Hi, buff. My son and my daughter-in-law did this when they were in college. They really enjoyed it, too. Have fun! :wave:
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My new Epiphone Dreadnought 12 String Acoustic shall arive to my sanctuary in
4-6 Buisness Days. So after Armageddon! :lol::woah:
That's awesome LT. :D It is a lot a fun and have made friends with other authors through it too.
On Tuesday, my American.Government professor blew off class. He apologized today, and said he had some things he had to take care of. Because of this, he neglected to teach some of the most important info for the test that was today. To make up for that, he gave everyone a 100 on the test, though he still had us take the test to see what we do know. This test counted double for me, so I got two 100s as test grades without any effort involved. :D:yay:
What's appalling, the blowing off class or giving out a free test grade? If it's the latter, he has no wiggle left in the semester. He's on a super tight schedule, and can't postpone the test, so he did what he thought was fair, given the circumstances. My class certainly didn't complain, lol.
That's great he did that for you Kim. :D
Wow, you're very lucky, AG95.
AT, as someone that goes to community college myself, I'm not surprised. This situation hasn't happened to me yet, but the professors at my school tend to be fair and they don't try to trick you, like they sometimes do at the CSUs and UCs. The professor could have handled it better. He probably should have given you guys up to 10-25 extra credit points, instead of an automatic 100. For example, if you got a 90%, then you would get 9 or 22.5 E.C. points respectively. I don't know if he uses a pure points system or a weighted grade system, so that's why I gave the values of 10 or 25. Being pressed for time, I guess what he did is the best he could do.
Another solution would be to drop the test altogether, and have the final exam count for double or 150 points, instead of 100. Sorry that I'm not helping your case, AG95. I'm sure you're glad that he just gave you the 100 flat out for both tests.
Anyways, I found out that I have A+ blood today during bio lab. My professor let us prick our own fingers with a lancet and then test it. It was optional, so if I already knew from before, I wouldn't have done it. I was afraid to prick my finger, since you know, I don't normally do that and I hate getting shots. It was ok in the end, since if you push the blade gradually harder long enough, it pierces the skin and blood is drawn. I was happy to finally know.
I also learned that an econ professor that teaches at community colleges in my area was shot and killed this July in the downtown San Jose area. I sat in his class for one day to see if I was going to add it or not last spring. I ended up not taking it, but I felt a little traumatized and shocked seeing his picture on the TV as someone who got murdered. They finally got a suspect today based on surveillance footage, so that's how I found out. He didn't deserve to die tragically and brutally like that, since for the one day I had him, he came off as a nice and a little eccentric teacher.
Both. The combination is, in my eyes, appalling. Over here we could not get away with just giving away marks without those marks being earnt.
Not covering what is going to be examined is bad enough. But, giving away marks is academic fraud. For a degree to mean something, you have to be sure that those graduating have met the learning outcomes. You can't do that if marks are just given away. Do you have an external examiner system there? Or can professors just do what they want on their courses?
Note: I'm not blaming you; I'm blaming your professor.
Over here we would delay the test until the material had been coverd. And I've not heard of lecturers just blowing off classes like that. If a lecturer has a conference or something, they'll rearrange teaching. and delay tests until the necessary has been covered.
Anyhow. The reason I'm here at 3:00am is that I'm trying to break my record for the longest distance I've ever cycled in one day. I plan to cycle up to Lincoln, then turn around and cycle back again. With a bit of padding, this should be 200km in one day. If I make it.
Rudie, my professor uses a pure system. What you get on your test is what you get. There's 7 tests and no final. He'll drop the lowest test grade and average the remaining 6. He also has extra credit. Baby extra points are extra credit on test scores, and Big Mama extra credit points go on your final grade. Here's how it works my grades and extra credit I've done.
Tests #1,2,3, & 4: 97, 93, 100, 100= 98 rounded average
I've done 3 extra credit assignments that were worth 6 big mama extra credit points.
98+6= 104 as my final grade (as of this point in time).
I feel great to have the dropped test grade still available for me.
AT, with it being a small, mostly 2 year school, my professors have free reign over their classes. This guy has been at the school for 16 years. He's the only one qualified to teach the the 2 courses he teaches. Most students take American Government because they have to because it's required for almost any degree. Very few are going into the political science field, like our professor has. Most of us won't care about this information once we complete the class. I'm taking his other class, comparative politics, which is the next step after American Government, because I think that it might do me some good and broaden my possible future fields of study since political science and history are intertwined so much.
As for blowing off class, I know that some unexpected things can and do happen. My English class texted us 6 students that a class was cancelled because she had to attend a funeral at the same time, but she gave us a 24 hour notice. What pissed me off with this incident was that it was a complete waste of time to go to his class. I wouldn't have stayed the extra 3 hours in between classes had I known what he was going to do ahead of time.
Good luck with your biking today.
I may have mistood 'blowing off class'. I assumed that it wasn't for good reasons. Clearly classes are cancelled for reasons such as funerals, illness, attending academic conferences etc. In cases such as this we here will reschedule classes, and adjust the dates of assements. I can think of a case where the marking for a module was adjusted to exclude a test that couldn't happen.
It's none of my business of course, but I do find it a little bit worrying about the amount of power your professors have. While I haven't seen this sort of thing myself, there are certainly stories of university professionals not being very ... professional. In terms of playing favourites, penalising someone they don't like, or pressuring students for favours. In my experience, the vast majority of teaching professionals are dedicated, honest, and fair. But, oversight of some sort helps protect against the minority that might not be.
BtW: My ride went smoothly. It just took a very long time. I was out for a bit over 14 hours and was riding for the considerable majority of that.
Bearing in mind that it was 25-30 years ago when I was in college we had a totally different system. You would opt for 12 modules in your chosen subjects (8 in your major (pharmacology) and 4 in your minor (Chemistry). You went to lectures all year and had exams in each module (serious ones - 2 Hrs of writing per module) the following May/June. That counted for about 70 % of your assessment the remaining 30% came from your practical reports. You would not get individual marks for each module, just an overall grade. I think its become more flexible now wrt being able to mix modules, but other than that still very intense.
My New guitar is here:partytime:
Yea, Travlman, enjoy your new guitar!:rockon:
Counting down the number of weeks left in this semester, only 3 and 1/2 weeks to go!!
I'm still suffering from an infection I can't get rid of. I haven't been able to go back to the doctor yet because of school. I'll probably have to skip a class next week and go.
One of my friends from school has got mono, and she's suffering badly, so if ya'll would, please keep her in your thoughts or prayers.
This sounds very much like the system I went through for my BSc. The degree itself was a 'BSc' and you could combing the topics you wanted to, apart from prerequisites. If you wanted to do an MSc (which I did), then you had to do a certain amount of third year BSc work in the topic you wanted to specialise in. Otherwise it was a bit of a free for all. Which I think has benefits. E.g. people could do double majors in unexpected subjects. (Which I did.)
Hey Travlnman, let us know how the new 12-string is workin' out. I was stunned when I saw the price for a 12-string Epiphone (around $212?! A steal). The reviews are good.
As I mentioned, I bought a 6-string Epiphone about 2 months ago. I was looking for a smaller guitar with a light wood finish. Instead, I bought the Jumbo-sized Epi with a dark wood finish. It sounded so great and was the easiest-playing instrument - I was testing it against Martins and Taylors, so that's saying something.
Sorry, what does LP stand for?
How is the 12-string to play?
NMB, I'm going to guess that LP stands for Les Paul.
I didn't have a good day today. I had an appointment for a counselor to look over my UC essays. She said that she didn't want to look at them because she was directing me towards a UC Essay workshop. I already went to that last week, so her attempt at trying to brush me off didn't work. I saw her schedule on the computer screen, and it was empty. I should have taken that as a bad sign immediately. I only had her read one of them, since I felt like that she didn't want to help me.
She did give some feedback to my "selection of major question" in trying to show why I want to do accounting, like explaining my interest, not just my skills. However, I got more useful feedback from my friend, since I respond to things better when people aren't rude to me. I think she was just used to people who were barely making out of community college that she treated me like I was barely making it despite my 4.0 GPA. I don't think she even looked at my transcript, although she pulled it up.
Overall, I want to file a formal anonymous complaint just saying that her conduct towards students could be better. If I have to see her again to follow up on this complaint, I won't like it and she'll probably change her personality and make me look like the fool. She made me feel like I wasn't worth her time. In fact, I called my mother and asked her if I was a terrible person. I guess you can say that I was being sensitive, but out of all people, I don't expect a counselor to be rude. I expect it sometimes from a teacher unfortunately, but not someone whose job is to help people move along with their life. I was taken aback by this.
However, the anger from this appointment allowed me to run better today. I haven't been running as much as I used to, so that's a little victory. When Thanksgiving weekend comes, I'll be absolved of all this college application mumbo jumbo.
ETA: I've had much better experiences with 5 other counselors, so I'll probably see them and not care about what time I could see them next time.
ETA #2: I'm not going to file a complaint because I'm supposed to confront the counselor. I understand that it's protocol, and I get that they don't want complaints to go on about willy nilly. I wonder if there's just a way, like a comment card, to just say that she could be nicer and less dismissive. Oh well, I guess I'll just warn my friends and others to avoid her.
I'm sorry that happened to you, Rudie. As the bumper sticker says, "Mean people suck." I think you should complain about the counselor. It's her job to help people, not make them feel like dirt.
That's just me though. I don't think I ever met a school counselor who was helpful. Like you, I had a 4.0 GPA in community college. I had my heart set on doing my next two years (to earn a bachelor's degree) at a certain school in Florida that offered me a partial scholarship. I'd never be able to afford this school if they didn't pay half the $50K tuition. This dumb-arsed counselor actually discouraged me from accepting the scholarship, saying he'd seen so many kids who couldn't "handle" going to an out-of-state university, so far from their families. I actually smiled at him - the advice was so pathetic.
Sorry for the late reply, NMB, but thank you for your support. I ended up getting good feedback for my essay from a friend, a teacher, and my cousin who provided a lengthy but very helpful e-mail.
I'm just glad that I submitted all the pertinent applications by today. I might apply to 1 or 2 more schools that have submit dates from January to March. Ha, I didn't deal with a crashing or slow server! It will be a bit stressful tomorrow for the rest of the applicants.
I also want to congratulate tm2 for getting accepted to the school of his choice last week! Good luck and I hope you get some scholarship money and don't let the senioritis hit you too hard next semester.
I would suggest that you make a request for further feedback to another member of staff saying that (counsellor) hadn't really helped you. This isn't a complaint as such, but a request for information. If they ask why, then this gives you an opportunity to explain. If they don't give you the help you need, then this gives you more grounds for a solid complaint as you have gone to some efforts to obtain feedback, and it's not a matter of just one person not helping you.
Note: I work in the UK and things work differently here.
Thanks, AT. I'm just checking to be sure that this is what you're saying. You're suggesting to ask other staff members for more info on her due to not being that helpful, and if given the chance to explain why, do so? If they don't do anything after doing that, then it could be a basis for a complaint?
I talked with a different counselor last week, BTW, and she was very helpful in checking over my college applications to make sure that there were no mistakes in recording the academic history on the apps.
Yes. You've received poor service from one person. Before you complain, I'd advise you to approach another person in a calm polite way. That in itself may resolve the problem, and also give 'the system' feedback that things aren't working properly. If you still don't get the help you need, you then have a much stronger basis for a complaint, and have shown that you yourself have been prepared to try and solve the problem before complaining.
That's my suggestion. You've already got the basis for a complaint now. But, if you try approaching someone else pre-complaint, then there's less chance that those dealing with your complaint will consider it one person versus another. But showing that you are prepared to be more than reasonable, your complaint will be taken more seriously when/if you make it.
I would go back to the same person you spoke to last time, and ask for help. Then you can ask him/her about how to address the problem in general.
AT, how are things going in your swimming and biking endurance efforts - is that on hold for the winter?
Last Saturday I did what I thought would be an easy 100km ride including a 1km swim. Should have been easy, but it was difficult. I was late for the swim (I was meeting others) and then tired when I got back. I don't know when I'll go out for a proper ride next, though I should be swimming on Friday.
My plans to do 300km cycling in one day are hence on hold a bit.
I've been so busy with college that I haven't had much free time over these past few weeks.
Monday is my last day of regular classes, and then, Tuesday- Thursday are the finals period. All of my grades are much set in stone, so I haven't go alot of pressure on me. I've enjoyed this semester a whole lot. I've made some close friends, but I am looking forward to my month longChristmas break.
In other news, I finally got my learner's permit this past Friday. While it's not complete independence of driving, it is a huge step in the right direction. I hope to have my regular license by February or March.
Good luck on your finals, AG95!
Been doing ALOT of recording lately I can't wait to share it with you guys.
Damn cold is slowly going. Just the occasional bit of coughing now.
In terms of cycle rides, I was hoping that I would be able to cycle around every volcano within the city limits of Auckland when I'm down there. But, even if I take 12 hours, that's still only 13 a bit minutes per volcano, and I don't think I can do it.
Oh AT, what an adventurous life you lead! I'm an absolute slug by comparison.
I really would love to see NZ some day. I bet the people are very nice.
New Zealand people are of course very nice. You can let us have your credit card and pin number with perfect safety. I promise! Give it a go and see!
Seriously though, if I was travelling just for adventure I would go somewhere more adventurous. I'm going to NZ to visit family, and some friends, and will try just a few interesting excursions while I'm there.
If I was going for adventure, I know where I'd go. I would like to go visit Iran. I've read/viewed a lot, and it looks like an absolutely fascinating country to visit which at present isn't overrun with tourists, which changes places and people.
It may look adventurous to go and live in rural Japan, not knowing the language, and it was. But, that ws decades ago. I want some more proper adventure.
AT, are you a native Kiwi then? I thought you were an Englishman. Not to get too personal or anything.
Hey! You just reminded me that I saw something that might be useful to post in the Songwriting thread.