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Thread: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

  1. #41
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Check out this outragous interview with Glenn & Joe on the Hotel California;
    You can stream the interview on the right:::

  2. #42
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Celebration of "Hotel California" Album

    Cool, thanks for the link!
    "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation!"
    (Glenn Frey)

  3. #43
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    I couldn't believe this was such a long & detailed interview, over 20 minutes. Don also speaks a bit toward the end. Be sure to listen to the whole thing.

  4. #44
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    Thanks for sharing! Love it.

    Hotel California is so awesome. I'd give anything to have been able to see them on that HC tour.

    I love Glenn's comments that Felder and Walsh went together SO very well. They did. I miss Don Felder.

    Also, is it just me or does Glenn throw some compliments Felder's way in terms of guitar playing?
    Last edited by WalshFan88; 12-26-2011 at 11:36 AM.

  5. #45
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    I agree, Austin that there was something very special in the Walsh/Felder combination...And yes, I do think that Glenn did pay a compliment to Don Felder in that interview. Frankly, I was a little surprised by that.

  6. #46
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    Quote Originally Posted by Topkat View Post
    I agree, Austin that there was something very special in the Walsh/Felder combination...And yes, I do think that Glenn did pay a compliment to Don Felder in that interview. Frankly, I was a little surprised by that.
    Yeah I was surprised by the Felder compliment too. I'd love to see him back in the band but I know there is a fat chance of that ever happening.

  7. #47
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    Glenn always complimented Felder's guitar playing, even after the band had broken up.

  8. #48
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    I thought that was a really interesting interview - sheds a little bit more light about the album. Thanks for posting the link, TK.

    But, I guess I'm surprised that folks are surprised that Glenn would compliment Felder's guitar playing. As Freypower said, he has done that many times over the years. Besides if he didn't think Felder was a great guitar player - why would they have wanted him in the band?

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  9. #49
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Great interview!
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  10. #50
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Originally posted by, I've Always Been A Dreamer
    But, I guess I'm surprised that folks are surprised that Glenn would compliment Felder's guitar playing. As Freypower said, he has done that many times over the years. Besides if he didn't think Felder was a great guitar player - why would they have wanted him in the band?
    Dreamer, I guess we are surprised because they seemed to argue a lot. When you first join a band, you really don't know how you're going to get along, so maybe when they first invited Felder into the band, they all agreed he's a great guitar player, but then you have to work together & then it wasn't all a bed of roses. I hadn't really heard Glenn say much about Felder in past interviews.

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