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Thread: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border luvthelighthouse's Avatar
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    Default Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    As expected, Don was great. I didn't take notes and I have no memory for song lists. (Nancy or Joe will have to fill you in on that). Also, this is not going to be detailed by any stretch... just some notes that are floating in my head.

    He had an opening act. IMO, they sounded like a bar's house band. Not bad, but not excellent either. During the opening act, I went to the lobby to talk w/Nancy and Joe for a bit. Around 9:15ish we took our seats. I had fourth row and Nancy was a row ahead of me on the aisle. All in all, great seats and I'm not complaining! The band comes out, followed by Don, the spotlight shines on him and he begins singing. He tells a couple of stories, one about a cover song he's doing. (don't ask, I don't remember) and of course the Jack Nicholson story. Some women held up a sign and he said, (paraphrasing) "1972, huh, did we go to school together? Are you from my home town? Do I know you? Oh, I know your sister, well then" Then he gives a suggestive grin and chuckles. It was funny. Yes, Don inserted humor!

    I was bummed that he didn't introduce his band. There were those we know, like Stuart, Scott and Will. (At least I think it was Scott, he was kinda blocked from my view) There were various others, but the two I want to know about were the young guys (in their 20's) playing rhythm guitar and bass. You could tell the bass player was into the jazz scene. He had the shaved head and fadora, playing a stand up bass. (sorry, don't know the real name for it) His whole look told a story, I liked it. The guitar player, OMG, what a cutie!!! At first I didn't think too much of him, until he played some lead on Life in the Fast Lane, he was good! I was telling Nancy, he reminded me of what a young Timothy was probably like. He was very relaxed and thin framed. He got into his music and you could tell, he just thought being out on that stage was so freaking cool! I'd love to know his story. He was wearing what looked like all black Chuck Taylors, but I don't think they were. In any case, I thought the shoes w/the suit were sexy as all get out! EDITING TO ADD: At the end of one song, Don does say something like, and that is Pete about the guitar player. Now if I recall correctly, it's Pete Thorn.

    The first half of the show was relaxed, but once he played Dirty Laundry, everyone stood up and danced... we did more standing after that. It was cool. No My Thanksgiving, but he did give us two encores, yep, I said it, two!!! HC and Desperado... then he came back and did I Will Not Go Quietly and Please Come Home For Christmas. I thought that was awesome!!!

    No photo's were allowed, but I tried to take some... w/out a flash though, they were all garbage... this is the best I had. Sorry.

    Last edited by luvthelighthouse; 11-10-2009 at 02:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    Just got back from my killer drive - yikes!

    I don't have the best memory either and I'm tired, but I'll try to come up with a few additional details as they occur to me. Please forgive typos and misspellings as I really am very tired!

    Overall, I really enjoyed the show. I was very lucky. In my section, there was no first row so I was second row although my ticket said third - and since I was on the middle aisle, I was basically catty-corner to Don's microphone! I had no idea my seat would be that good. I was THRILLED!

    He was in a great mood tonight, which makes such a difference. I was a little worried because it seemed his throat was bothering him a tad, but as the night progressed it wasn't noticeable.

    The show started off VERY slowly, then built in pace until it was rockin' at the end. The first song he did was I Put a Spell on You. As an opener, it perhaps wasn't the best choice because it lacked energy until about halfway through, when Don started singing "I can't STAND it" with some fire. The next song, One of These Nights, made up for it, though. Everyone was rockin', including Don of course!

    He called that the "Halloween" portion of his fall show. I expected him to pull out Witchy Woman, but instead he moved on to a cover of September Song. I recognized the song because Lindsey Buckingham covered it on his album Law and Order, but I wasn't sure it would play well live. Don's smoky voice worked it well, but it still was perhaps not the best choice for a live show. However, I do very much appreciate that he is trying new things!

    He sang barely audibly the line "Chicago, my kind of town" while snapping his fingers at one point, but sadly did not go further.

    Lots of chit chat tonight, which I adored. He talked about the fact that he loved the fall, the holidays, sports.... he named several, but made a face when he said "football" - perhaps no longer a Cowboys fan? He was also interactive with the audience in the sense that he responded to people who would call out funny or cute things. For instance, while he was listing sports, some guy hollered "HOCKEY" and Don grinned and said "Yes, hockey." Little things like that made him come off as very charming and fan-friendly. No chastisements tonight!

    Before September Song, he talked about how time passes and sometimes you think - "Hmm, maybe I could have spent that time more productively." He mentioned that he tries to tell that to his 13 year old daughter but that it's impossible so he figures he'll wait until she's 30. Then he laughed that having a 13-year-old means you're surrounded by insanity! Someone hollered something about him looking young and he joked, "You should see me before they put the makeup on."

    Many of us have heard his Last Worthless Evening story before, and before he started it he actually said "Have I told you this already? At my age, I'm very concerned about repeating myself." Folks yelled "No" or "Yes" - I yelled out "probably" lol - and he joked "Well, I'll just make up new stuff and add it in so it won't be boring." He did give a kind of "expanded" version that I hadn't heard before.

    Paraphrase: "One night I went to a Hollywood Party" - some people hooted - "Well, they're not that great, actually." [everyone laughs] "Especially now." [everyone laughs more]. "So, I go to this party and I see this beautiful actress from across the room, whom every man in the room was madly in love with. She looked miserable. Maybe she was shy, like some actresses are. She was sitting with Jack Nicholson, who she'd just made a movie with, or was making a movie with, or something like that." He made a face and did a Jack Nicholson imitation at this point, causing much laughter! "I decided to ask her for a cigarette because, unfortunately, she smoked. I didn't smoke, but I thought, 'I do tonight!'" [more laughter] "I had had a couple drinks by then - instant courage - and I went up to her and said, 'Excuse me, may I have a cigarette?' She rolled her eyes, sighed, got it out, and handed it to me like this" - he demonstrates her looking away and handing him the cigarette over her shoulder, to much laughter. "Nicholson looks at me and says 'Excellent work, Henley.'" I laughed pretty hard at that! Don was so cute.

    New York Minute hit pretty hard emotionally, and after he finished he said something like "That's enough gloom for now" to lighten things up a bit.

    His cover of It Don't Matter to the Sun was well-done, and though I was a bit puzzled as to why he chose it, it's again good to see him doing different things.

    He brought back that lovely arrangement of The End of the Innocence with the slow opening... oh, that's so affecting. LOVE it. He introduced it with something like "This is a political song that I wrote with my good friend and fellow baseball fan, Bruce Hornsby. You know, politics used to be so much more fun. Now, they're just mean. I remember when Nixon was running against Hubert Humphrey in 1968. Nixon had a slogan - 'Nixon's the one!' - so Humphrey's campaign decided to hire a bunch of VERY pregnant women to march outside his rally holding signs that said "NIXON'S THE ONE"! [Audience laughs] "See, you don't get stuff like that anymore. Now all you get is Karl Rove. Anyway, this was about politics but also about families and paternalism."

    I thought his best vocal on the night was Heart of the Matter. He went high on "I'm learning to live without you now" and his voice sounded so heartfelt throughout... I gave him a standing ovation for that one, it was so terrific.

    There was a great response to Everybody Wants to Rule the World. It seems so incongruous to hear Don doing Tears for Fears and yet it worked!

    The audience got up for Dirty Laundry and never sat down again. After that song, it was hit after hit. Boys of Summer, All She Wants to Do Is Dance, Life in the Fast Lane... we were just getting down!

    The first encore was Hotel California and Desperado, both of which were excellent as usual.

    I had forgotten that he did a second encore, so after Desperado, I really thought it was over. When he came back out, I was so freaking excited - I finally understood the purpose of a second encore, lol. I Will Not Go Quietly brought the house down, it rocked so hard. Please Come Home for Christmas was such a treat, and I loved hearing that live.

    My only disappointment: No My Thanksgiving. Still, we got Please Come Home for Christmas, so that made up for it.

    All in all - terrific night! I only wish more of you guys could have come and joined us!

    Now.... off to bed. I can't keep my eyes open a minute longer.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #3
    Border Desperado RamboIV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    I'll post a full review tomorrow, but I thought I would just quickly mention that I have the entire show recorded -- at least the audio. I have VERY good video for Dirty Laundry, Boys of Summer, All She Wants to is Dance, Life in the Fast Lane, and Hotel California. I have decent video of End of the Innocence, Desperado, I Will Not Go Quietly, and Please Come Home for Christmas. Everything else (including his stories!) are audio...

    I'll also post the full set list.
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  4. #4
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    Sigh! It sounds like it was a wonderful night. I wish I could hear Please Come Home For Christmas. Glad you had a great time, and that your seat was in prime position, Soda!

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
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  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border TimothyBFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    Sounds like a pretty good night but OMG---Please Come Home For Christmas!! How cool is that?

    Sorry to see the suit I must say but I figured that's what you would get.
    He sings it high, he plays it low

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    Hey you guys, thanks for the early reviews. Sounds like Don was funny and charming. Can't wait to see your videos, Rambo.
    ~ Cathy ~

    And I dream I'm on vacation 'Cause I like the way that sounds,
    It's a perfect occupation for me.

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    Thanks for the reviews and the pics! Sounds it was a fantastic night.
    "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation!"
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  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border Peekaboo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    About the time I started work last night was when I figured Don would be taking the stage and I kept wondering what song he was singing at the moment. I soooo wish I could've been there with you all. Sounds like it was a great concert. I'm glad to hear that he was in good spirits and was in a chatty mood. I love hearing his stories even if they may be the same ones every time. I just love hearing him speak. How awesome that he did that beautiful version of EOTI. I wish he would re-record that song that way. Too bad that he didn't do My Thanksgiving but very cool that he did Please Come Home For Christmas. What a treat to get to hear that song. So glad that you all had a good time last night.

    LTL, the pics are fabulous. Thanks so much for posting them.

    Rambo, I can't wait to see those videos. I especially look forward to seeing the EOTI video.

    Stranded "on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
    Such a fine sight to see."

  9. #9
    Out on the Border lynnzop's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09 vicariously through you guys. After the day I had yesterday, I could have used some Don Luvin', but wasn't in the cards.

    Thanks for the reviews, and can't wait to see and hear your recordings, Rambo!
    You better put it all behind you baby, ‘cause life goes on,
    You keep carryin’ that anger, it’ll eat you up inside…
    Heart of the Matter

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border eaglesvet's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rosemont - Chicago, IL 11/9/09

    So far, so good! Keep it coming!

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