Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
Congrats AG and to Brooke's grandson!
If you all remember, I posted on here in December about a friend of mine who's dealing with severe depression. Things had been better for a while, and then suddenly, around the beginning of March, it all went downhill. Reaching him became virtually impossible. If I call him, he rejects the call. It takes a text saying something that sounds rather crazy and frantic to get him to call me, and even then that's after weeks of effort. One of the rare times I was able to get him to call me, he thanked me for my persistence and sounded overwhelmed that would make that much effort, and assured me it was nothing personal, and to keep being persistent. He has ADHD as well and isnt taking his medication, which makes this so much harder. He was a very extraverted person before and what I hear when I speak to him disturbs me greatly - things like he want to be alone, he doesn't check his phone for days etc. I recognize this is depression and I've been willing to sound like a frantic lunatic to get him to talk to me, if that helps. But now, I just found out that he will be leaving in 2 weeks to spend 3 months with relatives in Europe. I don't know if I'll be able to reach him there and even if I can, I don't know if I should keep trying, if he wants to be left alone. I worry though that something will happen to him and I will never know -his family doesn't know me and therefore wouldn't tell me if it did. He won't get therapy, at least not yet, and I know I can't fix this, so I've just been trying to make myself available and draw him out and let him know I'm always there for him. Anyway, I should get back to work here, I just had to vent. Thanks to you all for listening!
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
I've been where you are, groupie. It's tough... really tough. I think my friend has managed their way out of it, but I worry when I haven't heard from them for a long time.
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
Thanks, CAinOH. I don't know how I will be able to reach him while he's there, technologically-speaking, but the idea of 3 months of no contact worries me, I'll have no way to know if he's ok. I mean, it's hard enough as it is, then you add technology issues and a time difference to that and it will be virtually impossible. The silences worry me more than anything else.
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
2 weeks from today, I'll be starting a new job at one of probation/parole office here in my city. I'm staying with the agency just going to another facility. Luckily I get to keep my vacation and sick time since I'm still with the State Of Mississippi. I'm currently a secretary at one of the prisons here in Mississippi. I'll be doing the same job.
I'm excited. Its really been very hard to find another job since I started this current job three years ago. I've been getting interviews, but no luck in getting the job. I guess it was finally my turn to leave.
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
Originally Posted by
The silences worry me more than anything else.
That's it in a nutshell. If I haven't heard from my friend in a couple of days, I go snooping… or, rather, nagging (just a bit).
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
Originally Posted by
That's it in a nutshell. If I haven't heard from my friend in a couple of days, I go snooping… or, rather, nagging (just a bit).
Glad I'm not the only one, I do the same thing! I just don't know how to handle it, with him being overseas for so long. I am torn between finding some way to still try to communicate and leaving it alone and just hoping he's okay.
Congrats on the new job Shun!
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
Originally Posted by
2 weeks from today, I'll be starting a new job at one of probation/parole office here in my city. I'm staying with the agency just going to another facility. Luckily I get to keep my vacation and sick time since I'm still with the State Of Mississippi. I'm currently a secretary at one of the prisons here in Mississippi. I'll be doing the same job.
I'm excited. Its really been very hard to find another job since I started this current job three years ago. I've been getting interviews, but no luck in getting the job. I guess it was finally my turn to leave.
Congratulations, Shun! So happy for your success! 👍
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
Groupie, so sorry you are in such a tight spot! Does he have any relatives here you could get a hold of so they could advise his people overseas? Maybe you could convince your friend that you are very interested in the country he will be visiting....ask him to send photos and details regularly, or that you would love to speak with one of his relatives from there (because of your supposed interest). Maybe write him a short letter (old fashioned kind) telling him how valuable he is to you with various ways to contact you, and ask that he carry it in his wallet and look at when discouraged. Maybe tell him you are having a hard time (which you are), and could he please contact you regularly in case you need to talk. And of course yourself and others please pray for him. Those are all I could come up with.
I hope the situation is soon resolved and he gets the medication/treatment he needs. Thinking of you!
Shun, I'm so happy for you finding a job you are happier with, and not lose benefits! I'm glad you are no longer working at the prison, too. I have a friend who left a job at a state prison--it was not a good situation for a female there.
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
Originally Posted by
Thanks, CAinOH. I don't know how I will be able to reach him while he's there, technologically-speaking, but the idea of 3 months of no contact worries me, I'll have no way to know if he's ok. I mean, it's hard enough as it is, then you add technology issues and a time difference to that and it will be virtually impossible. The silences worry me more than anything else.
WhatsApp is great for overseas communication - it doesn't have a fee like texting. All you need is an internet connection. Good luck as you continue to deal with this. :hug:
Re: What's Happening In Your Life?
Originally Posted by
2 weeks from today, I'll be starting a new job at one of probation/parole office here in my city. I'm staying with the agency just going to another facility. Luckily I get to keep my vacation and sick time since I'm still with the State Of Mississippi. I'm currently a secretary at one of the prisons here in Mississippi. I'll be doing the same job.
I'm excited. Its really been very hard to find another job since I started this current job three years ago. I've been getting interviews, but no luck in getting the job. I guess it was finally my turn to leave.
Congratulations, shun! Good luck at your new position!