View Full Version : Sections From The Long Run Leftovers

07-27-2020, 09:31 AM

I know Takin' A Ride and Told You So are also represented in this track. But what other songs are hidden in the long run leftovers?

I find this whole thing very interesting

07-30-2020, 08:51 AM
I love the long run era! Those songs all rock. In my opinion, Frey and Henley were under so much pressure and the whole band needed a break, and I think maybe they were intimidated that Felder/Walsh were coming up with some rocking songs and felt the need to keep control and silence them. But I am so happy these songs did get life! "Rivers.." And "Told You So" are so good! I think "Rivers.."pairs well with Those Shoes, and "Told You So" is so heavy! Would be loved to hear Bad Girls complete with Joe.

By the way UCR has had several pieces in Eagles lately this one pertains to you're really high/takin a ride. Interesting, if I remember right Felder tells the story differently, in this article the way the song is titled is amusing hee hee.here is the link


Ive always been a dreamer
08-01-2020, 11:47 AM
KW - I agree with you to some extent about The Long Run era in that the band was basically burnt out both mentally and physically. As far as creatively, I wouldn't say they were totally burnt out because the album did have some great songs on it. But, apparently, it was a very painful process for them to get there. I really can't buy into the theory about Henley and/or Frey being intimidated by Walsh and/or Felder though. As a matter of fact, in the HOTE, Joe says that it was the other way around and that he was intimidated by Don and Glenn. I think they were all just exhausted at that point. This discussion is interesting timing in light of the fact that yesterday was the anniversary of the long night at wrong beach. It's too bad their much needed vacation ended up lasting 14 years, but, at least, they did eventually resume.

Thanks for the link to the UCR article - it is an interesting read and I had never heard Felder's story about the evolution of Heavy Metal before.

08-08-2020, 02:51 AM
No prob! I just can’t understand why those songs weren’t included on The Long Run. They were burnt out it’s such a shame if they only took that break!! I mean no disrespect to Henley and Frey they are masters but just saying cuz the songs are so strong. Anyhoo...thank god they got back together.

Ive always been a dreamer
08-08-2020, 11:09 AM
NP KW - I didn't take your post as being disrespectful. We'll never know exactly what went into the band's decision-making about what did or didn't make it onto the albums. I would guess that it wasn't a particularly scientific process ... probably more gut feeling than anything. And yep - since I never got to see them in the 70's, I'll be forever grateful that they eventually got back together.