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Thread: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border Stars's Avatar
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    Default Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    My husband gave me the "Jerry Maguire" DVD for Christmas this year! I was absolutely thrilled. I don't think he even knew why I wanted the movie, and when he gave it to me he said, "Now don't expect me to watch this one with you!"

  2. #2
    Border Desperado
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    No body bothered, so it looks like I will have to treat myself ? oh yes I am still awaiting a Guitar Pick 2006 to come over to the UK from the States, so I have treated myself ? maybe there are still more out there ? Sorry but Jerry Mc, just for a few mins of Glenn Frey, OMG, oh well what ever floats your boat, my wife likes that film, but did not even realise that it was Frey in it ? you either have it or you do not,

    Happy New Year to all


  3. #3
    Border Desperado Tessa's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    I got Don Felder's Heaven and Hell book and read it in one night.

    Well...he might be a great guitar player....but this book is full of blaming everybody else and self-pity. Strange...

    The better gift came from my Lovey who gave me two tickets for the Eagles concert in Munich

  4. #4
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    Cool gifts everyone! As for me, I both received and gave Eagles-related gifts.

    One of my good buddies gave me a coffee mug with non-other than the Smokin' Hot picture (my avatar) on it. The problem is that I can't drink out of it because that sucker is so HOT that any liquid is bound to quickly reach a boiling point in it. But it sure does look fine sitting on my smokin' mouse pad where I can keep a very good eye on it whenever I'm at the pc.

    Now for the giving part - I am giving two of my nieces a nice Eagles-related holiday gift - tickets to the Hampton concert on January 12. Of course, I am also giving myself a ticket to the show as well.

    I am also giving myself a 2009 Eagles calendar based on Mike's calendar that he posted for us. I haven't quite finished putting it together, but hope to get it finished this week sometimes.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  5. #5
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    My sister gave me the HFO Song book with guitar chords and music that I can easily adapt to the Piano. My brother had said he'd get the Millennium collection for me but it didn't materialise. Maybe he had difficulty with the link I gave him!
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  6. #6
    R.I.P. ticky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    OOO I got a terrific Eagles related Xmas gift. SOME of you may remember a autogrpahed picture of Joe on ebay that was going for a Extremely crazy reasonable amount. WELL.... I sniped it but pretty low... I did NOT expect to win.. and I did not.. I was out bid.. by NON OTHER then MY dearest Cami! aka Wildthyme!! and guess what she gave me for Xmas!!! *G* and guess whats going on my Wall-o-worship!! *G* I love him.. err it *G*

    Like this but with a signature at the bottom and in a pretty frame *G*
    Last edited by ticky; 12-28-2008 at 01:24 AM.

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border EagleLady's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    That is awesome Rhonda, now you can gaze at Joe anytime you want

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border TimothyBFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    I received LROOE on vinyl, a black and white 8 x 10 of the guys circa HFO and I, like Dreamer, gave myself my calendar.
    He sings it high, he plays it low

  9. #9
    Border Desperado Littlemelly9's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    well I got money for the concert but thats it.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    Wonderful gifts, especially those related to getting good seats for the concerts next year.

    Stars, enjoy Jerry Maguire, and even though Glenn is only a bit part you can justify watching it to your hubby by saying it's about sport!

    ticky, that photo is awewsome!

    The nearest Eagles related gift we got is Guitar Hero. I haven't been allowed on it yet.
    This way to happiness...

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