Hi, buff. My son and my daughter-in-law did this when they were in college. They really enjoyed it, too. Have fun! :wave:
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My new Epiphone Dreadnought 12 String Acoustic shall arive to my sanctuary in
4-6 Buisness Days. So after Armageddon! :lol::woah:
That's awesome LT. :D It is a lot a fun and have made friends with other authors through it too.
On Tuesday, my American.Government professor blew off class. He apologized today, and said he had some things he had to take care of. Because of this, he neglected to teach some of the most important info for the test that was today. To make up for that, he gave everyone a 100 on the test, though he still had us take the test to see what we do know. This test counted double for me, so I got two 100s as test grades without any effort involved. :D:yay:
What's appalling, the blowing off class or giving out a free test grade? If it's the latter, he has no wiggle left in the semester. He's on a super tight schedule, and can't postpone the test, so he did what he thought was fair, given the circumstances. My class certainly didn't complain, lol.
That's great he did that for you Kim. :D
Wow, you're very lucky, AG95.
AT, as someone that goes to community college myself, I'm not surprised. This situation hasn't happened to me yet, but the professors at my school tend to be fair and they don't try to trick you, like they sometimes do at the CSUs and UCs. The professor could have handled it better. He probably should have given you guys up to 10-25 extra credit points, instead of an automatic 100. For example, if you got a 90%, then you would get 9 or 22.5 E.C. points respectively. I don't know if he uses a pure points system or a weighted grade system, so that's why I gave the values of 10 or 25. Being pressed for time, I guess what he did is the best he could do.
Another solution would be to drop the test altogether, and have the final exam count for double or 150 points, instead of 100. Sorry that I'm not helping your case, AG95. I'm sure you're glad that he just gave you the 100 flat out for both tests.
Anyways, I found out that I have A+ blood today during bio lab. My professor let us prick our own fingers with a lancet and then test it. It was optional, so if I already knew from before, I wouldn't have done it. I was afraid to prick my finger, since you know, I don't normally do that and I hate getting shots. It was ok in the end, since if you push the blade gradually harder long enough, it pierces the skin and blood is drawn. I was happy to finally know.
I also learned that an econ professor that teaches at community colleges in my area was shot and killed this July in the downtown San Jose area. I sat in his class for one day to see if I was going to add it or not last spring. I ended up not taking it, but I felt a little traumatized and shocked seeing his picture on the TV as someone who got murdered. They finally got a suspect today based on surveillance footage, so that's how I found out. He didn't deserve to die tragically and brutally like that, since for the one day I had him, he came off as a nice and a little eccentric teacher.
Both. The combination is, in my eyes, appalling. Over here we could not get away with just giving away marks without those marks being earnt.
Not covering what is going to be examined is bad enough. But, giving away marks is academic fraud. For a degree to mean something, you have to be sure that those graduating have met the learning outcomes. You can't do that if marks are just given away. Do you have an external examiner system there? Or can professors just do what they want on their courses?
Note: I'm not blaming you; I'm blaming your professor.
Over here we would delay the test until the material had been coverd. And I've not heard of lecturers just blowing off classes like that. If a lecturer has a conference or something, they'll rearrange teaching. and delay tests until the necessary has been covered.