Toni - I see your point here, but here's where I differ with you. I personally don't think the lyrics on these songs need any more of an 'edge'. To me, what I appreciate most about them is that are so cinematic without coming across as rants. They range from painting beautiful imagery to scathing chastisements and a lot of just about everything in between. There are too many adjectives to list to describe them, but I tried to emphasize that when I reviewed the album song-by-song earlier in this this thread. As I said, I appreciate the way Glenn manages, at times, to tell someone off and they don’t even realize what hit ‘em. I personally think he and Jack made some excellent choices here, which get his messages across very effectively. As much as I love Don, his lyrics can sometimes be harsh and his delivery heavy-handed, which can make him come across as 'preachy'. JMHO