Felder's added a couple new tweets. Check it out:
Felder's added a couple new tweets. Check it out:
The one about the space shuttle hit my updates and as a Space Race freak all I could think was "Clearly, I live in the wrong part of the country."
Can't believe there's only 147 of us following him! He doesn't tweet often but it seems peculiar nonetheless.
Hmmm. Maybe I should link to his Twitter from DFO to give him some more visibility. Still, since he hardly ever uses it, it seems kind of a waste to promote it.
True... I wish more stars used it. This after resolutely avoiding it... Quite simple method of herding the nice people from the maroons. For instance, following John Mayer for two weeks has cured me of him for life.
I'd love to catch Don's passing thoughts, though probably only 50% of them would be absent profanity. Actually, I wish he'd start one just to recommend books. Or bash them! Man, those would be some great times.
Joe's would be hilarious. "WHAT DOES THIS BUTTON DO? oh crap i guess i answered that question"
Anybody else out there tweet by the way? I follow eaglesonline & eaglesfans, but it would be fun to follow others as well.
Felder recently started tweeting again. According to his latest tweet he just finished sequencing his new album
Open up your eyes take the devil from your mind
Thanks, WC. I can never keep up with Twitter, but I do see his Facebook posts. Along with Don Felder Band. Not sure who they are, exactly, and they post about other gigs, but they are the ones that posted the new concert announcement for Annapolis and not Don.
You can't change the world but you can change yourself.
I tweeted at Don earlier today about how much I liked his new song and he tweeted back at me
Open up your eyes take the devil from your mind
Very cool, WC!
you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--