Austin, so sorry to hear about all you're having to deal with health-wise. You've got a good attitude, though - here's hoping that you get the best news possible when they deliver those results!
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Austin, so sorry to hear about all you're having to deal with health-wise. You've got a good attitude, though - here's hoping that you get the best news possible when they deliver those results!
Thanks everyone.
Well I got my biopsy results back and I go back in 5-7 years for a repeat colonoscopy due to the polyps I had. They are going to play it by ear when I go, sooner vs later. They put me on some new medication for my stomach pain/issues and they are helping. I go back in December for a followup to check the medication. I hope it works and maybe even more so with time. It's a mild improvement so far but I'll take it.
Good news, Austin!
I'm glad you're doing better Austin!
Work has been so insane for me lately, I've barely had time to do anything else. I don't mind occasional work on evenings and weekends, but lately it's been every night and every weekend, I hope it eases up soon!
Thanks everyone!
Groupie - I hope it gets better soon.
We've had a terrible thing happen in our family. One of our niece's lost her baby daughter, first child, Saturday, just 5 weeks old. Completely unexpected. I guess she started having breathing problems and went to the ER. Her heart rate escalated and they tried to bring it back to normal and lost her. So very sad. Please remember them in prayers.
On a happy note, my second grandson turned one and we celebrated that Sunday! He's such a sweetheart!
I'm so sorry to hear about your niece's loss...I can't imagine the pain of losing a child and so unexpectedly. She will be in my prayers.
I'm glad you had a happy celebration with your grandson. Grandchildren make life so fun!