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Thread: Celebration of "Long Road Out of Eden"!

  1. #21
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    I think people know I adore ILTWAWD. I think it's a stunning performance.

    My favourite track is the title track - an absolute masterpiece which I already consider in the band's top ten works. As well as that I love all the songs Glenn sings - every one of them. I love WITW, FGOTBP and BAU too.

    My major complaint is that Joe and Tim's songs don't really do them justice, with the exception of Do Something, and I would have liked to have been informed which musicians played what on each recording. Also, I still think it would not hurt the band to play a couple more of these songs live.

  2. #22
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    Aw, Happy Birthday to LROOE! The title track remains my favourite. Seeing the guys perform it live took my breath away.

    It's an all-round awesome album. There's not one song that hasn't grown on me over time. Also, yummy artwork!

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  3. #23
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!


    It really doesn't seem like it's been 2 years since this album was released. I'll make some more comments throughout our celebration week, but I would have to say that my favorite song has to be 'How Long'. From the very first opening note, I just love the song. It is the vintage Eagles sound that I love so much. Even if they didn't write the song, they own it.

    Also, you can definitely count me as one who also loves I Love To Watch a Woman Dance.

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  4. #24
    Stuck on the Border Peekaboo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    Happy Anniversary LROOE!!!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this album. A huge THANK YOU to the guys for putting out this album. LROOE has given us fans sooo songs, new tour, new pics, new interviews, and a chance to see them perform live on tv. We've gotten all of this from LROOE and yet we fans hunger for more...go figure.

    Stranded "on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
    Such a fine sight to see."

  5. #25
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    Glad to hear that more people love ILTWAWD!

    I too love all the songs that Glenn sings .

    I found that most of the songs have grown on me as well. There isn't a song on the album that I don't like. I think the song LROOE is a masterpiece. I thoroughly enjoy the entire album.

    Dreamer, I agree with you about HL. As I have mentioned before, HL was the only LROOE song that they sang at the concert that I attended & they opened with it. A huge thrill went through my entire body when I heard the first few notes. It's a great song for them & they certainly do an outstanding job on it!

  6. #26
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    Yesterday I forgot to write quite what are my favorite songs from this album. So, my favorites are:

    How Long
    Do Somethink
    Long Road Out Of Eden ( especially I love the beginning from this song)
    Somebody ( I like really like here Glenn's spucky voice)
    Guilty Of The Crime
    Waiting In The Weeds

    There are no songs on this album, which I do not like!
    "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation!"
    (Glenn Frey)

  7. #27
    Stuck on the Border MikeA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    A whole year? It's been a year? Where's the NEXT album? <LOL>


  8. #28
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    I thought I would try to put together some of my thoughts from when the album came out and augment them with things that have changed. I'm gonna segment this because there's so much to say!

    I still remember that excitement beyond belief when I held the album in my hands... the one that I thought would never happen, the one I was afraid to hope for. Even after hearing it on preview, there was just something about having it in my possession that made it REAL. The Eagles are so amazing for putting out new music after all this time when so many of their peers rest on their laurels.


    No More Walks in the Wood - I love the beautiful harmonies that this piece is obviously designed to feature. The individual voices come through loud and clear, each adding its own texture. Melodically, it's not very interesting, but the melody isn't what's important here, it's the vocal. The reason the melody isn't my favorite is that it reminds me of some of the doxology-type songs we would sing in church, where we would try to make Bible verses that weren't intended to be sung into songs and it got a bit awkward with the melody.Ideally, the melody would have a more satisfying structure that sounds more cohesive and less meandering. For an example of the ideal, see "Seven Bridges Road." That has a terrific melody that doesn't detract from the vocals in any way.

    How Long - So much fun! This one makes me smile every time I hear it, despite the unpleasant opening image of a dissected bluebird. This song has always been great, and the guys do it justice now just as they did over 30 years ago. It seems so "right"!

    Busy Being Fabulous So, so catchy. I love it. It gets stuck in your head, and ever since, I've sometimes used the phrase as a joke - "I wonder if Stevie Nicks is busy being fabulous tonight?" lol I think they were right to choose this as the second single. It's got that "hook" that even catches the casual listener. This also has a bit of a country flavor to it. It's got a pleasant melody and the "uh-huh" is a nice touch.

    What Do I Do With My Heart My favorite on the album, right up there with Waiting in the Weeds! Magnificent vocals, strong melody, effective song structure. Glenn nails that love-lorn vocal, rich yet vulnerable. Bringing Don in at the end for that back-and-forth just takes it to the next level and emphasizes it's an Eagles song. The bridge is unexpectedly different, and it's terrific. The power of Glenn's vocal from the bridge to the end is what really sells it for me, though. He make you feel it. That's what has always drawn me to his music, and he's done it again here.

    More later!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  9. #29
    Stuck on the Border EasyFeeling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    Wow, already 2 years

    Happy Anniversary, LROOE When I listened to it the first time Waiting In The Weeds just blew me away and it was my favorite and still is. My least fav was the title track, but since I've heard it live I've changed my mind.

  10. #30
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Long Road Out of Eden!

    And in honor of both Halloween and Long Road Out of Eden...


    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

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