As others have mentioned the supporting act at Don's recent shows was not very good. There were two main problems with JD & the Straight Shot, firstly JD himself - terrible singing, and the keyboard player who blasted out notes & chords every now & then which seemed to have no place in the song!?! The other band members were OK, quite listenable.
Well, the good news from the Atlantic City show was that the keyboard player was missing from the band & in his place was none other than Mike Thompson. I can't tell you what a difference it made to the sound. The improvement was unbelievable. Shame about JD's singing though, but the set was shorter than at the previous shows I saw.
As this was my 3rd and last show I went a bit 'Will Hollis' crazy with my camera, so i don't have too many photo's of Don himself(sorry). I do have lots of Pete Thorn though, as he was stood near to Will.
I'll post a few at a time; here's the first ones. Enjoy!