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Thread: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

  1. #51
    Border Rebel MarthaJo56's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    Quote Originally Posted by Glennsallnighter View Post
    They are lovely gifts - Martha are you on FB? I'm nearly sure that I saw that picture on one of my Eagles pages!!

    My mother, brother and sister got me the Eagles Legacy Vinyl box set as a joint gift from them. My brother did the purchasing. He said that when he was buying it the guy had to open 2 levels of security in the sealed display case and was almost in awe of the fact that he was selling it!! Mind you, its heavy weight. My hubby got me a flute so I guess it too is Eagles related as I will intend to play Eagles music on it when I got proficient!

    Yes, I am on on a couple of Eagles pages on Facebook. One more active than the others.
    Congrats on the great present. I would LOVE to get "Legacy" but too rich for my blood at this point.

  2. #52
    Border Rebel Pippinwhite's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    I have been remiss in not posting my fabulous gift from CAinOH: a promo copy of The Allnighter on vinyl with presskit with these delectable photos, three art cards, and an Eagles 2015 HOTE backstage pass. Riches! Clearly, I have better friends than I deserve.

    Thank you again!

  3. #53
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    Oh my gosh!! That is amazing!!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  4. #54
    Border Rebel Pippinwhite's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    @soda-- I was tickled, that's for sure!!! Two of my very favorite Glenn pics ever!

  5. #55
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    Yep - that's an awesome gift, pippin ... a gift that keeps on giving, for sure!

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  6. #56
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    Fantastic gift, pippin!
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
    1948-2016 Gone but not forgotten

  7. #57
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    I now have Legacy! There's a bit of a hiccup, though. The glue on the binding of one of the books was detached straight out of the box. I mean, when I opened it to look at it, it fell apart in my hands. My first thought was to return it, but the discs are OK, so I'm wondering it I should just leave it and not go through all the bother of a return.

    The booklet is nice - as you've already gotten a glimpse, while there were many photos we've seen before, there were also some we've haven't. My favorites were outtakes of a late seventies shoot where Glenn the guys sported different clothes than what came out in the final tourbook shots. The only thing is that some of the photos are smaller than I would like.

    The shirt design is cool, but pretty long considering it's a medium. I won't be wearing it as much as I wear my other Eagles shirts.

    I like the disc of extras but Don was right to be ticked off about that single edit of "Best of My Love" - it really was poorly done. Perhaps if I wasn't so well-acquainted with the original, I wouldn't notice that after "I guess that wasn't enough, oh-hoh-woah, but..." they unceremoniously remove "here in my heart, I give you the best of my love."

    I should probably post this in the Legacy thread - it's getting to be a review! Too late to mess with that now, though. My nephew is wanting the computer so I'd better hustle.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  8. #58
    Out on the Border EaglesFan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    I received the History Of The Eagles DVD for Christmas. No more borrowing it from my local library anymore!

  9. #59
    Border Desperado Elle81's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone receive any Eagles related gifts for Christmas?

    I got an early christmas present back in August, a biography book on the guys. It's called "The Eagles: a history" by Marc Shapiro. (I know, it's probably full of misinformation). But I don't care, I like it for the pictures. It's a nice edition to my slowly growing collection of Eagles things.

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