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08-19-2016, 09:18 AM
Glenn's 1973-4 hair was gorgeous, no matter how his kids ribbed him about it.
Love the curls especially.

08-19-2016, 10:23 AM
I totally agree about Glenn's hair NMB!!! :inlove: Which makes it even funnier for me as my own looks exactly the same as the pic you posted. LOL :lol: My own father has similar hair to Glenn's which I inherited but it's funny being a girl and seeing pics of your favorite male celebs getting your naturally wavy/curly hairstyle down better than you normally can (I have such bad frizz). LOL And Randy and Jackson both had great hair too. :D

08-19-2016, 11:07 AM
I agree about Glenn's hair.

Well, ! my aunt and her family are in a motel room for the next few weeks.

After 2 American Government classes, I can honestly say that I don't like my professor. His ultimate goal is to embarrass every single one of his students (he's already gotten me and a few others). He's starting out embarrassing us over small things, and he plans to maje it worse as the semester progresses.

He doesn't wear clothing that is anywhere near professional or even business casual (button down shirts with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, dingy jeans, and old work boots). He's vulgar; a student asked him about using the restroom. He told us to wear depends since he wears them and because his lectures were too valuable to miss. He then showed us how to use depends to do a #2 in class, complete with the sounds involved.

Because of his antics, he only spent half of yesterday's class discussing American Government. It's hard to know when to take him seriously or not. He's a "hater", who's gotten cranky in his old age.

I regret signing up for this class, but I'm stuck now. If I knew how he was beforehand, I wouldn't have signed up for this class. It's not a must take class for my degree.

I like my other professors and their classes. I'll enjoy taking their classes.

08-19-2016, 11:28 AM
What a freak. I once had a professor who insisted on talking about masturbation nearly every class. It was a law course.

Kim, can't you drop the class? You can get him back when you do the evaluation.

08-19-2016, 11:51 AM
What a freak. I once had a professor who insisted on talking about masturbation nearly every class. It was a law course.

Kim, can't you drop the class? You can get him back when you do the evaluation.

The time for dropping classes without consequences has passed. Even if I could drop the class, I wouldn't be considered a full-time student, which means my financial aid would be effected. I would only get 3/4 of the money I'm eligible for, which wouldn't cover my tuition fees.

08-19-2016, 12:25 PM
He's not worth it then. I would quietly try to get him in trouble, but that's just me. :twisted:

08-19-2016, 12:42 PM
He's not worth it then. I would quietly try to get him in trouble, but that's just me. :twisted:

I was wrong. This political science class is required for a history degree, and this professor is the only one who teaches it.

I'll have to take him as he is. If I think he goes too far, I'll have to go over his head.

08-19-2016, 01:27 PM
That really sucks, AG95. I'm sorry to hear that. It's too bad that your college doesn't give you 2 weeks for a free add/drop period because it really takes a week to know for sure if you gel with a teacher. Maybe he has a really dry but odd sense of humor. I mean, I can't tell if he's being serious or not. He sounds like my HS trig/pre-calc teacher. He called people nicknames, like "comrade" if they were Russian. He also said that running helps stop CRT after my friend ran the mile after PE. He said that CRT was "Charging Rhinoceros Thighs." Yeah, if you can tell, he was trying to be funny in his dry way, but he came off as a jerk. He also sucked at teaching math, despite being pretty good at it. It was really hard to switch teachers at my HS, but I did it anyways b/c my friends dealt with him for a year. The teacher that I switched to actually explained things, and she didn't spend half of the class talking about college and life and the other half rushing through math, like that other guy. I'm not bad at math at all, but if someone can't teach it right, it's really frustrating and I don't use the best of my abilities. Note: I wrote this before you said that he's the only guy teaching it. That really bites even more. Is your community college small?

Anyways, AG95, you should use ratemyprofessors.com next time to avoid people like your teacher. Also, if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, you should use the voice memos app to record his lectures. If you would like him gone, this is a way to get evidence of whatever. However, there may be legal implications to recording people without their consent. My idea may be bad if that's the case, but how are the department heads or whoever is in charge going to know that he's terrible. If a higher-up shows up to assess, then his behavior will probably be not as true as it is.

Also, would you like me to send you a PDF of American Gov't terms from my HS history teacher? He's really good and he used to do APUSH. He says that the terms help you write essays b/c if you remember the definitions, then you have the meat for your essays. I also have terms for US History, since I think you're also taking that.

08-19-2016, 04:25 PM
I'm so sorry about your professor Kim. I had a weird one too for one of my required English classes and at times he wouldn't even show up for class (which was fine the first time but not after it kept happening). I think he finally was fired after that semester and most of us in the class doing like what NMB said with the surveys. LOL

08-19-2016, 11:47 PM
Rudie- The college isn't small, but there's some classes that are only available at the main campus. This is one of those classes. I can't record his lectures; it's against his rules. " What happens in this class, stays in this class," is what he told us.
I looked on that site, and he has a positive rating, but most of the comments are 5+ years old. The older he gets, the crankier he gets. I'll definitely have my say on that site when I'm done with this class.
I'll take any help I can get, so yes, I'd like to have those PDF files.

Buffy- At least, this guy shows up. I didn't do any surveys at the end of the summer semester. I hope I'm able to do them at the end of this semester.

Annoying Twit
08-20-2016, 04:42 AM
He's not worth it then. I would quietly try to get him in trouble, but that's just me. :twisted:

Wait until you've finished the class and he has no power over you. (Most academics, of which I am one, will be fine with criticism expressed politely and privately but more, uh, unusual academics might not be.) Then raise it with him directly, preferably as a group so that it's obviously not just one person's opinion.

Or: if you have a class representative, send the criticism through the representative anonymously through the representative. This method has the advantage of possibly improving things before the course ends.

Or: If there are other lecturers in your department whom you trust, you could raise it with them. They'll know how the system works where you are and be able to advise you.

How do things work in the US concerning student unions? Do you have one?

AG95 can try and get him into trouble, but perhaps the best strategy is to try to improve the situation so that other students don't suffer the same as you do. I'm not trying, as an academic, trying to avoid another academic getting into trouble. If an academic receives negative (but properly presented) feedback consistently but doesn't do anything about it, that'll get him/her in deep trouble in the long run. Sometimes students trying to get academics in trouble (e.g. asking me directly 'how can we get an academic fired?') will be counter-productive, as the negative feedback may not be given so much weight due to the way it is presented.

08-20-2016, 09:45 AM
Maybe it varies by state but at my college we get a survey at the end of each class whether we take it on campus or online. It's somewhat required by the college to see how the various professors are doing but you don't have to fill it out if you don't want to even though it's anonymous. But hope it does get better for you.

Annoying Twit
08-20-2016, 10:17 AM
Maybe it varies by state but at my college we get a survey at the end of each class whether we take it on campus or online. It's somewhat required by the college to see how the various professors are doing but you don't have to fill it out if you don't want to even though it's anonymous. But hope it does get better for you.

That's fairly standard here in the UK too. But generally, here, that will feed back to the lecturer alone. In a case where the lecturer is the problem and may not view him/herself as the problem (or otherwise not take criticism onboard), then it may be necessary to look into other approaches. Even talking to another member of staff whom AG95 trusts may make a big difference. I've seen people react very differently to criticism relayed through a peer, than something directly from the students. If, in the US, these surveys are viewed by people further up in the management structure in the US, then that may make a bigger difference.

08-20-2016, 03:35 PM
That's interesting about the UK. Here the surveys can't even be handled or seen by the professor of the class. For the traditional classes they have to make sure one of the other staff members hands them out to students and then a student will turn them into the faculty office. The online ones get sent to us through an email link.