It's been one year today since i got to see the guys in concert for the first time in Tulsa, OK. They say you never forget your firsts and this was one first that will stay with me forever. I went with ILAA and got lucky with a front row seat. I loved every moment of that concert and I even lost my voice for nearly a week after. There is so much excitement and emotion when you hear those first familiar chords of How Long and then the lights come on and there they are right in front of you. I remember being so awe struck and was so surprised when I had tears in my eyes when those lights came on. I'll also never forget throwing roses on stage and seeing Glenn pick them up and dance to center stage. Priceless. It was such a wonderful night. After looking back on that day, i can't wait till the guys start touring again and even though my first Eagles concert experience is one year old today the excitement of being at an Eagles concert never gets old.
My pics from the first Tulsa concert didn't turn out too good but I thought i'd post the few that were decent.
And how can i forget seeing these lifesize cutouts for the first time. I still wish I could've taken those home with me.