View Full Version : Eagles outtake

05-10-2018, 03:22 PM
Ok I didnt know where to post this, I've recently heard a few of these Eagles outtakes that are doing the rounds on youtube from their days in the studio writing various albums.
For one thing their humour was pretty cringey and unfunny, even for people high on drugs, there's some interesting tidbits here and there like in one outtake when they talk about Dan Fogelberg records always skipping. There is also an outtake called Too Much Drama with Mickey Thomas singing the lead vocal that is pretty much a early version of Funky New Year

But on the NKIT outtake video (YT link below) at 1.55 you hear very quietly Glenn talking about Felder wanting to hear playback in the recording studio.
Then there is a pause, then very quietly Glenn mutters 'Someone get him the hell outta here' referring Felder presumably before they all start laughing. Its something I had to replay five or six times with the volume way up to hear it.
It isn't much of a revelation but its was interesting to hear confirmation of the problems between felder and henley frey. I wonder if anyone else hears that as it is really faint


05-10-2018, 04:43 PM
I was able to hear it, he says something like “ I think ill sing better. I think I will. Felder you want to come in here? Someone get him out of here”

This sounds like what Felder was talking about in his book how Glenn was very insecure about his voice at this stage. Interesting.

05-10-2018, 05:50 PM
If I’m not mistaken, this is the same clip that was posted in the video thread.

ETA: found it here (post #1474)


05-11-2018, 06:50 AM
It's amazing to me, to hear these outtakes, and then hear them talk about what perfectionists they were. It's very compartmentalized I guess. They play and joke, and goof off, and really sound bad....then I guess they flip the switch into that focused mode.
As good as the Eagles were, imagine how good they'd have been without the drugs and other "distractions".
I think it's Glenn in the HFO era that talked about how much better they were playing and singing then, compared to the 70s.