Mt Pleasant, MI 7-20-06
Well, Lissa, Bree, and I just made it to our hotel at 4:00 am, so the detailed review will have to wait. Let us just say that it was a terrific show. He sang with heart and even played piano on several songs and sang without a guitar for one song (hear that Julie?! lol).The place was packed and by the end, even the geezers were on their feet. Looks-wise, he wore the shiny suit with a black shirt and wingtip shoes. The black shirt was partially unbuttoned and he was wearing a chain around his neck. His hair was shorter than it was in England. Here are the most important things in brief:
1) Bree got to meet Glenn! A woman with a VIP pass saw me and recognized me from London. She tried to get us backstage passes but could only get one. We decided that since Lissa and I had gone to Pebble Beach, Bree should be the one to go to the backstage meet'n'greet. I will let her give you more details, but the highlights are that she got a photo with Glenn, had his arm around her shoulder (and hers around his waist) and was able to give him a sticker that said "Tough Guys Wear Pink."
2) There was merchandise! Two types of shirts - a T-shirt and a baby doll shirt. They said "Prelude to Obscurity Tour 2006." They also gave the tour cities. Which leads to...
3) There are a couple more cities that he is playing that we did not know about - they might be private or just not publicized. He played a private show near Jacksonville, FL a couple nights ago. He will play in Milwaukee after Rama and Cincinnati after Atlantic City.
4) There were two never-before-heard songs! One was called "I Love to Watch a Woman Dance." It was very sensual and romantic. Glenn stood at the mic, no guitar, minimal instrumentation, and he sang with such soulful vulnerability and passion it took our breaths away. It was a soft, slow song. It poetically describes a visual of a beautiful woman dancing, told from the point of view of the man who is in love with her. Lyrics include things like "her hips circle slowly" and "I feel her breath on my neck" etc. etc. You get the idea. Oh how hot!!!!
The other was something he said was dug out of his old demos and was written with a Southern jazz musician named Hinton (I think). It was called "I'll Come Running Back to You." It was upbeat, catchy and jazzy (as you might guess!) The chorus went something like "Just call out my name / I am not ashamed / I'll come running back to you."
5) The setlist was so much better than I thought it would be. It included SOME KIND OF BLUE!! Here it is in total:
Peaceful Easy Feeling
Lyin' Eyes
Some Kind of Blue
The One You Love
Silent Spring / Tequila Sunrise
I Love to Watch a Woman Dance
No More Cloudy Days
Take It to the Limit
I'll Come Running Back to You
You Belong to the City
Smuggler's Blues
Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed
The Heat Is On
Heartache Tonight
I Hear You Knockin'
Some Kind of Wonderful
Take It Easy
That's all for now guys.
WHAT A NIGHT!!!!!!!!!
Stuck on the Border
Re: Mt Pleasant!!! (setlist spoilers)
Wow--sounds like a great show. TWO new songs and meeting GLenn, too? Whoo-Hooo!
Border Desperado
Re: Mt Pleasant!!! (setlist spoilers)
WOW! That sounds absolutely wonderful! New songs!! Thanks so much for posting up your review so quickly, Nancy. can't wait to read what Bree has to say about meeting Glenn...<sigh>
This way to happiness...
Stuck on the Border
Re: Mt Pleasant!!! (setlist spoilers)
I'm over the moon. That's all!
Border Desperado
Re: Mt Pleasant!!! (setlist spoilers)
Oh my gosh. OH my GOSH. I met Glenn Frey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That made my whole life. Oh my GOD. Okay, so you know the basics that someone Nancy knew from London came up to give her the pass. I couldn't believe it was really a meet'n'greet and not one of those little backstage tour things. I also couldn't believe that the two ladies I was touring the Midwest and Ontario with were actually ANGELS and were sweethearts enough to give up a chance to meet Glenn (it doesn't matter if they already had done so or not--it's still a huge, huge thing) so that I could do so, as I was the only one of the 3 of us who had not yet obtained the Holy Grail.
So I took the thing, shaking like you wouldn't believe, and got up to get myself organized... And when I was leaving, I asked Nancy and Lissa to watch my purse. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I then realized what I said and went "Oh my gosh...I actually get to say it!!! HOLD MY PURSE WHILE I GO MEET GLENN!!!" 
I went over there and was standign in the line talking to that wonderful lady and her family, when I remembered that I had the "Tough Guys Wear Pink" sticker back in my purse. I *ran* back across the theater because it was just about time to get on backstage! I grabbed it and ran back, then put the sticker on my shirt...where it remains, I have plans for it and don't want to just stick it to something random in the meantime.
By the way, I was wearing the Infamous Pink Coat.
Pink brocade...the twin to the one my friend and I teased him about in my signature line, hahaha... A gray T-shirt (um....can I say this? oh heck...a very low-cut gray T-shirt), and jeans, and brown high-heeled sandals.
So we get let backstage, and I was just in total shock. I felt calm in a way, I wasn't hyperventilating, hahaha...but I also wasn't 100% collected either.
There was only a couple and then the family ahead of me... I watched him with the family, he was soooo sweet to the little kids and all... And he *introduced himself* to the lady who gave me the pass, LOL! She said her name and he said "Hi, I'm Glenn." Hahahahahaha! No, I had NO idea who you were. 
Sooo then....moment of truth...my turn.
The security guard stepped out of my way and there I was, face to face with The Man. And out of my mouth comes this ridiculously loud, accented, drawling "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!" *dies* LOL!! He just went "Hi!" I said "Okay, I just have to tell you, this is for you...I bought this for you last summer because I saw it and it just reminded me of you so much, and I just had to get it in case I ever randomly had the chance to give it to you. You always wear pink and it's *awesome*, so...! That's yours." LOL...he was looking in my eyes the whole time and just smiling so sweetly, and he looked down then and read it and laughed and went "Well thank you!" And took it...
And then, he held his hand back out and said "I'm sorry, your name was..?" I said "Oh, I'm sorry, I guess that's the whole point right? My name's Bree." "Hi Bree, it is *so* nice to meet you." "Oh, the feeling's mutual, trust me." 
Then, he reached out his arm and said, and the stutters here are intentional... "Alright, so come on over here...c'mon over here and we'll, we'll...for our... This is our Kodak moment here..!" I was like "Awesome, of course!" And stepped over next to him... He put his arm lightly around my shoulders...and I decided you know, oh well...and put my arm around his waist very lightly and said "Is this alright, can I do this?" LOL. He turned to me and said "Of course!", hahahahaha...so I tightened my arm around him and he tightened his around me!!! I TOUCHED THE BODY OF THE HOLY GRAIL!!! Hahahaha! It was so awesome though...the moment where he looked in my eyes while he was beside me... I wish so much the photographer had screwed up and taken the photo at that moment, because we would've been standing against each other with our arms around each other and looking in each other's eyes....siiiiiiiiiigh. 
But yah...I should get the picture e-mailed to me Monday or Tuesday....oh my gosh. I need to see it so I know I wasn't dreaming.
As I walked away, he said "Alright, it was SO nice meeting you, Bree, and enjoy the show!" I said "Oh we will, and my friends and I will see you at Rama tomorrow night!" He went "Oh, alright!!"
And that concludes my meeting with Sugar. *dies of happiness* I just don't know what to say. I really, really don't. Lady Luck was with me for sure... I also won back all my money, AGAIN, for that leg of the trip anyhow (drinks, food, spending money) at a slot machine pre-show.
Ridin' with Lady Luck, indeed.
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..."
Stuck on the Border
Re: Mt Pleasant!!! (setlist spoilers)
Good grief Bree.

Congratulations! That's all I can say. I'm really happy for you. The Holy Grail indeed.
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