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Thread: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

  1. #51
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    Quote Originally Posted by Freypower View Post
    Although overall this is Don's best album, for some reason, the worst song he ever recorded as a solo artist (in my opinion) is on it.

    1. The Last Worthless Evening
    2. The End Of The Innocence
    3. If Dirt Were Dollars
    4. Little Tin God
    5. The Heart Of The Matter
    6. New York Minute
    7. How Bad Do You Want It?
    8. I Will Not Go Quietly
    9. Gimme What You Got
    10. Shangri-La
    I thought Shangri-La and I Will Not Go Quietly were real highlights of the Henley live show I attended in '89. Freypower. Never really cared for The Last Worthless Evening though.

    Some great songs but a tepid album imho.

    1. The Heart Of The Matter
    2. New York Minute
    3. I Will Not Go Quietly
    4. The End Of The Innocence
    5. If Dirt Were Dollars
    6. Little Tin God
    7. Shangri-La
    8. The Last Worthless Evening
    9. How Bad Do You Want It?
    10. Gimme What You Got

  2. #52
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    A belated ...


    F50, I'm sure there are some who may agree with you, but tepid is definitely not the adjective that comes to mind when I think of this album ,,, for me, I'd chose something along the lines of BRILLIANT!

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  3. #53
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    Yes, actually EOI was the first of Don's solo albums that I bought, I didn't buy the others until after I listened to EOI about a hundred times.

    I don't usually do the ranking thing for any Eagles or Eagles-related album, but this one for some reason is pretty easy. I guess because my favorites on other albums change day to day, depending on mood, but this one is pretty set for me and always has been. In reality, I feel my top two are far, far above the others on the album. Not to say I don't like the others, I do, but when I have the CD in and playing, the top two average several repeats as opposed to one listen each for the rest.

    1. The Heart of the Matter - one of my favorite songs of all time
    2. The End of the Innocence - as with every song, I never think of the possible political statement, I only care about what it means to me and my life. This song means a lot, if not as much as THOTM.
    3. The Last Worthless Evening - yet another song that gave the words to feelings I had at the time.
    4. How Bad Do You Want It
    5. I Will Not Go Quietly
    6. Little Tin God
    7. If Dirt Were Dollars
    8. Gimme What You Got
    9. New York Minute
    10. Shangri-La - If I skip a song, this is it

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  4. #54
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"


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  5. #55
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    I was looking up The End of The Innocence. Four or five websites has the released date on the 27th. So I'm going to come back on the 27th to wish it a happy birthday.

  6. #56
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    Yeah, there's conflicting info about it. It's the thought that counts, though.

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  7. #57
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    I'm a bit late to the party again, but ...


    This is my very favorite Don solo album and I have sung high praises for it in this thread throughout the years. I absolutely love this album and it is my second favorite of any of the band members solo efforts.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  8. #58
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    Happy 27th Birthday to The End Of The Innocence album on the 27th.

    This is my favorite album of Don's. I love majority of the songs on this album. Don and his long hair phase that didn't last. LOL
    Last edited by shunlvswx; 06-27-2016 at 07:33 PM.

  9. #59
    Stuck on the Border Jonny Come Lately's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    Happy 27th Anniversary to The End Of The Innocence!

    This was my introduction to Don's music many years ago, long before I first listened to Hotel California and got into the Eagles. Almost all of the songs on this album are very good, and this includes several of his best solo tracks, including two of my top three (The Heart of the Matter and the title track). I believe yesterday marked the anniversary itself, which is quite fitting on a personal level - I couldn't think of a better way of celebrating the 27th anniversary of the album's release than getting to hear Don play these two songs plus New York Minute (another album highlight) live. Quite a nice coincidence!

    My approximate ranking of the songs:
    1. The Heart Of The Matter (absolute classic)
    2. The End Of The Innocence (absolute classic)
    3. New York Minute
    4. The Last Worthless Evening
    5. If Dirt Were Dollars
    6. Gimme What You Got
    7. I Will Not Go Quietly
    8. Little Tin God
    9. How Bad Do You Want It?
    10. Shangri-La (the only song that isn't particularly good IMO. I don't skip it, but it definitely feels less accomplished than the others to me)

  10. #60
    Out on the Border ambulance girl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "The End of the Innocence"

    New York Minute never fails to give me chills. And I like that Don wrote it as a solo song, but it perfectly fits TBS's backing vocals. Just finished watching "Hell Freezes Over", lol.
    I saw Don on the "End of the Innocence" tour and was lucky enough to meet him afterwards. Very sweet, down to earth guy.
    I would love to see him and Bruce Hornsby work together some more.

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