I was born and grew up in NZ. My father was English, so I'm a dual citizen. Which is useful, though less so if the UK leaves the EU.
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Oh dear - they wouldn't honor a dual citizenship? That seems harsh.
So you sound like this I suppose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7t2f-L6Z04
It all makes sense now though: the cycling, the running, battling the elements. Kiwis are rugged outdoorspeople, it is said.
Just wanted to say I plan on taking a break from The Border (and other online message boards) for a bit. This thread seems about as good a place as any to say this. I have been quite busy lately and not had much time to post on here, and with Christmas and January exams coming up this situation unfortunately won't improve for a while yet. To be completely honest, I have felt at times that the atmosphere in some (although it should be emphasised, not at all) sections of the board has been a little off colour recently, although the lack of time is a much bigger issue than this. Everything is fine, I just haven't had enough time to think about posting much, let alone get around to typing anything up!
I am aware that we are just a few days off the 40th anniversary of the release of Hotel California. I have no intention on missing out on this historic occasion, and will post in the Celebration thread at the appropriate time. I'll probably take my leave for the time being after this weekend. I don't want to give a definitive return date as such, but I've earmarked late January (when things should start to get less busy) unless something big comes up.
Good luck Johnny
Boy you wouldnt belive what happend to me today. I learned that to my generation facts dont matter at all.
So you know my name is Stephen. At school my friends sometimes call me Professer Stephen. Its because I have a huge knowledge of History/Politics and have a reputation of sometimes knowing more then my History Teachers. Its one of the only subjects I am better then most of my friends or classmates and have gotten straight As in CI without studying. I can send you a screenshot of my Grades if you want proff.
So for some reason in Algebra which is my worst subject I got frustrated and said I hate the Greeks because of the reputation of famous scientists . My teacher said it was the Mesopotamians and pointed to a poster of great moments throughout Math history. So I made a joke saying well. The. Mesopotamian's were responsible for many things in this world. Namely Math, Civilization, The Wheal and Instability in the Middle East. So this Girl is always trying to start a fight. She told me I was wrong that the Middle East was stable until America put dictators in during the Cold War. I respectfully said "Nope your wrong. The Middle East has always been an area of instability being the cradle of the world. She started calling me racist ignorant. I just kept on stating facts. The Middle East has gone through the Asyrrian Empire, Persian Empire, Egyptian Empire, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, The Ottoman Empire, Crusades, World War 1.
The whole time she was calling me Racially Insensitive wanting to report me and that I was wrong. I littleraly had absolutely ZERO INTENTIONS of being racist. She was blabing about me being racist and I am like the other areas are The Congo with the Civil War, South Africa with Aparthtied, and the whole Ebola crises and Somaili Pirates. She is like I am from Nigera and you are wrong because I went there and saw none of that.
I had no intention of being racist I said. I am not wrong ask the CDC and the WHO and Uninted Nations. She continued this is exactly why my parents dont want me in public shools because of Crazy White people like you. I am like those are facts not being racist at all. She went down to the office to file a report against me for being racist which I was not.
I was sitting there domfounded lile how the fuck was I being Racist when I had zero intentions of acting it. If I was trying to be racist you would know it.
I got really pissed off and went down to talk to one of the Administrators who happens to be a History teacher. I told him what happened and he told me I was correct and she had no case.
So tomorrow I am going to the Office to file a counter report. How are facts racist? I would not be racist in public or private.
My friends never debate history with me for that exact reason.
Boy I hate my generation. First time in 4 years I was not the cause of trouble involving me.
So yeah it was a quite interesting Algebra Class :D
It's not that they won't honour dual citizenship. It's just that if the UK does actually leave the EU, then I may lose my freedom of movement. At the moment I can go and live and work in Spain or France or any one of a large number of European countries. I may lose this ability.
Though, the biggest problem if the EU is weakened in my eyes, was that it was created to lessen the chance of war. People seem to be forgetting not one but two world wars.
Kiwis also have the reputation of being able to fix anything in the world with a pair of pliers and a piece of number 8 fencing wire.
I didn't know that. I thought it was created for economic benefit. Nigel Farage - your buddy - was on CNN this past weekend suggesting that the U.S. and the U.K. could form a free trade agreement. That sounds exciting to me, but I don't claim any expertise on that subject.
Jonny, I will miss your contributions to these forums if you take leave of us. I hope you'll come back when you have more time.
Johnny, you have my respect for taking time out for the more important things in life - like getting through those exams. I look forward to your return.
I agree that the board has seemed a bit "off" recently but I guess that's partly the transition from supporting a current band to a former one.
JCL, enjoy your break and hope to see you around here again.
And Merry Christmas to you!
Enjoy your break and best of luck on the exams JCL!!! :D
Sorry about what happened in your class tm2. That does seem to happen more and more with our generation and how some don't really look into history or understand being sarcastic. I still feel weird being in the Millennial generation as it really is large when it contains those born between 1982 and 2004. Then again I always felt I was born in the wrong generation so there's that too. LOL
Not too much has been going on with me besides getting ready for Christmas. I think I'm already done shopping which is super early for me. It doesn't still doesn't feel like Christmas and this year went by so fast.
There's more on the EU here. https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en
People complain that the EU is 'facist'. It was set up to prevent facism. We've just had new laws brought in, in the UK, which are a snoopers charter. Things aren't, in my opinion, heading in the right direction.
I'm internationalist in my views. When I was a foreign student in Japan, I had friends from countries that are now pretty much destroyed. I wonder what happened to them and their families. The EU was intended to reduce the likelihood of this happening.
@Jonny - ditto from me.Quote:
Jonny, I will miss your contributions to these forums if you take leave of us. I hope you'll come back when you have more time.
Thanks for all your nice comments and good luck messages! As for my exams when they come, I've seen my timetable and 'Good Day In Hell' does not begin to describe it... more like 'Good Week In Hell'! After they are all over I'll be back for sure, doubtlessly bumping the threads I've missed! :D I'm not going just yet though, I will try and make it on here every day this week.
Good luck in your exams JCL. Always a tense time I guess. We have exams from next week in our school.
On the home front I'm busy being Fabulous. My parents are doing OK thank God. Better than last year so I hope it stays that way over Christmas. The kids are all in musicals and sports events for Christmas too - tehre arent enough hours in the day.
Hubby got promoted so he will be moving off the shift next week and will be on regular 9-5.
And I'm looking forward to LA in January
Ga, awesome news for you and your hubby! And the kids of course!
Such a busy time of year. I'm all decorated at the house, but I can't seem to get my presents wrapped and under the tree. My grandson (2 1/2) was over visiting and found one of his presents so I just gave it to him! Never even thought about him seeing it! He has more though, as you can imagine, being my only grandchild! :lol:
I'm also looking forward to January!
In case I don't come on here again until 2017, just wanted to say now that I wish everyone on The Border a very merry Christmas. :grouphug:
I shall take my break for the time being. It's been wonderful to celebrate the HC anniversary with you and I have had some other very interesting discussions in the last few days. See you all in the new year! (if not before, I might pop along on Christmas Eve or some time like that, can't guarantee it though)
Thanks JCL. Same from me to you and everyone.
I'm about to embark on a 34 hour series of flights to New Zealand. I'm not looking forward to the trip, apart from the 7 hours I'll spend in Japan.
I wave hello from across the Tasman AT! Enjoy your time there!
My daughter got her Higher School Certificate results & university admission score. She is pretty happy with them & hopefully will be going to University of Technology or University of NSW to do a bachelor of communication or arts (respectively). She's just now gone off to an open day at UNSW (UNSW is in the eastern suburbs of Sydney & we live in the southern suburbs).
As I said on Facebook this may be the start of 'empty nest syndrome'.
Congratulations to your daughter, FP. Best wishes to her, too.
(You'll be fine.) :hug:
Congratulations for your daughter FP. As someone who works in Education, I love hearing when someone is doing well. May the knowledge she is gaining benefit her for the rest of her life.
Fp, congrats to Rosalund, great news! Is she in her last year of high school? (I don't know what you call the last years)
Ok funny story cause all I can do is say it is what is.
My other half ,jahh, ordered me the timothy b schmidt poster andit came as one of the 50 that were signed.
Problem is the item came crused and soaking wet from.ups
It came destroyed .
My hubby contacted the company to let them know how it arrived ,
Shame is it cost almost to special ship it as to purchased item
Well done to Rosalind FP. And TT Sorry your poster was ruined, what a pity.
Thanks ga
I could not believe it was signed
And destroyed same time
That sucks TT !! I hope the situation gets resolved !!
TT, so sorry about your sign. That's terrible!
I'm sorry too TT about the sign. I hope they're able to resolve it too.
Anyone like my collection?
Attachment 1538
Thanks everyone
I'll keep you posted
I got the same as Delilah
Every time I click your attachment it boots me off the Border!!
GA and Delilah, try logging in again when it "logs you out." You have to do that to see Tm2's picture.
I am asking you to pray if you do. I need a miracle
I have Crohn's as you know. Well, I also have developed C-Diff
In November, I crapped my pants a lot in a classroom full of students, I tried to get help and couldn't in that moment of panic and ran out of my classroom.
I put my job in jeopardy
I am working with my union and doctor and am getting t put on short term disability and might get 70% of my pay while my doctor gets things stabilized.
I am so worried because without my job, I will be homeless.
I am asking for prayers to make the district approve the short -term and but also praying we can get this under control.
And while at it, I could use a miracle in the form of money if ever there was one. I don't owe that much but not having an income will leave me homeless.
I know you have given me good thoughts before. I would appreciate them again.
Thank you so much
S- C, you need only ask once. Hoping and praying for the best outcome for you in every way.
I'm so sorry SC and sending prayers.
SC, you have my best wishes. Hopefully the district will behave like normal, decent human beings and will support you through this. Why is it that public sector employers seem to be the most unreasonable? I'm sure that you and your doctor will find a way to improve things. Are there any support groups that could help you fight your cause?
S-C, I'm so sorry to hear this and am sending thoughts and prayers for you.