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View Full Version : Least Favorite Movies Ever

08-25-2008, 11:28 PM
While this is a bit negative, I gotta vent. Last Saturday, my friend and I decided to go to a movie. There really wasn't anything we wanted to see particularly, so we decided to go to see Tropic Thunder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropic_Thunder).


I have never walked out of a movie I paid good money for, until last Saturday (although I thought about it when I watched Domino (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domino_%28film%29) a couple years ago). My friend and I couldn't endure more than a half an hour. Thank goodness it was matinee prices.

Extreme violence played for laughs; unfunny jokes; ruthless mockery of people with Downs syndrome and mental retardation; a plot that meanders such that after a half an hour, we still hadn't gotten to the kidnapping part. We did get to the part where a director steps on a landmine, gets blown apart, and Ben Stiller's character drinks blood from the guy's decapitated head because he thinks it's fake and he's drinking prop blood.

Ha. Ha.

I'm watching The Daily Show now and Stewart is gushing about that movie! I think Stiller has mass-hypnotized all of his friends to not only like it but make cameos in it.

So, what are some of your least favorite movies?

08-25-2008, 11:34 PM
Vent away, Soda. I hate it when I pay good money for a movie that ends up being silly, stupid & tasteless, which defines many movies these days.

Some movies that I hate: Years ago when my husband & I were dating, we got up & walked out of "Summer Rental" with John Candy. It was awful.
I also hate the Austin Powers movies, for the reasons I listed above.

08-25-2008, 11:56 PM
Being old and a fan of historical/costume dramas, I vowed the last time I saw Camelot and Doctor Zhivago that I would never sit through either of them again, and Doctor Zhivago was directed by David Lean, one of my heroes.

We once sat through a film by Pedro Almadovar that has received nothing but raves but which we both thought was rubbish, Tie Me Up Tie Me Down. I would say the same for Three Colours - Blue, which was pretentious nonsense.

But I don't see many movies these days, so there aren't really any I dislike.

08-26-2008, 06:38 PM
I haven't been to the movies lately either FP (Horton hears a who, The Simpsons and Ratatouille don't count!) although I must say I LOVE Dr Zhivago! In common with DF however I hate the 'Austin Powers' movies. I just can't take to Mike Myers character at all. I can't stomach horror and I hate any movies that are either too violent or ridicule vulnerable members of society. So I guess I WON'T be going to 'Tropic Thunder'!

08-26-2008, 07:53 PM
Finally, other people who are unimpressed with Austin Powers! It had its moments, but overall it was really stupid.

I can't stand violence either in movies. Yeah, it's just pretend, but I can't enjoy it even in a fictional scenario. I refuse to see horror movies.

All the violence was why I also couldn't stand Sweeney Todd. My friend pleaded with me to watch it with her and I did, only to be absolutely disgusted by it.

08-26-2008, 07:58 PM
This is going way back to 1986, but does anyone remember Howard The Duck starring Lea Thompson? Human sized duck is befriended by lead singer in a girl band and in one scene actually makes a pass at her!
Who-o-o-o--o-a! :confused:

08-26-2008, 08:17 PM
Yes! Howard the Duck was horrifically bad! Who greenlighted that project?!

Another moldy oldie that sucks hard... and this is coming from a Monkees fan...


The only way to explain how that one got written: drugs. Lots and lots and lots of mind-altering drugs.

08-26-2008, 08:25 PM
There was a movie Hubby and I went to see just a few months after we were married at the drive in (dating myself here much?) It was called The Aroura Encounter and it starred some grizzly old guy from some LONG gone TV show and a few kids who had that aging desease. The CHILDREN were supposed to be ALIENS!!! can anyone say VERY BAD TASTE???? It was awful! and it played double feature with a movie called Band of the Hand.. now the only way I can even begin to discribe how BAD this movie was is to say IMDB it... www.IMDB.com (http://www.IMDB.com) Band of the Hand. Both movies were an insult, but I dont know which is worse, that they were ever made or that we watched BOTH of them!!

08-27-2008, 12:24 AM
Soda, I agree with you about Head. I was crazy about the Monkees at the time but even I had to admit that the movie was awful.

The worst movie that I ever saw though, had to be Being There starring Peter Sellars & Shirley MacLaine. This was years ago. My sister & I were going to walk out, but we didn't because we thought that it had to get better as it went on. It didn't :thumbsdown:.

08-27-2008, 12:11 PM
This is going way back to 1986, but does anyone remember Howard The Duck starring Lea Thompson? Human sized duck is befriended by lead singer in a girl band and in one scene actually makes a pass at her!
Who-o-o-o--o-a! :confused:

Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner for WORST MOVIE EVER!
I had forgotten about that one, PM--it was so bad that I blocked it completely from my memory.:yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

Ive always been a dreamer
08-27-2008, 12:24 PM
I'm not sure I can pic a worst movie ever, but unlike Freypower, Doctor Zhivago is probably my favorite movie of all time.

08-27-2008, 01:15 PM
I thought of another one - Dumb and Dumber with Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. Let's just say it lived up to its name and then some.

08-27-2008, 01:24 PM
I would agree with most of your selections! There's some of those I haven't seen, so now I know not to!

I must confess I haven't seen Dr. Z! Maybe I should check it out!

Mrs Henley
08-27-2008, 02:20 PM
Least favorite movie...hard one!

There is a Dutch movie 'De Tweeling' (The Twins in translation) about two girls who're grown up in WWII, it's Dutch/German and English (I thought that were the languages) but it's really annoying... you see parts when they are kids, and onces you end up somewhere in 2002 or something in that area..I've seen a lot of movies, but this isn't my favorite movie at all!

(Oh, it's a cry movie...that's for sure!)

08-28-2008, 06:06 PM
I did think of a couple of others:

The remake of Lost Horizon with Peter Finch is as bad as its reputation suggests.

So is The Bonfire Of The Vanities (I could probably say 'any movie with Melanie Griffith').

If I could mention a TV show, there was an appallingly bad version of Anna Karenina a couple of years ago where the actress spent most of the time in her underwear. Those of us who adore the old version with Nicola Pagett were horrified. The same went for a remake of The Forsyte Saga. The actress who played Irene Forsyte was to put it mildly, amateur. The old black and white version may be creaky but it worked.

08-28-2008, 10:26 PM
Wow, as some people know i hate horror movies but i go cause my friends like them. I have to say that I really hated SAW and the remake of The Hills Have Eyes.

I also didn't like Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

And I Agree with Sweeny Todd I only went to see it because it was a Tim Burton film and it had Alan Rickman in it.

08-29-2008, 01:59 PM
Ah, another Alan Rickman fan! I'm probably the only person in the world who quite fancied the Snape character in Harry Potter!

I so rarely see films nowadays that I can't name a least favourite. However, of ones mentioned so far, Camelot made a big impression on me as a young girl - despite the embarrassing singing I was struck with Franco Nero, and being well into Arthurian legend at that time I lived on with the film for months.

Now for an even worse confession - I watched Austin Powers on a transatlantic flight and laughed out loud in places - maybe it was the pre-prandial gin and tonic, or maybe the result of bringing up two sons! Suffice to say it helped with my severe inflight nerves. It's not something I would watch again, but I wouldn't rate it the worst ever.

Mrs Henley
08-29-2008, 02:12 PM
Ah, another Alan Rickman fan! I'm probably the only person in the world who quite fancied the Snape character in Harry Potter! Snape is pretty cool in HP :).

08-29-2008, 02:18 PM
Snape is pretty cool in HP :).

I think so too. His clipped speech, the way he enunciates his words for emphasis, is veeeeery effective.

Mrs Henley
08-29-2008, 02:33 PM
I think so too. His clipped speech, the way he enunciates his words for emphasis, is veeeeery effective.

He's doing something to the movies, although everybody does..but he's something special.

08-29-2008, 04:28 PM
Ah, another Alan Rickman fan! I'm probably the only person in the world who quite fancied the Snape character in Harry Potter!

I love Alan Rickman. I loved his character in Love, Actually. Poor Emma Thompson's character, I would have tried to steal him too! He was adorable! He was great in Dogma too (although Im sure there are a lot of people who hated that movie, it's one of my favorites. Anything that challenges sacred cows *grin*)

08-29-2008, 05:19 PM
I love Alan Rickman. I loved his character in Love, Actually. Poor Emma Thompson's character, I would have tried to steal him too! He was adorable! He was great in Dogma too (although Im sure there are a lot of people who hated that movie, it's one of my favorites. Anything that challenges sacred cows *grin*)

I really liked Dogma.

Yeah I'm a really big Alan Rickman fan I've seen just about everything he has been in.

But I have to say that my favorite move he's in is Truly Madly Deeply.

Ive always been a dreamer
08-29-2008, 05:37 PM
gef - I admit that I like the Austin Powers movies as well, but my favorite Mike Myers movie by far is Wayne's World. I just love that movie - sometimes I like to watch a movie that is just totally stupid and entertaining. That movie makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it.

08-29-2008, 11:19 PM
Ah, another Alan Rickman fan! I'm probably the only person in the world who quite fancied the Snape character in Harry Potter!

Oh, one of my friends ADORES him in every movie, but especially Harry Potter because she was a fan of the series as well. She has Snape T-shirts, calendars, posters... you name it. In fact, she's the one that begged me to see Sweeney Todd with her - because Alan Rickman was in it.