Very nice, tjh! I would venture to say that one is in the top 5 all time fan favorite Timmy pics, along with topless sunbathing and Christchurch, NZ 1995 (or thereabouts) show!
Very nice, tjh! I would venture to say that one is in the top 5 all time fan favorite Timmy pics, along with topless sunbathing and Christchurch, NZ 1995 (or thereabouts) show!
Me too I was so happy to see that it wasn't taken. I am easily pleased
Great choice tjh!!!! that pic is hot!
Got to say that I really love tbs fanatic's avatar. Where's that from?
Thanks, everyone. Must look for pics from that era.
I presume you know that Soda has quite a range of photos for different eras in the photo gallery on
Same goes for all the individual Eagles (including the ex's) as well as the guys as a group. At the bottom of this page (but depending on your Border background perhaps a little hidden ) are links to the relevant sites. Just run your mouse across the page under the 'copyright 2000-2014' bit.