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09-06-2007, 01:02 PM
I thought it might be fun to start a topic on Favorite TV Shows, past & present.

Some of you know I have always been a big fan of Don Johnson. I seem to have this fatal weakness when it comes to Dons.... :smitten:

Anyway, I loved him in Miami Vice (I particularly love the episode with Glenn in it, but I digress... :wink: ) and I was also a big fan of his second series Nash Bridges. One of our local stations has begun airing reruns of Nash Bridges and I watched one show last night. The show is even more interesting to me now because it was shot on location in San Francisco, and we went there two years ago on our wonderful vacation to see the Eagles on their Hotel California tour. Watching Nash speed up and down those steep streets and chase criminals through the fog surrounding the Golden Gate bridge is very nostalgic for me now. Brings back wonderful memories of a fantastic trip.

So, in the episode I watched last night, Nash catches the bad guy and forces a confession out of him, and as he and his partner Joe are walking away, Joe laughs and says, "Man, that guy sang just like Don Henley!" :shock: :D :lol:

09-06-2007, 02:04 PM
I'm a big fan of Don's also, DF. Loved both of those shows, too! That comment about Don H is too funny! :lol:

A couple of my other favorite past shows were Friends and Will & Grace. I just hated it when they quit making those. I thought Will & Grace should have been called Jack & Karen. Those two were hilarious! :D

09-06-2007, 02:10 PM
I loved both those shows too, Brooke.
I especially loved Friends--all of those characters were so different & funny & endearing. Courteney Cox is from my hometown--her mother still lives here--and every now & then she comes back to town and the media makes a big deal out of it.

One of my favorite shows now is Two & a Half Men. It is hilarious!

09-06-2007, 02:40 PM
Fun topic! I love that DH reference in Nash Bridges. DF, if you see that the Glenn episode of NB is coming on, could you please record it? The version I have of the show is low-quality and I'm always on the lookout for an upgrade.

Friends was one of my favorite shows EVER. I bought all ten seasons. I absolutely loved Chandler especially, and thought it was so cool that he got with Monica.

I also loved re-runs of The Monkees (until it got freaky at the end), Remington Steele, The A-Team, Law and Order, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Firefly, and Mystery Science Theater 3000.

As you can see, I'm a bit of a sci-fi fan. My current sci-fi favorite is Eureka.

I don't have a lot of time to watch TV nowadays so I don't know too many more current shows. I do make time to watch The Daily Show in the evening. I've also gotten drawn into those VH1 Celeb-reality shows, I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit. They are good for brain candy when I'm feeling stressed and tired of thinking about my dissertation.

09-06-2007, 03:43 PM
Ooh, I forgot that Glenn guest-starred on Nash Bridges too! I'll be on the lookout for that episode for you, Nancy.

You said you like sci-fi--do you watch Battlestar Gallactica? I was a fan of the original BG in the late 1970s, and we love the new one now, although the two shows are so different it seems the only thing they share is the name. For example, I had kind of a crush on the guy who played the original Starbucks--Dirk Benedict-- but in the new series Starbucks is a woman! :roll: In the original series Starbucks' girlfriend, Athena, was played by Maren Jensen who I found out (many years later) was Don Henley's longtime girlfriend at the time.

Sometimes I am amazed at the roundabout DH connections in my life--it is like playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, only with DH instead! :wink:

09-06-2007, 04:33 PM
Although I majored in Science in college, Sci fi was never my greatest love. Hospital dramas are, with my favourite being ER. Its due back soon for another winter season. Another show I like is Desperate Housewives (OK I'm sad, I know!). The plots get crazier and there are so many twists in the stories that if you miss even one you are lost by the next episode. After those I don't tend to watch much TV. On nights in alone I prefer to watch my Eagles and Glenn :heart: concerts and make no apology to anyone for that! :D

09-06-2007, 04:46 PM
Ooh, I forgot that Glenn guest-starred on Nash Bridges too! I'll be on the lookout for that episode for you, Nancy.


You said you like sci-fi--do you watch Battlestar Gallactica? I was a fan of the original BG in the late 1970s, and we love the new one now, although the two shows are so different it seems the only thing they share is the name. For example, I had kind of a crush on the guy who played the original Starbucks--Dirk Benedict-- but in the new series Starbucks is a woman! :roll: In the original series Starbucks' girlfriend, Athena, was played by Maren Jensen who I found out (many years later) was Don Henley's longtime girlfriend at the time.

Sometimes I am amazed at the roundabout DH connections in my life--it is like playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, only with DH instead! :wink:

BG was a little before my time, although Dirk Benedict was the reason I loved The A-Team so much! He was "Face" on that and one of my first crushes as a blossoming adolescent. lol That's funny about Starbucks! Kind of throws one for a loop!

Did you see the movie recently that they made? If so, how did it stack up?

09-06-2007, 05:53 PM
I remember loving the Monkees as a kid, and then re-discovered them in 1986 when Nick at Nite used to re-run the episodes. I would watch them during those midnight baby feedings. I recorded as many of them as I could and later on both of my boys loved watching them. They could sing the theme from the show when they were toddlers. I used to love the way Davey would say Peter's name - "Petah". My son, Peter, thinks he was named after his great-grandfather! :hilarious:

I've always been drawn to medical shows. I was fascinated by the show Emergency in the 70's. The concept of paramedics was brand new then, and I remember thinking it was so cool. I loved the 1st few seasons of ER with George Clooney, as well.

Now, I'd have to say my favorite shows are House (there's that medical thing again) and My Name is Earl. I think I know Earl-I may have gone to school with him. :wink:

09-06-2007, 06:39 PM
I used to watch ER during my college days when it was fairly new, but I lost interest after some of my favorite characters left. It sure could be compelling drama though! I remember I was especially touched by an episode from the first season that ended with a simultaneous death of one person as another was born. It was a really vivid illustration of the circle of life.

09-06-2007, 06:40 PM
We all have such similar tastes in TV--I love it! :computer: (I think this is supposed to be a computer icon but it looks a little like a TV icon to me.)

I loved the Monkees, and I'm so old I watched the shows both originally and when Nick at Nite ran them! :wink: I loved Davy Jones and many years later I actually got to meet him and get his autograph--there is a picture of me with Davy posted around here somewhere.

I also love medical shows. I have watched ER since the very beginning and you are right, Molly, that show was the absolute best when George Clooney was on it. It hasn't been the same since he left, and especially since they killed off Mark Greene. :cry:
Now I like to watch Grey's Anatomy and House.

Dirk Benedict was a cutie, wasn't he? I didn't see the movie though.

09-06-2007, 06:47 PM
I will sound different but I can't help it. Being a history and literature buff I grew up with English historical dramas and adaptations of famous books. My favourites were The Six Wives of Henry VIII and Elizabeth R, and War And Peace and Anna Karenina. They STILL have not released War And Peace, which starred Anthony Hopkins, on DVD. More recently there were excellent versions of The Mayor of Casterbridge and Bleak House. How highbrow! :blush:

I was also brought up on British comedy, hence The Two Ronnies and Monty Python's Flying Circus, which led to Fawlty Towers and Ripping Yarns. Since meeting my husband we still watch British comedy like Goodness Gracious Me and panel shows like Have I Got News For You and They Think It's All Over.

I didn't watch much American TV growing up and I therefore wasn't inclined to start watching it. I watched comedy - I worshipped F Troop. I liked My Favourite Martian and I Dream of Jeannie. I did like Cheers and then Becker. When I watched 'action' stuff, which was rarely, it was Hawaii Five-O. Now I might watch the occasional Law & Order or CSI but not often. My mother loves The West Wing.

I won't bore you with the highs and lows of Australian TV but we did have a very good cop show called Homicide which has never been bettered. Then we had Countdown, my favourite music show. Then .... that was it really.

09-06-2007, 06:55 PM
I loved The West Wing too, FP. The creators of that show put on another show last fall that I also loved, called Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. It had the same intelligent, fast-paced dialogue and it starred Chandler (my favorite Friend) so I was very disappointed when it failed to catch on with viewers and got cancelled after one season.

09-07-2007, 03:42 AM
As you can see, I'm a bit of a sci-fi fan. My current sci-fi favorite is Eureka.

I've watched this programme on Sky One and I love it too, over here it's entitled 'A Town Called Eureka.' The lead Colin Ferguson is perfectly charming.

09-07-2007, 03:08 PM
Ah tv.....my second addiction :D

I LOOOVE "Without A Trace!" Anthony LaPaglia is absolutely amazing on that show. But all in all, it's just got a great cast period! Love it!

I'm also a huge fan of both Law & Order:SVU and Law & Order:CI. I really enjoy the chemistry between Olivia and Elliott as well as the chemistry between Goren and Eames.

I doubt anyone here watches it, but I also love "The Unit." Everytime I see Robert Patrick....I think of Don :D :blush: lol!

Oh and who can forget the original CSI! :D LOOOOVE me some William Petersen! Now if only they would pair Grissom with Catherine instead of Sarah! :evil:

Ooo Ooo Ooo.......and NCIS! As you can tell...I love the crime drama/detective/mystery etc... lol

And I did really enjoy West Wing when it was on. I love Martin Sheen's character and his wife. great show!

tbs fanatic
09-07-2007, 03:55 PM
Dang, I always see these posts five minutes before I have to rush out somewhere :roll:

So a quick run down

Monkees - yes I was around to see the original and then again on Nick :roll:

An oldie 'I Claudius' about the Roman Empire - really excellent.

Ah, I'm running out of time. Oh yes, Criss Angel :inlove:

Will have to think of some more on my drive. :D

09-07-2007, 04:45 PM
I really liked ER too, back when George Clooney was on it. I'm still watching, but I refuse to watch their reruns. It seems like they don't really make many new shows for it. You see one or two then the next week or two or three are reruns. I hate that! I'm especially bummed that they had to have Shane West get hurt so badly! I really liked him and Neela together.

I also like CSI. I'm not much for Grissom, but really like Catherine. They really stalled out on that miniature killer series though! And I could do without some of the blood and gore! I usually have to close my eyes when they show that stuff in such detail! :roll:

I loved the Monkees back in the day, too. I never had cable when Nick had it on, so I'd love to see it again!

My mom loves Earl! I find that too funny! :shock:

Had to add that I loved Dallas when it was on. That JR Ewing was such a bad boy! :lol:

09-07-2007, 05:29 PM
I'm especially bummed that they had to have Shane West on ER get hurt so badly! I really liked him and Neela together.

That surprised the hell out of me too, Brooke! :shock:

09-07-2007, 08:16 PM
An oldie 'I Claudius' about the Roman Empire - really excellent.

I CLAVDIVS was great. Then there was Upstairs, Downstairs, The Pallisers, The Onedin Line.... but I'm so old I go back to the original Forsyte Saga. The remake of that was awful.

Dallas was a guilty pleasure of mine until it 'jumped the shark' when Bobby died and he came back next season because the previous season was a 'dream'. Cheers jumped the shark when Shelley Long left. Becker did when its female lead left, etc.

I'm going way back now but I was a huge fan of Mary Tyler Moore and the spinoffs Rhoda & Lou Grant.

09-07-2007, 11:04 PM
I'm not much of a tv watcher but some of my favorite shows are ER, Jeopardy, Wheel Of Fortune, The Price Is Right, Law And Order, The Nanny, The Golden Girls, The Munsters, The Addams Family, Green Acres, I Love Lucy, Battlestar Gallactica, and The Three Stooges.

09-08-2007, 01:08 PM
Dang, I always see these posts five minutes before I have to rush out somewhere :roll:

So a quick run down

Monkees - yes I was around to see the original and then again on Nick :roll:

An oldie 'I Claudius' about the Roman Empire - really excellent.

Ah, I'm running out of time. Oh yes, Criss Angel :inlove:

Will have to think of some more on my drive. :D

oh crap! I can't believe I forgot 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: I CAN'T miss an episode! Jack Bauer.....*sigh* :D

09-08-2007, 01:21 PM
I love 24 too. I have watched it from the very beginning.
I got bored with last season, however---and I hear a lot of other viewers did too--I think the show really lost its focus. It is supposed to be new and improved this year.

tbs fanatic
09-08-2007, 02:06 PM
An oldie 'I Claudius' about the Roman Empire - really excellent.

I CLAVDIVS was great. Then there was Upstairs, Downstairs, The Pallisers, The Onedin Line.... but I'm so old I go back to the original Forsyte Saga. The remake of that was awful.

Freypower - we must be from the same timewarp - LOL. I loved all those too and yes I watched the original Forsyte Saga :shock:

Okay, I've thought of a couple more

Rescue Me
The Daily Show
WorkOut - a reality show I was seriously hooked on :roll:

09-08-2007, 03:12 PM
oh crap! I can't believe I forgot 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: I CAN'T miss an episode! Jack Bauer.....*sigh* :D

Keifer Sutherland = HOT HOT HOT HOT!

09-08-2007, 06:34 PM
I had to laugh when I read about everyone that used to watch The Monkees....I did too, and I STILL don't feel that old! That Davy Jones was a charmer, wasn't he? I had posters of him all over my room. Did you find him that way when you met him, DonFan? I took my son to see him a couple of years back, still quite the entertainer. When my girls were young we saw The Monkees together, well except for Mike. And as a nearly teen...I was 12...I actually got to see them on their very first tour.

I watch House also and my friend introduced me to Grey's Anatomy. Unfortunately, the area I live in only plays reruns of ER so I've missed the last 2 seasons. One series I enjoyed on Lifetime was Blood Ties. Have any of you seen Kyle Schmid? Adorable!

Ok, now for the guilty pleasure...I have to admit, I'm a Days Of Our Lives fan.

I also watch a lot of Animal Planet, my little one is hooked on Steve Irwin. Who knows, she may grow up to be just like Bindi...LOL!

09-08-2007, 07:50 PM
Yes, Davy Jones was absolutely charming when I met him, rcknalways. He did a midnight Shop Til You Drop gig at our Galleria Mall the Friday after Thanksgiving several years ago, and I loaded up my van with my teenage daughters and their friends. The girls all went shopping and parked myself right in front of the stage and sang along with Valeri, Daydream Believer, A Little Bit Me A Little Bit You, and all the other songs. Davy had just written a book about his life as a Monkee so he stayed after the concert to sign copies and pose for pictures. It was almost 3 a.m. by the time everyone got through the line but he took the time to speak to everyone. He posed for a picture with me and told one of my daughters that she reminded him of his daughter. He was just as cute as I remembered him when I was a teenager--and he was just as short, too! :wink:

09-08-2007, 09:27 PM
oh crap! I can't believe I forgot 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: I CAN'T miss an episode! Jack Bauer.....*sigh* :D

Keifer Sutherland = HOT HOT HOT HOT!

yes yes yes YES! :D

I can't wait for next season!!!

09-08-2007, 09:31 PM
I love 24 too. I have watched it from the very beginning.
I got bored with last season, however---and I hear a lot of other viewers did too--I think the show really lost its focus. It is supposed to be new and improved this year.

yeah.....last season definently wasn't one of the show's shining moments. It got really predictable and repetitive. I can't wait for the changes they say are coming this year! My only complaint though is Audrey. I just CAN'T like her! LOL I wanted Jack to get closer to either his brother's widow (who was with Jack first. yes........it does seem very soap operaish lol) or the lady (the one with the teenage son) that he lived with while he was in hiding.

On a side note.......I STILL think that his brother's "son" is actually his own. Call me crazy :lol:

tbs fanatic
09-08-2007, 09:41 PM
LOL - you lucky guys - seeing the Monkees in concert. I soooooooo wanted to do that. I did get to see Mickey Dolenz in some theatre production in London when I was a teen. Was it called 'The Point'???? I tricked my Dad into taking me and my friend - Ha!

09-08-2007, 09:51 PM
The first concert I ever saw was the Monkees at Astroworld in 1986. No Nesmith, though!

09-09-2007, 10:04 AM
I love 24 too. I have watched it from the very beginning.
I got bored with last season, however---and I hear a lot of other viewers did too--I think the show really lost its focus. It is supposed to be new and improved this year.

yeah.....last season definently wasn't one of the show's shining moments. It got really predictable and repetitive. I can't wait for the changes they say are coming this year! My only complaint though is Audrey. I just CAN'T like her! LOL I wanted Jack to get closer to either his brother's widow (who was with Jack first. yes........it does seem very soap operaish lol) or the lady (the one with the teenage son) that he lived with while he was in hiding.

On a side note.......I STILL think that his brother's "son" is actually his own. Call me crazy :lol:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who couldn't stand Audrey! I was actually rooting for the Chinese bad guys last season. Make her go away, please!

I also think Jack's nephew is also his son! I'm hoping also, it improves this season and doesn't continue becoming too much of a soap opera.

Anyone want to venture a guess which political party the show's writers lean towards? There were the 2 beloved, strong, moral President Palmers (Democrats?) and then 2 seasons ago the opposition was in office (guessing it represented the Republicans) and that president was evil and underhanded (and I thought had an uncanny resemblence to Richard Nixon).

09-09-2007, 11:21 AM
Cold Case

09-09-2007, 05:39 PM
I'm especially bummed that they had to have Shane West on ER get hurt so badly! I really liked him and Neela together.

That surprised the hell out of me too, Brooke! :shock:

Me Too! He was one of the better actors IMO, and just what Neela needed! They could have made a real go of it

09-11-2007, 02:02 PM
I had to laugh at the comment about how short Davy Jones is! I never noticed that as a teen! My friend lives fairly close to his horse farm in Pennsylvania. He gets into town now and then and the locals seem to love him. I was never lucky enough to meet him, so cool for you and your daughter. I can guess who was the most excited! LOL

09-11-2007, 02:22 PM
Poor Davy - I remember his height was a staple joke on the show - and apparently it was such an issue the producers made him wear lifts in his shoes! Also, before my favorite Monkees song Daydream Believer, he has a little dialog where he asks what number the take is, and everybody in the control room apparently yelled it at him (he'd asked before maybe?) and he says "Alright, don't get upset now. It's 'cause I'm short, I know." lol They included it on the track, much to the dismay of the DJs! Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed either.

09-11-2007, 04:16 PM
Also, before my favorite Monkees song Daydream Believer, he has a little dialog where he asks what number the take is, and everybody in the control room apparently yelled it at him (he'd asked before maybe?) and he says "Alright, don't get upset now. It's 'cause I'm short, I know." lol They included it on the track, much to the dismay of the DJs! Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed either.

I loved that part of that song, too!

09-12-2007, 02:19 PM
I heard a trivia contest today and they said that The Monkees show premiered on this date in 1966 and that Frank Zappa guest starred on the show. He played a car! How you play a car I do not know!

I was 10 years old back then! :lol:

09-12-2007, 03:01 PM
Going back to my post about the two Dons in my life, Johnson & Henley, I Googled them and came up with this review of Don Johnson's album Heartbeat:

Heartbeat [Epic, 1986]
Is the news that a competent singer has emulated his best buddies' music enough to get him on the cover of Rolling Stone? And what does this album in is Johnson's competence. Tina Turner can make such stuff significant, but Johnson, who rasps through his TV lines, goes clear when he sings. Isn't knowing Don Henley good for anything? C+

:wink: :wink:

09-12-2007, 06:13 PM
I heard a trivia contest today and they said that The Monkees show premiered on this date in 1966 and that Frank Zappa guest starred on the show. He played a car! How you play a car I do not know!

I was 10 years old back then! :lol:

I knew Frank was in the Monkees' movie Head but I didn't know he was on the TV show. I can imagine.

I never watched it. I watched (gulp) the Partridge Family and I had the entire set of bubblegum cards. I had to ditch them before we went overseas in 1972. Then of course I became a fan of David Cassidy's music.

I just wanted to mention a couple of English TV shows.

The British version of The Office. Ricky Gervais was the ultimate manager who had no people skills. The show was cathartic for me once I left work. I realised how futile all that jargon is when people still treat you like crap.

Time Team
The Worst Jobs In History
QI (this is a comedy quiz show hosted by Stephen Fry).

09-12-2007, 06:21 PM
I heard a trivia contest today and they said that The Monkees show premiered on this date in 1966 and that Frank Zappa guest starred on the show. He played a car! How you play a car I do not know!
I was 10 years old back then! :lol:

I was 10 years old then too, Brooke! Davy was my first big crush. :blush:

Then I went on to watch the Partridge Family too, FP.
Was anybody also a fan of Bobby Sherman on Here Come the Brides?

09-13-2007, 12:11 AM
AAAH! Here Come The Brides! But for me it was David Soul, not Bobby Sherman! :blush: I never forgave Bobby Sherman for that awful song Julie Do Ya Love Me (to which the answer was a resounding NO). I still remember the theme song of Here Come The Brides. 'The bluest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle'. On my only visit there it had changed somewhat.

09-13-2007, 01:07 AM
All my friends liked Bobby Sherman, but I liked David Soul the best, too.

09-13-2007, 05:20 PM
I heard a trivia contest today and they said that The Monkees show premiered on this date in 1966 and that Frank Zappa guest starred on the show. He played a car! How you play a car I do not know!
I was 10 years old back then! :lol:

I was 10 years old then too, Brooke! Davy was my first big crush. :blush:

Then I went on to watch the Partridge Family too, FP.
Was anybody also a fan of Bobby Sherman on Here Come the Brides?

My brother in law has a cousin who looked amazingly like Bobby Sherman back in the day. I'm told I spent a great deal of time at my sister's wedding following him (Lenny) around and staring at him adoringly (I was 6).

Now, all these years later, I work with Lenny's wife. Recently, I happened to be following them down the hallway leading to the cafeteria when Lenny turned around and said, "Are you still following me around?" I could feel my cheeks turn hot! :blush:

I don't know what Bobby's looking like these days, but Lenny's not half bad!

09-14-2007, 10:05 AM
Lol, Molly! I had a crush on Davy Jones too, and like you, Brooke, I remember the very first episode being shown (but I don't remember the plot, and I wouldn't have had a clue about Frank Zappa). I actually met Mickey Dolenz in real life once - he seemed like a nice guy, but it was not an appropriate time to ask for autographs.

FP, I loved the cringing humour of the Office, too. Top Gear (despite Clarkson), Question of Sport, University Challenge are popular in our house. I don't watch soaps - too dreary, but occasionally get into a good drama - Judge John Deed and Silent Witness, for instance.

Has anyone here seen Heroes? I started to watch it thinking it was going to be a lightish sci-fi programme, but it steadily got more and more gruesome until I gave up.

09-14-2007, 02:24 PM
lol Molly!

Has anyone here seen Heroes? I started to watch it thinking it was going to be a lightish sci-fi programme, but it steadily got more and more gruesome until I gave up.

Micky was my crush - how cool that you got to meet him! As for Heroes, I have a guy friend who loves the show and tried to get me hooked on it by inviting me to watch it with him. Unfortunately, like you, I was turned off by the violence.

09-19-2007, 11:32 AM
I watched (gulp) the Partridge Family and I had the entire set of bubblegum cards. I had to ditch them before we went overseas in 1972. Then of course I became a fan of David Cassidy's music.

Me too. :blush:

I can't contribute much here because I guess you all have never seen a German TV show. :wink:

I watched a lot of American TV shows but usually I don't know the original title so you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. :?

09-19-2007, 06:12 PM
I watched a special on Elvis last night that was basically about Elvis in Vegas but it included little bits of his whole life. A variety of artists sang his songs and paid tribute to him, and most of the songs were done very, very well. I was tickled to discover that many of my favorite singers, including Paul McCartney, Faith Hill, Beyonce and Chris Isaak, also love Elvis too.

Priscilla Presley talked about her life with Elvis, as did some of his buddies in the "Memphis Mafia," who they called the "very first entourage." One of his buddies was reminiscing about life on the road with Elvis and said at every show, they were sent out into the audience to find the prettiest girls and invite them backstage for the party after the concert. Sound familiar?

08-25-2008, 10:54 PM
I'm reviving this old topic because I wanted to once again call attention to Eureka. I love it - charm, intelligent plots, witty one-liners, great special effects, engaging characters, and eye candy to boot!

It's about a little town where the government puts its geniuses to develop nifty things. ;) Sometimes the discoveries go wrong, endanger the universe by tearing a fabric in the space-time continuum, things like that, lol. The star is the sheriff, who's the average Joe in the mix.

I'm totally bummed though - last Tuesday, they killed off my favorite character! I HATE it when that happens! I don't know if the show will ever be the same without brilliant, complex, and drop-dead gorgeous scientist Nathan Stark. :(

Still, I'm stickin' by it. It's too entertaining to give up! I don't want its ratings to fall as a result of Stark's death, and it get canceled.

So, if you love science fiction with a good mix of light and dark, check it out. Tuesday nights at 9:00 on the SciFi channel!

08-25-2008, 11:33 PM
Soda, I started watching Eureka because I went to College in Ashland Oregon and on Sundays, when the liqure stores are closed in Oregon, they were open just over the Cali border in Eureka, Ca.! When I heard they had a show called Eureka about a town called Eureka I thought Cool! I started watching it. Believe me, the REAL Eureka is NOTHING like the TV Eureka. If there's a genuis there, they're well hidden. (No offence to the residents of beautiful Eureka California)
I do love the show, however and, while I havent watched muhc TV lately, Im bummed to hear they killed someone off!! Who was it?

I just want to say I'm really excited to see the new HBO show True Blood. I've been reading Charlain Harris books for years and I love her writting (the southern vampire series is excellent! who doesnt like kinky vampire sex??) but seriously, her characters are so well developed and believable, I can only hope the TV version can live up to Charlaine's version. Anna Paquin plays the lead roll and, well, we'll see. If she can pull off a decent southern accent, maybe she'll make it. It does look like they'll be catering to the kinky vampire sex demographic (unfortunate) but read the books and it'll definatly make the series more interesting *grin*

08-26-2008, 07:44 AM
I really like the show Bones. It is a crime show with humor also. I think the characters are so cute together.

08-26-2008, 10:18 AM
TBF, yeah, David Boreanaz is HOT!!!!! I loved him in Buffy too. OH baby! talk about vampire sex *wicked grin* The series Bones is based on the books by Kathy Reichs about a forensic pathologist named Temerpence Brennan. I HIGHLY suggest reading the series. It's wonderful AND there are a lot of them *grin* so you never get to the end!! (I hate it when I finish a series before the author resleases the new book!) Although David's character doesnt exist in the book (eye candy anyone?? *grin*) you can always use your imagination :)

08-28-2008, 07:00 AM
TBF, yeah, David Boreanaz is HOT!!!!! I loved him in Buffy too. OH baby! talk about vampire sex *wicked grin* The series Bones is based on the books by Kathy Reichs about a forensic pathologist named Temerpence Brennan. I HIGHLY suggest reading the series. It's wonderful AND there are a lot of them *grin* so you never get to the end!! (I hate it when I finish a series before the author resleases the new book!) Although David's character doesnt exist in the book (eye candy anyone?? *grin*) you can always use your imagination :)

Thanks ticky--I wasn't aware of that-I will try to track some of them down. How close do they stay to the characters in the show? I can't imagine David's character not involved tho? They are so good together.

08-28-2008, 10:34 PM
I love CSI (I really love William Petersen:inlove:) and House.
I used to watch JAG (now i watch it in re-runs).
I like older shows like I Love Lucy.
When I was younger I used to watch Scariest Places On Earth.
And I love to watch Dr. Who.

08-28-2008, 10:45 PM
Thanks ticky--I wasn't aware of that-I will try to track some of them down. How close do they stay to the characters in the show? I can't imagine David's character not involved tho? They are so good together.
TBF, they stay pretty close to the characters in the book and its really well written but nope, No David Boreanaz in the book *grin* you just have to use your imagination and fill in the gap yourself *grin*

If you're looking for good books with hot male characters in them (non romance novel books.. I cant stand romance novels) the Janet Evanovich Plum Series is excellent. Both the Merelli and the Ranger characters are super hot! Even if they are strictly in print (or audio for you audiobook fans) The writting is good and it's very funny. Good read

08-29-2008, 07:27 AM
Ticky-unlike you, all I read are trashy romance novels:razz:. Love them!! They are usually mindless reading which is much appreciated after everything else in my life that saps the energy level. The only other books I read are rock n roll books.

Another show I really enjoy is called Millennium. It's a show from the 90's that we have been watching repeats of on The Chiller channel. Had never heard of it before till we stumbled upon it this past spring while flipping thru the channels.

08-29-2008, 03:39 PM
I love CSI (I really love William Petersen:inlove:) and House.
I used to watch JAG (now i watch it in re-runs).
I like older shows like I Love Lucy.
When I was younger I used to watch Scariest Places On Earth.
And I love to watch Dr. Who.

Sounds like we have similar tastes in TV show, GOS. I also watch CSI and House. Too bad everybody is leaving CSI, though. I can't imagine it without William Petersen.

08-29-2008, 04:21 PM
Sounds like we have similar tastes in TV show, GOS. I also watch CSI and House. Too bad everybody is leaving CSI, though. I can't imagine it without William Petersen.

I used to watch CSI till I found out William Peterson was leaving. I just cant watch it anymore. I cant stand CSI Miami because of whats-his-name on there, The redheaded guy? He just gets to me.. plus CSI is CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATORS.. they dont generally jump from burning buildings shooting maddly at the bad guys.. The science stuff was pretty cool, but it got too shoot-em-up for my tastes.
I used to watch House, I just dont watch much TV any more at all (unless you count sponge bob... I have a 5 yr old)

08-29-2008, 05:14 PM
Sounds like we have similar tastes in TV show, GOS. I also watch CSI and House. Too bad everybody is leaving CSI, though. I can't imagine it without William Petersen.

Yeah but after he leaves I'll stop watching CSI he's a big part of the reason i watch it

I read somewhere that Marg Helgenberger was supposed to leave at the end of the new season.

09-03-2008, 07:51 PM
I quit watching CSI when they paired Grissom and Sara together. lol I just wasn't a fan. If they were going to pair anyone up, I would have preferred to have seen Grissom/Catherine. lol

Recently I've been getting into Army Wives on Lifetime. I really like the characters Michael and Claudia Joy Holden!

09-03-2008, 09:10 PM
I quit watching CSI when they paired Grissom and Sara together. lol I just wasn't a fan. If they were going to pair anyone up, I would have preferred to have seen Grissom/Catherine. lol

Recently I've been getting into Army Wives on Lifetime. I really like the characters Michael and Claudia Joy Holden!

thats who i thought should be together

Army Wives is good

09-07-2008, 04:55 PM
I knew that you ladies were my kind of people. Eagles Fans and now TV shows and books. I watch all the CSI shows (NCIS,CSI New York,CSI Miami), I watch Bones because I have read all of the Kathy Reichs books (she has a new one coming out soon.) Janet Evanovich is a must read, I just finished her 14th Stephanie Plum book and laughed so hard my ribs hurt, I"m reading JA Jance now, they are set in Arizona so they are almost on the must read list around here. lol:thumbsup:

09-07-2008, 05:58 PM
AZ ~ I love the Evanovich/Plum books and they make me laugh like crazy too! I am DYING to find out that Bulgari Green smells like! I cant find it!

Have you read Charlaine Harris?? Just a reminder. The TV show made about her Southern Vampire series starts tonight on HBO! It's getting so-so reviews but WHAT do reviewers know? (see the Tulsa Eagles Concert reviews *grin*)

Im in to reading the Sue Grafton books right now and THAT will take some time. I just finished A is for Alibi *grin* I think she's up to U or V right now.

If you like funny I highly suggest Tim Dorsey or Christopher Moore. Especially Lamb by Chris Moore. Irreverent but very funny!

09-08-2008, 02:37 AM
I have some of the Charlaine Harris books and I like them. I don't get HBO so I can't watch the show. I also like the James Patterson "Women's Murder Club" series, Fern Michaels "Sisterhood" books and JD Robb "Murder In---" series. Can you tell I go for mysteries.

09-08-2008, 10:19 AM
AZ ~ lol yeah I know what you mean. Me too. Charlaine Harris has three other mystery series. I just love her writing. I watched her show last night and I was thrilled. They stayed pretty close to the characters in the book, but they added A LOT of sex. (It's HBO, Of course they would!) If you can get by that, it was pretty true to the books. I was so worried it'd be all about SEXY VAMPIRES!! oooo but it's pretty well written! Harris's other series you might like are The Shakespeare Series about a character named Lily Bard who moves to Shakespeare, Arkansas. Then there's the Aurora Teagarden Series (which is slightly more light hearted but still a good mystery read! and has just been rereleased!) The Harper Connely series is good to but she see's dead people *grin*. She and her brother travel around finding lost dead bodies. Its a little more sci-fi but not spacey or dumb.

Right now Im reading a couple of books by Dai Sijie. Mr. Muo's traveling Couch. Dai Sijie was from a middle class family in China just before the revolution and was sent to a "redeucation" camp when he was 14, after Mao took over. He stayed there for 8 years. When he came out, he was allowed to go to school in England and he studied psychology and literature. He wrote Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, and Mr. Muo's Traveling Couch. Both books reflect his experiences so much, it makes for some great reading and a lot of insight similar to that of Khaled Hossseini. Not mysteries, but well written, somewhat funny and great reads!

09-09-2008, 02:24 AM
I didn't know that Charlaine Harris wrote other series, thank you for the info. I live in a small town of 3,038 people so the library in very small but they will order books for me from other places. If all else fails I go to half price book store and buy them and then donate them to the library.

09-09-2008, 03:09 AM
you also might check out the used books via Amazon. Thats where I've gotten several of my out of print books for as little as $.99 I even got a Rose's Delicatessen cook book signed! for $.99. Of course you have to pay shipping so it usually totals out at about $3.50 still well worth looking.

01-07-2009, 09:10 PM
I must say I found this thread, and I just thought I'd bump it up, My favorite Shows are The Brady Bunch, Family Matters, George Lopez, basically anything on Nick at Nite or Tv Land. I always thought Greg Brady was very cute :smitten:

09-22-2009, 10:24 AM
Has anyone seen the preview for ABC's new series called Flash Forward? It looks great and I guess it's based on a book. Some really great actors in it also like Joseph Fiennes (yummy) and Courtney B Vance. Here's the trailer for it if anyones interested. I don't get into tv shows much but I might have to check this one out.

I do try to occasionally catch Bones or House (which premiered last night). I happen to catch the season premiere of Two And A Half Men last night because I had heard Eddie Van Halen was on it. He was only briefly but it was really cute.

Any other new shows anyone is looking forward to?

09-22-2009, 11:29 AM
One new show I really like is Glee. My daughters and I have always sung in choirs, and this show about a high school glee club is funny, smart and entertaining.

I also love Two & A Half Men--I was so glad Jon Cryer won a best supporting actor Emmy for that show Sunday night; Medium; House; Diners, Drive-ins & Dives on Food Network--host Guy Fieri is a hoot on that show; and my favorite show is Grey's Anatomy. After that whiz-bang of a finale last May with both George and Izzy dying (although I hear Izzy is coming back this year) I cannot wait for the season premiere Thursday.

09-22-2009, 11:54 AM
I read about Flash Forward in Entertainment Weekly and if it manages to attain even one iota of its hype, you're in for one heck of a ride!

Largely due to my inability to sit still and stare at a telly, I only watch one show regularly, Mad Men on AMC. It makes me appreciate all the opportunities my predecessors fought so doggedly to acquire and upon which I have so gleefully seized. Chronicling the inner working of an advertising agency in the '60s, it furnishes a rather sharp slap in the face with every episode. How staggering that just forty-five years ago a law school would not even have admitted me, doctors looked right over a woman's head to address her husband about her medical concerns, and marrying to become a housewife in the country comprised the absolute pinnacle of female achievement. I wish I could find every female who pushed her way into the corporate environment and thank her personally. It's subtle, highly inspired and largely absent anachronisms - highly recommended.

I managed to endure the first season of True Blood but relinquished my interest after the Godric incident. It's just too much gore/blatant sex and not enough of the strong Sookie and complicated, integrated storylines that made the books such a treat.

09-22-2009, 12:27 PM
Ooh, Flash Forward has Joseph Fiennes? I might watch it for that alone. I've adored him since Shakespeare in Love.

09-22-2009, 01:55 PM
Thank goodness the new season is underway...I'm SO tired of reruns! I love the comedy shows on CBS (Two and Half Men, New Adventures of Old Christine...) and I'm a mystery/suspense junkie to I'm really looking forward to the new season of NCIS and it's "LA" counterpart along with another season of The Mentalist.

09-22-2009, 02:32 PM
I'm a LOST junkie, but have to wait until February (?) for that fix.

In the meantime, there's football. :nahnah:

(This time of year, I'm gone so much that I'm rarely home before 9 CT and I REFUSE to watch Leno during Primetime.)

09-23-2009, 09:09 PM
I love C.S.I. (the original one from Vegas, none of that Miami and NY stuff) but I haven't watched it much since Grissom left. To me, C.S.I. hasn't been the same without him.

09-23-2009, 11:46 PM
I really like Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, and all the CSI's. And don't forget Desperate Housewives. I don't know when it starts new though.

09-24-2009, 01:46 AM
My Favorite TV Shows at the moment are:

CSI ( Las Vegas und New York)
Criminal Minds
Law & Order
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Without A Trace

09-24-2009, 09:55 AM
I love C.S.I. (the original one from Vegas, none of that Miami and NY stuff) but I haven't watched it much since Grissom left. To me, C.S.I. hasn't been the same without him.

EXACTLY!!! thats how I feel.. I know a lot of people love CSI Miami, but I cant stand it! the original CSI with Grissom was awesome.

I love The Big Bang Theory and True Blood (which is off for the season) and Im really starting to love Hung *G* on HBO... and other then Anthony Bourdain on the travel channel I dont watch a lot of TV, unless you count sponge bob and ICarley which Sarah watches.

09-24-2009, 11:00 AM
EXACTLY!!! thats how I feel.. I know a lot of people love CSI Miami, but I cant stand it! the original CSI with Grissom was awesome.

Totally with you there. I can't STAND David Caruso, he makes my skin crawl.

I did watch The Good Wife on Tuesday night - not on purpose, but I was working in the studio and just left the TV on whatever station it came up on. It was actually quite good - I like Julianna Margulies (ER) and the story line was interesting.

09-24-2009, 01:26 PM
I love C.S.I. (the original one from Vegas, none of that Miami and NY stuff) but I haven't watched it much since Grissom left. To me, C.S.I. hasn't been the same without him.

I agree! Poor Laurence Fishburne, an excellent actor, but there was just something about Billy Peterson's "Grissom" that had me from hello. :-(

09-24-2009, 01:27 PM
I watched The Good Wife and liked it, too.

I know what you mean about David Caruso. I really don't like him either, but somehow I've decided to like the show anyway. I actually quit watching for a while there because all he does is stand there and barely whisper, but I got over it and really like the rest of the cast.

09-24-2009, 01:31 PM
Anyone here watch NCIS? The new season started Tuesday. I am partial To Abby.

09-24-2009, 05:03 PM
I agree about David Caruso, just something about him. Im really looking forward to seeing what Lawrence Fishburn can do in the roll, but I will definitely miss Bill Peterson.

I used to watch NCIS a lot, but I havent lately. I noticed the new season was starting. If it's on at a good time, I might check it out this season

09-24-2009, 05:49 PM
I agree with y'all about David Caruso but :shh: don't tell my mom that. She absolutely LOVES him. She says "H" is her man.

I've only watched bits and pieces of the C.S.I. with Lawrence Fishburn. I agree that he is a great actor but the show is just not the same without Grissom and I just can't seem to get into the show without him. I haven't seen all of season 9 but I plan to get the dvd at some point. I'm on season 8 right now. I'm so weird about watching my tv shows on dvd. I HAVE to watch them in order and from the very beginning. I have seasons 1-6 of CSI on dvd and have watched them all. I bought season 8 around March of this year but I couldn't start watching it till I had season 7. But I finally bought it and watched it and am now on season 8.

Btw, in some ways Grissom has always reminded me a little bit of Don. They don't look completely alike but they have some of the same mannerisms. They both raise their eyebrows in the same way. They tend to be introverted. They both have an affection for the environment. Grissom even went to Walden to teach during a few episodes.

09-26-2009, 01:17 PM
One of my best friends is crazy over David Caruso. I don't get it at all.

I've never really watched CSI. After your description of Grissom, Jess, I may need to... :heybaby:

09-26-2009, 03:31 PM
I used to LOVE the original CSI, but then they paired Grissom and Sara together and I lost interest. That grossed me out because they always seemed more like father/daughter relationship to me. LOL I always wanted Grissom/Catherine. Then when William Petersen left the show I COMPLETELY lost interest....haven't seen it at all since.

I used to absolutely detest David Caruso therefore I wouldn't watch CSI:Miami. lol However, I gave the show a chance and I actually love it now! It has nothin to do with Delko....nothin' at all. :D But even there, I can't stand the pairing of Delko and the blonde lady (name is escaping me for some reason. Calleigh?). I liked Delko and Natalia better.

I also LOVE NCIS!!! I was extremely bummed when they killed off the director (can't for the life of me remember her name either suddenly but Lauren Holly played her) the season before this last one. I loved the chemistry between her and Gibbs! But I love the way the entire cast interacts. I watched the new one NCIS:Los Angelas with LL Cool J and Chris something or other this week....it was good....but faaar from the original.

Other shows that I watch are Without a Trace (LOOOVE Anthony LaPaglia!!!), Law & Order:SVU (is there a greater duo than Benson/Stabler? I think not.), Army Wives (Michael and Claudia Joy are my fav.'s), and Bones (hilarious)!

I was also a big fan of The Unit and Samantha Who, but they cancelled both. :(

09-26-2009, 05:43 PM
I loved VH1's "Behind the Music," but they stopped showing it in favor of shows like "Rock of Love." However, to my delight, I just saw a commercial for three different episodes and I'm currently watching the one on Pink. They've brought it back! YAY!!

08-14-2011, 08:14 PM
Not sure where to post this, but if anyone watches the show Same Name (tonight 8:00 central time) it is featuring someone from my town, Danville, IL. I do not watch this show, but I'll be watching tonight.

08-15-2011, 01:20 PM
That's cool, Pm!

08-16-2011, 12:42 AM
So did he do Danville proud? ;)

08-16-2011, 11:03 AM
Actually it was really fun to watch, even if Danville wasn't shown in the best light...it is true that our population is diminishing and we can't seem to keep a good store or restaurant, but I like the way they focused on the family. Much to my delight, I recognized Cindy Bush as someone who I have helped in the drive through at the bank many times. She is always very nice. I was also delighted to see that she and I purchased the same top! She is wearing it in the airport scene at the beginning.

Here is the entire show for anyone interested. The premise is that they take two people with the same name - one a celebrity and one a 'regular person', and have them switch lives. Our show features Reggie Bush, the football player.


08-16-2011, 11:11 AM
What a clever show! Maybe they should do one with the guy who used to run don-henley.com (http://web.archive.org/web/20080524084307/http://www.don-henley.com/). ;)

08-16-2011, 11:44 AM
Well now, that I would watch. The only reason I watched this episode was the connection to Danville, IL. Can't say I'm too interested in watching ANYTHING that has Kathy Griffin, Mike Tyson or David Hasslehoff in it...

08-18-2011, 05:53 AM
Hmm....TV shows.

Not a big TV watcher but here are shows I can enjoy:

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (the Vegas original, not Miami or NY)
Emergency! (my all time favorite)
That Metal Show (which actually has classic rock people on it)

08-18-2011, 09:19 PM
I used to watch CSI (Vegas) too WF, until William Peterson left. Just not the same without him.

Just a follow up on the Same Name show...Cindy Bush came through the bank drive through yesterday and I was able to tell her how much I enjoyed the show!

08-24-2011, 06:29 PM
I used to watch CSI (Vegas) too WF, until William Peterson left. Just not the same without him.

Yeah I agree.

The Disco Strangler
09-03-2011, 11:04 AM
I really enjoy Murdoch Mysteries, based on the novels by Maureen Jennings. I also got hooked on the Killing. Was a bummer to see the network axe Cold Case. BBC was airing a documentary-type show called Outlaw Bikers. But I'm not sure what happened to it. I really hope the season ran its course and it'll be back.

Re-runs I enjoy? Columbo, The Love Boat, Trailer Park Boys, and Little House on the Prairie.

09-03-2011, 11:32 PM
I really enjoy Murdoch Mysteries, based on the novels by Maureen Jennings. I also got hooked on the Killing. Was a bummer to see the network axe Cold Case. BBC was airing a documentary-type show called Outlaw Bikers. But I'm not sure what happened to it. I really hope the season ran its course and it'll be back.

Re-runs I enjoy? Columbo, The Love Boat, Trailer Park Boys, and Little House on the Prairie.

My husband has a lot of Trailer Park Boys DVDs. Not for everybody. :hilarious:

09-04-2011, 02:20 AM
I used to watch CSI (Vegas) too WF, until William Peterson left. Just not the same without him.

:nod: I agree too!

The Disco Strangler
09-20-2011, 03:53 PM
That Metal Show (which actually has classic rock people on it)

I wish that show was available in Canada. I enjoy Eddie Trunk's weekly Monday show on Sirrius/XM the Boneyard.

03-16-2012, 12:09 AM
I have recently gotten into Madmen (love Jon Hamm) and my favorite is The Big Bang Theory....that show cracks me up.

03-16-2012, 03:36 AM
I adore Big Bang Theory! I'm even buying the seasons on DVD!

A show that a lot of my friends have recommended to me is Downton Abbey. They love it. I've just watched the first two episodes, but I'm enjoying it.

03-16-2012, 07:21 AM
I love Big Bang Theory too but up until the last couple of weeks work and another obligation meant I have had to miss it all season long. So tonight I get home at 7 pm, take care of the animals and turn on the tv to watch Big Bang Theory and what is on??? The NCAA playoffs! March madness...Bah Humbug!! :rofl:

03-16-2012, 09:19 AM
I did the same thing. so I thought I"ll put on TBS and watch the reruns.... basketball there too. :thumbsdown:

03-16-2012, 06:41 PM
I've got into Luther and Whitechapel lately (British police dramas.) They are both really good and genuinely chilling at times.

I am waiting for series six of Dexter. One of my favourite shows!

03-16-2012, 07:24 PM
I'm picky on TV shows.

My favorite of all time is "Emergency!" and have all of the seasons on DVD....

My more modern favorite is CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Las Vegas). But I lost interest after Grissom left.

03-16-2012, 11:33 PM
I adore Big Bang Theory! I'm even buying the seasons on DVD!

A show that a lot of my friends have recommended to me is Downton Abbey. They love it. I've just watched the first two episodes, but I'm enjoying it.

Love Big Bang Theory! We have been recording Downton Abbey and recently watched the first four episodes. I wasn't sure if I could get into it but I found that I was enjoying it more with each episode.

I haven't seen Mad Men. It's on a channel that we don't watch much & I never think to watch it.

03-16-2012, 11:38 PM
I'm picky on TV shows.

My favorite of all time is "Emergency!" and have all of the seasons on DVD....

My more modern favorite is CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Las Vegas). But I lost interest after Grissom left.

I watched Emergency! when it aired originally and it was a favorite. I don't care for Ted Danson on it. I did like Lawrence Fishburne though.

03-29-2012, 09:26 PM
so happy that The Big Bang Theory was on again tonight!:)

06-04-2012, 10:20 PM
I know I put in another thread how much I like Sherlock starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, but I thought I should add it here, too. You can see clips and such on the BBC's very cool Sherlock site (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00t4pgh).

Another British show which I've been enjoying lately via Netflix is an oldie but goodie: Black Adder starring Rowan Atkinson. Each season has the title character in a different time period and it's a hilarious parody of each era, from the Middle Ages to World War I. To give you an idea, the series starts with the Yorkist Black Adder (Edmund, Duke of Edinburgh) accidentally killing Richard III!

06-04-2012, 11:11 PM
I know I put in another thread how much I like Sherlock starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, but I thought I should add it here, too. You can see clips and such on the BBC's very cool Sherlock site (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00t4pgh).

Another British show which I've been enjoying lately via Netflix is an oldie but goodie: Black Adder starring Rowan Atkinson. Each season has the title character in a different time period and it's a hilarious parody of each era, from the Middle Ages to World War I. To give you an idea, the series starts with the Yorkist Black Adder (Edmund, Duke of Edinburgh) accidentally killing Richard III!

Michael loves Black Adder. For whatever reason it has never done much for me. My favourite series is the World War I series & my least favourite is the Georgian one. Because I am such a Tudor buff, I find Miranda Richardson's portrayal of Elizabeth I intensely annoying. 'Lighten up' you will say. I have tried, believe me....

07-17-2012, 07:35 PM
I'm obsessed with Wonders of the Universe at the moment. It blows my mind. Stunning photography, and Professor Brian Cox makes it so human and accessible. Awe-inspiring!

07-17-2012, 08:53 PM
I'm obsessed with Wonders of the Universe at the moment. It blows my mind. Stunning photography, and Professor Brian Cox makes it so human and accessible. Awe-inspiring!

I agree. He's great to watch.

07-21-2012, 04:20 AM
I bought the first season of The Killing a couple of weeks ago. About halfway through at the moment. Harrowing, but very good.

07-22-2012, 02:04 PM
Right now I'm really into CMT's "My Big Redneck Vacation". LOTS of laughs!!!

07-22-2012, 07:27 PM
I have taken to recording The Book Show hosted by Mariella Frostrup. A whole hour of literature talk - bliss! Plenty of author interviews, new and classic recommendations, poetry performances... It's great.

07-23-2012, 09:55 AM
I love HGTV and the House Hunters and Million Dollar Rooms shows. I really enjoy seeing some of the rooms, they are just amazing! How the rich live is quite eye opening!

07-23-2012, 10:07 AM
Received a text from our son the other day telling us we had to check out the HBO series, Newsroom. It's on On Demand so we decided to start on it yesterday evening. Great show!!! Has Jeff Daniels and Sam Waterson in it. :thumbsup:

07-23-2012, 12:14 PM
I love HGTV and the House Hunters and Million Dollar Rooms shows. I really enjoy seeing some of the rooms, they are just amazing! How the rich live is quite eye opening!

Omg I love House Hunters!!

07-23-2012, 01:29 PM
I've just gotten into The Newsroom on HBO. Since it deals with television production, which is the kind of career I want to go into, I've just gotten hooked!

07-23-2012, 02:34 PM
Received a text from our son the other day telling us we had to check out the HBO series, Newsroom. It's on On Demand so we decided to start on it yesterday evening. Great show!!! Has Jeff Daniels and Sam Waterson in it. :thumbsup:

I saw the trailer for that and thought it looked great. I love Jeff Daniels!

Tiffanny Twisted
07-26-2012, 10:12 PM
I think it is off for the summer.
I just love Madeline stowe

its on Abc.com if you wanna catch up

07-27-2012, 04:44 PM
I've been enjoying the new "Dallas" shows. It's pretty much the same old thing, but with the kids all grown up doing the back stabbing with the help of good ol' JR! :lol:

Jesse Metcalfe and Josh Henderson are cuties!


07-27-2012, 05:23 PM
I've been watching it Too Brooke. John Ross and Christopher are definitely Hotties! And J.R. is the same ol J.R. :hilarious:

07-30-2012, 07:23 AM
I've never heard of Josh Henderson, but he looks pretty yummy!

07-31-2012, 12:17 PM
I watch HGTV often. I particularly enjoy House Hunters. Watching all these DIY & "house beautiful" type shows can be expensive though. They give me & my hubby too many project ideas!

I am enjoying "Revenge". My husband is hooked on it.

I had intended to watch Dallas, but missed it. Hope to catch up on it later.

Can't wait for the next season of "Downton Abbey" to start!

Grey Sadler
09-02-2012, 10:18 PM
I'm looking forward to my shows coming back on...NCIS, Big Bang Theory...Hell's Kitchen is wrapping up tomorrow night :partytime:
Arrested Development is filming now for the new season, but I'll have to wait for a DVD release (I don't do Netflix lol)...:blueblob:

09-27-2012, 07:41 PM
very excited...The Big Bang Theory season premiere...and NFL football on the NFL channel....WOW!!

Grey Sadler
09-27-2012, 10:34 PM
very excited...The Big Bang Theory season premiere...

Loved the premiere...Poor Howard!! :hilarious:

09-27-2012, 11:31 PM
I mostly watch HGTV, Food Network, Cooking Channel, DYI network... odd shows like Dancing With The Stars. I watch any of the Gordon Ramsey shows. I hate sappy things, but I am a sucker for David Tutera's "My Fair Wedding" series! He's simply brilliant. And pretty damn hot too. I also love the Travel Channel, but not fond of the bizarre or weird food shows. Blech. Oh, and love What Not to Wear! Someone needs to nominate me, please. Thanks in advance! lol

I used to love to watch Weeds, Entourage and Breaking Bad. Not really into any other made for tv shows. I don't get The Big Bang Theory at all. I guess I am alone. I watch repeats of Two and Half Men all the time. I hate that that show will never be the same. One of my all time favorites. I thought Revenge looked interesting, but I haven't checked it out (no clue when it's on?). I also like a good rockumentary on VH1.

09-28-2012, 01:17 AM
Loved the premiere...Poor Howard!! :hilarious:

I know...I loved it too...they all crack me up...I loved Amy Farrah Fowler bleaching her lip....too funny!!!

Tiffanny Twisted
09-28-2012, 06:23 AM
Yep, love the crazy group on big bag....cracked me up howard in space. Howars mom not turning on a computer casue she might get a virius...lol

Love revenge ...will be on sunday nites where desperate hosewives was on

:unimpressed:) Bought the whole season on dvd so I could rewatch it with JAhh but it hasnt happened yet.Our whole office watches it and we love it.

LOved Modern Family ..that was funny but the show after I turned off cause it was weird.

Now tonight is the lovely Sela Ward(she was so nice to JAhh and I at the Revel when she saw the Eagles ...she loved the show.
ANd of course gotta love tom selleck on Blue Bloods on Fri nite.

09-28-2012, 11:18 AM
I'm not a big TV watcher nowadays but when I do it's usually That Metal Show on VH1 Classic or....Chelsea Lately on E! I find her hilarious.

09-28-2012, 11:38 AM
I'm not a big TV watcher nowadays but when I do it's usually That Metal Show on VH1 Classic or....Chelsea Lately on E! I find her hilarious.

I watch That Metal Show sometimes and I do love Chelsea...have you ever read any of her books...they're hysterical

09-28-2012, 12:08 PM
I watch That Metal Show sometimes and I do love Chelsea...have you ever read any of her books...they're hysterical

Yup I have and have read them all! Hysterical indeed!!

09-28-2012, 08:36 PM
I'm not a big TV watcher nowadays but when I do it's usually That Metal Show on VH1 Classic or....Chelsea Lately on E! I find her hilarious.

OMG, forgot about all of these!! LOVE them all.. and I have to add... Fashion Police! I'm sorry, but Joan Rivers is funny as heck!! I'm sure you don't care about the fashion Austin, but she's brilliant....

09-29-2012, 06:36 AM
Mine favorite tv shows are:
1) Dexter
2) Revenge
3) Lost
4) Friends
5) True Blood

Tiffanny Twisted
09-29-2012, 09:16 AM
big bang
blue blood
2 broke girls
mike and molly

09-30-2012, 02:21 AM
I mostly watch HGTV, Food Network, Cooking Channel, DYI network... odd shows like Dancing With The Stars. I watch any of the Gordon Ramsey shows. I hate sappy things, but I am a sucker for David Tutera's "My Fair Wedding" series! He's simply brilliant. And pretty damn hot too. I also love the Travel Channel, but not fond of the bizarre or weird food shows. Blech. Oh, and love What Not to Wear! Someone needs to nominate me, please. Thanks in advance! lol

I used to love to watch Weeds, Entourage and Breaking Bad. Not really into any other made for tv shows. I don't get The Big Bang Theory at all. I guess I am alone. I watch repeats of Two and Half Men all the time. I hate that that show will never be the same. One of my all time favorites. I thought Revenge looked interesting, but I haven't checked it out (no clue when it's on?). I also like a good rockumentary on VH1.

My sister just said to me for about the tenth time tonight that she does not get "The Big Bang Theory"....so you're not alone Lizzy! I love watching the Travel Channel...Samantha Brown's shows are awesome...I don't know if she does any new ones or if they're all old ones but I always watch her when she's on...I love the Cooking Channel and Food tv but they make me tooooo hungry!

09-30-2012, 06:21 AM
My sister just said to me for about the tenth time tonight that she does not get "The Big Bang Theory"....so you're not alone Lizzy! I love watching the Travel Channel...Samantha Brown's shows are awesome...I don't know if she does any new ones or if they're all old ones but I always watch her when she's on...I love the Cooking Channel and Food tv but they make me tooooo hungry!

Omg Love Samantha!! She has the BEST job in the world. I've been secretly plotting to kidnap her and take away her job.... but shhh.... :ziplip::shock:

Thank goodness there's someone else who doesn't get BBT!! Maybe she and I should start our own club... :unimpressed:

11-30-2012, 11:54 AM
anyone see this last night...too funny!!!

http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh572/zeldabjr/534656_10151207241349678_38709075_n.jpg?t=13542907 55

Tiffanny Twisted
11-30-2012, 08:36 PM
yep very funny show last nite even the two girls were a hoot

Grey Sadler
11-30-2012, 11:21 PM
:hilarious:THAT was one of the best BBT episodes I have ever seen!!!! :hilarious:

Witchy Woman
12-01-2012, 01:15 AM
Awesome shows :

30 Rock
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Law & Order : SVU
Life's Too Short

Awesome shows no longer on:
The Office (Ricky Gervais version)
Little Britain
The Shield
Hill Street Blues
St. Elsewhere
The Sopranos
Sex And The City
The Wire
Paper Chase
Murder, She Wrote

I'm sure I'm missing a couple.

12-01-2012, 02:12 AM
oh I love Sex and the City...but I never watched it until it was in reruns on TBS (the channel)lol...

and I loved St. Elsewhere...

12-03-2012, 09:20 AM
I just had to jump in here and admit something. :lol: I don't watch much tv to be honest. Hubby watches whatever he wants most nights and I read and glance up periodically. The exception is Boardwalk Empire and American Pickers BUT I discovered a show a few weeks ago and can't get enough of it, even tho it's rather embarrassing to admit, but it is a very popular show so I know I'm not alone. I am LOVING Duck Dynasty!! There, I said it!!! :lol: This show is hysterical and just fun to watch. How can you not love this family?

I also saw a new show yesterday that I plan to watch more if I can find when it's on or try to check it out on OnDemand if it's there----- Deals From The Dark Side. :stunned: Some strange things people collect.

12-03-2012, 10:10 AM
I don't really watch TV either...but I do watch The Big Bang Theory and I've been hooked on Nashville since the first episode...other than those..my tv isn't on except for sports...NFL and NHL(that's a laugh at the moment)...I think I have watched less tv this year than any other year...I used to put it on whatever channel just for background noise...now I play music...
Willie...can't say I've even heard of "Duck Dynasty"...what channel is it on?

A friend was telling me she wants me to go take my picture outside of some pawn store in Vegas that there's a show about...?....I never heard of the show!

12-03-2012, 10:17 AM
I think Duck Dynasty is on A & E but can't remember. It's on Wednesday nights tho.

The pawn store in Vegas is from Pawn Stars. It's a pretty cool show that we watch occasionally. It's a grandfather, father and son and the son's best friend, Chumley that work there. They get some pretty cool stuff in the store.

12-03-2012, 11:29 PM
I also love Duck Dynasty. Si is a hoot.

12-05-2012, 02:39 PM
Same here! Love it!

You know about Duck Commander, right? These people made their money inventing a duck call for hunting!

12-06-2012, 01:40 PM
When I visited my sister in Florida recently, she made a point of introducing me to this show. She loves it too. In fact, I'm giving her a DVD of the first season for Christmas!

Grey Sadler
12-08-2012, 03:57 PM
Well, guess who just got hooked on The Walking Dead?? :hilarious:
Only problem is, I'm only about 1/2 way through season 1...good thing they are on hiatus right now!!

12-08-2012, 03:59 PM
Well, guess who just got hooked on The Walking Dead?? :hilarious:
Only problem is, I'm only about 1/2 way through season 1...good thing they are on hiatus right now!!

what's it about GS?

Grey Sadler
12-08-2012, 04:05 PM
what's it about GS?

Short version: the lives of the survivors of a zombie apocalypse, centered around Atlanta...kinda gross at times but it really hooks you in!!
I believe the new episodes start up in January, Sunday nights on AMC...?

12-08-2012, 05:45 PM
Okay, I feel like I might be in the minority here, but I'm just going to come out with it. I wish some of these reality shows would go away! :hilarious: I just can't watch them. It's like watching a train wreck. Granted, I don't watch that much TV, but give me a well - acted show any day. There are some reality shows I watch and have watched for years. Little People Big World, What Not To Wear, People's Court and I used to watch American Idol, but I can't stand watching the 'trash TV' that often shows us the worst of humanity. I keep hoping that they are on their way out, but they seem so popular. :-(

12-10-2012, 11:21 AM
Okay, I feel like I might be in the minority here, but I'm just going to come out with it. I wish some of these reality shows would go away! :hilarious: I just can't watch them. It's like watching a train wreck. Granted, I don't watch that much TV, but give me a well - acted show any day. There are some reality shows I watch and have watched for years. Little People Big World, What Not To Wear, People's Court and I used to watch American Idol, but I can't stand watching the 'trash TV' that often shows us the worst of humanity. I keep hoping that they are on their way out, but they seem so popular. :-(

OK-- all BUT Duck Dynasty, American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Ax Men, Swamp Men, Alaska State Troopers and Buying Alaska. All of them like Jersey Shore, Survivor, etc.... can go!!! :hilarious:

12-10-2012, 11:32 AM
Okay, I feel like I might be in the minority here, but I'm just going to come out with it. I wish some of these reality shows would go away! :hilarious: I just can't watch them. It's like watching a train wreck. Granted, I don't watch that much TV, but give me a well - acted show any day. There are some reality shows I watch and have watched for years. Little People Big World, What Not To Wear, People's Court and I used to watch American Idol, but I can't stand watching the 'trash TV' that often shows us the worst of humanity. I keep hoping that they are on their way out, but they seem so popular. :-(

I'm with you PM...I think it's why I barely turn the box on anymore!

Grey Sadler
12-10-2012, 04:57 PM
The only reality shows I really care for are the cooking shows (Hell's Kitchen, Next Food Network Star, etc)...I have been meaning to catch Duck Dynasty though!!

And...I do miss Gene Simmons' Family Jewels...up until that last season, lotsa laughs :lol:

Witchy Woman
12-10-2012, 09:39 PM
I can't believe I forgot Storage Wars !! What an awesome show !! I will sit here on my day off and watch a marathon on A&E.

Barry Weiss 2016 !!

12-11-2012, 08:42 AM
I can't believe I forgot Storage Wars !! What an awesome show !! I will sit here on my day off and watch a marathon on A&E.

Barry Weiss 2016 !!

Yuuuuup!!!! :hilarious:

12-11-2012, 09:11 AM
Duck Dynasty:thumbsup:

12-11-2012, 11:46 AM
OK-- all BUT Duck Dynasty, American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Ax Men, Swamp Men, Alaska State Troopers and Buying Alaska. All of them like Jersey Shore, Survivor, etc.... can go!!! :hilarious:

Agreed! :thumbsup:

I cannot watch American Idol anymore either! Even as much as I love Keith Urban, I WILL NOT watch Nikki Managh (or however you spell it!) :thumbsdown:

12-11-2012, 12:38 PM
I've just started to get into Duck Dynasty. Si is a hoot!

Grey Sadler
12-11-2012, 10:49 PM
...and I've discovered an old gem on Netflix...the original Dark Shadows!!

12-11-2012, 10:58 PM
I have to check out this Duck Dynasty...I need something funny!!!

12-11-2012, 10:59 PM
...and I've discovered an old gem on Netflix...the original Dark Shadows!!

I've heard of Dark Shadows...what's it about?

Grey Sadler
12-11-2012, 11:13 PM
I've heard of Dark Shadows...what's it about?

It's a soap opera from the 1960's with a lot of supernatural elements, especially Barnabas Collins, the local vampire. It's what the movie from this summer with Johnny Depp was based on.

12-12-2012, 11:17 AM
...and I've discovered an old gem on Netflix...the original Dark Shadows!!

Great! I loved it back in the day! Must check it out! Thanks GS!

12-12-2012, 11:26 AM
A reality series I'm curious about starts tonight--- Amish Mafia! We've been seeing the ads for it during Duck Dynasty and I have to laugh every time I see them. I grew up in the heart of Amish territory here in Indiana with them as neighbors and school mates till high school and all I can think is the Amish of Lancaster, PA must me a tougher kind of Amish than the ones here in Northern Indiana if they have a Mafia. :hilarious:

Seriously, I'm finding this series really hard to imagine since the Amish are a pretty quiet, gentle bunch and they don't even believe in having their pictures taken but yet we're suppose to believe they've let them come into their community and actually film them? NO WAY, I say!

Will be watching with curiosity.

12-12-2012, 11:49 AM
Hmmmm, I'll have to check that out, too, TBF!

Just from what I know about the Amish, I can't imagine that either. There are several families around here that defected from the Amish a number of years ago, but they haven't gone that far! lol

12-15-2012, 02:01 AM
That seems pretty bizarre. I'm curious now, too!

02-25-2013, 01:31 AM
Mine is Doctor Who. LOL I am so stuck on that show. Ten and four were the best doctors ever

02-25-2013, 02:11 AM
Mine is Doctor Who. LOL I am so stuck on that show. Ten and four were the best doctors ever

I've heard about this show...isn't it a British show?...what's it about?

02-25-2013, 10:56 AM
I've become a real boxset girl lately - especially with living in London and not having a TV! I'm on season four of Six Feet Under at the moment and I am so in love with it. I don't want it to end!

Really excited about the new season of Dexter, too, although I'll have to catch it online somewhere or wait for the boxset. Homeland is another series I love.

02-25-2013, 11:42 AM
I've heard about this show...isn't it a British show?...what's it about?

LOL yeah it's British, and it's too cool. It's about this alien, Time Lord who travels through time and saves people. It is so funny though. Start on Series 2 if you are ever thinking about watching it. LOL David Tennant is the best.

Boxsets are so much fun to watch. Get the whole series. You don't have a tv Troubadour? OHHH man. I enjoyed Six Feet Under and Dexter. Awesome shows for sure. I hope you can find Dexter somewhere on youtube. That show is good.

02-26-2013, 03:13 AM
I'm SO freaking disappointed with Downton Abbey's season finale. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but I watch TV to escape, not get depressed.

Speaking of, a show I've gotten hooked on is Castle starring Nathan Fillion, whom I adore. Fillion plays an author of murder mysteries who works with the real homicide cops to solve crimes - and works especially closely with one particular pretty detective! It's intelligent and fun with charismatic stars. I really enjoy it.

02-26-2013, 12:56 PM
I LOVE Castle, Nancy. Nathan Fillon is so cute. This Week's 2nd part of a two parter was exciting!

02-26-2013, 08:22 PM
I'm SO freaking disappointed with Downton Abbey's season finale. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but I watch TV to escape, not get depressed.

Same here. Ridiculous!

04-09-2013, 05:58 PM
Right now I've been stuck on Miami Vice!!!! LOL go figure. Don Johnson is amazing and love seeing Glenn Frey in Smuggler's Blues. LOL I think I've found another favvie tv show.

Grey Sadler
04-09-2013, 07:08 PM
I'm going through Walking Dead withdrawals!! New season starts in October?!:eyebrow:

04-10-2013, 08:58 AM
Right now I've been stuck on Miami Vice!!!! LOL go figure. Don Johnson is amazing and love seeing Glenn Frey in Smuggler's Blues. LOL I think I've found another favvie tv show.

We've been slowly making our way through Miami Vice. Have seasons 1-4 on DVD.

04-10-2013, 04:37 PM
OHHH I'm slowly making my way through them as well. Can't miss them this time around. If I do, LOL then I will buy them on dvd. Can't get enough!!!!

04-11-2013, 10:31 AM
OHHH I'm slowly making my way through them as well. Can't miss them this time around. If I do, LOL then I will buy them on dvd. Can't get enough!!!!

Miami Vice DVDs are really cheap - about $10-15/season.

04-13-2013, 10:11 AM
I'm SO freaking disappointed with Downton Abbey's season finale. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but I watch TV to escape, not get depressed.

Very disappointing! I saw Dan Stevens in a play here in February, and already knew about the ending, but resisted the temptation to stage door afterwards and express my disappointment :)

I'm going to visit Highclere Castle this Summer on a trip to England, and am pretty excited about that. It will be cool to walk those grounds, and see where it is filmed.

Does anyone here watch Call the Midwife? I like that one a lot as well.

And am of course really happy that Mad Men is back on. Hello Don Draper!

06-12-2013, 11:02 AM
Has anyone been watching "North America" on the Discovery channel? It's a documentary and really interesting! They are catching animals and nature doing very interesting stuff. I think they said it took them 7 years to make it. Tom Selleck narrates. It's on on Sunday nights at 8 pm central time. For me, must watch!

06-12-2013, 05:24 PM
Thanks for reminding me, Brooke. I saw it advertised, but haven't watched it. It sounds like it would be similar to that Earth series the Sigourney Weaver narrated several years ago.

06-15-2013, 12:05 AM
That sounds right up my street, Brooke. I will see if I can find it online.

06-16-2013, 05:19 PM
Is anyone getting excited for Under the Dome?

06-16-2013, 05:48 PM
What is Under the Dome?

I meant to say earlier that I watched the first episode of the spy thriller The Americans a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I adore Matthew Rhys and I can tell it's a series that I could really get into. Can't wait to go home and catch up with it!

06-16-2013, 06:28 PM
Under The Dome is a Stephen King book that has been made into a 13 part series for television, starting June 24, I think. I was a big Stephen King fan in my teens and as a young adult, but finally realized I needed to venture out more. ;-) I have not read Under The Dome, but wish I had, as I really like comparing the books to the movies/series.

I will admit, Stephen King books rarely come off well when made into movies, although there are a few I have enjoyed. But, just like going past the scene of a car accident, I can rarely not watch. He's involved with this one, so here's hoping.

06-16-2013, 08:58 PM
OHH I've heard of that one before and will watch it when it comes on. I love those thriller/horror books. I adore Stephen King. My favvie is the Shinning book/show/movie. LOL. I would love to watch Under The Dome though.

06-17-2013, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the info, Cathy - sounds good! I like Stephen King. I love Misery (both the book and the film.) Watched it numerous times and still find it darkly amusing. He's a great writer. I'd like to get into more of his books.

06-17-2013, 02:48 PM
Thanks for the info, Cathy - sounds good! I like Stephen King. I love Misery (both the book and the film.) Watched it numerous times and still find it darkly amusing. He's a great writer. I'd like to get into more of his books.

Yes, Misery is an example of a good book being made into a good movie.

06-24-2013, 09:01 PM
Stephen King's Under the Dome begins tonight at 9:00 CST. I'm going to watch it. I hope it's good!

Henley Honey
06-24-2013, 09:22 PM
Thanks for the info, Cathy - sounds good! I like Stephen King. I love Misery (both the book and the film.) Watched it numerous times and still find it darkly amusing. He's a great writer. I'd like to get into more of his books.

I've read all his books and love them. I think you'd also like Dean Koontz. Kind of the same genre.

06-24-2013, 09:39 PM
I've read all his books and love them. I think you'd also like Dean Koontz. Kind of the same genre.

omg I love love love Dean Koontz

06-24-2013, 11:45 PM
Big Bang Theory


Major Crimes

Criminal Minds

that's about it for real tv

my guilty pleasure...BIG BROTHER> and it starts this week :)

06-25-2013, 12:37 AM
Big Bang Theory, Mad Men, and Nashville...that's about it for me as far as TV other than sports...and I don't even watch these shows religiously...

06-25-2013, 03:55 AM
Hope you enjoyed the first episode of Under the Dome, PM!

I can't wait to catch up with The Americans when I get home.

06-25-2013, 08:15 AM
Under The Dome left me wanting...but hey, it's only the first episode which involved a lot of character development, so I will keep watching. We don't watch a lot of TV, so this is a guilty pleasure I can enjoy over the summer. (It's a 13 episode series.)

06-25-2013, 10:55 AM
I watched Under the Dome too. Pretty strange so far!

Did anyone watch the Wallenda Skywalk over the Grand Canyon? Wow, that man has nerve! I thought it all very interesting and was glad when it was over! I watched the show before about some of his 'walks' and I guess it's just 'what he does'. But......wow! Taking his life in his hands every time! :woah:

06-25-2013, 02:17 PM
I heard one of the news shows wonder if it's a good idea to televise something like that.

06-25-2013, 02:36 PM
They actually showed the video of his great grandfather falling to his death back in Puerto Rico in 1978. Him and his mother did the same walk in 2011.

Needless to say he prayed aloud during the whole grand canyon walk. At least we knew where he was going if he did fall and die!

01-22-2014, 05:12 PM
Just saw the latest episode of Sherlock. It's absolutely incredible. I think it's the finest show currently on TV - I love it that much. I can't look away from it - no checking social media, emails, even the Border when it's on. It's a crying shame they only do three shows a season!

01-22-2014, 05:55 PM
Just saw the latest episode of Sherlock. It's absolutely incredible. I think it's the finest show currently on TV - I love it that much. I can't look away from it - no checking social media, emails, even the Border when it's on. It's a crying shame they only do three shows a season!

Totally agree with you on this Soda! I was sucked in from the first series and just marvel at the writing and the performance of all the actors. There's been talk about a full film feature now because of all the success the show has had. All I can say is hallelujah Public Television!

01-23-2014, 09:13 AM
I loved the Sherlock episode as well, laughed a lot, can't wait until Sunday for the next!

02-03-2014, 12:49 PM
No more Sherlock! Last episode for a while, although they seem to be planning season 4 and 5!

02-03-2014, 08:34 PM
What did you think? I love the show, but I miss the more mystery-oriented format of the first two seasons. The only really intriguing mystery we got this "season" was the Case of the Bloody Guardsman, which was incorporated into "The Sign of Three" and tied into the fate of Major Sholto. The terrorist and blackmail plots weren't mysteries; we knew all along who was the problem, it was just stopping them that drove that end of the plot.


I also am not super-keen on Mary... but that was a great twist (now we get the "liar" initial assessment), and I love being surprised! The "mind palace" scenes after he got shot were done quite well, but I'm not sure the time jumping back and forth after the Mary reveal was necessary. It took away from the emotional impact of John's reaction for me (and really, it did sound like Sherlock was trying to blame him for "choosing" Mary, which was bogus). I was also disappointed in how Sherlock "resolved" the problem with Charles Augustus, but it fits the "his last vow" theme... and sorry Sherlock, if you care so much about someone that you're willing to sacrifice yourself, you're not a sociopath - not even a high functioning one. ;)

Totally looking forward to more, though. I hear the BBC is trying to get them to do one for Christmas... only a few months away... better than waiting two years, lol.

I'm hoping Moriarty's still dead, despite the end. Resurrecting supervillains is lazy and predictable, but making it a trick would be another clever surprise.

02-04-2014, 12:40 AM
Definately the Big Bang Theory!! :twisted:

02-04-2014, 12:16 PM
I thought the last Sherlock episode was shocking in a good way. I'm still keen on Mary even though it's a disappointment she was revealed to be a LIAR. I'm also very happy Sherlock didn't leave the country after all. The end was crying for a really soft moment between John and Sherlock which didn't happen, unsurprising but disappointing. What I really didn't expect was Moriarty as I thought he would have appeared earlier if he was going to, but it was HILARIOUS. Finally, all the jumping back and forth in time was a bit hard to follow, still I LOVED the episode.

Brooklyn Roads
02-24-2014, 05:11 PM
Right now, "The Walking Dead." I am also getting into "Justified" and "Bates Motel." I am finally finishing off "Breaking Bad" now that Netflix has it ready for streaming, I might be holed up for the rest of the week - well, maybe just a few days, as it's only 8 episodes.

02-24-2014, 05:40 PM
The new season of Dallas starts tonight! It ended with such twists last year I don't know if I can figure it all out or not! :lol:

Tiffanny Twisted
02-24-2014, 08:17 PM
I am hooked on Cash Cab

cant help it it makes me laugh

02-24-2014, 08:40 PM
I've just found the very guilty pleasures of Gossip Girl

02-24-2014, 10:09 PM
Oh you have to watch True Detective on HBO! Awesome Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. Great 8 episodes. Matthew was on a show the other day and said that in Dallas Buyers Club they filmed it in 3 mo's with no rehearsals! It's a great movie. :thumbsup:

Brooklyn Roads
02-25-2014, 03:00 AM
The new season of Dallas starts tonight! It ended with such twists last year I don't know if I can figure it all out or not! :lol:

Brooke, I was unable to finish last season's episodes, so hope to get back on track through Netflix and start watching again in real time. They sure do have some cliffhangers!

02-25-2014, 11:57 AM
BR, there was a marathon on Sunday and last night they showed 2 or 3 (that I saw) from last year! Now we know, once again, who shot JR! And we have a new 'scoundrel'! :wink:

Also, it seems like they might show the previous week's show right before the new show every Monday night. And, each new show is shown again an hour later every Monday night.

02-25-2014, 10:18 PM
I get hooked to The Voice and American Idol. I was watching The Real Housewives for entertainment but they just got annoying.

Brooklyn Roads
02-26-2014, 02:53 AM
BR, there was a marathon on Sunday and last night they showed 2 or 3 (that I saw) from last year! Now we know, once again, who shot JR! And we have a new 'scoundrel'! :wink:

Also, it seems like they might show the previous week's show right before the new show every Monday night. And, each new show is shown again an hour later every Monday night.

Shoot, I am always missing marathons :brickwall:

Awww, well, luckily I have Netflix that I can stream so I can catch up a bit and then maybe see if I can catch another marathon to show the more recent season's shows. (Netflix doesn't stream the current season; however, I can purchase episodes through Amazon streaming) Thanks for the heads up!!

Haha, another "Who Shot J.R.?" reveal...

02-26-2014, 04:30 PM
Friends was one of my favorite shows EVER. I bought all ten seasons. I absolutely loved Chandler especially, and thought it was so cool that he got with Monica.

i LOVE Friends, watching it right now :D i want to get all 10 seasons on dvd

recently got into The Middle, the daughter (Sue) makes me laugh :)

02-26-2014, 05:25 PM
Oh ya Big Bang Theory. I couldn'g figure out all the hype about this until I watched it. I truely laugh my a-- off. Sheldon is the best. Penny..Penny..Penny!! Oh and on friday nights Blue Bloods is becoming a cult show for me.

Tiffanny Twisted
02-26-2014, 05:29 PM
Ok I am in to cash cab...lol

I love Nashville

and Friday nites there is a butt print on the couch with Hawaii 5 0 and blue bloods. now if I can just keep my eyes open after a long week at work lol

02-26-2014, 09:02 PM
I just got season 6 of Big Bang Theory on DVD and am binge-watching. Love it!

02-26-2014, 10:10 PM
I always stop to watch Big Bang Theory when it's on. I never stop laughing.

02-26-2014, 10:23 PM
The Big Bang Theory....another of my favourite tv shows :thumbsup:

02-26-2014, 10:27 PM
I always stop to watch Big Bang Theory when it's on. I never stop laughing.

soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
happy kitty, sleepy kitty, pur pur pur :)

02-26-2014, 10:36 PM
LOL!!! :thumbsup:

Is anyone watching American Idol? I love the judges line up this year and I like Randy's new role. I'm watching the top 13.

02-27-2014, 05:09 PM
:D:lol: MF

03-01-2014, 02:11 AM
I used to watch American Idol but kind of gave up on it a couple seasons ago. I hear it's getting better again with Harry Connick Jr. though.

Tiffanny Twisted
03-01-2014, 08:38 PM
Ok I am stupidly hooked on old re runs of mr ed.
reminds me of getting up with my son at 500am (when I usta think could you just sleep another hour dude) and I would give him his bottle and he would laugh and the milk would run down his cheeks cause he just thought it was so funny ...the horse the voice ??
anyway its re run on tv here and when I catch it it reminds me of him as a little baby

03-01-2014, 08:51 PM
Sunday: The Good Wife, The Mentalist, Revenge

Monday: Bones, The Blacklist, Intelligence

Tuesday: NCIS, NCIS:LA

Wednesday: Criminal Minds, CSI

Thursday: Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy, Elementary

Friday: Undercover Boss, Hawaii Five-0, Blue Bloods

03-01-2014, 08:58 PM
I remember the show very well Tiffany!

Hello, I'm Mister Ed

A horse is a horse, of course of course,
and no one can talk to a horse of course,
that is of course, unless the horse,
Is the famous Mister Ed!

Go right to the source and ask the horse.
He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.
He's always on a steady course.
Talk to Mister Ed.

People yak-it-ti-yak a streak
and waste your time of day,
but Mister Ed will never speak,
unless he has something to say...

A horse is a horse, of course of course,
And this one will talk 'til his voice is hoarse.
You never heard of a talking horse?
Well, listen to this...

I am Mister Ed

Tiffanny Twisted
03-02-2014, 08:39 AM
Thanks for the Sunday mornng laugh

He is so dang fiunny

One eposode he called candelstick park to talk to leo drozia...
My son loved it
Now its just so funny and he gets wilbur in trouble lol

03-02-2014, 02:55 PM
:hilarious::hilarious: Thanks Grego!!

03-05-2014, 10:34 AM
:D:lol: MF


03-11-2014, 11:12 AM
I'm hearing a lot about Cosmos from friends on Twitter. Anybody here like it? I haven't checked it out yet.

Brooklyn Roads
03-11-2014, 03:51 PM
I'm hearing a lot about Cosmos from friends on Twitter. Anybody here like it? I haven't checked it out yet.

Soda, I want to see it, too. I believe it's either Netflix or Hulu, but one of those has a preview of it. I don't think it's going to air for a few more months. I am excited for it! I love Carl Sagan, so this looks to be a more "hip" version of his original.

03-11-2014, 11:44 PM
I'm hearing a lot about Cosmos from friends on Twitter. Anybody here like it? I haven't checked it out yet.

I don't remember watching any of the Carl Sagan show, I was too young to have had any better sense, but I made sure to catch this one. It's definitely a step up in terms of the graphics, and Neil degrasse Tyson is a calm, reasonable guide to the action. The first show was kind of an introduction to what's coming up in the rest of the series, which looks interesting. My one complaint us the commercial breaks! I'm so used to seeing this on PBS, the breaks interrupt everything! Hard to believe Seth MacFarlane pushed to get this show done. Whodathunkit?

03-12-2014, 04:01 AM
I do remember watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos...loved it..and the way he explained things...I will have to watch this one...I think it was on the other night...When is it on again?

Brooklyn Roads
03-13-2014, 11:57 PM
I do remember watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos...loved it..and the way he explained things...I will have to watch this one...I think it was on the other night...When is it on again?

Whoa, I was way off on the airing date (I thought it wasn't going to start for another few months). My apologies! It did air on Sunday on Fox, but not sure when they'll re-air it. It may show up through streaming on Hulu or Netflix, though. It looks to be a 13-part series. It looks like they are airing episodes on the National Geographic Channel, too, so keep an eye out for it on there, too! I missed it, so I also need to catch up!

Brooklyn Roads
03-14-2014, 12:00 AM
I don't remember watching any of the Carl Sagan show, I was too young to have had any better sense, but I made sure to catch this one. It's definitely a step up in terms of the graphics, and Neil degrasse Tyson is a calm, reasonable guide to the action. The first show was kind of an introduction to what's coming up in the rest of the series, which looks interesting. My one complaint us the commercial breaks! I'm so used to seeing this on PBS, the breaks interrupt everything! Hard to believe Seth MacFarlane pushed to get this show done. Whodathunkit?

I first was aware of it when I took astronomy in college. It sort of opened my eyes. Also, watching "Contact" back in the '90s introduced me to Carl Sagan and his brilliant mind.

I would agree on the commercial breaks. Not a fan of those during documentaries. Sort of messes with the pacing of the show - hopefully I can catch the next episode as the first one doesn't seem to have revealed too much yet. Thanks for the recap!! :thumbsup:

03-14-2014, 07:22 PM
For those of you who have a iPhone 5 with IOS 7.0 or higher there is a new Cosmos APP!

Brooklyn Roads
03-17-2014, 03:37 PM
I watched "Cosmos" on Friday night through Hulu. You can get it instantly on there. It was great. I love Neil deGrasse Tyson. He knows a lot and is passionate about science, just as Carl Sagan was, but now he's capturing a new audience, and hopefully gets a younger generation excited for what will lie ahead.

I missed last night's episode, but will try catching it on Hulu sometime this week.

Also, on another note - Walking Dead anybody?

Great episode last night, although very sad.

03-17-2014, 04:52 PM
I watched "Cosmos" on Friday night through Hulu. You can get it instantly on there. It was great. I love Neil deGrasse Tyson. He knows a lot and is passionate about science, just as Carl Sagan was, but now he's capturing a new audience, and hopefully gets a younger generation excited for what will lie ahead.

I missed last night's episode, but will try catching it on Hulu sometime this week.

Also, on another note - Walking Dead anybody?

Great episode last night, although very sad.

I love The Walking Dead. Please don't give any spoilers as we won't see it until the current series is released on Blu Ray. I have heard it isn't as good as previous series.

Brooklyn Roads
03-18-2014, 04:32 PM
I love The Walking Dead. Please don't give any spoilers as we won't see it until the current series is released on Blu Ray. I have heard it isn't as good as previous series.

I am sorry, I will refrain on any Walking Dead spoilers. I personally like the current season for different reasons, and I think if you watch each episode in succession instead of waiting a week like we have to here, it will flow better. I will keep my mouth zipped. It's just hard sometimes because it's fun to talk about with fellow Walking Dead watchers, but I know what you mean, and I respect that. I've been there myself :thumbsup:

03-18-2014, 11:13 PM
I remember there was a fuss about spoilers for Americans because we had to wait so long to see Sherlock and Downton Abbey. I accidentally happened across a spoiler about a major character's death in Downton Abbey last season when reading a "spoiler free" article and it sucked, but I blame myself for reading the comments to the article when only the article itself was guaranteed to be spoiler-free. I'm glad I remained spoiler-free for Sherlock at least!

03-18-2014, 11:13 PM
Haven't got into a series lately. I might try one of these though.

03-19-2014, 02:41 AM
Maybe I'm just showing my age, but I can't seem to get into network TV shows. I LOVE James Spader, but always seem to miss his new show on NBC. I'll watch pretty much anything on PBS, Law and Order - the original - and the news.

03-19-2014, 09:53 AM
Maybe I'm just showing my age, but I can't seem to get into network TV shows. I LOVE James Spader, but always seem to miss his new show on NBC. I'll watch pretty much anything on PBS, Law and Order - the original - and the news.

I love The Blacklist, but it can be a little gruesome. Monday nights at 9 pm central.

And I really like The Good Wife and The Mentalist on Sunday nights, but half the time these shows run late because of sports being on all day and running late. It really makes me mad that they changed these shows from a weeknight to Sunday night last year, because then you are either up late trying to watch or trying to figure out how to set the dvr to record at the correct times. :crazy:

03-19-2014, 11:41 PM
I have a huge crush on Ed Quinn and he's just finished a pilot episode of a show called Feed Me for NBC. I'm not sure when it's airing but I'll be checking it out just because he's in it!


03-28-2014, 12:24 AM
Anyone out there watch the show Portlandia? It's on the Independent Film Channel - it is hilarious.

Tiffanny Twisted
03-28-2014, 06:19 AM
Addicted to nashville
Love it

And mr ed still makes me laugh. After the dentist weds I layed down to rest haha mr ed was on and he painted a cat with
a white stripe to pass it off as a skunk ? He was jealous of the cst .couldn't stop laughing
End of nap