Very cool, tm2.
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Every time I click your attachment it boots me off the Border!!
GA and Delilah, try logging in again when it "logs you out." You have to do that to see Tm2's picture.
I am asking you to pray if you do. I need a miracle
I have Crohn's as you know. Well, I also have developed C-Diff
In November, I crapped my pants a lot in a classroom full of students, I tried to get help and couldn't in that moment of panic and ran out of my classroom.
I put my job in jeopardy
I am working with my union and doctor and am getting t put on short term disability and might get 70% of my pay while my doctor gets things stabilized.
I am so worried because without my job, I will be homeless.
I am asking for prayers to make the district approve the short -term and but also praying we can get this under control.
And while at it, I could use a miracle in the form of money if ever there was one. I don't owe that much but not having an income will leave me homeless.
I know you have given me good thoughts before. I would appreciate them again.
Thank you so much
S- C, you need only ask once. Hoping and praying for the best outcome for you in every way.
I'm so sorry SC and sending prayers.
SC, you have my best wishes. Hopefully the district will behave like normal, decent human beings and will support you through this. Why is it that public sector employers seem to be the most unreasonable? I'm sure that you and your doctor will find a way to improve things. Are there any support groups that could help you fight your cause?
S-C, I'm so sorry to hear this and am sending thoughts and prayers for you.