View Full Version : Eagle-free zone

02-03-2018, 11:37 PM
Because of the Super Bowl, one of the local (Boston) radio stations has declared their station an "Eagle-free zone" for the weekend. So just because the Patriots are playing the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl, they are not playing any Eagles songs all weekend.

It's bad enough that people here go unbelievably crazy about guys who run around on a field playing a child's game and get ridiculously overpaid for it, but now they're banning a band, just because it has the same name as the opposing team. (My apologies to football fans, but can you tell I am sick and tired of hearing about Tom Brady and company everywhere I go?)

There is NO connection people, other than the name. Irritating!

02-04-2018, 01:39 AM
I live in the area and I heard about the eagles free weekend. The patriots talk is very annoying. It’ll probably hurt them since the eagles make up like 25% of their songs LOL

02-04-2018, 09:52 AM

You know on a few occasions, we've had people join here thinking this board is about the team, too!

02-04-2018, 11:46 AM
Doesn't surprise me. Seen this happen before with baseball when the Royals were in the World Series a couple years ago and the other team's pop station wouldn't play Lorde's song "Royals" while Kansas City's pop station played it and other royal themed songs the entire series and the Royals ended up winning. Just silliness sports fans do to make something fun out of it or at least they think it's fun.

Ive always been a dreamer
02-04-2018, 01:13 PM
Well - I'm a big football fan, but TBH, I am pretty much over the Patriots too. The last few years, the main team I root for each week is whoever is playing the Pats. I am more of an AFC fan, but am definitely going to be pulling for the Eagles tonight. Things are pretty bad when the folks in their own city/state are sick of them. In any event, it is rather silly of the radio station to declare an Eagles-free zone. If the Eagles do beat the Pats, Eagles music may never be played in New England again. :lol: