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Thread: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

  1. #21
    Stuck on the Border whitcap's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Hotel California was released 35 years ago today!

    Here's my ranking of the songs from favorite to least favorite:

    1. Try and Love Again
    2. Pretty Maids All In a Row
    3. Victim of Love
    4. Wasted Time/Wasted Time (Reprise)
    5. Life in the Fast Lane
    6. New Kid in Town
    7. Hotel California
    8. The Last Resort

    Open up your eyes take the devil from your mind

  2. #22
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    My ranking:

    1. New Kid in Town
    2. Pretty Maids All in a Row
    3. Victim of Love
    4. Hotel California
    5. Life in the Fast Lane
    6. Wasted Time
    7. Try and Love Again
    8. The Last Resort
    9. Wasted Time Reprise (I actually think this instrumental piece is very beautifully arranged, but as it's a reprise of an earlier song, I went ahead and put it last)

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #23
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!


    Like the State Fair, you get bigger and better every year. I love you so much and you are the reason I'm still alive today. If it weren't for your amazing songs and your amazing music I would not be here nor would I be the successful guitarist I am today. Thanks to the Eagles for making this album and especially to Joe Walsh for inspiring a geetar player like little old me!

    I rank the songs as such:

    1. Hotel California.
    2. Life In The Fast Lane
    3. Victim Of Love
    4. New Kid In Town
    5. Pretty Maids All In A Row
    6. Wasted Time
    7. Try and Love Again
    8. The Last Resort
    9. Wasted Time (reprise)

  4. #24
    Border Desperado Henleyfan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Congratulations Hotel California!!

    I believe this is one of the greatest albums EVER!

    Here is my ranking:
    1. Hotel California.
    2. Life In The Fast Lane
    3. The Last Resort
    4. Wasted Time
    5. Victim Of Love
    6. New Kid In Town
    7. Pretty Maids All In A Row
    8. Try and Love Again
    9. Wasted Time (reprise)

  5. #25
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!


    I definitely think that this album is one of the greatest written by our boys, and also one of the most iconic ones ever written. mention the Eagles as a band to any ofbthe general masses and the first question they come back with is 'oh, like did they sing HOTEL CALIFORNIA?' and the album stands in the top 10 of many different all-time polls.

    And how can anyone who has seen the title track performed live (particularly outdoor as the sun is setting) not feel a thrill of excitement run through them as the opening part starts to play?

    In order my list is

    Hotel California
    New Kid In Town
    The Last Resort
    Life in the Fast Lane
    Victim Of Love
    Wasted time
    Pretty Maids All In A Row
    Wasted Time (reprise)
    Try and Love Again
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
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  6. #26
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Congratulations Hotel California!!!

    LOVE this album!

    Here is my ranking:

    1. Hotel California
    2.New Kid In Town
    3.Life In The Fast Lane
    4. Wasted Time
    5. The Last Resort
    6.Victim Of Love
    7. Pretty Maids All In A Row
    8. Try and Love Again
    9. Wasted Time (reprise)
    "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation!"
    (Glenn Frey)

  7. #27
    Border Rebel Windeagle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Woo-hoo! Happy birthday, Hotel California! This album was my intro to the Eagles on a chilly fall morning in 1979, when the kid I was riding to school with popped it into his cassette player. Of course, I had heard the hits all over the radio, but hearing the album cuts was what made me sit up and take notice.

    Since then, I've found I prefer the live versions of most of these songs, but here's my list:

    Wasted Time
    The Last Resort
    New Kid in Town
    Victim of Love
    Try and Love Again
    Hotel California
    Life in the Fast Lane
    Pretty Maids all in a Row
    Wasted Time (reprise)

  8. #28
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!


    What can we say about this album that hasn't already been said a gazillion times before. Just the fact that the album has generated so much discussion in the last 35 years is a testament to the greatness of this masterpiece.

    I'll just recopy my list that I posted earlier in the thread ...

    1. Hotel California
    2. New Kid In Town
    3. Life In the Fast Lane
    4. Wasted Time
    5. Try and Love Again
    6. Victim of Love
    7. Pretty Maids All In a Row
    8. The Last Resort
    9. Wasted Time Reprise

    With the exception of Try and Love Again, my list almost goes in the order that the tracks appear on the album. I guess that means I think the album gets progressively weaker, but that's all relative. IMO, even the worst track on this album is still an excellent song!

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  9. #29
    Border Desperado Tori's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    This album is my album. This was the one that got me into this band. I still remember hearing Victim of Love on cassette in my mom's car at seven years old, hearing all these songs and just falling in love with them. And I love every song equally, I really love them all, so it's gonna be hard to rank them, but here's my ranking.

    1. Victim of Love
    2. Hotel California
    3. Wasted Time
    4. Pretty Maids All In A Row
    5. Life In The Fast Lane
    6. New Kid In Town
    7. The Last Resort
    8. Try And Love Again
    9. Wasted Time reprise

    (I would actually consider VOL and HC to be in a tie for first place, since they're my two absolute favorite Eagles songs ever, but if I had to put one over the other it would be VOL. Just because it was the first Eagles song I ever heard and it's special to me in that way.)
    ~ Tori

  10. #30
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    1. Hotel California
    2. New Kid In Town
    3. Life In The Fast Lane
    4. Pretty Maids All In A Row
    5. Victim Of Love
    6. Try And Love Again
    7. The Last Resort
    8. Wasted Time
    9. Wasted Time (Reprise)

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