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View Full Version : Air Canada Center, Toronto ON - 11/06/13

11-06-2013, 11:54 PM
A tweet:

At Eagles Concert and Glen Frey gives shout out to ex-Leafs and ex-Kings Dan Maloney, Bob Nevin and Dave Hutchison!

A nice pic:


11-07-2013, 12:20 AM
WOW!!...very cool!

11-07-2013, 08:17 AM
Here's the review from the Toronto Sun:

The bit about seeing with your own eyes rather than through a viewfinder went down well and wasn't too cummudgeonly. The schtick was good. Kissing the mirror stayed in (see the Montreal show thread).

Ir sounded better than I expected and the view was surprisingly good from the cheap seats though I tended to watch the big screen.

I finally undestood the importance of Joe Walsh for the live show - the second set was more dynamic and exciting than the first (and I say this as someone who's always preferred the earlier stuff). However, I felt the moment it went up a notch was with "I can't tell you why" and it stayed up there.

The guitar battle between Joe and Glenn before Funk #49 was funny.

I'll see how it sinks in through the day.

11-07-2013, 12:07 PM
don't have a lot of time right now but quickly it was an awesome show, Every one was in great voice . Had great seats on the side of the stage. Usual jokes.. Plaintiff etc. and they DID acknowledge Glenn's Birthday during band intro's! Highlight for me was definitely the first section LOVE it!! But they can sure rock as well! As always my fav song Lyin Eyes was superb and Timothy sounded awesome on ICTYW and LWKUA. Actually my special moment came with LWKUA. my neighbouring seat mates (in the row above me) and I'd been chatting and of course my adoration for Timothy was revealed LOL. So... on LWKUA they gave me their high powered electronic binoculars to watch the song with.. quite the experience like being right up on stage ! More later...

11-07-2013, 02:27 PM
Glad to hear your thoughts, UtW and tf! Aren't they just amazing?! :nod:

11-07-2013, 03:24 PM
Great to hear you all had such a good time UTW and Timfan. Dying to hear more from you. And thrilled that Glenn :heart: got a birthday mention.

11-07-2013, 08:06 PM

Before going I had a few concerns, mostly the result of watching those videos of shows on youtube. I can appreciate why the band don't like those because they don't do justuce.

In a few, there seem to be a lot of people getting to their seats late and chatting through the songs. It just didn't happen. Or if there were people chatting, I couldn't hear it over the sound system.

In some videos, the voices sounded a bit rough, strained and off-key at times. This just wasn't a problem and they all seemed to be in good voice. My sister thought NKIT was a bit ragged and she may have a point, but it wasn't bad.

Probably my biggest worry was going with my sister. She's not an Eagles fan and although she was putting a good face on it for my sake, she wasn't excited. I think she thought she'd be bored. There was something in that. She appreciated the talent, the singing voices and playing skills but she seemed a littled underwhelmed during the first half. Luckily she perked up immediately after intermission - she liked Timothy's voice, Heartache Tonight, Joe Walsh and by the end she said she really enjoyed it and was glad she'd gone.

secret squirrel
11-08-2013, 12:29 PM
Review from Examiner:



11-08-2013, 02:50 PM
I’m having trouble bringing my thoughts together.

My mind is still boggled about seeing the Eagles more than 40 years after the release of Desperado. Desperado comes to mind not only because it’s my favourite of their albums but also because the show included nearly half of the tracks (I wish they’d done Outlaw Man, though).

It was the first time I’ve attended a stadium concert - at least since the 1970s when it was a blanket on a football field - and it was a much easier and better experience than I expected. Considering our seats were balcony with a side view, the view was pretty good. We were at too sharp an angle to make sense of the panels but the band seemed fairly close and there was the big screen. Certainiy close enough to be recognisable (my brother “saw” them at Wembley around 1976 but described them as “ants” because he was so far away). I won’t be so worried about bad seats another time. I’m glad I didn’t go for the floor seats as it seemed that people stood for a lot of the show and I’m not that tall.

I now understand both the praise and the criticism of the live show. The sound is great and it’s very professional and absolutely amazing that they still perform as well as – or better – they did in the 1970s. I enjoyed the first half but wasn’t fully engaged – perhaps it needs a more intimate setting. The second half was far more exciting and I can see why Joe Walsh is such an important part of the live show – that kick in the butt!

I enjoyed seeing the close-ups on the big screen., including the guitar playing. However, it did show up things like arthritic hands (Glenn and possibly Stueart?) and I wondered how long they can continue to play.
I think I’ve already said that I enjoyed the guitar challenge between Joe and Glenn, especially as I’d been listening to an old radio interview where Glenn said he could play quickly and as soon as Joe did that quick, complicated section I was thinking “no way!”.
During Hotel California, when Joe and Steuart were playing with each other, I noticed that Timothy and Glenn were doing their own thing. I couldn’t really see what it was and of course the camera was elsewhere, but they were interacting.

11-09-2013, 02:51 PM

As Glenn is speaking, at 1:38 someone (I believe a child) yells "Happy Birthday!" and Glenn acknowledges them with his wonderful dry sense of humour saying "oh thanks... a dark day in rock and roll, folks" It was definitely a sweet moment.

11-09-2013, 05:24 PM
It was blocked here. Drat!

12-07-2013, 06:43 PM
It doesn't look like these have been posted yet... check 'em out!
