View Full Version : Comfort from Glenn and the guys

08-22-2016, 11:42 AM
My conscious mind had forgotten what day it was; this was the first week of school and I was so busy that the days blurred together. I had remembered the happy times of Niagara Falls earlier in the week, but I had let the anniversary of his death pass me by! I felt so guilty yesterday that I was ashamed to post about it.

However, I had a dream last night, a HAPPY one, and it's made me feel pretty good today. It's long and I wrote about another dream not too long ago, so I understand if folks don't want to read it. Still, I'm going to type it out for my own sake so I don't forget it. I've had several dreams since Glenn's death that I didn't write down and now I can't remember them very well. Here goes...

In the first part of the dream, I'm standing outside Glenn's house in the middle of the day. I want to get in to see him because I know he's sick. Should I knock on the door? What if they don't want to let me in?

The next second, I'm somehow in the house - in the bathroom, of all places, in the midst of washing my hands! I don't know how I got there and I get VERY nervous. What should I do? What would they say if they found me in here?

As I'm standing there drying my hands off with the hand towel and trying to figure out what to do, Taylor just walks in. Act naturally, I think. Maybe she'll remember me and assume someone else let me in.

"Hey," I say and smile, letting go of the towel and casually walking past her.

"Hi," she replies. She's not at all bothered and simply closes the door behind me once I'm out in the hall.

Whew, I think as I stand in the hallway, but I doubt this strategy will work on everyone. Deacon met me for like one minute years ago, and Cindy met me for about five minutes, and I looked a lot different then. They'll figure out nobody invited me in and kick me out! How mortifying would that be?!

I look around. I don't know the way out. I'm still not sure what to do. I hear noise coming from a room down the hall. It sounds like a TV. Somehow I know Glenn is in that room. I start tip-toeing down the hallway towards the room. I want so badly to see Glenn.

As I get to end of the hallway, I stop right before the entrance to the room. What if Glenn is displeased to see me and tells me to leave? That would be unbearable! I can't risk it. I'll stay out of sight.

I stand to the side of the doorway and peek around. After I get a peek at Glenn, I'll get back to figuring out how to get out without being seen.

There he is, sitting on a couch with the rest of his family, watching TV. He looks fine. Wow. I can't believe he looks so good, I think. He looks like there's nothing wrong. I wish I would have checked on him earlier. I'm hugely relieved.

I notice that the living room looks very old-fashioned - 70s style, down to the wood paneling, the lamps that never seemed to produce much light, and the brown and white striped couch. The TV is that big boxed kind with a wood finish that looks like a piece of furniture. It reminds me of my living room as a small child around '79 or '80, except our couch was dark brown with no stripes. Some of my earliest memories are of playing on the furniture in there when my parents weren't around (no climbing all over the nice couch! The couch is for sitting!)

This doesn't seem odd to me in the dream, despite the fact that the rest of the house is modern. It's just an interesting coincidence. All the while I'm thinking, He looks fine.

Suddenly, I'm outside again, but I'm still filled with that enormous sense of relief. Glenn didn't seem to be in any pain. He was just having a nice time watching TV with his family. Maybe he won't tour anymore or make any more new music, but I can accept that if Glenn is OK.

Then my dream gets even better! The second part...

In a wink, I've gone from standing outside in daylight to walking along a sidewalk at night. I turn and Glenn is right there beside me, walking along next to me. "I wish you had been here yesterday," he says casually as we walk. "We watched a movie called 'The Seed.' It was good."

I'm thinking excitedly, OOH, Glenn wishes I had seen a movie with him and his family! This is so cool! But all I say is, "'The Seed' - I think I've heard of that - is it a horror movie?"

"No, it's about aliens," he replies. "I think you would like it."

I nod. "Yeah,I'm not big on horror movies, but I love sci-fi." Even as I say this, I know I would gladly see any movie Glenn had invited me to, horror movie or not, and like it! Once again, I think, I wish I had known he was doing so well. I would have come much earlier.

We continue walking along. I don't know where we are or where we're going, but I don't care. He is talking about movies - maybe he's taking me to a movie theater! He's acting like this is the most natural thing in the world, for us to be strolling down the street together. I force myself to act naturally too, like it's no big deal, but inside I'm so freaking thrilled.

I want to tell him, "Thanks for hanging out with me one last time" but then I think if I say that, it'll finalize it. Maybe he wants to hang out more than one time! He looks so healthy, after all. Maybe he has lots of time left.

As we walk along, Glenn spots a club across the street that has on its marquee "JACK TEMPCHIN." He's playing that club even as we speak! Glenn is excited. "Let's go see Jack!"

We hurry across the street to the club. The guy who takes tickets stops us because we don't have any. Since we're in a hurry, I huff, "Why are you stopping us? This is Glenn Frey!"

The guy starts to apologize but Glenn just gets his wallet out and says "No, it's fine. I'll pay for the tickets."

I blush because he obviously doesn't use his celebrity to get in places. I hope Glenn doesn't think less of me due to my feeble attempt to do so on his behalf! I look at his face but he doesn't appear unhappy with me. He's buying two tickets, so I must not have blown it with my faux pas. Phew!

As Glenn pays, I see a sign on the wall that says "RIP GLEN FREY - January 18, 2016." Instead of feeling sad, I'm just annoyed that they spelled Glenn's name wrong. As we start walking in, I tell the guy, "Seriously, you need to fix that. I can't believe you spelled his name wrong on his RIP sign. There are TWO 'ns.'"

Glenn hears me scolding the guy and laughs. "I see that all the time. Even on the RIP stuff, people spell it wrong." He's chuckling as we go in to the club. He's not bothered at all!

Then I woke up... feeling good. The dream felt so real. I actually tried to go back to sleep again to get a "Part 3" but no luck.

I'm amazed that I looked right at that RIP sign in the dream, knew the date of his death was correct, and didn't even blink because after all, Glenn was right there, and he was unfazed by it. He was laughing. He was happy.

I knew I had to write this dream out before I forgot it and share it with you guys! If you read the whole thing, congrats! lol

Soda that is the most extraordinarily beautiful dream - full of hope and light. I believe that your higher, wiser self was reassuring you that the end as we know it might not be that at all. I am not religious in any conventional sense but know that there 'are many more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamed in your philosophy' as Shakespeare said.

There is no good way to add this little postscript but I have recently been diagnosed with throat cancer - a bit more vicious than Timothy B's - more like the Michael Douglas scenario. I am a non-smoker, healthy as a horse and they say it is 'treatable and curable' but with several nasty months ahead of me. Well, Churchill said, 'when you are going through hell, keep going' and in some strange way, remembering Glenn, his amazing appetite for life and love, is very sustaining. I will be by the board from time to time to say hi. I often come by but do not always sign in. However, your amazing dream enchanted me. There is no other way to express it.

Love to all you borderers. I have so enjoyed revisiting the wild era of the Eagles and my own crazy youth.

08-22-2016, 02:36 PM
I'm sorry to hear this health news, Janette. I just wanted to tell you that my friend's mom, who is over 70, received the same diagnosis in late 2015 - she knew she was in for a really rough time, but she did the several months of bad treatment and is back at work and is doing fabulous. She looks wonderful. She was thin even before she was diagnosed, so it seems like they did a good job maintaining her weight and body composition. You would never know she had been through treatment.

08-22-2016, 02:41 PM
Sorry to hear this, Janette. I wish you all the best through your upcoming treatment. I will certainly keep you in my prayers.

08-22-2016, 03:11 PM
Janette, I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and wish you all the best. Prayers.

08-22-2016, 03:53 PM
Janette, I too am so sorry to hear this news, but will be praying and sending good vibes your way. If you ever need to vent or a someone to listen that has been through something similar, please don't hesitate to PM me.

08-22-2016, 04:38 PM
I'm so sorry Janette. Sending prayers for you too.

08-22-2016, 08:32 PM
I'll be praying for you, too. Janette. Please keep us updated.

08-22-2016, 10:33 PM
Janette, I'm sending you wishes for your good health and for the very best outcomes.

08-24-2016, 06:21 PM
I'm sorry to hear this health news, Janette. I just wanted to tell you that my friend's mom, who is over 70, received the same diagnosis in late 2015 - she knew she was in for a really rough time, but she did the several months of bad treatment and is back at work and is doing fabulous. She looks wonderful. She was thin even before she was diagnosed, so it seems like they did a good job maintaining her weight and body composition. You would never know she had been through treatment.

I love that story of your mom's friend. Here in the UK, they tend towards presenting the gloomy outlook. I need American optimism so am collecting stories like that. I was glad to hear she maintained her body weight. I know I have some nightmare times ahead but keep in mind that Charlie Watts, Tim B, Michael Douglas etc have been along the path before me.:sigh:

Thanks again. I will come by the board often. I really like looking at old pics of Glenn and the Eagles.

08-24-2016, 06:22 PM
Janette, I'm sending you wishes for your good health and for the very best outcomes.

Thank you. I wrote a little coda to my original post that says it all.

Janette x

08-24-2016, 06:26 PM
Janette, I too am so sorry to hear this news, but will be praying and sending good vibes your way. If you ever need to vent or a someone to listen that has been through something similar, please don't hesitate to PM me.

I accept the hug with thanks and may well take you up on our offer of PM-ing at some point. Somehow it is often easier to talk online than with my very concerned friends and family who are feeing overwhelmed and more scared than I am at present.

warmest wishes and thanks.


08-24-2016, 06:38 PM
This is terrible, Janette. I wish you all the best. :grouphug:

08-24-2016, 10:30 PM
Janette, I hope that your cancer is in its early stages, so that it's easier to cure it or at least put it in remission. I wish you the best.

08-24-2016, 11:10 PM
I accept the hug with thanks and may well take you up on our offer of PM-ing at some point. Somehow it is often easier to talk online than with my very concerned friends and family who are feeing overwhelmed and more scared than I am at present.

warmest wishes and thanks.


No thanks needed. My family, especially some members, mean well, but can be overbearing and their anxiety and constant questions caused me to stress even more, so I completely get it.

Take it day by day and remember if you don't feel like talking to anyone regarding MD visits, how you are feeling,etc., then don't. This is not the time to be worrying about etiquette and concerned about being rude about not calling people back in a timely manner. It is time to take care of you and make that the priority, as you probably already know.

PM me anytime. I usually hop on here once a day. I know you are probably bombarded with family, friends, and the whole situation so I won't message you now, but please know that I am always happy to listen. If regular email works better, I am happy to share that too.

Sending you lots of healing energy and keeping you in my prayers.


Annoying Twit
08-25-2016, 02:47 AM
Best wishes Janette for a speedy and complete recovery.

08-25-2016, 03:27 AM
Jannete, I'm sorry you are going through this. I hope you will soon be on the road to recovery.

Jonny Come Lately
08-25-2016, 03:36 AM
Best wishes Janette, hope you recover soon.

08-25-2016, 11:47 AM
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers..:sigh:

09-05-2016, 04:30 AM
Hello Everyone,

I started this little thread because I posted the news of my health issues on the "Glenn Gone but Not Forgotten" thread. It did not seem right to go on posting there so here is a little anecdote. And also this is a way of saying thanks to all of you for your very sweet messages. I never thought I'd be comforted by an "Annoying Twit" but there you go!

Anyway, I am going through all the usual, horrible hospital visits. Last week, I went to the Head and Neck dept where there were a lot of gloomy looking people waiting. However, this hospital in Oxford has made an effort and there is a pretty garden. I went and sat by the french windows to be near it and took out my laptop which I'd had the good sense to bring. It turns out the wifi worked very well. So I decided to go visit my old pals, The Eagles. I put my earphones in and went to a Youtube performance of gorgeous Glenn singing "Peaceful, Easy Feeling." It's the clip where he is here in the UK, wearing the green sweater and looking so young and sexy. That calmed me down quite a bit, so I decided to go to something a bit funkier and went to another clip of "Witchy Woman". By then I was starting to bop up and down in my seat and the other patients were looking perplexed. I was sort of annoyed when the doctor called me in because I was headed off to the "Hotel California".

much love to you all.:grooving:

09-05-2016, 08:29 AM
Good luck with your hospital tests today JanetteG - glad to see that the boys bring comfort to us no matter where we are. Keep smiling :-)

09-05-2016, 09:07 AM
You have to spoil yourself and what better way. The bad stuff will pass but for now, do what makes you feel good.

09-05-2016, 09:44 AM
Best of luck Janette and I'm glad their bringing you comfort too.

09-05-2016, 10:29 AM
Best wishes, Janette G. Listening to the Eagles should be prescribed medicine!!! :)

09-05-2016, 10:32 AM
Lovely recounting, Janette. Music is a wonderful tool for calming, as we know: so happy it's working for you, too.

Here's hoping today is a good first step on the road towards healing and feeling better.

All the best to you.

Jonny Come Lately
09-05-2016, 04:06 PM
Good luck, hope you start feeling better soon! Keeping enjoying the Eagles music and videos. I thought it would also be appropriate to share some wise words from Glenn himself:

'Music is medicine for the soul. It's entertainment, but there are times when entertainment can inspire and inform. It can't hurt. It can only help. It's just how it makes you feel personally.'


09-05-2016, 04:41 PM
Glad Eagles music brings you comfort, sending lots of prayers and love your way.

Annoying Twit
09-05-2016, 04:43 PM
Best wishes for the best possible result.

09-05-2016, 05:03 PM
So good to hear how you are doing. Take one step at a time and know you have a whole bunch of people on here pulling for you and sending good thoughts your way. Reach out anytime.


09-05-2016, 06:59 PM
Best wishes to you from all of us here.:grouphug:

09-05-2016, 08:02 PM
Janette, I continue to include you in my prayers. Music can do magic! Please keep us posted.

09-06-2016, 09:43 AM
Thoughts and prayers for you, Janette. I'm glad the music is helping too.

09-06-2016, 11:08 AM
Keep on bopping to those Eagles tunes Janette. Prayers for your speedy recovery.

09-06-2016, 11:32 AM
Hi, Janette, like you, I didn't want to continue this discussion in the Glenn thread. But, in addition to my friend's mom who is doing great, I was watching football (American) or tennis or something this past week on TV and they were talking about announcer Chris Mortensen who is doing very well with his throat cancer treatment - and by well I mean no detectable cancer -


Another positive story for you to keep up your spirits.


09-06-2016, 06:39 PM
I could move all the posts to this thread if that would be easier.

I have often found comfort in their music, too, as have many. Prayers for you, JG!

09-07-2016, 01:01 AM
Glad that the guys can make you feel better, Janette. Use them to comfort yourself as much as possible. I wish you the best.