before with the state-of-the-art acoustics, "intimate" site lines and a collection of amenities that NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE will be known for. The October 18th and 20th concert dates represent the groups' only U.S. concerts this year.

Tickets for the concerts will go on sale Monday, August 13th beginning at 10:00 AM via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster charge-by-phone lines at (213) 480-3232 or (714) 740-2000, and at all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers.

Ultimate fan experience for the concerts featuring VIP ticket packages will be available at www.iloveallaccess.com and feature the following packages:

5 star package: - A ticket in the first 10 rows- 5 star souvenir laminate- Exclusive gift bag- Pre-show party, including dinner and drinks- Hassle-free entrance to the venue- Crowd-free merchandise shopping- Discount coupon to Eagles' online store- Parking

4 Star Package: - A ticket in the first 20 rows- Exclusive gift- Discount coupon to Eagles' online store

08-06-2007, 08:28 PM
AT LAST!!!! 8)

08-06-2007, 09:16 PM
Thanks, TF! Sounds cool. Wonder if they'll do any new songs?

Ive always been a dreamer
08-06-2007, 09:50 PM
They'd better play the whole new album when you look at the cost of the tickets. The best seats are $265. Don't anybody faint! :wink: Here's the ticketmaster link with the ticket info.


I couldn't find any info about the cost of the ILAA tickets yet.

BTW - Thanks tf for being on the ball and letting us know about this.

tbs fanatic
08-07-2007, 11:53 AM
TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE - :shock: :shock: :shock: Ye Gods!!!

08-07-2007, 04:40 PM
DANG! When the nosebleeds are getting towards $100 if you include tax and ticketmaster fees, you know things are getting out of control.

08-08-2007, 03:06 PM
If they go on tour next year and the prices are nearly the same I doubt I'm able to go. :?

08-08-2007, 04:03 PM
If they go on tour next year and the prices are nearly the same I doubt I'm able to go. :?

Surely they won't be! This is a special event...

Well, at least I can pray they won't be! :pray:

08-08-2007, 04:47 PM
Yikes, maybe we'd better all send a few up! :pray: :pray: :pray:

08-08-2007, 05:05 PM
I doubt the prices for a regular Eagles concert would be this high.. I think alot of the reason for the hiked prices is the fact that this is the opening of a "brand new" facility and so it's a special event. JMO of course :D .

08-08-2007, 07:05 PM
I doubt the prices for a regular Eagles concert would be this high.. I think alot of the reason for the hiked prices is the fact that this is the opening of a "brand new" facility and so it's a special event. JMO of course :D .

That's what I think too, TF.

08-08-2007, 07:40 PM
I agree with the above comments. These prices were always going to be higher.

EF, I don't think you will see them in Europe next year, just as I won't see them in Australia. I think next year will be devoted to the US and Canada. I think they will do Europe, Asia and Australia in 2009.

tbs fanatic
08-08-2007, 10:57 PM
If they go on tour next year and the prices are nearly the same I doubt I'm able to go. :?

Nor me :cry: We will have to pool our money EF :D

08-09-2007, 12:56 AM
Apparently ILAA 5-stars are $600. Any takers? I know I can't afford it, especially since I'd have to add to that hundreds of dollars in travel expenses.

08-09-2007, 01:32 AM
Maybe none of us can go to this, but there will be ample opportunities in the next two years. Come on guys. The momentum is starting to build. Let's be positive!

08-09-2007, 02:06 AM
I wasn't being negative just because I said I can't afford to go; I too am excited about the prospect of a tour. I'm sure that I'll be able to see at least one show in 2008, probably more than one.

I wonder if they'll do any songs off of the new album at these shows? Considering the timing, it seems a very good possibility. I sure wish I could go!

08-09-2007, 04:07 AM
EF, I don't think you will see them in Europe next year, just as I won't see them in Australia. I think next year will be devoted to the US and Canada. I think they will do Europe, Asia and Australia in 2009.

Yes, I know that, FP. Maybe I can go to see them. Depends on how much money I can save. Actually I want to see my aunt again and combinate my visit with a concert.
Or... Dreamer offered me to come to her house. :) That's an idea... I will take all my Keith CDs with me to convince her. Probably she will regret that she has ever invited me. :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

08-09-2007, 07:27 AM
I wonder if they'll do any songs off of the new album at these shows? Considering the timing, it seems a very good possibility.

I had the same thought!! Given that the album is suppose to release in the fall, I suspect they very well might do a few new songs.. free advertising for the new album :P

08-09-2007, 01:49 PM
Maybe I can go to see them. Depends on how much money I can save. Actually I want to see my aunt again and combinate my visit with a concert.
Or... Dreamer offered me to come to her house. :) That's an idea... I will take all my Keith CDs with me to convince her. Probably she will regret that she has ever invited me. :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

If Dreamer kicks you and Keith out you can come visit me EF! :laugh:

As for those prices, WOW! I sure hope the tour tickets won't be that high, but I will definitely get to 1 show. Somehow! I have been saving for it all year already. :roll:

08-09-2007, 01:59 PM
If Dreamer kicks you and Keith out you can come visit me EF! :laugh:

Ooooooh, that's great! :D We can go to the Eagles and in case Keith is not touring next year (which I assume) we can watch all my DVDs (about 15) :wink:

08-09-2007, 02:33 PM
You're welcome at my place in Indiana too, EF, although I'm not sure if you'd want to come to such a boring state! lol

08-09-2007, 07:00 PM
EF, I don't think you will see them in Europe next year, just as I won't see them in Australia. I think next year will be devoted to the US and Canada. I think they will do Europe, Asia and Australia in 2009.

Yes, I know that, FP. Maybe I can go to see them. Depends on how much money I can save. Actually I want to see my aunt again and combinate my visit with a concert.
Or... Dreamer offered me to come to her house. :) That's an idea... I will take all my Keith CDs with me to convince her. Probably she will regret that she has ever invited me. :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

Well, if you can go, that is great for you. I try to stay out of these discussions because of where I am. I have to wait. I am used to it. :? There is no point in my talking about going to the United States. I can't.

Of course this now makes ME sound negative, and that was not the intention. :blush:

08-09-2007, 09:31 PM
I don't think we should worry so much about sounding negative or whatever. We're all excited about the album and tour. It's only natural to express disappointment about not being able to see them when/where you'd like to. There's nothing wrong with that.

Ive always been a dreamer
08-09-2007, 09:36 PM
Yikes, maybe we'd better all send a few up! :pray: :pray: :pray:

That's funny, Brooke! :rofl:

Or... Dreamer offered me to come to her house. :) That's an idea... I will take all my Keith CDs with me to convince her. Probably she will regret that she has ever invited me. :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

Oh EF - not to worry! I won't kick you out if you bring Keith CDs with you. I'll just shut myself in a room and look at Eagles pics! :D :D :wink:

08-09-2007, 10:10 PM
You're welcome to come to my place in Dallas, EF if you can handle this awful Texas heat. :D

08-10-2007, 02:17 PM
Oh EF - not to worry! I won't kick you out if you bring Keith CDs with you. I'll just shut myself in a room and look at Eagles pics! :D :D :wink:

http://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/g020.gif http://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/g020.gif Staring at Eagles pics while listening to Keith, sounds good. 8)

Aww, thank you all for your hospitality. :D I've learned this is characteristic for you Americans. I spent my holidays in the USA two times, in 1999 and 2000. And I got to know almost all friends of my aunt. Everyone asked me to come to their house and I loved it. 8)

Soda, I don't believe Indiana is boring. It's your home and probably you don't see the beauty of your place anymore. And it would be new to me and that's never boring. :wink:

FP, I understand your problem. Maybe it's easier for me but it would cost me a lot of money so I'll see if I can make it. Today I went to the autoshop and the repair costed me 250 Euros. :evil: 250 here, 250 there :roll: ... if it continues in this way I can give up my plans.

08-10-2007, 03:37 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your car repairs EF! I just hate those!

And you overseas fans, just know that when they are touring "over there" I will feel just as bad that I can't come "over there" as you are feeling about coming "over here"!

Ive always been a dreamer
08-10-2007, 11:49 PM
That is so true, Brooke. As a matter of fact, I'm still kicking myself for not going to London last year. I've never been to Europe, so I'm thinking that the year of the next European tour just may be a good time to plan a trip. All Europeans beware! :D :D

08-11-2007, 04:09 AM
In case you are planning a side trip to Germany you are a welcome guest here. 8) But I think it's much easier and cheaper (re flights) to go to the UK.

Ive always been a dreamer
08-11-2007, 01:57 PM
EF - I am seriously considering planning a European trip around the band's tour. It really is one of my goals to see as much of Europe as I can since it may be my only trip there. I figure if I'm going to come over there, why not plan it so that I can take in a few Eagles shows all at the same time. We'll see how it works out. I'd love to meet as many of my 'Border buddies' as I can when I come over, so thanks for the invite. :hug:

08-11-2007, 09:44 PM
Soda, I'll have to take your word for it that Indiana is boring, it sounds boring, although I say that with never having been there, I almost came out for an Eagles show in Indianapolis a few years ago, but really, what have you done for us besides Mellancamp ?

08-12-2007, 12:11 AM
Soda, I'll have to take your word for it that Indiana is boring, it sounds boring, although I say that with never having been there, I almost came out for an Eagles show in Indianapolis a few years ago, but really, what have you done for us besides Mellancamp ?
I can back Soda up on how boring Indiana is. I was up in Terre Haute, which is the most boring city in the whole world visiting my aunts and I swear if my parents make me go back, I will go out of my mind.

08-12-2007, 06:24 AM
Dreamer, if you do plan a European trip, you must come and visit me, too!

EF, sorry about your car repairs, but keep your priorities right - if the Eagles came over to Europe again you have to see them!

08-13-2007, 04:58 AM
Dreamer, that would be great. :D If they come to Germany I'm pretty sure one of their concerts will take place in Hamburg again.

GEF, I'll definitely go to see them here, no matter what happens. Yesterday I told my mom that we are expecting a world tour and she said: Count me in! :D

Mrs Frey
08-13-2007, 09:01 AM
EF, I don't think you will see them in Europe next year, just as I won't see them in Australia. I think next year will be devoted to the US and Canada. I think they will do Europe, Asia and Australia in 2009.

Yes, I know that, FP. Maybe I can go to see them. Depends on how much money I can save. Actually I want to see my aunt again and combinate my visit with a concert.
Or... Dreamer offered me to come to her house. :) That's an idea... I will take all my Keith CDs with me to convince her. Probably she will regret that she has ever invited me. :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

Well, if you can go, that is great for you. I try to stay out of these discussions because of where I am. I have to wait. I am used to it. :? There is no point in my talking about going to the United States. I can't.

Of course this now makes ME sound negative, and that was not the intention. :blush:

Spare a thought for me, FP. At least it's possible (even probable) that the Eagles will visit Australia again, even if you have to wait (however frustrating it might be! :( ), but if I want to see them, I will HAVE to travel. Europe, the UK or Ireland will probably be the easiest for me to travel to, and the thought is quite daunting, as I've only been on a plane once - up-country to Johannesburg, and all the arrangements were made for me, by one of the members of my band (we played a gig up-country). Then I haven't even started talking about how much money I will need to save to make such a trip possible. The value of the South African Rand to the world's strongest currencies such as the US Dollar, the UK pound, the Euro and the Australian Dollar is quite scary :roll: . Then there's the cost of front row tickets, and I will accept nothing less than front row tickets! (Mrs Frey aims high... :blush: )

I've enjoyed reading all of your posts regarding this topic. I especially enjoyed EF, Brooke and Dreamer's banter about the Eagles and Keith Urban! :lol:

EF, I'm sorry to read about your car repairs. I know how you feel. There always seems to be something eating into one's savings, ESPECIALLY car repairs. Oh, the joys of motoring... and I've only been driving for a year! :roll:

08-13-2007, 07:23 PM
Soda, I'll have to take your word for it that Indiana is boring, it sounds boring, although I say that with never having been there, I almost came out for an Eagles show in Indianapolis a few years ago, but really, what have you done for us besides Mellancamp ?

Well, Axl Rose I think... eh, forget it. lol

08-13-2007, 07:26 PM
Spare a thought for me, FP. At least it's possible (even probable) that the Eagles will visit Australia again, even if you have to wait (however frustrating it might be! :( ), but if I want to see them, I will HAVE to travel. Europe, the UK or Ireland will probably be the easiest for me to travel to, and the thought is quite daunting, as I've only been on a plane once - up-country to Johannesburg, and all the arrangements were made for me, by one of the members of my band (we played a gig up-country). Then I haven't even started talking about how much money I will need to save to make such a trip possible. The value of the South African Rand to the world's strongest currencies such as the US Dollar, the UK pound, the Euro and the Australian Dollar is quite scary :roll: . Then there's the cost of front row tickets, and I will accept nothing less than front row tickets! (Mrs Frey aims high... :blush: )

Yes, I think you win the Most-Unfortunate-Location award! I certainly hope that you can make it to at least one of these shows. Perhaps you can get an All-Access thingy for the one(s) you attend so that you're guaranteed good seats. You have a few months to save up... here's hoping it works out and you have no car repairs like poor EF!

08-13-2007, 07:40 PM
Soda, I'll have to take your word for it that Indiana is boring, it sounds boring, although I say that with never having been there, I almost came out for an Eagles show in Indianapolis a few years ago, but really, what have you done for us besides Mellancamp ?

Well, Axl Rose I think... eh, forget it. lol

Don't forget Dan Quayle. :twisted:

MF, I sympathise with you. I really do. If you can try and get to Europe, do it. But don't only set your heart on front row seats because they are not that easy to get.

Mrs Frey
08-15-2007, 02:02 AM
Spare a thought for me, FP. At least it's possible (even probable) that the Eagles will visit Australia again, even if you have to wait (however frustrating it might be! :( ), but if I want to see them, I will HAVE to travel. Europe, the UK or Ireland will probably be the easiest for me to travel to, and the thought is quite daunting, as I've only been on a plane once - up-country to Johannesburg, and all the arrangements were made for me, by one of the members of my band (we played a gig up-country). Then I haven't even started talking about how much money I will need to save to make such a trip possible. The value of the South African Rand to the world's strongest currencies such as the US Dollar, the UK pound, the Euro and the Australian Dollar is quite scary :roll: . Then there's the cost of front row tickets, and I will accept nothing less than front row tickets! (Mrs Frey aims high... :blush: )

Yes, I think you win the Most-Unfortunate-Location award! I certainly hope that you can make it to at least one of these shows. Perhaps you can get an All-Access thingy for the one(s) you attend so that you're guaranteed good seats. You have a few months to save up... here's hoping it works out and you have no car repairs like poor EF!

Yep, I'm geographically challenged, all right! :roll: Thanks for your support, though, Soda. I've never even heard of an All-Access ticket, or card - you'll have to educate me!

FP, thanks for your support too. I'd love to at least be sitting within the first few rows at an Eagles concert - I really don't want to watch them on the big screen. That would be like watching a DVD - it's great all the same, but it's NOT the same, if you understand my meaning. As for me actually attending a concert, well... let's hope, as Soda says, that it works out! :pray:

10-18-2007, 09:56 AM
The Eagles and the Chicks open the state-of-the-art Nokia theater tonight. I wish I could be there! Where is that lottery money when I really need it? :wink:

Can't wait for the reviews--I am so curious about the new set list!

10-18-2007, 10:41 AM
Me too! I'm dying to know what will be played!

10-18-2007, 12:50 PM
Oh, it's tonight? Hopefully we'll get to see a video somewhere. Like you two I'm curious about the set list.