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Thread: Dallas, TX 08-04-07

  1. #1
    Border Rebel SweetHolly's Avatar
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    Default Dallas, TX 08-04-07

    Don performed Dirty Laundry, Sunset Grill, Witchy Woman, The Last Worthless Evening, Everybody Wants To Rule The World, The Heart Of The Matter, The Boys Of Summer, The End Of The Innocence, New York Minute, All She Wants To Do Is Dance, Life In The Fast Lane, Desperado, Hotel California, and he closed with I Will Not Go Quietly.

    Don didn't talk too much though but he did talk in the beginning. He didn't say anything about the new Eagles album. He talked after Dirty Laundry about how he sometimes dedicates it to Rupert Murdoch and has been dedicating it to Nancy Grace and how he finds it odd that Grace is her last name. He also talked about his car and how he used to watch Route 66 on tv and wanted a Corvette but he said he doesn't want one now that he's rich.

    Don looked fabulous and he had his Converse sneakers on and he sounded great. Scott Crago and Will Hollis looked great too.

    I bought a keychain from Don's tour and I also got a poster that they were handing out.

    I also took pictures but I don’t think they turned out that good but I’ll post some.

    I was talking to the people who were sitting next to me about Don and I was telling them about the new Eagles album, Don’s duet with Reba, MusiCares, how his duet with Kenny Rogers was nominated for a Grammy, and how he presented the album of the year at the grammys to the Dixie Chicks, and stuff and the lady said I should be a wikipedia entry on Don.
    How can love survive in such a graceless age?

  2. #2
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Great review SH! Sounds like a great time!
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
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  3. #3
    Border Rebel SweetHolly's Avatar
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    Thanks Brooke! It was a great show. It was a lot of fun.
    How can love survive in such a graceless age?

  4. #4
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Well guys, I got home today and boy am I tired! While I'm going to delegate the extended review to DonFan, I'm going to give a few thoughts as well.

    I decided to go pretty late, but luckily, I was able to stay with DonFan and a girl I shall refer to here as "HenleyHound". They are both tons of fun, let me tell ya! We had a blast! However, I was sitting alone, since I'd purchased the ticket so much later. It was a good seat - 10th row, the center-right section. Due to the way the venue was set up with shorter rows, it felt like fifth or sixth row to me. The view was great. Don looked INCREDIBLE. He was fit and sleek, with his hair combed back and his sharp black suit on, baby.

    It was his hometown show and the energy was great, both from Don and from the crowd. I thought the crowd would be more sedate, but the majority was on its feet for the fast songs and there was even a rush to the stage! The rush happened about two-thirds of the way through during Boys of Summer. I'm just standing there, giddily dancing and singing along, when I see some people at the stage. I look to the right and the left - no one's moving, and I'm in the middle of the row. I hesitate for about one nanosecond before picking up my purse, sweetly saying "excuse me" to the ten people I climbed over, and high-tailing it down to the front. I got a position up at the stage a bit to Don's right and woah, what a view! I could actually see the sweat trickling down his flushed face and yes, I was "feeling the love" shall we say.

    As Sweet Holly said, he opened with Dirty Laundry. In my opinion it's a great idea to open with a fast-paced hit, and it got the audience going from the first second. I'm of the opinion that when folks stand up to applaud you as you come out, you should play a fast song to keep 'em on their feet! He nailed it vocally, as he did consistently through the night. He was so "on." I actually felt lucky to be at the show.

    Some of my favorite moments:
    -The way Don sang Witchy Woman; so sexy and sensual, more so than when you hear it on the album.
    -His new arrangement of End of the Innocence with the drawn out, nearly acapella first verse. It was so affecting that I got goose bumps. It's amazing how something that seems like a minor change can make such a huge emotional impact.
    -His killer delivery of I Will Not Go Quietly. He rocked that so hard, with such attitude... it was AMAZING. (Since I had promised myself not to look at the set list before the show, I had no idea he was doing a song after Desperado at all. When he came back out for I Will Not Go Quietly, I was so thrilled that I jumped up and down shrieking on high heels - not easily done!)

    That's just a few - there were so many great moments. Again, I'll let DF get more detailed.

    We got a cute little poster for free on the way out. I will say the limited merchandise was disappointing but oh well, at least I wasn't tempted to spend more money.

    I think Don's performance was pretty much flawless in Dallas. In fact... I'll go ahead and say it... it was better than his show with my girl Stevie Nicks!

    What a night.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  5. #5


    Wow, thanks for those reviews, Holly and Soda. What a terrific setlist, and I'd have loved to hear that version of The End Of The Innocence.

    I liked your neighbours' comment about wikipedia, SH!
    This way to happiness...

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border EasyFeeling's Avatar
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    Thanks Holly and Soda. Seems I missed a terrific Don concert, once again.

  7. #7
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Wow, Soda! Now that's doing something to beat out the performance with your girl, Stevie! Sounds like Don was quite something! So glad you got to go!
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
    1948-2016 Gone but not forgotten

  8. #8
    Border Rebel SweetHolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glenneaglesfan
    Wow, thanks for those reviews, Holly and Soda. What a terrific setlist, and I'd have loved to hear that version of The End Of The Innocence.

    I liked your neighbours' comment about wikipedia, SH!
    The End Of The Innocence was so fabulous.

    I liked that comment too. I could write a biography about Don if I wanted too. I could probably write a biography about all the guys.
    How can love survive in such a graceless age?

  9. #9
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Thanks from me too about the reviews ladies. It sounds like you all had an incredible time at an incredible show. I'm so glad for all of you that were able to go. I know what a thrill it must have been for you all.

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  10. #10
    Border Rebel SweetHolly's Avatar
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    It was so much fun and I was so glad that my mom bought me the ticket as a reward for my weight loss even though my parents consider the Eagles and their solo music to be garbage even thoug she was a fan in the 70s and my dad took her on a date to an Eagles concert in the 70s.
    How can love survive in such a graceless age?

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