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Thread: Celebration of "Strange Weather"

  1. #31
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Birthday "Strange Weather"

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Aw, you guys are sweet! I didn't do the song-by-song review for the other albums, but I figured the album that I felt was the most brilliant of Glenn's solo career deserved the kind of time it takes to write these up.

    Not that the others didn't. And with this kind of positive response, I'll go back and do those too when I get a chance!
    OMG - this is too funny! I was just sitting at the pc typing up a song-by-song review for The End of the Innocence album that also celebrated an anniversary this past week. I felt the same way - this album also deserves a that kind of extra time as well. I'm almost finished and will be posting it shortly.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  2. #32
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Happy Anniversary "Strange Weather"

    Today marks the 18th anniversary of what I believe is Glenn's best solo album - Strange Weather. Around these parts, I don’t think it’s any secret about how much I love this album. It is my very favorite of any of the Eagles’ solo albums. IMO, it is very strong from start to finish, and is Glenn’s only solo album where he tackles so much serious topical subject matter. Maybe it is Glenn confronting his mortality. In addition, the album has a perfect mix and variety of songs with regard to musical styles, tempo and subject matter. Even the placement order of the songs is masterful because it very effectively holds your interest for over 60 minutes and 15 tracks. It’s such a shame that this album didn’t achieve more recognition and promotion so more people were aware of it, and could experience its wonderful music. Unfortunately, there is so much great work out there that is never brought to the attention of the general public. While I know everyone may not love it as much as I do, I would encourage you to buy it. If you are even a casual fan of Glenn, then you won’t be sorry once you hear this. I’ve not done a thorough review of this album before, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I tried not to make this too repetitive, but it is a bit difficult to do. Anyway, here I go with the system I always use to rate the songs in the order that I love/like them …

    I Love It (5)

    Part of Me, Part of You (5+) – This song is masterful and flawless, IMHO. I’ll never understand why it was overlooked for an Academy Award nomination - but such is life. I love the way this wonderfully exhilarating song begins to play right at the end of that famous final scene of Thelma and Louise as the credits begin to roll. For me, this is the embodiment of a perfect song.

    River of Dreams (5) – Wow! What a beautiful song! The music, the lyrics, the vocals, the melody, the cadence, the arrangement – all amazing! Talk about how lyrics can create certain imagery - Glenn and Jack Tempchin may as well have had a canvass and paint brush when they wrote this one.

    I've Got Mine (5) – I love everything about this song, including the message. Again, Glenn’s word imagery in his song about “the haves and the have-nots” paints exactly the right mood, and the awesome music is the perfect complement. He manages to deliver a rather scathing admonishment about the greedy and compassion for the less fortunate all wrapped up into one.

    Before the Ship Goes Down (5) – Okay – this may be getting repetitious, but I love everything about this rockin’ song, too. What a wonderful commentary on mortality here. Loving the way he plans to check out – all summed up perfectly in the final verse …
    “If somebody told you this was your last night
    Wouldn't you want somebody to treat you right
    Throw you a party, take you for a ride downtown
    And be with all your old friends
    Before the ship goes down
    Just love me one more time
    Before the ship goes down”
    He Took Advantage [Blues for Ronald Reagan] (5) – The way Glenn uses his voice here allows him to deliver this scathing chastisement in a way that doesn’t come across as a rant. I love it when someone can tell someone off and they don’t even realize what hit ‘em. Glenn rarely does political commentary, but he made some excellent choices here, which get the song’s message across very effectively. Great “blues” music too.

    Long Hot Summer (5) – One again, the amazing thing about this song is how the lyrics and music set the mood. By the time you finish listening to this one, you’re ready to shed a few layers cause you are feelin’ the heat. Another huge in every way!!!

    Big Life (5) – This is probably one of the most underrated songs on the album. I think it is an awesome, clever satirical commentary. Glenn's acting abilities are really showcased here with his masterful delivery. I’m normally not a fan of this ‘talking‘ (or in this case sometimes boisterous ‘shouting’) style, but in this case it works to actually enhance the song’s effectiveness.

    Love in the 21st Century (5) – Again, this is an extremely clever song to me. I get the message and can really relate to it. Actually, the message is more applicable today than it was when the song was written almost 20 years ago i.e. “she’s my video date, she’s my destiny”. Wow – how prophetic! I love the music (it rocks) and the lyrics, especially this part of the last verse …
    "I can't touch you and you can't touch me
    It's love in the 21st Century
    It's all imagination and fantasy
    That's love in the 21st Century
    You can get it by mail; you can get it by phone
    You can get it late at night when you're all alone”
    Brave New World (5) – Alrighty then – sure, it’s kind of the same old “love will keep us alive’ kind of theme, but this story is told with sophisticated lyrical imagery. The music is great and serves to extenuate the hopeful mood of the song. Yet another winner!

    Silent Spring [instrumental prelude] (5) – This is a simply beautiful timeless piece of music. I love it’s placement on the album and I loved how they played it live to open the second set in the Farewell I Tour. This used to be my favorite musical composition by Glenn until I Dreamed There Was No War.

    Agua Tranquillo [instrumental] (5) – Very beautiful composition. Again, I love the placement of the song between Strange Weather and Love In the 21st Century.

    I Really Like It (4)

    Delicious (4) – Although I'm usually in agreement with Soda about Glenn's falsettos, this one is an exception. It works well in this song for me because I think of it as his 'daddy' voice talking to Taylor. The lyrics can definitely be interpreted as sugary sweet or hot and sexy here. Where I object to the falsetto is when a song is blatantly sexy such as Let's Go Home - I'd just rather hear a guy ask me to go home in a low, masculine, sexy voice.

    A Walk in the Dark (4) – This song is beautiful as well, although I find that Glenn’s understated delivery, melody, and the slow tempo all combine to cause it to drag a little too much for me to rate it as one that I love. I realize the slow tempo is probably for effect, but I just think it makes the song a little less interesting. However, the lyrics are incredibly sexy – the line “surrender to the rapture, deep within” come to mind. The images conjured up with such lyrics call to mind that canvass and paintbrush analogy again.

    Strange Weather (4) – Well, I guess it speaks volumes about the quality of this album that I think my least favorite is still a great song. I love how Glenn ties this ‘love’ song in with the concept of the album by using the weather references. The mixed messages of hope and despair also fit in very well thematically with the rest of the album. Although, I love the fact that Glenn experimented with so many different musical styles on the album, the jazz style here is not my favorite.

    Rising Sun [instrumental] (4) – This song is such a perfect prelude to Brave New World that I think part of the song is missing if I don't hear it. I like it a whole lot, but don’t think it is quite as melodic as the other two instrumentals on the album.

    5 - I love it
    4 - I really like it
    3 - I like it
    2 - meh
    1 – yikes

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  3. #33
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary "Strange Weather"

    Dreamer, that is perfect. I have hardly anything to add except that my list of favourites is slightly different from yours. I will think about this and write a review tomorrow (although I did one in another topic):

  4. #34
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary "Strange Weather"

    My review that I wrote in the thread FP linked to is pretty thorough and I don't want to repeat myself, but I will reiterate that this is indeed my favorite album of Glenn's.

    The standout tracks for me are the magnificent and uplifting POMPOY, the melodic and romantic River of Dreams, and the dramatic, compelling urgency that is Brave New World. I realize the last one is not as popular with others as it is with me, but I always am drawn to the dramatic!

    Another favorite that was sadly left off of all but the Japanese version: Ain't It Love. That one puts a huge smile on my fave every single time.

    You can tell Glenn really poured himself into this one. It paid off big time. I just wish its commercial success had been commensurate with its quality.

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  5. #35
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary "Strange Weather"

    He has not performed ONE SONG from this album since 2000 in Royal Oak when he did Before The Ship Goes Down. That is pretty sad. It's also indicative of his apparent reluctance to make another solo album, desperately as his fans wish he would.

  6. #36
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary "Strange Weather"

    I agree that the album is a must-have for any Frey fan. It's out of print, but you can get it online from resellers on sites like [ame=""]Amazon[/ame] - in fact, you can get it brand new there for as little as $4.15 plus shipping and handling!

    Check out these for examples of awesomeness:[ame=""][/ame]


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  7. #37
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary "Strange Weather"

    ♥Strange Weather♥ is definitely my favorite album from Glenn! It is no weak song on the album! I simple love this album!
    Dreamer, like your review of this album, My rating would not be much different.
    "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation!"
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  8. #38
    Stuck on the Border TimothyBFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary "Strange Weather"

    Sorry to say I actually do not have this one but I apparently need to make it a priority from what all of you are saying!! Will have my eye on the lookout for this one!
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  9. #39
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary "Strange Weather"

    Dreamer, what a fantastic review! I loved it and you are right on!

    I don't know what I could possibly add other than I love pretty much the whole darn thing.

    Favorite song over all: POMPOY of course!
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  10. #40
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Strange Weather"

    Here comes another anniversary - Glenn's masterpieces (IMHO) - Strange Weather!

    Happy 19th birthday, Strange Weather!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

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