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View Full Version : Hard Rock Park, SC 6-03-08

06-03-2008, 01:52 AM
DonFan, her daughter, Dreamer, her nephew and niece, and me - we all had a great time at the Hard Rock park today! More details later, but really quickly...

The set list was much shorter than normal - the guys were done in 90 minutes. Here it is:

How Long
Busy Being Fabulous
Hotel California
Peaceful Easy Feeling
I Can't Tell You Why
One of These Nights
Lyin' Eyes
Boys of Summer
In the City
The Long Run
Life's Been Good
Dirty Laundry
Funk #49
Heartache Tonight
Life in the Fast Lane
Take It Easy

They seemed to be having a great time - Glenn was wearing a grin almost the entire time. Joe was really on and the crowd loved him the most, I think. He got a standing ovation for Life's Been Good. They all sounded great.

They were NOT in the suits - Glenn wore a neon pink shirt over a black top and jeans. Don, Joe, and Tim were all in blue jeans. Don sported his trademark plaid, while Joe and Tim both wore black button-ups (Tim with a vest).

We were standing in the General Admission area and some of us didn't have the best view, but we still enjoyed ourselves. I don't regret coming one bit!

It's late so we'll give a more thorough accounting tomorrow!

Mrs Frey
06-03-2008, 03:29 AM
Glenn :heart: in neon pink...:fainting: Heaven help me. My heart's going crazy just thinking about that! :blush:

It's interesting that they played such a short show. Only 5 songs for Glenn :heart:? :? Only 1 song for Tim? :(

Don't get me wrong, I love Don's solo songs, but in such a short set (for the Eagles, anyway), I would have thought they would include more Eagles classics. JMHO.

Thanks for the preview, Soda - I look forward to reading more. I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves! :D :D :D I'm also glad the guys themselves were enjoying it so much.

06-03-2008, 07:50 AM

Glad you made it. Looking forward to hearing more once you get a good night's sleep. Thanks for posting the set list. I'm sure your bushed. Not surprised Joe stole the show as he has been on fire lately. Would loved to have seen Glenn in that pink shirt. Way to go girl! :P

SoCalGalNow 8)

06-03-2008, 10:35 AM
We are three really tired ladies this morning, y'all, but we had a great time!
Where to begin.....
The park is really cool. It is still so new that some of the rides aren't open yet, but the ones that are open are great. We rode LITFL several times. It is similar to the Runaway Mine Train ride at Six Flags. The special version of the song that plays during the ride is short and doesn't include any of the verses. They played Farewell 1 in the waiting line and the end of the ride lets you out in a store, but they really didn't have any Eagles shirts that you couldn't find at a concert or at Walmart.

I will let Soda write about the Led Zepplin coaster bec I chickened out on that one, but my daughter loved it! We ate lunch at a cafe across from the amphitheater and watched the techies set up for the concert and saw part of the images from their backup screen.

They closed off the area of the park where the show was to be held in the early afternoon, and we had to line up very early to get ready for the show, about 4:30. There were already a number of hardcore fans in front of us, about 50, but we made friends with the folks around us, and the park personnel served water and sent jugglers to entertain us. We knew sound check was going on, but we couldn't get close enough to really hear or see it. But....when they finished, one of our group looked up to see Joe heading toward the LITFL roller coaster, right beside where we were waiting! The crowd cheered! Dreamer's niece & nephew actually shook Joe's hand as he passed by. Then we all watched as Joe got in the front seat of the coaster and cheered him on as he went by. That was quite a thrill.

More to come...

06-03-2008, 11:05 AM
Can't wait to hear about the rest!

06-03-2008, 11:18 AM
DonFan gave a good rundown of the pre-concert events. Joe actually came down the path THROUGH the winding General Admission line after his ride on the LITFL roller coaster, and I called out to him "You're great!" in tribute to Life's Been Good - "they write me letters, tell me I'm great."

Once we were done waiting in line, it was time to go to the amphitheater. We thought they would escort us to the amphitheater in groups to make sure no one cut in line, but they just opened the gates and let us run for it. Since the line was located a good 200 yards from the amphitheater, it was a daunting task.

Luckily, we still got a decent spot in the second row of people in general admission. The general admission area, however, is behind about 2000 "VIP" seats, so it was a bit further back than I would have hoped. Still, we were better off than the 8000 or so people mashed up behind us on that lawn. Standing room only!

The show started with How Long, to great cheering. We were shocked when they skipped right from Busy Being Fabulous to Hotel California, understanding then that we were gonna get the super-short version of the Eagles concert, even shorter than the Stagecoach Festival.

Don went back behind the drums at this point; then, Bill Armstrong opened Hotel California with his trumpet solo wearing jeans and a cowboy hat (he was later introduced as "Billy Armstrong from Texas"). Of course once those famous guitar chords start and that iconic pink HC photo lights up the backdrop, everyone starts cheering. The VIPs in front of us didn't stand for the song, though. I think that the reason HC sometimes gets a "sedate" response is that people are still feeling mellow from the previous song and the trumpet intro, and don't shift gears too quickly.

Before PEF, Glenn made a few announcements and told a few jokes. He said, "We know you all have cell phones, so you all have cameras." [audience laughs]. "We don't mind if you take pictures, but please respect our wishes not to film our songs... they all wind up immediately on YouTube..." he paused, then grinned to take the edge off of his words. "My wife asks me, 'Where were you last night?' I tell her, 'Myrtle Beach, I swear! You can see me on YouTube!" [gets huge laugh]. "Anyway, we'd like you not to film our songs, so if you see someone next to you doing that, please ask them to stop." I think he's taken over the "YouTube = bad" duties because he can pull it off in a charming way, whereas Don comes off as grouchy, lol.

While we were afraid that due to the abbreviated setlist Tim wouldn't get to sing a song, our fears were laid to rest when we saw Glenn head over to the keyboard and Tim take center stage for ICTYW. He seemed a bit hoarse - hope he's feeling well!

When the smoky strains of OOTN started, the audience again cheered happily. The Eagles are one of those bands that can do hit after hit after hit. It's great.

Before Lyin' Eyes, Glenn intro'ed the song with, "Don and I wrote this song in two days back in the seventies. Right now, it would probably take us two months. We also wrote Desperado that week." [pause] "DAMN, we were good!" I was pleased he skipped the Plaintiff joke, I admit. While it's funny, I just get embarrassed for him when he does the same material again and again - and everyone who's bought Farewell 1 has heard it!

Don came out front again for Boys of Summer. While a few people were grumbling about the insertion of a Don solo song in such a short Eagles set, he still rocked it - despite forgetting the line about Wayfarers. When this happened, he looked over at Glenn and shrugged, while Glenn cracked up.

Since I was behind a lady with big hair, I couldn't see Tim at all, and I couldn't see Don or Glenn unless they were center stage. I had a clear shot at Joe, however, the whole night. Because of his tromp through the line earlier and also because he comes off as "regular guy who you can have some hotwings with" Joe, he had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand from the get-go. He NAILED the vocal, including the high notes, and did a killer guitar solo with a few different riffs from what I'm used to. I loved it!

As DF recalls, when Don came forward to talk before TLR, he said, "Hi y'all. Y'all is a word where I come from--" then he spelled it for us too. The Southern audience cheered. He said TLR not only described the Eagles but also the Hard Rock, and he talked about playing in the London Hard Rock where they gave him free cheeseburgers. He added that the Hard Rock was founded about when the song was written! He asked the audience to sing along, and we did.

The guys seemed to be in such high spirits. At one point, Glenn whispered something to Steuart, and he laughed all the way to his side of the stage. Must've been funny!

There was no intermission - straight into band intros. Glenn intro'ed the band with his usual panache, calling Richard Davis "the Blade" and calling Don his "Lifelong friend from Linden." This time, Tim intro'ed Glenn instead of him doing it himself. Glenn said when intro'ing Scott Crago that he and Scott had a "C-note" going on who would win the NBA finals. "Might as well pay me now," he called over his shoulder to Scott.

OK guys, time to check out, so the rest of the songs will come later!

06-03-2008, 11:30 AM
Great Review ladies. Makes me feel like I was right there with you looking through "the big hair" instead of home getting my dryer fixed!

SoCalGalNow 8)

06-03-2008, 02:01 PM
:yay: Wonderful ladies! Sounds like a great time was had by all! Can't wait to hear the rest!

Neon pink on Glenn? Hmmmm, was it the one from F1? Glad to see they got comfy for the occasion! :D

06-03-2008, 04:07 PM
OK, here we go - Part 2!

Another thing about the band intros: Glenn said, “We have a new album out; it’s a big deal – it may not be a big deal to you, but it’s a big deal to us.” Then he said that everyone on the stage had either appeared on it or co-produced it. I also forgot to say in the other post that Glenn did a little “skip and jump dance of joy” after Tim introduced him.

The next song was Life’s Been Good. Joe opened it with, “I apologize to all the kids whose parents made them hate this song by playing it again and again over and over, but I’m gonna play it again anyway. This was written last century – if I can remember it – but it’s still relevant today.” He had on his baseball-cap-cam and we knew what was coming! When the song started, once again, everyone cheered loudly, and we were treated to my favorite montage of the night – the clips of Joe’s videos and some videos and photos of the other guy set to the music in a funny way. The new screens are so entertaining, especially if – like me – you were having a hard time seeing the band itself (the only “concert techno-tron” was hanging behind us for the people who were crunched up in the lawn and had no chance of seeing it otherwise). Once again, Joe nailed it and shook it up with some variations on the riffs, and at the end he got a standing ovation. A funny addition was that after the doorbell, instead of just saying once “Who is it?” he said it again and again (injecting it in the next three lines), glancing over at Glenn as if asking him – “Who IS it? WHO IS IT?!!” It was great!

When Dirty Laundry started, I looked eagerly at the screens knowing what was to come. The crowd of course loved it. I think it has been said that they have added the Rolling Stone cover to the joke magazines, but I got a kick out of it anyway. It got a lot of cheers as well.

The beginning of Funk #49 was a bit different from usual – there was no comedic parody of “dueling guitars.” Instead, after they started out together, Joe stopped, stepped back, and indicated Glenn, who went on by himself. Glenn seemed surprised but hammed it up. Afterwards, he did a little dance, as if he were thrilled with himself for “defeating” Joe! lol. Then, the song started in earnest. At this point, I focused on the screens, having gotten frustrated with trying to see around the big hair. Funk #49’s screens were also terrific, with retro animations of shooting stars to begin, and then a cartoon-esque popping up of manipulated photos of the various members in an aquatic setting. For instance, Don and Tim cartoons were “swimming,” instruments in hand, a photo of Glenn was interposed on the helmet of a cartoon diver, etc., etc. Dreamer says it reminds her of the video game for “Nemo.”

For Heartache Tonight, the big-haired lady moved and I got a full view of the band – yay! I watched the band instead of the screens this time, although the screens were cute 20’s and 30’s film clips of lovers slapping each other (the slappers were usually outraged women) although it ended with a lover’s kiss. Heartache Tonight got everyone on their feet, clapping. It was full of energy and the guys seemed to be really enjoying it (like they were all night). Joe even mouthed some of the words to the song, which is somewhat unusual for him.

Next was Life in the Fast Lane, which got extra cheers because it was the ride’s name and theme song. I wondered if they were going to mention the ride or show a photo on the screens, but they didn’t. There was a roller coaster in the montage, but it wasn’t the LITFL ride and I got the feeling it was just part of the regular screen graphics, which was still cool! Once again, Joe was shaking up the riffs, and the crowd loved it.

The band went offstage briefly in order to give the audience the opportunity to cheer them back for an encore, but didn’t stay away too long because of the time limitations. While they were gone, I did the new trick of waving my opened cell phone instead of a lighter, so that it glowed in the night with the other non-smokers’ “lighters.”

They all came back out with Glenn complimenting the crowd – “thanks for coming out” etc. Then he said they were going to do some songs that “take us back to the beginning of this band.” He launched into Take It Easy, another crowd-pleaser (as are so many of their songs). While we have criticized them for keeping the latter part of the show exactly the same as Farewell 1, you have to admit that the sequencing of those songs creates a great energy and flow. Perhaps Glenn thinks, “If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”

Don took center stage for Desperado, and the night came to a close with everyone singing along. While I was bummed about the shorter the setlist, it was still a lovely evening and a great show. I don’t regret going at all!

A final moment: on the way out, we heard Boys of Summer blasting over the park’s loudspeakers. How appropriate!

06-03-2008, 05:52 PM
Aw, Soda,what a lovely review, and it could really transport me to a warm evening in South Carolina. It sounds as if the guys were on great form, and particularly liked your earlier reference to Joe on passing through the crowd and testing out the 'Life In the Fast Lane' for itself.

Thanks for all the details, and I'm so pleased 'y'all' had a good time!

06-03-2008, 06:54 PM
Sounds like the guys were having a lot of fun which makes up for the shortened version of the show.

dreamer, how cool that your niece and nephew got a handshake!

Nancy, I would have been right there with you on those rollercoasters!

06-03-2008, 08:28 PM
Thanks for reading that mammoth review, guys!

MF, I agree that the setlist was unbalanced, but oh well. That's the way Glenn wants it, apparently.

Brooke, to answer your question, I think that is the same neon pink overshirt he wore at some F1 shows. It was a nice contrast against the black shirt and jeans, though, so I think it looked more striking than wearing it over a white T-shirt and blue jeans as he used to.

I really am a roller coaster maniac (sounds like you're one too, Molly!) I forgot to add my assessment of the Zeppelin ride: AMAZING. It had lots of thrills without being rough - the best part was the quick twist roll upside down. I loved it!

LITFL is a good roller coaster for those who prefer something tamer. The best part about it, though, was the Eagles music blasting from the speakers!

06-03-2008, 10:16 PM
Cool review, Soda, thanks. And there I was last night, presenting our FY '09 budget to our board of directors. What I would've given to have traded places....

Seems like a bit of a bummer that there was a shorter set, though, particularly with the ticket prices for admission to the two "Grand Opening" nights. When I checked the Hard Rock Live theme park website it was somewhere around 500 bucks for the two days, right? Maybe not quite that much, but with the service charges I seem to recall it was somewhere in that outrageous neighborhood. And there was absolutely no info as to seating location or anything like that. Kinda weird. Although the Moody Blues are okay (I guess that show is tonight?), that act is just not of the same caliber at all, so I think the tickets were definitely overpriced for this whole affair. Maybe that's why the Eagles chose to not publicize this particular show on their official website. Almost like this was a "private gig" from their viewpoint. Just a guess.

06-03-2008, 11:46 PM
MF, Glenn only sings 8 songs in the full show now to Don's 12. So really 5 isn't bad. :?

It appears that BOS, DL, Funk #49 are here to stay, forever, and that is the end of it. If anyone would prefer to hear songs like - oh, pick three at random - NKIT, TS and Already Gone.... forget it.

Also Glenn knows very well that Desperado was written in the same week as one of those songs he has dropped, not Lyin' Eyes.

Thanks for the reviews everyone.

Mrs Frey
06-04-2008, 03:07 AM
Goodness gracious, DF and Soda: what fantastic reviews!!! :applause: The detail is amazing - thank you so much for taking the time to write them for us! :D :D :D

Joe is fantastic! That's all I can say. And I want to hug him. :hug: How wonderful for Dreamer's niece and nephew to have got the opportunity to shake his hand.

I LOVE Glenn's :heart: humour - he is so sharp, witty and funny. I still don't understand the stance the boys have taken against YouTube, but at least Glenn :heart: is careful not to offend the fans when he requests them not to film the concerts. Whatever their reasons are, I respect them. The fans still get to take photographs, which is special enough.

As for Glenn :heart: giving himself such a small ration of the lead vocals, I don't understand that either, but as you say, Soda, it seems that is what Glenn :heart: wants, so I respect that too.

There is so much that I've picked up from the reviews of the shows in the States that was missing from the London shows. Perhaps they feel more comfortable on home turf, and are able to loosen up more. I really enjoyed Don's reference to "Y'all" - really funny! And Tim introducing Glenn :heart: - GREAT! I love the idea of them introducing each other - I wish they'd done that in London. It's something small, but it's special.

Soda, I'm sorry your view was obscured, but glad that you, Dreamer, DF and the family had such a great time in the end. With the effort you all make, you deserve it!

FP, I HEAR you, girl... :nod: :nod: :nod:

06-04-2008, 08:18 AM
A ticket for the two-day event was $250. That included two days in the park, parking, two concerts, one free meal, two drinks, free food and drink during the opening night concert, and a goodie bag--a Hard Rock drawstring backback--with a Grand Opening t-shirt, a HR coffee cup, a HR pin, a little book about the park, and a Led Zepplin HR poster (if only it had been an Eagles poster). That is a pretty good deal!

Just to add a bit more from my perspective--my daughter & I were standing a bit to the right of Soda and we had a much better view. A burly guy in a wifebeater and cowboy hat stood in front of us, and when he turned around we saw he had the script "Eagles" tattoo on his left arm---another hardcore fan. I bet his ears were ringing from our screaming by the time the concert was over! Anyway, the entire show, though short, was great, and my daughter loved her first Eagles show.

One last note--I went in the Guest Services area and there is a framed, custom-painted picture on the wall behind the counter of the Led Zepplin roller coaster with Led Zepplin and The Eagles in the front two cars!

06-04-2008, 10:22 AM
A ticket for the two-day event was $250. That included two days in the park, parking, two concerts, one free meal, two drinks, free food and drink during the opening night concert, and a goodie bag--a Hard Rock drawstring backback--with a Grand Opening t-shirt, a HR coffee cup, a HR pin, a little book about the park, and a Led Zepplin HR poster (if only it had been an Eagles poster). That is a pretty good deal!

Just to add a bit more from my perspective--my daughter & I were standing a bit to the right of Soda and we had a much better view. A burly guy in a wifebeater and cowboy hat stood in front of us, and when he turned around we saw he had the script "Eagles" tattoo on his left arm---another hardcore fan. I bet his ears were ringing from our screaming by the time the concert was over! Anyway, the entire show, though short, was great, and my daughter loved her first Eagles show.

One last note--I went in the Guest Services area and there is a framed, custom-painted picture on the wall behind the counter of the Led Zepplin roller coaster with Led Zepplin and The Eagles in the front two cars!

Sounds great!

About that picture. Did you take a picture of it, DF? I'd love to see that! :woah:

Mrs Henley
06-04-2008, 10:40 AM
Sounds fabulous! :D
Yes me too, I'd love to see it! :D

06-04-2008, 11:35 AM
hey great review soda and you other ladies, it really is the little things they do between songs that I like to hear about, I would have started crying when I found out it was a shortened set, but you made the most of it, seeing them w/ out the suits is a treat, hope to see you guys in DC in July, its homecoming for Stuey, bring it on, the show is on a Saturday, and there are 3 DC area airports to find a cheap fare to, best bet: Southwest into BWI.


06-04-2008, 12:05 PM
Thanks for posting the review girls. Sounded like y'all had a great time there. I suppose what the Eagles show lacked in quantity it certainly made up for in quality. Any pics? I'd love to see Glenn :heart: in neon pink again, and it sounds like they were in great form.

Ive always been a dreamer
06-04-2008, 10:50 PM
Hey everyone - I'm home from Myrtle Beach, and as is usually the case when I travel, I am very tired. But it was all worth it. We had a great time, as Soda and DonFan have already told you all about. In spite of being short (about 1 hr. 45 mins.), the show was awesome as the guys were in very good spirits. As usual, I have to gather my thoughts to see if I have anything to add to Soda's and DF's awesome reviews. A couple of things I wanted to let you all know. My nephew took tons of pictures and we will get some of those posted as soon as possible. In addition, he and my niece were, of course thrilled to get to shake Joe's hand. Hmmm - not a bad deal for their very first Eagles concert. And then to top it off, yesterday, my niece and nephew were back at the park watching a man play one of those games where you try to win something by tossing a round ring and getting it to land around the neck of bottle. My niece and DF's daughter had played the game on Monday because you could win an acoustic guitar or the grand prize was an electric guitar. We joked that if they won one, that all of the Eagles were going to have to sign it. Anyway, my niece started talking to the man and telling him that she had played yesterday (and I'm sure she may have also told him that she shook Joe's hand :wink: ). He was very nice and let her toss a few of his rings. It turns out that he was one of the park's promoters. When he started tossing again, low and behold, he got a ring around a bottle that was required to win an electric guitar. When they asked him which guitar he wanted, he turned to my niece and asked her which one she liked best. She, of course, picked the pretty pink one that she had admired the previous day. The man told them to give him the pink one. When they gave it to him, he turned around and handed it to my niece, and told her it was hers. Park promoter or not, I thought that was a wonderful, kind gesture. It goes without saying that she is thrilled. She said she wants to learn how to play her guitar like Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh. :nod: :nod: Of course, she is also plotting her next move - how to get her guitar signed by all of the Eagles. Hell - who knows - with her luck, it just might happen. :D :D :D

Perfect Little Sister
06-04-2008, 11:30 PM
Wow, Dreamer!!

I wish I could have joined y'all. It sounds like all of you had a great time.

Mrs Frey
06-05-2008, 02:20 AM
DF, thanks for your extra information and news! You did indeed get a good deal! :nod: I must ask you, though: what is a "wifebeater" (:lol: that question sounds funny!)? Please excuse my ignorance. :blush:

Dreamer, how wonderful for your niece! :D That really is fantastic!

06-05-2008, 07:19 AM
Dreamer -what a great story about your niece! I bet she was thrilled and really has a story to tell now!! I envy people that have luck like that!

06-05-2008, 08:06 AM
Donfan, dreamer and Soda, thank you all for such great reviews. I really envy you seeing the guys in such a relaxed setting. Joe walking through the crowd and shaking hands with your niece and nephew, dreamer, how cool is that? And then to be given that guitar - how wonderful! Great to hear about the coasters too - it's definitely going on my must do list!

MF, in answer to your question about 'wife beaters', I've posted a picture in the Eagle Hotness thread. It's what Don is wearing.

06-05-2008, 09:22 AM
Cool news about your niece getting the guitar, dreamer. I bet she was just thrilled!

Funny about the wifebeater (sleeveless undershirt). My son came home from college a few years ago and told me he wanted some wifebeaters. I looked shocked and asked him what he was talking about and he explained. I told him I didn't think that was a very nice name for them! I'd never heard the term before! :roll: :laugh:

06-05-2008, 12:21 PM
Dreamer, I'm delighted you had such a wonderful time and that your niece and nephew did as well. What a wonderful prize your neeice won I'm delighted for her.

I suppose you could always take it to pebble beach in February......Just a thought :wink:

I'm dying to see the pics!

Perfect Little Sister
06-05-2008, 12:49 PM
Cool news about your niece getting the guitar, dreamer. I bet she was just thrilled!

Funny about the wifebeater (sleeveless undershirt). My son came home from college a few years ago and told me he wanted some wifebeaters. I looked shocked and asked him what he was talking about and he explained. I told him I didn't think that was a very nice name for them! I'd never heard the term before! :roll: :laugh:

They make a version for girls as well. (The armholes are cut a little higher for obvious reasons.) I cracked up when my daughter asked me to buy her some boy beater shirts. :P

06-05-2008, 02:51 PM
:rofl: Too funny, PLS!

06-05-2008, 03:07 PM
Dreamer, that is the neatest story. I bet your niece was speechless; I know I would have been. I know she will love it. I got a Fender Strat about a month ago and I really enjoy playing it. It's a great stress reliever.

Screamin` Eagle
06-05-2008, 10:56 PM
Well, I officially feel like I'm the "New Kid In Town". Not that I'm new to the excitement of the Eagles as I've always loved the Eagles before, & not that I'm a kid anymore (since I'm 41, but who cares; "Sum41", some not), but I think I'm quite hooked now. I'm "Screamin'Eagle", the mentioned nephew of "Dreamer". I'm glad to be a part of this site & forum. Yes, the ladies have provided everyone with some great details of the Eagles' Hard Rock Park Grand Opening Extravaganza Concert. Some things have been left out from the concert and trip in general (not necessarily by mistake or intentionally) and I'll be posting that info soon; certainly by Saturday! You will finally get the man's perspective! The biggest thing left out so far is of course, the PICTURES!

I've been going over the pictures so that they can hopefully be categorized to coincide with the song title or vocalist, do some cropping so you may view the best result possible (for your pleasure), & omit those with blur, etc. (since those darn Eagle members & accompaniment move so quickly). From the two cameras used from my household, we took over 200 concert pictures (and over 600 total over the three-day trip) so I think we should at least have at least a few good pictures?!?!?!

The three of us family members arrived back home in Virginia near Midnight on Tuesday. I guess Dreamer drove a total of about 700 miles for the whole trip but the drive seemed so simple; it was like "Life In The Fast Lane". Y'all know the song "Sweet Virginia Breeze", well, I think we left that breeze in Myrtle Beach because today it was 100 friggin' degrees Fahrenheit in the Richmond, VA area. However, during our drive home, our living area was plagued with tornado sightings (one touchdown) & cyclonic air masses. Fortunately for us, we only encountered minor sprinkles during our drive. Gladly, I heard no reports of injuries for those that did receive some tornado damages. While in Myrtle Beach, we had breezes of 10-15 mph and temperatures of around mid to upper 90's(F) and lows in the lower 70's(F).............a tad warm but just lovely and clear. However, the park did greet us with some short light showers for the first 30-60 minutes.

While I was setting up my screen name this week, I was contemplating between Screamin'Eagle (the name of our dog kennel and also for the fact that the word Eagle is in it so I thot that was appropo) & RunOn (not trying to associate with the TV character ReRun on What's Happening from the 1970's) due to that fact that I'm like that Energizer Battery Bunny when it comes to talking & typing. I'm sure my first few entries will be lengthy but hopefully for your benefit. I hope to have much much shorter future entries. When entering my location, I was tempted to put "Never Never-Land" as a feed from Metallica but this is an Eagles website for God sake! So, I did the proper & put Chesterfield, Virginia.

To establish further clarity, I am Dreamer's nephew by my marriage to her niece who shall remain nameless at this time. Dreamer's niece that went to the concert is actually her great-niece, my daughter, Erika (I guess we can call her HorsePlay or Eaglett since she loves horses, and is a devoted younger Eagle fan; she will be twelve tomorrow (or maybe it is already tomorrow where you are, June 6th)) and her favorite Eagles band member has always been Joe Walsh; same as her dad. This all made the electric guitar gift & meeting Joe Walsh even that much more spectacular and special. Those are great gifts in itself. However, her best birthday gift must be mentioned; it was from her aunt (great-aunt) Dreamer; a weekend trip to Myrtle Beach which enabled her to skip school for a few days, her first venture into the Atlantic Ocean, a theme park grand opening, and her first major rock concert ever, not to mention, given by her favorite band of all time.

Long Live The Eagles!

06-05-2008, 11:53 PM
One last note--I went in the Guest Services area and there is a framed, custom-painted picture on the wall behind the counter of the Led Zepplin roller coaster with Led Zepplin and The Eagles in the front two cars!

About that picture. Did you take a picture of it, DF? I'd love to see that! :woah:

Yes, I took a pictures of it, and I will be glad to post them--and the pictures my daughter took, too!

06-06-2008, 12:04 AM
Well, we are happy to be home again. I have a copy of a review from one of the Myrtle Beach papers I will post, along with our pictures, when I have a chance to go through them.

Welcome Screamin' Eagle--glad you have joined the board! It was great fun hanging out with you, Dreamer, Erika and Soda at the Hard Rock Park.
Please tell Erika that my daughter and I are thrilled about her guitar-- :yay: and :jealous: too!

Screamin` Eagle
06-06-2008, 12:47 AM
Myrtle Beach temperature highs were mid 80's to about 90(F).

Mrs Frey
06-06-2008, 02:17 AM
MF, in answer to your question about 'wife beaters', I've posted a picture in the Eagle Hotness thread. It's what Don is wearing.

Ooh, thanks GEF! How thoughtful of you! :D

Mrs Frey
06-06-2008, 02:19 AM
Funny about the wifebeater (sleeveless undershirt). My son came home from college a few years ago and told me he wanted some wifebeaters. I looked shocked and asked him what he was talking about and he explained. I told him I didn't think that was a very nice name for them! I'd never heard the term before! :roll: :laugh:

:rofl: Brooke, it seems you're not the only one who'd never heard the term before! :blush:

Mrs Frey
06-06-2008, 02:20 AM
Cool news about your niece getting the guitar, dreamer. I bet she was just thrilled!

Funny about the wifebeater (sleeveless undershirt). My son came home from college a few years ago and told me he wanted some wifebeaters. I looked shocked and asked him what he was talking about and he explained. I told him I didn't think that was a very nice name for them! I'd never heard the term before! :roll: :laugh:

They make a version for girls as well. (The armholes are cut a little higher for obvious reasons.) I cracked up when my daughter asked me to buy her some boy beater shirts. :P

:rofl: I love your daughter's sense of humour, PLS!

Mrs Frey
06-06-2008, 02:21 AM
Dreamer, that is the neatest story. I bet your niece was speechless; I know I would have been. I know she will love it. I got a Fender Strat about a month ago and I really enjoy playing it. It's a great stress reliever.

A Fender Strat? Now THAT is really cool. 8) We need to get together and jam some time, Samo! :nod:

Mrs Frey
06-06-2008, 02:33 AM
Long Live The Eagles!

Oh ABSOLUTELY, Screamin' Eagle! Welcome to The Border!!! :yay: :D I was thinking, while reading your post, that you've inherited your aunt's sense of humour, but then you explained that you're married to her niece! :blush: Well, for what it's worth, you and Dreamer are a lot alike. :wink:

I really enjoyed reading your lengthy post - hopefully you won't shorten your future posts! I'm glad you had such a great time at Hard Rock Park - I'm sorry about the strange weather you encountered, though. It must have been quite scary.

I'm sure looking forward to your photos! :blueblob: I LOVE photos! When I went to see the Eagles at the O2 Arena in London, I only had time to load two reels of 36 exposure film (yep, I'm still using analogue equipment! :blush: ), so I didn't get quite so many photos! Still, I was surprised that we were allowed to take photos (it was opening night), so I'm not complaining!

Long may you post! :D

06-06-2008, 08:40 AM
Welcome Screamin'Eagle and I cannot wait to see the pictures!! :wink:

06-06-2008, 10:23 AM
Welcome ScreaminEagle! Love your name! (Btw, there is a roller coaster at Six Flags in St. Louis which is 2 hours from me, named the Screamin' Eagle! Seems appropriate since you rode roller coasters at the Hard Rock Park!)

Thanks for the review. It was fabulous and can't wait to see the pics! :D

Mrs Henley
06-06-2008, 01:12 PM
Welcome ScreaminEagle!! Glad that you want to join the board!

Amazing review and I can't wait to see the pictures! :D

Screamin` Eagle
06-06-2008, 01:41 PM
First, thanks to all for your kind replies and greetings. From seeing the number of posts that have been placed on this board from each of you, it looks like I have a lot of catching up to do (not to increase my ranking but to familiarize myself with y'all). From the short time spent with Soda, DonFan, & her daughter (I was thinking of referring to her as Desperado or BamaGirl........she's not at all criminal so I'll refer to her as BamaGirl which helps to describe her geographically), maybe a total of 15-18 hours, I swear I felt like I have known them for quite some time! They really made me & Eaglett (Erika) feel welcome & made us feel like family. The 6 of us really seemed to enjoy our time with each other. I've known Dreamer for 15 years now & she's always had an open door, been quite helpful, & a great example for our two daughters (our other daughter is 18 & is boy crazy, but not older man crazy)!

To give you a fairly brief biography, knowing that I can go on for hours or pages, I'll just try to lay the frame work & let y'all hang the walls to complete it in your own mind. First, I've always liked to write which I don't feel is wrong (nice pun???). I was born & raised in the Buffalo, New York area of the USA (about 20 miles from Niagara Falls) with a four year older brother. I guess he & his friends were my influence into Rock & Roll.

I then listened to a lot of Eagles, Boston, Bob Seger, ELO, Skynard, REO Speedwagon, Kiss, Styx, Supertramp, The Beach Boys & many others. It wasn't 'til high school when I got into CCR, The Rolling Stones, Doors, Beatles, Van Halen, Billy Joel, Prince, Bad Company, Foreigner, Cheap Trick, The Cars, ACDC & Rush to name a few. I left home to attend college in Lynchburg, Virginia where I got into Queen, Ratt, Poison, Aerosmith, Zeppelin, & Pink Floyd. I also got a good taste for Country Music while in college. After college, I got into Metallica and many others from then to now.

I would have to say my favorite genre of all time was 80's Metal bands though. My favorite band of all time was, by far, Boston (R.I.P. Brad Delp). My favorite album of all time; a close tie to Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” and the Metallica “Black Album”. My favorite song of all time; “Life’s Been Good” by……..crap I can’t remember!!!

My first concert ever was Cheap Trick in Buffalo, NY in 1980. I saw Boston in concert in Washington, D.C. in 1987; it was awesome (except their first song; way out of tune). It has taken me until now, 2008, to finally see the Eagles! It’s hard for me to place them in my personal rankings but definitely in my top 5 bands of all time!

I graduated from college in 1988 with a B.S. degree in BS (really it was in Business Administration with a minor in Human Resources). The day after graduation, I moved to the Capital City of Virginia, Richmond, and thus planted my stakes in southern ground for my eternity. It was then I entered into the financial industry that included a 13-year stint with CapitalOne in which I was laid-off in 2004. I bought a house in a metropolitan sub-division in adjoining Chesterfield County in 1994. We are now looking to move this summer to the thick country in Cumberland, Virginia, about 45 miles away, to engage in a much larger piece of property. My wife and I were both previously married, met 15 years ago, got married 13 years ago, have Erika (12 years old today), and our 18 year old daughter that my wife brought in from her first marriage. I had no prior children (that I know of; LOL). My wife is a cardiac nurse; I’m self-employed & also have a part-time job with BestBuy (the world’s largest electronics retailer). My own business had centered around exterior home improvements but I recently took/completed classes to become a certified home inspector; that is my current venture. I also am a casino dealer, & have a kennel in which we breed, raise, show, & handle dogs in AKC (American Kennel Club) & also will soon in UKC (United Kennel Club). We have bred Miniature Pinschers, German Pinschers (shown both), & also show American Staffordshire Terriers that we own. We plan to stud them once they obtain their championship titles.

My brother is a former United States Marine Lance Corporal, recently retired from the New York State Police Department (as a Sergeant & Investigator/Detective) in December 2007 at the age of 45, & has since uprooted his wife & four daughters from Buffalo, New York to nearby Lynchburg, Virginia where he is to graduate June 25th from the Lynchburg Police Department where he seeks another 20-year stint for yet another retirement income. Following suit, my retired parents just bought a condo in Lynchburg and will be here by September along with my only surviving grandparent, my 96 year old maternal grand-mother. I never thought that my whole family would end up here in the South! Both sets of grandparents were married for well over 60 years. My parents have been married for just about 48 years now.

Well, I guess that’s enough of my jabbering for now. Talk to y’all again soon!

06-06-2008, 03:57 PM
Hey, Screamin' Eagle, welcome to the board!

I was just in your beautiful State of Virginia 2 weeks ago, visiting Aunt dreamer and taking in the concert at Charlottesville with her.
She was kind enough to let me stay at her house during my Richmond visit.

Based on the pictures of family that are everywhere in her home, and the loving way she talks about all of you, I know she was really happy to have the opportunity to share some Eagles time with you, especially the kids!

Glad you all had such a great time!

06-07-2008, 08:31 AM
I found a short youtube video of Joe riding LITFL at HRP:


06-07-2008, 08:40 AM
Here's a link to another review of the Eagles and the grand opening.
Be sure to read the sidebar about the the couple who met online, discovered a mutual passion for the Eagles, and eventually got married. Those lucky dogs ended up with last minute front row seats!


Ive always been a dreamer
06-07-2008, 12:18 PM
Hey, Screamin' Eagle, welcome to the board!

I was just in your beautiful State of Virginia 2 weeks ago, visiting Aunt dreamer and taking in the concert at Charlottesville with her.
She was kind enough to let me stay at her house during my Richmond visit.

Based on the pictures of family that are everywhere in her home, and the loving way she talks about all of you, I know she was really happy to have the opportunity to share some Eagles time with you, especially the kids!

Glad you all had such a great time!

Ah Molly - that is so sweet of you. And you're right - I guess I do have a lot of family pictures. I loved having you and Z visit. Wow - was that only a couple of weeks ago!!!! It seems much longer than that - you'll have to come back soon.

DF, thanks for posting those reviews. And again, we had a great time hanging out with you and your daughter, and Soda.

You know - I just thought again as I was typing this post that I have really met some fantastic people and great friends here. You are all wonderful, and it's so special getting to spend time with each other to share our love of the greatest American band ever. :cheers:

And Screamin'Eagle - welcome to the board. Hope you enjoy yourself hanging out here on The Border. I could swear I know you from somewhere! :wink:

Sorry I haven't had much time to post this week. It's been another busy one. I only have a few minutes now because we are having a b/d party for Eaglett at my house this afternoon. She is still on Cloud 999 from the trip. Looks like Aunt Dreamer is either going to have to sedate her or myself. :D :D :D

06-07-2008, 03:00 PM
DF, thanks for posting those reviews. And again, we had a great time hanging out with you and your daughter, and Soda.

You know - I just thought again as I was typing this post that I have really met some fantastic people and great friends here. You are all wonderful, and it's so special getting to spend time with each other to share our love of the greatest American band ever. :cheers:

Right back at you! My thoughts exactly about all the great people here.
Bamagirl & I wish Eaglett a very happy birthday! :birthday:

06-07-2008, 04:47 PM
Screamin' Eagle, it's great to hear from you, and thanks for your excellent input for the Hard Rock show. It's nice to get a bit of your family background too. I live in the UK, and have had the pleasure of meeting several people who post here, all of whom have been wonderful people. My ambition is to one day travel to the US and meet up with some of you who post here and go to an Eagles concert together.

06-07-2008, 05:00 PM
A ticket for the two-day event was $250. That included two days in the park, parking, two concerts, one free meal, two drinks, free food and drink during the opening night concert, and a goodie bag--a Hard Rock drawstring backback--with a Grand Opening t-shirt, a HR coffee cup, a HR pin, a little book about the park, and a Led Zepplin HR poster (if only it had been an Eagles poster). That is a pretty good deal!

Sounds like it wasn't as pricy as I thought, then. And you definitely got some good stuff along with the admission. Glad it was a good deal and that y'all had fun! :D

06-07-2008, 06:10 PM
Welcome to the board, Screamin' Eagle and thanks for all the fascinating details about yourself. As Dreamer knows, I have visited Richmond - in 1980. My father was studying police education & had an appointment with a professor from Virginia Commonwealth University. We visited their home in Henrico County (I can't remember the suburb) and they took us to Colonial Williamsburg. We were there in December and I thought Richmond was the coldest place I'd ever been.

06-09-2008, 09:38 AM
Glad to see you here, Screamin'Eagle... and I can't wait to see those photos myself!

Ive always been a dreamer
06-10-2008, 08:58 PM
We forgot to mention earlier that on Sunday evening at Myrtle Beach, there was a private party at the Hard Rock Cafe to kick off the grand opening of the park. We were outside trying to maybe get a glimpse of those darn Eagles, and a reporter from the media that was there took our picture. She came up to my nephew and ask him if she could publish it. DonFan found this online and sent the link to me. A lot of you all know that I don't like my picture posted on the Internet, so I'll leave this up for a few days, and then take it down.

** Edited to remove photo.

Mrs Frey
06-11-2008, 02:45 AM
That's lovely, Dreamer! :D

06-11-2008, 04:48 AM
You've nothing to worry about Dreamer! You look great!! :D

06-11-2008, 08:56 AM
Dreamer, I think it's a great picture. Thanks for posting it. Wish I could have been there....sounded like so much fun.

06-11-2008, 10:12 AM
Cool, dreamer! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Is that your niece and nephew there with you?

Ive always been a dreamer
06-11-2008, 12:47 PM
Yep - that is Screamin'Eagle in the red shirt taking the picture, and Eaglette in the hot pink shirt. :)

Screamin` Eagle
06-12-2008, 01:50 AM
I have finally gotten my photos ready for all to see and have done a lot of cropping, etc. I've not been feeling so well since Saturday but I'm getting over that virus or whatever now (slept all day today).

Unfortunately there are no individual pictures of Timothy. Timothy unfortunately was on my left & in the shadows quite often & many times not in range of the screen behind the band to have the advantage of the extra lighting. Because of the lighting, most all of the individual pictures I took of him came out somewhat grainy or blurry.

No individual pictures of Steuart either, sorry. More so a fault of mine I guess just because of me not being as familiar with him and his works and I was trying to focus more on the other guys.

Individual pictures of Don was a great challenge too because I couldn’t see him most of the evening because he was either consumed by his drums or Joe blocking my view to him.

Some of the images may not be as clear but I just wanted to shoot a ton of pictures for my benefit & others as well; especially those unable to attend the concert. This selection is narrowed down (to 86) from over 200 pictures taken. I have edited each picture to enable you to have the best possible result that I could give you.

If you want copies of the JPEGs for yourself or someone else, just drop me a PM and an email address that you’d like them sent to. If you females like the individual picture of Glenn in the spotlight while wearing his bright pink shirt, I’d be glad to provide you that JPEG for a mere $25 fee; but, it is free to the men. Just kidding, all of my JPEGs via email will be FREE to all. You should also be able to obtain any pics you want while observing them on my share site as follows:


Trying to learn for myself how to get the pics uploaded to a share site, etc. has been a fun challenge. I'm always open to tips, suggestions, short cuts, etc.

Mrs Frey
06-12-2008, 02:09 AM
That is so kind of you, Screamin' Eagle! Thank you SO much! I'll be sure to check out your site! :D :D :D I know Glenn :heart: in pink will certainly appeal to me! :nod: :wink:

06-12-2008, 06:28 AM
Great pictures ScreaminEagle--to bad not many of Timothy but love the ones of Joe-especially the ones with the rollercoaster and the 1st one up close-Cool!!

Screamin` Eagle
06-12-2008, 08:07 AM
I can always recrop some of these pics further by eliminating the screen behind the band but thot y'all would be interested in the very cool visuals that the Eagles provided to us during the concert. I felt that would give y'all a more at home, at the the concert feel! :D I'm guessing many of you haven't been able to see them yet during this tour and the screen show was phenominal.

I'll be posting more photo albums on my photo website link very soon and am putting that link into my Border profile for everyone's easier access. The title I've given to each picture label will help to describe the picture more. I'll have a pic album for the private party at the Hard Rock Cafe that we couldn't get into that Dreamer mentioned. Have several pics of members of other bands that we saw entering the event including Aerosmith, Cheap Trick, The Moody Blues, & ZZ Top. I've since found out by doing some research that the private party mentioned was actually a precursor to the Celebrity Golf Tournament the following day and was the "Official Pairings" announcement party for the golf tourney. It was cool to find out that our pic was actually published online and in the paper in Myrtle Beach the Monday of the parks official Grand Opening; what a neat treat in itself! Although, the three of us weren't in our best form of personal presentation since we evacuated the beach upon the hearing of the Hard Rock Cafe event courtesy of DonFan. Eaglette and I were still soaking wet from swimming & boogie boarding in the Atlantic Ocean (the water was a fairly decent temperature).

I'll also provide an album of pics taken at the amazing new Hard Rock Park theme park including some of Eaglette (I guess this is the spelling we are going to go with for Erika), DonFan & her daughter BamaGirl, Soda, & myself. As mentioned earlier in this board, Dreamer is camera shy so I probably won't be posting any of her.

06-12-2008, 08:35 AM
Can't wait to see the pictures of the other bands also, especially if there is any of Steven Tyler or Robin Zander. I don't know if all the members of Cheap Trick are still together (Bun E Carlo, Rick Neilson and Tom Peterson -yum) so it will be interesting to see the pictures of them now!

06-12-2008, 10:12 AM
I'd love to see your pics, SE, but I can't get the link to work.

Anyone else having problems?

Ive always been a dreamer
06-12-2008, 10:19 AM
I couldn't get the link to work either Brooke, but I copied it in a new browser and it opened. I'll repost the link and see if it works.


Ive always been a dreamer
06-12-2008, 11:28 AM
SE – The pics are wonderful. The ones of Joe and Smokey are great. You also got some fantastic shots of the screens, especially Dirty Laundry and Funk 49. I love the name you gave one of the close ups of Glenn in his hot pink shirt – “hot man”. That is very appropriate, indeed. BTW – you should have kept your mouth shut – I think there may have been some people here that would’ve given you $25 for that pic of hot man. :wink: :nod: :D

I forgot to mention a funny little story earlier. Before the show, I was talking to some people that were standing around us. Soda had purchased a LROOE program and we were sitting on the ground admiring the incredible ‘photography’. Everytime I got to that big pic of Glenn, I would just stop and stare. A few of the guys around must have noticed that because they were teasing me about it. When the lights went down and the show began, I saw that pink shirt, I thought I was going to die and go to heaven. I let out a huge “WOOT” and screamed “OMG – I just love a man in pink!” All for the benefit of those guys who were teasing me, of course. :wink:

Also, speaking of the roller coaster, LIFL, I have a confession. First of all, let me make it clear that I do NOT ride roller coasters. However, I thought that I really needed to make an exception this time since this is such a special roller coaster. The first time we went to ride it, I ended up chickening out. But, later in the day, at the coaxing of the others and their reassurance that it was “really not that bad”, I sucked it up and got on. Call me a wimp, I don’t care - but never again! It took me three hours to get back to feeling right after I got off of it. At least I can say that I rode The Eagles Life in the Fast Lane roller coaster at Hard Rock Park ONCE.

Screamin` Eagle
06-12-2008, 01:19 PM
Also during the concert, Joe Walsh said something to the effect of "not to forget to change our clocks tonight; an hour forward, an hour backward; it doesn’t’ matter, whatever you feel like doing".

He is definitely the band comedian!

06-12-2008, 01:35 PM
Thanks for the link, dreamer!

I'm glad you did go ahead and ride the coaster, but sorry you didn't feel well for a while. I'm not good on those things either!

Thanks so much for the fantastic pics, SE! They were great! I loved getting to see the backgrounds, too. Really gives you a different perspective of the stage and all. Those were the best shots of the screens that I've seen. The fish aquarium scenes were too funny! :lol:

Mrs Frey
06-13-2008, 02:22 AM
Thanks again for sharing your photos with us, SE! :D Fantastic effort!

Dreamer, I always enjoy reading your posts so much! You have a great sense of humour! :nod: Congratulations on having taken a ride on LITFL - I've never been on a roller coaster, so you have one up on me! :wink: I really enjoyed the story about your staring at the full page photo of Glenn :heart: in the LROOE programme. GA, GEF and I had a similar reaction to it in London - we all screamed when we saw it! :blush:

06-13-2008, 08:13 AM

Your pixs were awesome. Loved them all! Thanks!

SoCalGalNow 8)

06-13-2008, 08:57 AM
If you females like the individual picture of Glenn in the spotlight while wearing his bright pink shirt, I’d be glad to provide you that JPEG for a mere $25 fee; but, it is free to the men.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I LOVE your sense of humour SE.

The sad thing is.........I was just ready to go into PAYPAL to order that pic!

06-13-2008, 11:46 AM
Thanks so much for posting up those pics, Screamin'Eagle! I love seeing the backgrounds - in London I was so busy concentrating on the guys (and one in particular), I didn't always take in the backgrounds, but the set is stunning. Add me to the list of females willing to pay $25 for "hot man"! :blush:

Dreamer, that's a great picture of you, Screamin'Eagle and Eaglette. How cool to be in the local paper! I've really enjoyed all those little extra snippets you have added. MF is certainly right about the way she, GA and I went weak at the knees looking at that picture!

06-13-2008, 05:34 PM
Thanks again for sharing your photos with us, SE! :D Fantastic effort!

Dreamer, I always enjoy reading your posts so much! You have a great sense of humour! :nod: Congratulations on having taken a ride on LITFL - I've never been on a roller coaster, so you have one up on me! :wink: I really enjoyed the story about your staring at the full page photo of Glenn :heart: in the LROOE programme. GA, GEF and I had a similar reaction to it in London - we all screamed when we saw it! :blush:

In fact, the VERY FIRST THING MF said to me when we met in London was:

Lookat THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with her tour book wide open on that full size close up of Glenn :heart: 's face. Now while I'd seen the cd size, that was nothing campared to the Tour book glossy version!

And now I have a confession to make. I have printed it out and stuck it on the inside cover of a Glenn :heart: Frey guitar book that a dear friend sent me last week. Oh it is special!! :inlove:

06-14-2008, 06:05 AM
Dang, what a good idea GA!! My printer is free this morning. :wink:

Mrs Frey
06-17-2008, 02:35 AM
Thanks again for sharing your photos with us, SE! :D Fantastic effort!

Dreamer, I always enjoy reading your posts so much! You have a great sense of humour! :nod: Congratulations on having taken a ride on LITFL - I've never been on a roller coaster, so you have one up on me! :wink: I really enjoyed the story about your staring at the full page photo of Glenn :heart: in the LROOE programme. GA, GEF and I had a similar reaction to it in London - we all screamed when we saw it! :blush:

In fact, the VERY FIRST THING MF said to me when we met in London was:

Lookat THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with her tour book wide open on that full size close up of Glenn :heart: 's face. Now while I'd seen the cd size, that was nothing campared to the Tour book glossy version!

And now I have a confession to make. I have printed it out and stuck it on the inside cover of a Glenn :heart: Frey guitar book that a dear friend sent me last week. Oh it is special!! :inlove:

Gosh, GA, was that the FIRST thing I said? :blush: I'm sure I got "hello" in there too, though, didn't I? :wink: :lol:

Don't forget: the biggest difference between the CD version of the photo and the tour book version is that the latter is in COLOUR! :heart: I have the sepia version on my office wall. :blush: And it's in one of my purses, too. :blush: :blush:

07-27-2008, 11:32 PM
I finally got Bamagirl to help me upload some pictures from our Hard Rock trip!

Here are two pics of the painting of the guys riding the roller coaster.

07-27-2008, 11:34 PM
Good heavens DF. That is unique! The silver suit in a roller coaster! What an image! :shock:

07-27-2008, 11:39 PM
This is the lagoon and the giant Hard Rock guitar, with the roller coasters in the background:

This is Joe in the front seat of the Life In the Fast Lane roller coaster:

This is me by a sign in front of the amphitheater (on the top is a sign that said "Nirvana," but it didn't make it into this shot):

07-27-2008, 11:42 PM
Now, the best pictures--of the guys!





07-27-2008, 11:44 PM
Two more--closeups:



07-27-2008, 11:58 PM
What a great idea having that signpost with the band logos. That is a lovely photo, DF (the pink shirt is very nice) :wink:

I just realised that Led Zeppelin are in front of the Eagles in the roller coaster and the Moody Blues are behind them.

Mrs Henley
07-28-2008, 12:17 AM
Oh Gosh, what a funny painting haha!
Nice photo's DF! :D

07-28-2008, 12:17 AM
Thanks, FP & Mrs. H. I thought the signpost was a cute idea, too. And yes, I had a good time figuring out all the different band members in that painting.

07-28-2008, 12:35 AM
You won't believe this but on closer inspection I see my childhood heroes, the legendary Banana Splits, behind what appears to be May & Taylor from Queen, and I think I can also see Daltrey & Townshend of the Who. :shock:

Mrs Henley
07-28-2008, 01:10 AM
Oh dear, people are coming back!
I only reconize the Eagles (Oh that's a shame..! Only the Eagles..:|) (or do I see Kenny Rogers somewhere? :lol:)

07-28-2008, 06:28 AM
Thanks for the great pictures of the band!! I have to say tho that I think the painting could be better and doesn't do any of them justice!

07-28-2008, 09:54 AM
Those are wonderful pictures, DF! Thanks for sharing them with us.

What struck me funny, Don with a camera!!!!!!!!

Love the sign post and you pic, too. 8)

07-28-2008, 10:10 AM
One more thought on the painting--I was loading the washer a minute ago and it dawned on me--Timmy looks like Steven Tyler from Aerosmith in the painting. Anyone else think so?

07-28-2008, 10:28 AM
Timmy does look a little bit like Steven Tyler. And I laughed about Don holding a camera too!
FP, the Banana Splits had a little musical show in one of the children's areas in the park.

tbs fanatic
07-28-2008, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the great pictures of the band!! I have to say tho that I think the painting could be better and doesn't do any of them justice!

Have to agree with you there tbf. Not so crazy about the painting :?

Ive always been a dreamer
07-28-2008, 11:28 AM
Oh those pics are great. Thanks DF and Bama Girl!

I gotta tell you, I loved the painting when I saw it in person. Of course, I would have never noticed it at all if it hadn't been for the others (I think DonFan noticed it first). It is hanging in the park's welcome center, and I'm not very observative. But, I thought it was great. I love the semi-caricature portrayal of all the rock stars - makes you have to pay more attention to figure out who is there. :wink:

Mrs Frey
07-29-2008, 07:13 AM
Sorry, DF - I only got round to seeing your photos now - they're all lovely, and thanks so much for sharing them with us! :D

Firstly, I have to agree with TBF and TBSF - I was also thinking that the painting doesn't do the boys justice, but at the same time, it's nice to think of them riding the rollercoaster. I see they are all wearing their F1 outfits!

The photos of the guys are great, and I'm especially partial to the one of Don on his own - the PASSION! :heart:

You're looking great, DF! That's a lovely photo of you. I must concur with FP - I like the pink top! :nod: :wink:

07-29-2008, 09:59 AM
Thanks, guys. About my pink top--I guess I was inspired by Glenn's pink shirt to wear mine!

07-29-2008, 01:37 PM
Ooh, great photos! Thanks to both you and BamaGirl for uploading them!

07-29-2008, 04:29 PM
Fantastic pics, both of the park and the gig DF! What inspired your choice of shirt colour in the signpost pic....... :wink:

07-29-2008, 04:43 PM
Well....as much as I adore Don, if I am ever inspired to wear a plaid shirt, it will mean that I have officially lost my mind.
At that point, you have my permission to shoot me & put me out of my misery! :machinegun:

07-29-2008, 06:46 PM
DF, just for you I happen to be wearing my John Fogerty plaid shirt today. :twisted:

07-29-2008, 07:39 PM

Mrs Frey
07-30-2008, 02:23 AM
You girls are funny! :laugh:

07-30-2008, 03:29 PM
DF and Bamagirl, thank you so much for your photos - these personal ones mean so much! DF, that is a lovely one of you by the signpost. I was intrigued by the painting - I thought Don and Tim looked good, Glenn less so (reminds me of one of the porters as work, for some reason, and believe me, he is no Glenn Frey!!) Joe looks like some crazed maniac! I'd spotted Messrs Plant and Page in the front, but had missed the Moody Blues and Queen, and confess I've never heard of the Banana Splits. :blush:

Btw, I happen to be wearing a checked blouse right now! :wink:

01-23-2009, 05:56 PM
Here's some of my pics from this show for y'all... Hope this works! http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030307.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030314.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030315.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030321.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030326.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030341.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030344.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030348.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030351.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030352.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030353.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030355.jpg http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/imajagfan/Eagles/P1030356.jpg More to come...

01-23-2009, 06:06 PM
Hmmmm, guess I musta used the wrong code or something? :oops: I thought the IMG code would work as a direct link to display each pic, but now I'm just totally confused... Is there another code in Photobucket that I should have used to post them here instead? I have some more pics, but I'll wait and post them - (hopefully w/ the correct code so that they'll actually show up here instead of just the pics links.) Any help would be greatly appreciated! ;)

01-23-2009, 06:08 PM
I can see the pics.

01-23-2009, 06:11 PM
I can see the pics.
That's strange, I'm only seeing the IMG code? Oh well, I guess I'll just post the rest as is since you can see them, and that's really all that matters, LOL! :)

01-23-2009, 06:12 PM
That's strange, I'm only seeing the IMG code? Oh well, I guess I'll just post the rest as is since you can see them, and that's really all that matters, LOL! :)

There might be something wrong with the browser, which one are you using?

01-23-2009, 06:16 PM

01-23-2009, 06:19 PM
There might be something wrong with the browser, which one are you using?
You might be right... I'm using Mozzilla (again) *Rolls Eyes* I'm kinda a creature of habit, and I like the security in Mozzilla better then IE. Lemme go check out IE and see what it looks like...

01-23-2009, 06:21 PM
I can see them fine, Jags, and they're very good. Thanks.

01-23-2009, 06:21 PM
You might be right... I'm using Mozzilla (again) *Rolls Eyes* I'm kinda a creature of habit, and I like the security in Mozzilla better then IE. Lemme go check out IE and see what it looks like...
Yep, that's what it is... they're showing up fine in IE. ;)

01-23-2009, 06:28 PM

Well, that's all I got folks... Hope y'all enjoy! ;)

01-23-2009, 06:32 PM
I can see them fine, Jags, and they're very good. Thanks.
You're very welcome! Glad you like them. :thumbsup: I was pretty far away, like 30 rows back... but I'm hoping to get some much better pics next week from closer seats in the 8th row. ;)

01-23-2009, 06:36 PM

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ---Loose the suits-bring back the jeans!!!!

01-23-2009, 06:38 PM
Nice Timmy Butt shot there

01-23-2009, 06:45 PM
EL--Exactly---again, bring back the jeans!!!

01-23-2009, 06:46 PM
I am with you on that Willie. The suits make them look like some corporate people.

01-24-2009, 12:23 PM
Great pics, Jags! Thanks for posting!

Ive always been a dreamer
01-24-2009, 04:44 PM
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ---Loose the suits-bring back the jeans!!!!

Can I second that!!! :wink: :wink:

And Jags I also appreciate these great pics - brings back some very fond memories!

01-27-2009, 06:50 AM
You're welcome Donfan and Dreamer. :) And I totally agree w/ y'all about losing the suits... I like the tight jeans and flannel shirts much better on the guys! ;) Wonder why they choose to wear those suits so much lately anyways? :shrug: You'd think they'd be a helluva lot more comfy wearing jeans, huh?! :???: