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Thread: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

  1. #11
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Hotel California!

    I know I’m late on this and I am sorry I missed the Hotel California celebration week here on The Border. However, I feel I must revive this thread to comment on what I believe to be one of the top ten best rock and roll albums ever recorded. I'll continue using the same scale to rate the songs on this album as I did for the other album anniversary celebrations. I said many times that I think Hotel California is the pinnacle of the band’s genious. There are simply no bad songs here, IMO. I love the way that every song is very different, yet, they all come together so well thematically to make such a cohesive album. The album showcases every band members’ individual talents so beautifully. My one and only criticism is that Henley dominates the vocals a bit too much. I think it would have come across as more of a collaborative effort for the band even if Glenn had one more lead vocal. Which one??? – Life In the Fast Lane. I have heard him sing the song and he really does it justice. I’m not saying it would have been better, but I think the song would have been equally as good with Glenn as the lead vocalist. I don’t have time right now to comment on each song. I think FP already summed up most of my thoughts. The only thing I disagree with her about is the aging of Wasted Time. To me, the song is just as beautiful and appropriate today as it was when I heard it 33 years ago. As I’ve said before, every song on the album is superb and timeless. So here they are in the order that I love them …

    1. Hotel California - 5+
    2. New Kid In Town - 5+
    3. Life In the Fast Lane - 5
    4. Wasted Time - 5
    5. Try and Love Again - 5
    6. Victim of Love - 5
    7. Pretty Maids All In a Row - 4
    8. The Last Resort - 4

    5 - I love it
    4 - I really like it
    3 - I like it
    2 - meh
    1 - yikes

    Last edited by Ive always been a dreamer; 12-28-2009 at 08:37 PM.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  2. #12
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Happy Anniversary Hotel California!

    Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to do my review of this! It's just that with all the holiday rush... I'll get to it, though.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #13
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Well - I thought I'd go ahead and revive this thread to officially say ...


    This is one of the best albums in the history of rock and roll. To celebrate, we just finished a Survivor Game for this incredible album with a lot of spirited debate about the songs. There are very few albums that are superb from statrt to finish, but this is definitely one of them, IMHO. It is very worthy of all the accolades it so often receives.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  4. #14
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    I'm listening to the DVD-A version of it now (released back when remixing albums and putting them on a DVD to make the most of surround sound was trendy). It sounds SO FREAKING COOL to hear distinct, clear-as-a-bell sounds and voices coming out of all the different speakers - it's like you're right there in the middle of the guys playing and singing. I recommend it to anyone who loves this album hardcore.

    ETA: Holy crap - just looked it up on Amazon and it costs $189! Glad I got it back when it was readily available and thus affordable!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  5. #15
    Stuck on the Border TimothyBFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    I don't have that version but I know exactly what you mean!! That's why we love vinyl soooooo very much! With a great set of speakers, you get all those different sounds coming at you from different directions and it's unbelievably fantastic!!!
    He sings it high, he plays it low

  6. #16
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Even though this thread is to celebrate the Hotel California album, I thought I'd take an opportunity to recognize some milestones for the iconic song. On May 7th, 1977 the Hotel California single hit #1 on the Billboard charts, and on May 12th of that year, the single went gold. It sure never looked back, and has gone on to be considered one of the best rock and roll songs ever. I would have to agree!!!

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  7. #17
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    YAY for Hotel California!!!!! The best song and album of all time! The biggest masterpiece in music!!!!

  8. #18
    Stuck on the Border EaglesKiwi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer View Post
    On May 7th, 1977 the Hotel California single hit #1 on the Billboard charts, and on May 12th of that year, the single went gold. It sure never looked back, and has gone on to be considered one of the best rock and roll songs ever. I would have to agree!!!
    Yep, absolutely agree

    Also one of the most recognised & commercially successful rock & roll songs (which doesn't always happen even when well deserved) - and still attracting a new audience (My 6-year old can sing along with it!).

  9. #19
    Border Rebel StephUK's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    The album that made the Eagles a household name in England! and also the one that got me really into the Eagles. Congratulations Hotel California - been 'living it up' with the Eagles ever since then

  10. #20
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Happy 35th Birthday to HOTEL CALIFORNIA!!!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

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