Both your avies are looking gorgeous, ladies!
Thank you. I really like yours, Soda! We so rarely see Eagles backside! We need more Eagle heinie avatars hee hee. They always wear long shirts.
I finally feel legit.
MC, I love your avatar as well Timothy in white is just adorable
"Come on baby, don't say maybe ... I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me ..." (Take it easy)
None of our regulars are using that one so you're OK. your avatar too!!!
I was tempted to start a topic on the lines of If You Could Only Have One Avatar/Signature What Would It Be but I didn't know how much response I'd get given that many people don't change them.
You know FP, I think you're onto something there...I'd play!
~ Cathy ~
And I dream I'm on vacation 'Cause I like the way that sounds,
It's a perfect occupation for me.