I just noticed that DF hasn't "twitted" since March 20. Has anyone had any news from him? Last I heard he was in Canada doing a benefit for or playing for Brain Damaged Vets.
I just noticed that DF hasn't "twitted" since March 20. Has anyone had any news from him? Last I heard he was in Canada doing a benefit for or playing for Brain Damaged Vets.
I don't know if Felder decided he didn't like Twitter or what - here's hoping he tweets again!
I put all the news I hear about Felder on the site as soon as I get wind of it. Since the benefit, he's played one corporate date and has plans to play another next week in Las Vegas for the International Council of Shopping Centers conference. He has also scheduled a concert at the Sun Valley Pavilion in Sun Valley, Idaho on August 19 - that one is open to the public. Of course, there is also the date in Ontario at Caesar's Windsor on May 23.
ETA: I changed the thread title from "Felder Twits" to "Felder Tweets" to avoid confusion, as that's the correct term.
Ahhh, Thanks Nancy. Looks like I missed my shot at Don by a couple of weeks. I was out in Vegas last week. Kind of sad driving around seeing signs promoting Danny Gan. Danny (comedian/impersonator and one of the primo acts in Vegas) was found dead in his home last Monday night I think. He was only in his 50's.
From Wikipedia:
Gans died on May 1, 2009 at his home in Henderson, Nevada. Authorities received a 911 call from his wife, Julie, during the early morning hours. The caller reported the victim having issues breathing. Crews attempted to treat an unresponsive Gans after arriving on the scene. Gans was pronounced dead at the scene without being taken to a hospital. The cause of death is unknown.
So... not to sound like a nimrod but for a while there I thought this was a thread about his kids and you had elected to refer to them as "twits."Caught on eventually.
Actually I think the correct word to use is 'tweets' here. 'Twits' is a very British word which tends to be a polite way of saying someone isn't very bright.
Hence my misunderstanding. Though I must say I never thought I'd have to assimilate the verb "tweet" into my everyday vernacular.
Although ABM, I have noticed that you are a Monty Python fan, as am I, so you'd be familiar with the Upper Class Twit of the Year sketch, surely?
Freypower, and how!
My favorite part is when Cleese's voice cracks from excitement: "Oliver has run himself over! What a great twit!"
Oh, and when they cannot figure out how to scale the giant wall of... 2" matches. And when they have to tie the rabbits to the ground because "they're a bit frisky" and it's "only a one-day event." Oh bloody hell, I adore the entire sketch. Hahaha, now I'm in a great mood... thanks for that! What a brilliant skit.