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Thread: Celebration of "The Long Run"!

  1. #21
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    I'll continue using the scale below to rate the songs for all of the remaining albums as we celebrate their anniversaries. Since I do think The Long Run is one of the band’s more uneven albums, I have a lot more '3's' than I usually do. But, as I said before, with the Eagles, even their worst album if above average, IMHO. So by no means do I think this one is bad – I like all of the songs and enjoy listening to it from start to finish.

    I Love It

    Heartache Tonight (5) – There’s not much I can add about this awesome, grammy-winning rocker. I can never pick a single favorite Eagles song, but this one is clearly in the top 5 on my list on any day.

    The Long Run (5) – This Memphis blues song’s music is so catchy, and I love the lyrics too. I pretty much agree with everything Soda said about it. I’m afraid I don’t understand Freypower’s comment about this song not aging well. All I can say, is I still very much enjoy it and so do my young nieces. The song still gets substantial radio play here in the States, so I'm not sure what is dated about it.

    I Can’t Tell You Why (5) – Again, nothing much to say that hasn’t already been mentioned about this simply beautiful ballad. Welcome to the band, Timothy!

    The Sad Cafe (5) – Once again, Soda already said it. I will say, that even though Don does a beautiful job lyrically with this song, I always thought that it was well-suited for Glenn’s voice. I daresay that we’ll probably never know though. Glenn could have used another lead vocal on the album, and I just think this would have been a good one.

    I Really Like It

    Those Shoes (4) – Yes, Soda talk boxes apparently can be very sexy. ‘Nuff said.

    King of Hollywood (4) – Now this is where Soda’s and my opinions begin to differ regarding this album. I think this is a great song. Both the lyrics and music are exceptional. Even though the subject is a bonafide slime ball, I still enjoy listening to the story – kind of a precursor to Richard Marx’ song, Don’t Mean Nothing. While Soda’s interpretation of the last two lines of the song are valid, I always thought of them more as a metaphor for integrity, decency, or honor i.e. once you see this guy for what he really is, you know he is just a dishonorable, distrustful power junkie a.k.a. a low-life.

    I Like It

    In the City (3) – I like this song and it absolutely rocks live, but it not one of my favorites. The music and Joe’s vocals are great, but the lyrics and melody are average, and the chorus is a bit too repetitive for me.

    The Greeks Don’t Want No Freaks (3) – I think this song is so funny – it cracks me up every time I hear it, especially when Glenn (I think) yells “gator”. Okay, yes, maybe it is a bit sophomoric, but it is also pretty clever, and a big departure from anything the band had done before. The music is a bit repetitive, but it still rocks.

    Teenage Jail (3) – Okay, while I agree that this is not the band’s best work, neither do I think it is horrible. I guess their experiment to reach out to a younger audience didn’t work that well. I like Glenn’s vocals, and the lyrics and guitars are very effective in creating a “teenage jail”. I’m not crazy about Don’s echo in the second verse, but it’s effective in achieving a mood of teenage turmoil. I enjoy listening to the song when I play the album, but it won’t make it on any “best of” compilation.

    The Disco Strangler (3) – Okay, I’m somewhere in between Soda and Freypower in my feelings about this song. While I don’t think it is hard-core suckage, I also don’t think it is hugely underrated. The song is no better than average in any area – musically, lyrically, vocally, or melodically. If it is not the worst song the band ever recorded, it sure is close. Having said that, I still enjoy listening to it enough to earn a 3 rating on the scale.

    5 - I love it
    4 - I really like it
    3 - I like it
    2 - meh
    1 - yikes

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  2. #22
    Stuck on the Border TimothyBFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    So Soda--tell us how you really feel! LOVE your reviews--they crack me up-(even when you're wrong ).

    Seriously tho---I honestly LOVE LOVE LOVE this album--like I said before, this was my favorite Eagles album until LROOE. In my humble little opinion, there is not a bad song on it. For me it boils down to love and like a lot on this album--no other category needed.

    I Can't Tell You Why
    Heartache Tonight
    The Long Run
    Those Shoes
    King Of Hollywood
    The Sade Cafe
    In The City

    LIKE ALOT----
    Disco Strangler
    Greeks Don't Want No Freaks
    Teenage Jail

    It's just that simple to me! I love reading all the analysis from others and maybe I just don't concentrate enough or "get it" or something. But when I listen to any music, I just don't find myself trying to figure out who's singing what part or when a certain instrument does something or what they were thinking when they wrote a certain line, or even who wrote a song, I just don't really care I guess. I am much to simple apparently for that. I just want to enjoy the music and not have to think. When I listen to this album (or any other for that matter) I listen to the music and lyrics and either I like it and play it more or I don't and just don't play it. When this album goes on the turntable (and it does a lot!), cd player or Ipod, it gets played all the way thru without skipping any song.

    Does that make sense to anyone else?

    ETA--Yesterday my husband went and got his coffee in the morning while I was getting ready. When he came back home, he asked me if I knew which album had been released 30 years ago this week. Well DUH!!! When I told him--he said he figured he wouldn't stump me on that one.
    Last edited by TimothyBFan; 09-28-2009 at 07:53 AM.
    He sings it high, he plays it low

  3. #23
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    I found that listening to the "Innerview" radio show, that Glenn & Don did with Jim Ladd to promote The Long Run in 1979, gave great insight into the meanings of many of the songs. In particular, it helped me to understand where they were coming from in writing Disco Strangler and Teenage Jail, although it didn't make me like them any better! I don't care for Teenage Jail and it grieves me to say this about an Eagles song, but I do hate Disco Strangler . However I absolutely LOVE Heartache Tonight and I Can't Tell You Why!!!!!! They are in my all time top favourite songs !!!!!!

  4. #24
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    This quote from Glenn also gave me insight:

    On Disco Strangler
    "I hate this song! I hate this album! God help me! I'm bumming!" (Rolling Stone 1979)


    (I didn't make that up - it's for real!)

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  5. #25
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    Quote Originally Posted by TimothyBFan View Post

    It's just that simple to me! I love reading all the analysis from others and maybe I just don't concentrate enough or "get it" or something. But when I listen to any music, I just don't find myself trying to figure out who's singing what part or when a certain instrument does something or what they were thinking when they wrote a certain line, or even who wrote a song, I just don't really care I guess. I am much to simple apparently for that. I just want to enjoy the music and not have to think. When I listen to this album (or any other for that matter) I listen to the music and lyrics and either I like it and play it more or I don't and just don't play it. When this album goes on the turntable (and it does a lot!), cd player or Ipod, it gets played all the way thru without skipping any song.

    Does that make sense to anyone else?
    Makes perfect sense to me, TBF. I am much the same way.

    Quote Originally Posted by TimothyBFan View Post

    ETA--Yesterday my husband went and got his coffee in the morning while I was getting ready. When he came back home, he asked me if I knew which album had been released 30 years ago this week. Well DUH!!! When I told him--he said he figured he wouldn't stump me on that one.
    So, don't you have a coffeemaker? We make our own at our house. Nothing like fresh perked coffee in the morning! I know, I know. It's a big city thing!
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  6. #26
    Stuck on the Border TimothyBFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    Quote Originally Posted by Brooke View Post
    So, don't you have a coffeemaker? We make our own at our house. Nothing like fresh perked coffee in the morning! I know, I know. It's a big city thing!
    No actually it's called-your son took the coffeemaker to college with him and we keep forgetting to pick a new one up. I don't drink coffee (diet coke in my morning) and once Larry went to the local convenience station for coffee, he decided he liked it so hence, still no coffeemaker.
    He sings it high, he plays it low

  7. #27
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    This quote from Glenn also gave me insight:

    On Disco Strangler
    "I hate this song! I hate this album! God help me! I'm bumming!" (Rolling Stone 1979)


    (I didn't make that up - it's for real!)
    With the greatest respect, Soda, you don't know how serious he was when he said that. It sounds like a throwaway comment to me.

    Regarding my comment about the title track, to me the attempt at optimism in the lyrics is so far out of kilter with the songs that follow it, that to me it isn't really setting the tone as a good title track should. It seems 'on its own' as if they desperately felt they needed to make some attempt at writing something where the lyrics were not totally donwbeat.

    I know that many people love watching this song live, but I'm afraid, as with After The Thrill Is Gone, it is not a favourite of mine.

    I much prefer the majority of cynical, downbeat lyrics on the TLR album to some of the (IMO) Hollywood hippie stuff on my least favourite Eagles album, OOTN. I can understand however why most people prefer the more 'mainstream' stuff.

  8. #28
    Border Rebel Scarlet Sun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    I still say Teenage Jail is intentionally and successfully hilarious

  9. #29
    Stuck on the Border TimothyBFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlet Sun View Post
    I still say Teenage Jail is intentionally and successfully hilarious
    He sings it high, he plays it low

  10. #30
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy 30th Anniversary The Long Run!

    I can see the guys snickering to themselves as they wrote about melodramatic teens. I think I even read Don say it showed they had a "dark sense of humor."

    I'm not sure if the average listener who heard it on the radio would get that they're not supposed to take it seriously, though... unless they thought, "Surely a song this terrible has to be a joke."

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