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04-18-2008, 09:49 AM
Did you feel it?

This morning I woke up with the bed shaking. I thought my husband was trying to wake me up, but there was no one in the room. I looked around and everything in the room was shaking. I thought then that maybe we were having a wind storm, but nothing going on outside. I had a wierd feeling. Kinda like being in a scary movie! I thought it must be an earthquake. It lasted what felt like a long time. Around 30 seconds. I went downstairs to see if my husband had felt anything. He hadn't, but our son had. I went back to bed and he called about a half hour later saying the news said we had an earthquake. I was glad to hear I wasn't going crazy. Or that the house didn't have a guest, cause if it did, I was outta there! :shock:

04-18-2008, 10:04 AM
Just wanted to add that there wasn't anyone hurt or damage done here at least.

The epicenter was about 100 miles away SW of Springfield, IL. They say it was felt in Chicago and Indiana. A bridge was closed in St. Louis because of falling debris.

This just doesn't happen around here! :shock:

04-18-2008, 10:06 AM
I'm so glad you weren't hurt, Brooke! I know that must've been a very scary experience!

04-18-2008, 10:46 AM

I totally felt this, and I had no idea what happened! I woke up in the middle of the night to my bed shaking and I swear... my first thought.... "JUDGMENT DAY?! Is the rapture coming?! Who will feed my cat?!" (I have never experienced one before, so I had no idea.)

Once I calmed down and realized it was not the end of the world, lol, I thought someone might have broken in since I'd heard the door rattling, too - but after a moment of panic that I had no way to defend myself, I realized that that didn't explain the bed (Remember, my logical processes were a big slowed by it being early in the morning). Side note: Maybe I should buy some mace.

Finally I sleepily (and rather illogically, see above) figured maybe a really big truck went by and went back to bed. An earthquake never occurred to me until I signed on and read this. Like I said, it was a new experience for me. I didn't even realize they happened in the midwest.


ETA: I think I just felt an aftershock - can those happen hours later? But it was very small, so maybe I imagined it.

04-18-2008, 11:46 AM
Gosh, Brooke and Soda, how scary. I'm so glad you're all ok, and that nobody was injured. It seems earthquakes are happening in places where they never used to occur - look at the one we had in England recently.
It's funny how your mind plays tricks with you in the early hours isn't it? But then neither of you would have been expecting an earthquake.

04-18-2008, 01:27 PM
Oh Soda! I never thought about how it would be if you were alone! Very scary! I really had the thought going through my head "am I in one of those horror movies?" but alas, no wierd sightings!

Btw, I just heard there were several aftershocks with the biggest at about 10:15, so you might have felt one! They were half the size; like 2.4 or so where the biggie was 5.4.

Glad I don't live in California if they have worse that that! :shock:

Ive always been a dreamer
04-18-2008, 03:05 PM
OMG Brooke and Soda - that is so scary. I know exactly how you feel. We had an earthquake in Virginia about 5 years ago. I remember I was at work and the whole building started shaking for about 30 seconds. And you are right, Brooke - it seemed a lot longer. I don't know why, but I was the first to realize what it was ('m usually not that sharp :wink:). It was the only earthquake I remember having here, and it was pretty frightening. We aren't used to them as they are on the West coast.

Thankfully, there was no major damage last night.

04-18-2008, 04:41 PM
Good Heavens Brooke and Soda! I'm so glad you both came out of this unscathed. Aftershocks can occur for several days after an earthquake (which is why in some serious disaster zones you see people sleeping outdoors at night) so be careful for the next few days won't you?

Soda that mace might be a good idea! On a more serious note and I don't want to sound preachy, be careful.....won't you? Make sure you have some line of defence if you DO have any uninvited guests won't you?

04-18-2008, 09:39 PM
Oddly, I slept right through it! My whole family did. I didn't even know about it until my co-workers were talking about it! I must have been tired from staying up late reading Felder's book.

04-18-2008, 11:47 PM

I totally felt this, and I had no idea what happened! I woke up in the middle of the night to my bed shaking and I swear... my first thought.... "JUDGMENT DAY?! Is the rapture coming?! Who will feed my cat?!" (I have never experienced one before, so I had no idea.)

Nancy, I know it's not funny and I've so glad that you (and everyone else) are ok......but I laughed so hard when I read this!!!!! LOL That would SO be me in that situation! The world is coming to an end! And I would have figured that the fact that the earth was shaking COULDN'T be a good sign! lol :lol:

Mrs Frey
04-21-2008, 04:30 AM
Brooke and Soda, I'm just glad you are both fine. I've been fortunate to never have experienced anything like that (earthquakes don't happen in South Africa, thank God), so I can only imagine how scary it was for the two of you.

Soda, I was so touched when I read one of your first thoughts: "Who will feed my cat?!" Awwwwww...

04-21-2008, 05:45 AM
Oddly, I slept right through it! My whole family did. I didn't even know about it until my co-workers were talking about it! I must have been tired from staying up late reading Felder's book.

The things we do in the name of 'research' LTL! :wink:

I'm glad you and your co workers came out unscathed.

MF we don't get earthquakes over here either ....... except once! There was one in 1985 which people in Dublin felt. We were in Cork (250 Km south) on holidays at the time and felt nothing!! It wasn't very strong anyway!

But never say never!!

04-21-2008, 06:39 PM
We generally don't have earthquakes in Australia either but there was a severe one in my hometown of Newcastle in 1989. (I wasn't living there but my mother was). People were killed and in my mind the city (which was suffering from the closure of the steelworks anyway) never recovered. When you walk down the lower half of the main street it's like a war zone. The recent floods didn't help it either. :?

04-24-2008, 03:00 PM
You don't normally associate earhquakes with Australia. I'm sad to hear that there were casualties in the Newcastle event. It's merciful to hear no one was killed this time.