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01-24-2008, 03:22 PM
For the first time, I am serious - after 11 Years -Since that's my Daughter name- I realize I named her after Glenn Frey!! :shock:

She's Glenda, a terrific as well sweet kid 8)

01-24-2008, 03:47 PM
Too funny, tlr!

My son's initials are TBS, but the names are different! :D

01-24-2008, 05:28 PM
I have a cousin named Glenn -so that one was already taken.

I fought long and hard with my husband when we had our first son. I really wanted to name him Tim (Timothy). He had his heart set on another name . He won. Our son's name is Tom. So close!!

When we had our second son, hubby thought I should use the name Tim, but I didn't want to have a Timmy and and Tommy. Both boys make these horrified faces when I tell them this story, so I think they're relieved I didn't get too cutesy.

01-24-2008, 06:51 PM
I have a cousin named Glenn -so that one was already taken.

I fought long and hard with my husband when we had our first son. I really wanted to name him Tim (Timothy). He had his heart set on another name . He won. Our son's name is Tom. So close!!

When we had our second son, hubby thought I should use the name Tim, but I didn't want to have a Timmy and and Tommy. Both boys make these horrified faces when I tell them this story, so I think they're relieved I didn't get too cutesy.

I don't know in other Countries, hell, I don't know about other man either :shock: but for me, as a male- Dad, when my first boy was born was VERY important to me he carried MY name (JP). Lucky me, my Wife had no problem on that (Also, Jaime her Dad's name -may father in law, was on her older brother as well her first nephew. As well my Dad's name Alfonso (Bernal) was taken on my older brother and his first son, first grandson so on that matter either was a problem at all).

Ler t me take air... Aahhhh! By the way my Mom's Dad was also an Alfonso (Robles), so she married an Alfonso (not very common).

Well as I was saying, for me was very important, is nice to know after you leave this World and RIP, another bud with your exact name will be around your Hometown and so, and maybe, some others after him you even may not ever know...

Is sad to me the custom in México for naming kids, because after 2,3 generations the last name of the Grandpa´s on the mother's side gets banished, lost erased or whatever...

I mean for example I am Smith. My daughter has a child, female. This child will take the last name of his dad, let's say Cox. So the baby girl is Cox Smith. She grows up and in years she marries a Harris guy, has a baby so this kid's last name will be Harris Cox and so on an on. That's it,
Smith my beautiful... just kiddin' last name is banished from this Earth See my point?

I know same may happens in other cultures and maybe this could be a silly thing for some, not for me. This thought of mine is not a macho, ego either a latino thing, my meaning is, is a shame IMHO not my blood, but our beloved ancestors name gets lost due to... customs, burocracy whathever Don't you think? :idea:

Ah and Molly: What's hubby's name? 8)

01-24-2008, 09:33 PM
I keep telling all my friends that when I get a dog I'm going to name him henley :D

Or maybe if I ever have a boy I'll use that as a middle name :D

01-25-2008, 06:07 AM
If I ever have another boy I'd be tempted to go for
Glenn Timothy Joseph Don!

Everyone would know his moms favourite band!

01-25-2008, 10:40 AM
Ah and Molly: What's hubby's name? 8)

It's not Tom -it's Steve! But his maternal grandfather's name was Thomas Johnson and his paternal grandfather's name was John-thus, our son is Thomas John.

His family tends to carry names on thru the generations. My family never did that. I understood why he wanted to use the name he did-he adored and respected his grandfathers. Trust me, by the time Tom was born, I was totally OK with it. I could tell it was very important to my husand.

01-25-2008, 05:49 PM
I have taught students from the Irish Traveller Community (a nomadic gypsy type of indigenous /ethnic group over here.) The girls I taught were amazed that we 'settled' people could choose our own childrens names. They are known for marrying as young as 16 or 17 and having very large families (up to 15 kids :shock: in some). But They follow a strict traditional naming pattern

The Eldest son gets his dads dads name.
The Next son gets his mom's dads name

The Eldest daughter gets her mom's mom's name
The next daughter gets her dads moms name.

The remaining sons are named alternatively after the dads and moms brothers

Similarly the remaining daughters are named after the moms and dads sisters!

I can see why they have so many before they can choose their own names!

01-25-2008, 09:04 PM
tlr - in the US, the maternal name doesn't even last one generation, much less two or three. Here, the tradition is that the child takes the last name of the father, and that's it.

Some people do a hypenated last name which includes both the maternal and paternal last names, but that's unusual.

In the south, an old tradition is that the eldest daughter of the eldest daughter gets the maternal last name as her middle name. My aunt did that, as did my grandmother, etc, but I don't know how many people do that nowadays, and I don't think it ever extended to the north.

Part of the reason why, in the past, people have wanted sons so badly was to "carry on the name." For years, my paternal grandmother kept harassing my mother to have more kids until she had a son so that my dad's name wouldn't die out (he has no brothers). Mom said "Sorry, three daughters is enough!"

01-25-2008, 09:07 PM
She was right! Anyway there would have been no guarantee that a son would have been the marrying / have kids type!

01-26-2008, 11:41 AM
Interesting to read about naming traditions. My husband, his father and grandfather had the same middle name and wanted us to continue the family tradition when Phil was born (twenty years ago plus two days! :shock: ). I wanted to keep my family name as my sister has no children, so his middle name is Francis. Their first names were just names we liked, that suited boys and would be ok when thay grew up.

01-26-2008, 07:13 PM
With middle names my mother was Norma Jean and I'm Julie Jean but I had no intention of carrying that on. I never wanted to use any family names except I would have liked Paul, my uncle's name and my brother-in-law's name. If Rosalind had been a boy she would have been Robert Francis, and Francis is my Uncle Paul's middle name. (My father was Terence John).

I never considered Eagles related names as you can see, though I like their names. If anything Robert would have been for Robert Plant and Francis for Frank Zappa. For me it was all about literature. Rosalind would have been Miranda except that my husband (Michael) is against using the same initial for another family member and we live not far from a huge shopping mall in the Sydney suburb of Miranda. So that was out. So it was still going to be from Shakespeare, so it's Rosalind (As You Like It). Her middle name Sonia is from Tolstoy's War & Peace and probably should have been spelt Sonya but I preferred the French spelling.

NB My mother wanted me to be Julia rather than Juliet, but my father wouldn't have that so that makes the line in Dire Straits' Romeo & Juliet even more special for me ('Julie, I'd do the stars with you any time').

It's weird but it took me a long time to find out what Glenn's middle name was. When I found out the initial I thought 'Lewis' and I was right.

01-27-2008, 12:20 PM
That's amazing that you guessed Glenn's middle name, Julie. Female intuition! Rosalind is such a pretty name, and it's nice to hear about the Shakespearean allusion. My mother named me Katharine after Princess Katharine in Henry V. She had just seen Olivier's performance before I was born.

01-27-2008, 03:54 PM
This is a really interesting discussion, but I moved it to "Cheap Talk and Wine" as it seems more about traditions and less about Glenn. Carry on!

01-27-2008, 06:48 PM
I know most of the comments have been about naming traditions but following the direction of Maleah's comment, we have named some of our pets with Eagles-related names. We have a kitty named Henley Joe and a puppy named Poco, nods to Don, Joe and Timothy. Haven't come up with one for Glenn yet though, sorry to all Glenn fans here.

01-27-2008, 07:18 PM
I am fascinated with names. What I don't get at the moment is the tendency to use what I consider surnames as Christian names. Taylor, as in Taylor Frey, is a prime example, but at least he spelt it properly, not 'Tayla' or 'Taylah' (can 'Tailor' be far behind)? I see that Nicole Ritchie, I think, called her new daughter 'Harlow'. If you were English you'd say 'and why didn't you add 'Newtown' to it while you were at it? Madison (or Maddison)... I don't get it.

Don is Donald Hugh, which I really like. His mother was 'Hughlene'. That's very reminiscent of Australian names in the 50s and 60s when we had Charlene, Darlene, Raelene and boys were all called Shane, Darren, Wayne and Keith. :blush:

GEF, that is great that you got Katharine after Henry V (great film).

01-27-2008, 07:24 PM
I think sometimes people use a surname in a first name if they are afraid it might die out in their family line. Particularly like over here where most families just tend to use the father's name as a surname. My mother had suggested using 'Kingston' as my brothers name as it had been my dad's mothers own name but because none of her brothers married was going to be lost. However in the end she called him 'John'!
In the early 70's people were less accomodating of unusual names over here :roll:

01-27-2008, 07:38 PM
That certainly used to be the case but now it just seems to be a trend. When I start seeing 'Smith' or 'Jones' used as a first name... :twisted:

01-27-2008, 09:48 PM
My mother chose our names, and she just picked out names she'd heard and liked. My best friend named her SON Taylor (he's 12 now), and her eldest daughter is Madison - many people took part in that "last name first" trend. My younger sister's husband wanted to name their daughter after his grandmother. My older sister's eldest son was given a Biblical name, and the next one a Texan name (Austin).

I've always liked the name "Rachel" for a girl. For guys, I seem to tend towards "J" names - John, Jason, Jake, etc. Don't ask me why!

One thing I wouldn't do to my kid is give them a really weird spelling for their name. I know one lady who spells her kid's name "Maridythe" (pronounced Meredith). Why?!!

I don't know anyone else who's named their children after Eagles, but I do know several people who have named their daughters "Stephanie," "Stevie," "Rhiannon," or "Sara" thanks to Stevie Nicks. (One also named her daughter "Lily" after a more obscure Stevie song).

01-27-2008, 10:24 PM
I've always liked the name "Rachel" for a girl.

Me too, that's why we named our oldest Rachel Megan.
Our youngest is Christina Beth.

01-28-2008, 04:54 AM
I know most of the comments have been about naming traditions but following the direction of Maleah's comment, we have named some of our pets with Eagles-related names. We have a kitty named Henley Joe and a puppy named Poco, nods to Don, Joe and Timothy. Haven't come up with one for Glenn yet though, sorry to all Glenn fans here.

:fingerwag: :fingerwag: :fingerwag:

You know that will have to change RKA!

Sorry! I've been dying to use that emoticon!!

01-30-2008, 03:06 PM
I love that emoticon too GAN. Since we're about to have a new batch of kittens, I'll have a chance to name one after Glenn....any suggestions???

Ive always been a dreamer
01-30-2008, 03:19 PM
Oh gosh RNA - good luck with your new litter of kittens. As far as naming one after Glenn - you need to be very careful. Many of the names I associate with Glenn may keep you up all hours of the night - like the Allnighter, Sugar, and Teen King. :D :D :D

01-30-2008, 04:18 PM
You can try Lewis or Cody (his South of Sunset character). Other character names: Spence, Dennis, Bobby/Travis, and Jimmy/Cole.

He also reportedly likes to call himself Elvis. ;) Nicknames bestowed upon him include Roach and Sporticus.

Maybe one of those will do! I like Spence, Cody or Cole myself - the latter if the kitty is black (nobody has to know where it came from or how you spell it, lol).

01-30-2008, 05:36 PM
Good luck naming the kitties, rckn!

We actually named our daughter Lindsey (the spelling from Mr. Buckingham) Rhiannon (from one of my favorite Stevie songs). I remember reading all of our album covers checking the names and came up with those from the Fleetwood Mac album!

Our son is Tyler (just a name I liked from a soap) and Brent (after his dad).

I have a nephew that was due to have a baby (his wife actually!) around Christmas. I thought it would be pretty to name it a seasonal name like Holly or Merri (after great grandmother Mary). Then we tried that with their last name (Berry) and gave up on that idea! They didn't think Holly Berry or Merri Berry was too cute! :lol:

01-30-2008, 06:44 PM
They didn't think Holly Berry or Merri Berry was too cute! :lol:

LOL! Probably a wise move!

We have a local race car driver here whose name is (I'm not making this up) Dick Head. When the track announcer said that over the speakers the first time, I thought my two boys were going to die laughing.

Our office handles the birth certificate reporting for the State so we get to see what all the new babies here in Washington County are named. I've even seen one little guy named "Seven" like the Seinfeld episode.

We have an awful lot of "Brett", "Brady", and "Peyton"'s right now (after the football quarterbacks, I'm sure).

Names do go in trends. If there is a popular TV character or sports person-I know I'll see the name pop up over and over again.

The parents that drive me crazy are the ones that take "normal" names and spell them oddly, like Steffanee or Addamm.

01-30-2008, 06:59 PM
You can try Lewis or Cody (his South of Sunset character). Other character names: Spence, Dennis, Bobby/Travis, and Jimmy/Cole.

He also reportedly likes to call himself Elvis. ;) Nicknames bestowed upon him include Roach and Sporticus.

Maybe one of those will do! I like Spence, Cody or Cole myself - the latter if the kitty is black (nobody has to know where it came from or how you spell it, lol).

The Boss. Control Freak. El Supremo. God (if if you had two cats you could call them God 1 and God 2 and then they'd be The Gods).

And no doubt he has been called other things which are not necessarily very complimentary. :twisted:

01-30-2008, 06:59 PM
We actually named our daughter Lindsey (the spelling from Mr. Buckingham) Rhiannon (from one of my favorite Stevie songs). I remember reading all of our album covers checking the names and came up with those from the Fleetwood Mac album!

I love it!

I have a nephew that was due to have a baby (his wife actually!) around Christmas. I thought it would be pretty to name it a seasonal name like Holly or Merri (after great grandmother Mary). Then we tried that with their last name (Berry) and gave up on that idea! They didn't think Holly Berry or Merri Berry was too cute! :lol:

LOL! I have to agree that those names might not have worked out too well!

01-31-2008, 08:05 AM
You can try Lewis or Cody (his South of Sunset character). Other character names: Spence, Dennis, Bobby/Travis, and Jimmy/Cole.

He also reportedly likes to call himself Elvis. ;) Nicknames bestowed upon him include Roach and Sporticus.

Maybe one of those will do! I like Spence, Cody or Cole myself - the latter if the kitty is black (nobody has to know where it came from or how you spell it, lol).

The Boss. Control Freak. El Supremo. God (if if you had two cats you could call them God 1 and God 2 and then they'd be The Gods).

And no doubt he has been called other things which are not necessarily very complimentary. :twisted:

And if one of the kitties has an independent nature you could call it 'Lone Arranger' :D

Mrs Frey
01-31-2008, 08:50 AM
Oh gosh RNA - good luck with your new litter of kittens. As far as naming one after Glenn - you need to be very careful. Many of the names I associate with Glenn may keep you up all hours of the night - like the Allnighter, Sugar, and Teen King. :D :D :D

Oh, Dreamer, those names for Glenn :heart: have just got my mind travelling in very...er...INTERESTING directions. :twisted: :blush:

Mrs Frey
01-31-2008, 09:06 AM
You can try Lewis or Cody (his South of Sunset character). Other character names: Spence, Dennis, Bobby/Travis, and Jimmy/Cole.

He also reportedly likes to call himself Elvis. ;) Nicknames bestowed upon him include Roach and Sporticus.

Maybe one of those will do! I like Spence, Cody or Cole myself - the latter if the kitty is black (nobody has to know where it came from or how you spell it, lol).

The Boss. Control Freak. El Supremo. God (if if you had two cats you could call them God 1 and God 2 and then they'd be The Gods).

And no doubt he has been called other things which are not necessarily very complimentary. :twisted:

Oh no, FP, you've been reading far too much from Don Felder's book. :shock: :wink: Felder's jealousy makes him very nasty.

Soda, I must say I rather like the nickname that Glenn :heart: gives himself... :wink:

01-31-2008, 11:18 AM
God (if if you had two cats you could call them God 1 and God 2 and then they'd be The Gods).

:rofl: Felder would absolutely love it!

01-31-2008, 06:06 PM
For what it's worth Glenn's other character names were Phil (Nash Bridges) and Ken (Arli$$).

02-01-2008, 11:37 AM
Ah, so I have a connection to my son's name!

They didn't think Holly Berry or Merri Berry was too cute! :lol:Lol, Brooke!

We have a local race car driver here whose name is (I'm not making this up) Dick Head. When the track announcer said that over the speakers the first time, I thought my two boys were going to die laughing. :rofl: I've muttered that to a few drivers myself!!

On the subject of weird names, there was one of the usual spate of lightweight funny books out this Christmas which listed bizarre names researched from parish registers in Britain. Among the printable ones are Hazel Nutt and Luke Warm. It had my boys crying with laughter. One poor child had a name for every letter of the alphabet.


tbs fanatic
02-05-2008, 02:55 PM
My eldest son's middle name is Glenn. Okay, that should get me goodie points with all you Glenn fans. :D

02-05-2008, 06:13 PM
Only his middle name TBSF! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Whats his first nams?

Mrs Frey
02-06-2008, 04:25 AM
Oh, you've definitely scored points with me, TBSF! :D :wink: I just read or hear someone say "Glenn" these days and my heart reacts quite violently. :blush: :heart: :heart: :heart: (how can I get the hearts to beat bigger? :wink: )

tbs fanatic
02-07-2008, 11:26 AM
:lol: His first name is Christopher - well I couldn't call him Glenn Glenn could I? Or could I? :lol:

02-07-2008, 01:31 PM
My son is Christopher as well! :D Then Paul after his dad. But if I had another.......Glenn :heart: Glenn :heart: sounds perfect to me!!

02-07-2008, 03:54 PM
This talk about names makes me think of some very strange ones.


Robert Roberts (who would do that?)(I apologise if anyone here did, but I don't understand!)

and Will Williams :?

tbs fanatic
02-07-2008, 04:16 PM
I agree. I guess the parents just think it's 'cute' :?

02-07-2008, 07:00 PM
Yes, but I think when considering names for a child you also have to take into account that the kid will have to live with that name forever. Some kids get an unmerciful teasing over their names, and kids lives can be hard enough without wishing it on them! JMO

02-07-2008, 07:44 PM
This talk about names makes me think of some very strange ones.


Robert Roberts (who would do that?)(I apologise if anyone here did, but I don't understand!)

and Will Williams :?

In Scandinavia it's quite common to have names like Erik Erikson. My husband could theoretically have been Gustaf Gustafson if his great grandfather hadn't left Sweden.

The Manchester United footballers Gary and Phil Neville had a song sung about them to the tune of David Bowie's Rebel Rebel. One of the lines is 'Neville Neville is the name of your dad'. It's true. :?

02-07-2008, 09:52 PM
OMG you guys, some of the suggestions had me :rofl: . I have to say, I'm leaning toward God 1 and God 2....that was just too funny!

Mrs Frey
02-08-2008, 04:29 AM
:lol: His first name is Christopher - well I couldn't call him Glenn Glenn could I? Or could I? :lol:


As much as I love the name, I wouldn't recommend it! :wink:

04-24-2008, 11:38 AM
:D Hi have only just read this! I have struck gold as my gorgeous son who is 11yrs his first name is--GLENN!! but we spell it as GLEN -I guess that still counts! His middle name is Ron ( after his grandad) gee if only it had been Don !! :drummer: You wouldn't've believed me anyway! :wink:Luv FF61

04-24-2008, 01:02 PM
Oh, FF, how cool to know there is another Glen in the world! And nice to know that his middle name is after his grandad. I bet he quite likes the middle name Ron after the Harry Potter movies!

04-25-2008, 05:43 AM
Oh thats COOL FF61! He HAS to be gorgeous with a name like that :wink: . Nice one!

07-07-2008, 03:12 AM
I keep telling all my friends that when I get a dog I'm going to name him henley :D

Or maybe if I ever have a boy I'll use that as a middle name :D

I told my mom and boyfriend that our first son was going to be named Henley

07-07-2008, 05:11 AM
And what were their reactions.............?? :wink:

Mrs Henley
07-07-2008, 06:36 AM
Yeah, I want to know!

I told my parents that if you should get a boy I will call him Don and as second name Glenn and they told me that I'm obsessed of Don and the Eagles, haha.
I think he would be handsome with those names :mrgreen:

But I'll wait a while before I started with kids, haha.

My initials are D.H (name and surname) haha :P

07-07-2008, 02:52 PM
well my mom said that it didn't suprise her but called me obsessed then she laughed then she akes what is middle name would be

my boyfriend on the other hand asked if i was given the chance if i would leave him for Don at which point i pleaded the 5th but said that it was ok with him (he's also a huge Eagles fan)

But nothing will top the other day when i was being stupid and told my grandma that i was going to name my childern Peace Lilly and Desperado so when my son walked into preschool he would have his own theme song that he would sing. she laughed and said atleast your not naming him something like the long run or one of these nights

Mrs Henley
07-07-2008, 03:34 PM
well my mom said that it didn't suprise her but called me obsessed then she laughed then she akes what is middle name would be

my boyfriend on the other hand asked if i was given the chance if i would leave him for Don at which point i pleaded the 5th but said that it was ok with him (he's also a huge Eagles fan)

But nothing will top the other day when i was being stupid and told my grandma that i was going to name my childern Peace Lilly and Desperado so when my son walked into preschool he would have his own theme song that he would sing. she laughed and said atleast your not naming him something like the long run or one of these nights

Haha great!
No indeed, you don't call your child take it easy :P

'Take it easy, dinner!'

But I would be suprise when you will tell the names! :D

I think I'll hang on at Donald Glenn (Don)

And your mom reacted the same as mine. We're just obsessed in a good way! ;)

07-07-2008, 03:53 PM
But nothing will top the other day when i was being stupid and told my grandma that i was going to name my childern Peace Lilly and Desperado so when my son walked into preschool he would have his own theme song that he would sing. she laughed and said atleast your not naming him something like the long run or one of these nights


Stevie Nicks has a song called "Rock a Little (Go Ahead Lily)" and a friend of mine named her daughter Lily for just that reason! She didn't tell her husband that's where she got the name from though. lol

07-07-2008, 04:34 PM
I think the middle name would be James.

and a girl might be Lilah.

and no "Take it easy" wouls not be a good name for a kid

Mrs Henley
07-07-2008, 04:59 PM
But nothing will top the other day when i was being stupid and told my grandma that i was going to name my childern Peace Lilly and Desperado so when my son walked into preschool he would have his own theme song that he would sing. she laughed and said atleast your not naming him something like the long run or one of these nights


Stevie Nicks has a song called "Rock a Little (Go Ahead Lily)" and a friend of mine named her daughter Lily for just that reason! She didn't tell her husband that's where she got the name from though. lol

Lily is a nice name :)

Mrs Henley
07-07-2008, 05:01 PM
I think the middle name would be James.

and a girl might be Lilah.

and no "Take it easy" wouls not be a good name for a kid

Yeah James is a cool name!

Lilah is beautiful (also the song).

for a girl Sophie, and no not because Don names his youngest daughter Sophie. I always wanted a girl with the name Sophie :lol:

07-07-2008, 05:13 PM
I think the middle name would be James.

and a girl might be Lilah.

and no "Take it easy" wouls not be a good name for a kid

Yeah James is a cool name!

Lilah is beautiful (also the song).

for a girl Sophie, and no not because Don names his youngest daughter Sophie. I always wanted a girl with the name Sophie :lol:

My boyfriend said annabel because he likes that song it ties it with Don and I think it was his grandma's name too

Mrs Henley
07-07-2008, 05:27 PM
I think the middle name would be James.

and a girl might be Lilah.

and no "Take it easy" wouls not be a good name for a kid

Yeah James is a cool name!

Lilah is beautiful (also the song).

for a girl Sophie, and no not because Don names his youngest daughter Sophie. I always wanted a girl with the name Sophie :lol:

My boyfriend said annabel because he likes that song it ties it with Don and I think it was his grandma's name too

Annabel is a lovely name, only it's very usual here in Europe, so I don't want that my kid gets a very 'normal' name, you know.

My best friend said Sharon, because he loves that name, and it was his sisters name too..
So I decide that my girl is getting the full name Sharon Sophie and name Sophie.

07-07-2008, 05:27 PM
Sophie is indeed a lovely name, as are all those mentioned! In the unlikely event of my having another boy I would love to call him Glenn :heart: Timothy, Joseph Don (In that order) although my daughter would probably prefer the first 2 names reversed. And hubby would FREAK!!!!!!!!! :cuss: :argue:
For a girl he booked his mother's name years ago when she died which I suppose is fair enough! (Margaret)

Its all theory anyway as I can't convince him another would be a good idea :nod: :nod: :nod:

Mrs Henley
07-07-2008, 05:33 PM
Sophie is indeed a lovely name, as are all those mentioned! In the unlikely event of my having another boy I would love to call him Glenn :heart: Timothy, Joseph Don (In that order) although my daughter would probably prefer the first 2 names reversed. And hubby would FREAK!!!!!!!!! :cuss: :argue:
For a girl he booked his mother's name years ago when she died which I suppose is fair enough! (Margaret)

Its all theory anyway as I can't convince him another would be a good idea :nod: :nod: :nod:

Glenn Timothy Joseph Don is a great order! I would love it! :D

Yes, I would do that too!

Mrs Henley
07-07-2008, 05:52 PM
I keep telling all my friends that when I get a dog I'm going to name him henley :D

Or maybe if I ever have a boy I'll use that as a middle name :D

My dogs name is Henley! :D
Actually it's Yuno but I call him Henley!

07-07-2008, 07:00 PM
Sophie is indeed a lovely name, as are all those mentioned! In the unlikely event of my having another boy I would love to call him Glenn :heart: Timothy, Joseph Don (In that order) although my daughter would probably prefer the first 2 names reversed. And hubby would FREAK!!!!!!!!! :cuss: :argue:
For a girl he booked his mother's name years ago when she died which I suppose is fair enough! (Margaret)

Its all theory anyway as I can't convince him another would be a good idea :nod: :nod: :nod:

Wouldn't it be Glenn Joseph Timothy Donald?

07-07-2008, 08:01 PM
Yes......but my daughter would NEVER let me get away without Tim's name being at least 2nd :roll: . I think she'd be happy enough with Glenn :heart: as the first name.

06-16-2009, 10:30 PM
I was thinking, Maybe If I had three boys, They'd be Ringo, Elton, and Don. and Three girls, Stevie, Lindsey, and Sara

06-17-2009, 08:22 AM
I was thinking, Maybe If I had three boys, They'd be Ringo, Elton, and Don. and Three girls, Stevie, Lindsey, and Sara

This made me laugh---as you might remember, 2 of my cats are Ringo and Elton! I really pushed for Timothy for Rufus' name but to no avail!!!

06-17-2009, 10:13 AM
This made me laugh---as you might remember, 2 of my cats are Ringo and Elton! I really pushed for Timothy for Rufus' name but to no avail!!!

They're spoilsports :lol: