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Happy for you and Milton, Soda! My cat is almost 15, and has issues. I know how you feel. I hope he continues to improve.
Soda-- That's great news for you and Milton!
FreyFollower-- My cat, Scout, will be 18 in a few months. Needless to say, she also has a few issues... but for an old lady, she's not doing too bad!
Good news - happy to hear this !
What's happening in my life?
1. I'm a T2 Diabetic and it's getting harder & harder to keep my blood sugar levels at acceptable levels.
2. I'm looking at filing bankruptcy in the very near future.....but, the good thing is that if someone mentions a credit card application to me again, I can smack them upside the head really good.
3. After the bankruptcy is over with, I can start saving money to buy things that I've been wanting like a Takamine GB-7 acoustic (Garth Brooks signature acoustic/electric guitar. I played one at my local music store a long while back and I absolutely loved it)!!
4. I can also look forward to having an AllParts pink paisley Telecaster built. I've wanted one of those guitars for a LONG time. The Fender paisley Telecasters are way too Barbie-pink for my liking.
TT, I'm so sorry about your problems. My Mom is a t2 diabetic and all I can say is I hope I never get that disease. It's terrible!
Best of luck getting everything straightened out!
Soda, so glad Milton is on the mend!
TT - I'm very sorry to hear about your troubles.
About the guitar - I couldn't agree more. The Fender reissues look nothing like the original '68 pink paisley Telecasters. Way too vivid.
TT - sorry to hear about all your troubles. Best of luck in the future.
Well I've seen the kidney doctor and we are going to reevaluate things in 3 months. If the blood and protein go up, they want to do a biopsy of both kidneys.