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Thread: Let's Get Harry

  1. #11
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    Interestingly enough, I have heard of the movie. As I said before, I had no idea Glenn was in it. That in itself would not be enough for me to buy it, but if there was ever an opportunity to watch it I'm sure I would want to now! I assume it airs on TV occasionally?
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  2. #12
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    I believe Timothy has a song on the soundtrack called "In the Circle". Is that correct?

  3. #13
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    No, I don't think so, Connie.

    You know, Glenn actually did have a big part - he was one of the stars. In the end his character really pulled it out and took care of those bad guys!

    I believe that the director was displeased because the movie was recut so much that he didn't feel it reflected his vision anymore, not because of the acting or plot. He knew the plot going in, and it's pretty standard. Guy gets kidnapped by bad guys, friends go in and rescue him.

    I think my biggest problem with the movie was its lack of character development for anyone but the mercenary, Shrike - and even that wasn't exactly expansive. It made it hard to get emotionally invested in any of the characters because we didn't really understand where they were coming from. You get hints - like Corey having an inferiority complex with Harry because of his dad's obvious favoritism and all of Harry's achievements. Another example is Kurt, whose abandoning the mission seems like an act of cowardice because you can barely remember the scene where his wife begs him not to go and which presumably was the character's main motivation there. I think if the director's cut had been maintained, such things would have been examined.

    The acting, especially with stars like Robert Duvall and Gary Busey (who each have won Academy Awards), was not bad at all. Mark Harmon did well in his small part, and I liked Michael Schoeffling (Corey) as well - I recognized him from one of my favorite movies as a teen, Sixteen Candles. The only one I was unimpressed by was Thomas F. Wilson (Pachowski). He was fine playing Biff from Back to the Future, but he can't do much with a heavier role.

    As for Glenn, I think in the first part of the movie Glenn wasn't really selling it, but by the scene in Jack's office where he does some fancy footwork to get Jack to fund the mission, he's into character and doing well. I forgot it was Glenn Frey and started buying into Spence.

    The greatest movie ever? No. A horrible mistake for Glenn? Nah, I wouldn't go that far. I don't think it hurt him much.

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  4. #14
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    Quote Originally Posted by Prettymaid View Post
    Interestingly enough, I have heard of the movie. As I said before, I had no idea Glenn was in it. That in itself would not be enough for me to buy it, but if there was ever an opportunity to watch it I'm sure I would want to now! I assume it airs on TV occasionally?
    I'm afraid this did so poorly in the theaters for some reason that it went almost straight to video, and didn't enjoy a wide distribution there either. While it might have been shown on TV at some time, I'd say the occasions are few and far between - especially now, almost 25 years later.

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  5. #15
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    Soda - as far as your assessment of Let's Get Harry, I almost totally agree with everything you said except for the part about Glenn not selling his character at the start of the movie. I didn't have a problem with the way he handled the role in the beginning. They were all supposed to be just a few middle class blue collar guys living a fairly ordinary existence, and that's the way he played the part, IMO. As you said, rarely do these types of action movie plots delve into character development, so I can't blame the actor for that. Trying too hard to turn the character into something he's not usually comes across as overacting.

    But, actually, the more I think about it, the more I think Glenn may have deserved an award - it must be pretty hard for Glenn to come across as ordinary!

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  6. #16
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    I did a little looking, because I know I read something about TBS and this movie. Found this on :

    "Timothy wrote and performed a song called In The Circle for the movie Let's Get Harry. Glenn Frey had a significant role in the film."

    I have to admit that I haven't read that or seen it listed anywhere else. It was not listed in his discography, but was listed in a section with fun facts.

    Not sure what to think!

  7. #17
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    I think his song might have been used in the movie but not put on the soundtrack (I looked it up and he's not on that). Since timfan wrote the biography, she would know for sure - you can PM her to ask.

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  8. #18
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    I have a vague memory that Working Man, which eventually appeared on Soul Searchin', was written for the film but not used. Tim's song was featured in a bar sequence, I remember that.

  9. #19
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    Decided to watch the movie tonight, since we've been discussing it. Man, I feel so bad for Shrike! He got a raw deal! First he gets tortured, then he gets all shot up saving that idiot Pachowski! Poor guy! But I guess they needed to remove the "expert" in order to allow the "working stiffs" to save the day all by themselves. Of course, we lose Jack too, which also bummed me out. I guess he was also considered expendable since he was just the guy who financed the mission and not one of the Aurora Plumber Brigade.

    Except for Jack's death, though, I love the end sequence where they raid the compound and rescue Harry - especially when Glenn's character Spence blows the place sky-high! Woot!

    BTW Gary Busey (Jack) has appeared on a couple VH1 reality shows - one of which was Celebrity Rehab - and... wow. He's gotten kind of messed up.

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  10. #20
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Let's Get Harry

    Hopefully I will get a chance to watch it again over the weekend & I'll have some fresh comments.

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