Not an interview, per se, but I see Don and his Caps-Lock key addressed why he believes he wasn't on the HOTE tour, on Twitter.
True or not, it strikes me as a bit of a snarky way to address the whole thing. Is a 140-character response really the place to address a question with like 30-worth of backstory and drama? I mean, if you're all still embroiled in legal issues, of course you're not going to be touring together. And I think it's more than just GF that would nix any reunion...
I love Don's interviews when he focus on his current plans and musical passion/talent--he has such great stories. But when he goes back to the ol' feud well, it just becomes tiresome. It's been over 10 years, you've put out new music and gone on good tours, and have truly moved on from the Eagles--don't get mired in the bad blood of it all. Rise above, sir.
I don't know why he even bothered answering this...or how this guy who asked the original question to him could have no idea why Felder wasn't on the tour. You can do a basic search and find out pretty easily why he isn't there. Then in his response, the guy seemingly confuses Felder with Bernie and the beer-over-the-head story... Ugh.