View Full Version : Eagles fans: the next generation
03-09-2008, 09:27 PM
I just had to share this with you:
Yesterday I went on an overnight trip with my mom, sister, and her 4 kids. As we were driving, my 11-year-old nephew "commandeered" my MP3 player. He latched on to Last Good Time in Town and must've listened to it 10 times in a row. He really loves that song. Later, I encouraged him to listen to the other songs (he really liked HL, WITW, LROOE, and I caught him singing BBF last night). Anyway, at one point he was listening to I Don't Want to Hear Anymore. He turns to me and says, "Man, these guys really have trouble with the girls!" I swear if I had been drinking something at that moment, I would've done a spit-take! It was hilarious! :lol:
03-09-2008, 10:05 PM
That really is hilarious, katherine!
Glad to hear you are raising your nephew right!
03-09-2008, 11:33 PM
My daughter can quote the last verse of Somebody back to me. She also loves BBF and LROOE. She is 9.
03-10-2008, 04:30 AM
My daughter LOVES all the songs on LROOE and can sing a song once after listening to it in most cases. She can also identify who is singing what. But she is CONVINCED that Glenn :heart: is having serious marriage problems any time she listens to WDIDWMH! Despite my reassurances to the contrary.
I'm tempted to suggest to her that if it was true her own little life would be about to get a lot more complicated :wink:
03-10-2008, 09:02 AM
What a cute story, Katherine! Teach 'em right! ;)
tbs fanatic
03-10-2008, 11:50 AM
That is very cute. Sadly I have two teenage boys who would rather stand in front of a firing squad than admit they like 'Mom's music' :roll:
Perfect Little Sister
03-10-2008, 07:45 PM
Lol, TBS! My son's 17th birthday is 4 days after the Stagecoach Festival. I asked him the other day if he'd like to go see the Eagles concert for his birthday, (providing I get the job I applied for) although I will only be able to get him "nosebleed" seats. He wants to go. Sniff...I'm so proud...he has his priorities straight. lol My daughter is another story. She tends to listen to hip hop...but she hears Eagles music often enough that she knows most of the words and I catch her singing along. :twisted:
03-10-2008, 07:49 PM
Well PLS I'm sure if you invite her along she won't refuse.... :wink:
Ive always been a dreamer
03-10-2008, 11:21 PM
Well, my motto is 'teach the children well', and looks like we are all doing a fine job. :wink: My three nieces - ages 11, 15, and 18 all love the Eagles. I introduced them to their music at a very early age. Of course, now they all want me to take them to a show. I wanted to take them to one if the band played anywhere near home even though it was going to be expensive. I think I mentioned this in another thread, but the 11 year old has informed me that she wants to sit in the front row - yeah, like no problem, kid! :roll: But I think the Hard Rock show in Myrtle Beach may be where I take them. It looks like that will be the cheapest show that comes close to me, and if the tickets are general admission, you can be sure I'll be standing in line early enough to be very close up front.
03-11-2008, 05:30 AM
That sounds like a great idea Dreamer. I hope you get there early enough (like a week :wink: ) and get the best possible seats
03-11-2008, 02:35 PM
Katherine, that is so cool about your nephew! To get an 11 year old interested in the Eagles is quite an achievement.
GA, FP and dreamer, seems like you are also hitting the right spot.
PLS, you must be very proud that your son wants to go to the Stagecoach festival. It will probably last with me for ever that my son came to Cardiff with me, and both of them are happy to listen to the music I play in the car.
tbsfanatic - lol - that's what I would have expected from my two - perhaps, on balance, they are just humouring me!
Perfect Little Sister
03-11-2008, 05:14 PM
I've done the best I could to train them right, GEF. My oldest got LROOE for Christmas. My 21 year old would give his eye teeth to see a concert, so he got the deluxe version for Christmas. My almost 17 year old took every one of my Eagles cds and loaded them onto his iPod before he put anything else on there. (Again, little tear.) I think the reason my daughter leans toward the hip hop stuff is from so many years of cheerleading. They need music with a hard fast beat for that. Many teams put in snippets of classic rock and it always makes my day at a competition when someone uses The Heat Is On.
On Sunday I walked into the living room and did a little gasp when I heard THIO coming from the tv. I exclaimed, "Glenn" and started singing along with the music as Beverly Hills Cop was starting. As the guys were just figuring out what I was talking about, my daughter piped up with, "She knows every word to every Eagles song...she knows every word to every Glenn song." During the 4 beat pause I did the "bump" along with the drum and she said, "Oh that's just too much mom! It's one thing to know the words, but you even know the beat." complete with eye roll. lol Now I'm working on the grandkids. They listen to country music at home so I can play that in the car and they'll put up with my Eagles...but if my daughter puts on her music they cover their ears and complain. lol
03-11-2008, 09:25 PM
Well, my motto is 'teach the children well', and looks like we are all doing a fine job. :wink: My three nieces - ages 11, 15, and 18 all love the Eagles.
How funny, dreamer! My sister's kids are 11, 15, and 18 too (and there's also a 9-year-old). While we were in the van waiting for my sister to check us into the hotel on Saturday, the five of us were singing along to the songs on Their Greatest Hits. I asked them if they wanted to see them in concert, to which they said, "Yes!" My sister had just gotten back in the van and was, I'm sure, quite surprised that I had just added another 4 people to our group that I've already put together for when they do come in concert. Counting my sister and her kids and four people at work, we're up to 10!
Ive always been a dreamer
03-12-2008, 08:42 AM
Wow - what a coincidence about our nieces ages, Katherine. And they all LOVE the Eagles. Could that be any cooler!!! 8) 8)
And looks like I'm not the only one that will be forking out major bucks for tickets on this tour! :wink: :shock:
03-18-2008, 01:40 PM
Hey, good taste and smart kidos...
I am trying my kids to follow me, keep them well informed, I am not doing such a bad job I think, since they don't listen Music I hate, however, respecting them as own persons regardless they are still kids.
So far they like The Eagles, Jackson Browne and (Spain band) Jarabe de Palo... 8)
On their own they like My Chem. Romance, Blacked E'Peas, and God they are soooooo into High Sch. Musical :twisted:
Ive always been a dreamer
03-18-2008, 10:05 PM
Excellent tlr - it looks like you definitely have those kids on the right track! :wink:
03-22-2008, 05:52 PM
I asked Rosalind if she wanted to see the band on their next tour. She said she didn't want to 'stay up late'. I'll have to work on her. :o
03-22-2008, 07:10 PM
I asked Rosalind if she wanted to see the band on their next tour. She said she didn't want to 'stay up late'. I'll have to work on her. :o
Tell her Timtot is only 6 and she managed it!
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